en at So pee nathan ne --te rw -, eer History Of Simcoe Hall Dates Back To 1935 Era The history of Simcoe Hall Settlement House starts almost 35 years ago with the organiza- tion of the Women's Welfare League of Oshawa, its Board of Directors. In 1929 a group of women met to discuss plans for help- ing victims of the economic depression. They decided to form the League, and divided themselves into several chap- ters, each to deal with differ- ent problems. The work of these chapters included making lay- ettes, eollecting and repairing elothing, and investigating needy cases. Funds were raised by means of a small member- ship fee and 50c. from each member at their meetings. The League's headquarters were the top floor of The Times Building, placed at their dis- posal by the late Mr. A. R. Alloway. There they stored clothing and anything for dis- tribution. The women received great co-operation from friends and merchants in the town in their canvasses for food, cloth- ing and money, VITAL RELIEF WORK In 1930 all welfare agencies were amalgamated and the city took over Welfare. With much of their relief work taken over by other bodies, the Women's Wel'are League could now de- vote their time to other projects. Among these projects were classes for children with speech defects, girls' sewing clubs and handicraft. groups. Cooking classes for girls were later introduced. By this time tensions of the ,the Women's Welfare League to depression were gradually start- patho pone git erg ; "s ccording to a repor ing to ease, Unfortunately im a! 1934.35 period, at that time the sense, this meant that vacant League had a total of 87 girls, store 'properties, previously|aged seven to 16 years, divided used by the League as tempo-|into four clubs. There was also rary headquarters, were becom-|4 Club for young boys with a ing less available. Just when it ae ode needed, in 1935, an Women's Welfare League be- offer came from the late|came chartered as a charitable Charles Robson which was to| rsanization. make all the difference to the settlement work of the League.|incrcase in the number of serv- As the Robson 'amily had just] ices. offered at the Settlement moved, Mr. Robson offered to} House, it was estimated that in donate their former residence to} one month approximateiy 4800 children and teen-agers, in addi- tion to an attendance of 900 at boys' clubs held in the annex, had passed in and out of Sim- coe Hall. In that year, Harold McNeiil came to Simcoe Hall as D'rev- tor. The only man on the staff, he was responsible for the en- tire supérvision of boys' activi- ties. Mr. McNeill talked to the Women's Welfare League about a new building to house a gymnasium, theatre and club activity rooms, Four' years later the new building was com- pleted, so that work at the Settlement House could now cover an ever wider field. At the 'same time, annual attendance ifigures at Simcoe Hall increas- ed from 32,000 in 1949 to 54,000 in 1952, |. In 1960 the total membership | was. 1,263, a great increase over ; the 120 total in 1935. By this time plans were in progress for a new and far larger club bui'ding. HERBERT G. COLE (Associate Architect) Proud of Today's Youth! Salute to Tomorrow's Leaders! Simcoe ALO Hall Boys' Club AT EASTVIEW PARK--OSHAWA ... will play an important part in climatizing the youth of to- day for the role of citizens of to- morrow. We salute the vision and hard work of those community-minded citizens and organizations who have made this new South Centre possible. U.A.W. - Local 222 OSHAWA membership of 33. In 1935 the]? By 1947, with a considerable || THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 19, 1963 5 WWL LEADERS MRS, K. H. BRAITHWAITE Past-president, Women's Welfare League MRS. A. P. FULTON President Women's Welfare League rector of St.Albans' Anglican Church? The club is a hobby of the Toronto Club Started in 4. sec. i Se Did you know that the St, Al-|is not a church organization. ban's Boys' Club, Inc., in To-|Boys range in age from 7 to ronto, was founded in Novem-|17 and the club doors are open ber, 1949, by Inspector of De-| to any boy regardless of race, tectives Wm. H. Bolton, Metro | Color or creed. Police, with the co-operation of| It's motto is: "It's better to the Rev. T. P. Crosthwait, MA, ! build boys, than mend men". E SALUTE... the many hard-working in- dividuals and organiza- tions whose vision and hard work have made it all pos- sible .. .! the Official Opening SIMCOE HALL BOYS' CLUB EASTVIEW PARK OSHAWA We were pleased to be select- ed to supply some of the mat- erials for this fine youth cen- tre. Oshawa Wood Products HEAD OFFICE AND SHOWROOM -- COURTICE | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE