THE OSHAWA TIM2S, Saturday, November 16, 1963 - Bazaar, Parties Legion Agenda The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43, held the weekly meeting, No- vember 12 with president Mrs. Norman McEvers presiding, Ar- - rangéments were completed for the bazaar to be held next Tues- day, November 19. Mrs, Ed- ward Bouckley, past president, will open the bazaar at 8 p.m. Mrs. Robert Williams and Mrs. Charles Lamb are conveners for the bazaar. 4 Parcels are needed for the "Touch and Take'. booth and Mrs, Alfred Lavender would like "Home Baking" for her booth. Conveners of booths were reminded to be at the Legion Hall on Monday night, Novem. ber 18, at 6.30 p.m. to price ANN LANDERS Why Follow Flock? Just Wait And Dear Ann Landers. I am a 13-year-old girl and im the eighth grade. In our class at school 'there are two groups of girls. One group is known as the clicks and the other group is known as the clucks. The clicks are the fast kids and the clucks are the slow kids. Clicks do their hair up fancy, smoke, make-out, and boy crazy. Clucks study a lot, they do not wear lipstick, even No kidding, Ann. It works, Try it---Snore No More Dear Snore: Thanks for your suggestion but I don't have to try it.I don't snore. Dear Ann: My mother was always certain 1 would marry the richest and handsomest man in the world, When I married only the kindest and most lov- ing she was crushed. Mother punished me for disaapointing her by denying me the lovely wedding I had always dreamed See ished reading the letter from the young man who wrote about nery-|tered health (and Ben's, too.) not subject yocreltea pe to fi-/her presence. The alternative ny arg English and belittles him con- tinually. table What shall I do?--Alicia Dear Alicia: mother out of your home at once. Contribute to her support I leave the dinner in tears every night. Move your 30 DAYS OVERSEAS (OCT. tet -- MAR. Tet) $312.00 ROUND TRIP AT FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL OSHAWA) PHONE 728-6201 elsewhere, if necessary, but do his dainty bride who snored worse than any army buddy he of. She said the family was "not suitable to show off to our friends." For two years after our mar- riage I tried to get mother to see Ben's fine qualities and to accept him. She refused even to) speak his name. We were never once invited to her home for a) meal, She came to our home! had ever bunked with. Well, I too, have been mar- ried less than'a year, My wife told me after two weeks that I had to do something about my snoring because | was keeping her up nights. I went to a doctor and he could find nothing wrong with on the sneak, and they seem sort of boring and babyish. My problem is that I can't iT only when Ben was out of the| city. | Six months ago mother suf- fered a heart attack. She made) my nose or throat, He told me . had developed a habit of sleeping with my mouth open, make up my mind which group|and that's why I snored, I want to join. I look more like) I was determined to break a Chick, but my actions fit the/the habit and decided to Clucks better. : lexperiment, Before retiring I Can you help me decide?--/placed two pieces of ordinary must be paid up till the end of Birdie adhesive over my mouth. This September to be eligible to vote,| Dear Birdie: No, I can't help|is not nearly so uncomfortable { The Auxiliary Christmas party)you decide. This decision is one' as it sounds. After one week my and exchange of gifts will take/only you can make. problem was solve. I no longer place December 17, the mem-| 1 can tell you, however that/have to use the tape. I now! bers' children's Christmas Tree|!'ve received thousands of let-\sleep with my mouth close. and party December 21, Names|ters from Clicks who wish they) ---- -- ---- of children up to and including|had stayed Clucks, : a4 =" the age of 12 must be sent or| Dear Anm Landers: I just fin- em viven in to the Men's Branch) Gis Bae *"% by November 21. Auxiliary|ference of Couples Clubs and members who are in the Christ-/Young Adult Groups, which he mas Savings Club must havelattended recently along with their cards in on November 26.|Mrs, Barnett. Following the re- |port the club divided into groups| for a discussion period where much worthwhile information their goods, One new member was initiat- ed and welcomed into the aux- iliary, Election of officers will beheld December 3 and dues a good recovery after several) weeks' in the hospital. The doc- tor said she should not be left HOUSEWIVES! There is.@ place for you in business when you heave specialized Busi- ness Training, You can get the training you need ot the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Our records indicate thot there is a ready constant demand for mature women qualified to fill responsible positions. ATTEND HALF-DAY SESSIONS | Either ff |} 9 to 11:30 a.m, || Choice of up to 5 subjects. Tuition only $20.00 per month START ANY MONDAY Individual Instruction Shorthand - Typewriting - Book- || keeping - Dictaphone - Compto- meter Calculator - Payroll - Spelling Ask for FREE LITERATURE + Mathemotics, 10 Simcoe St. N., 725-3375 GLECOFF' SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 P.M. bn STOP Ansus-GRrayvoon CARPET COMPANY 282 King W 728-958) BROADLOOM TILE gs or I or 1 to 3:30 p:m, S$. BOUCKLEY AND MRS. CHARLES LAMB /er's report was presented by) - Mrs. Jacklin in the absence Of | was gained the treanurer. tin: Christmas| Me. nae Mea, BIA Milne, Mr "M14. letter from the Christmasiand Mrs,. Frank Sullivan, Mr. Cheer Committee regarding aid and Mrs, Jack Wilson and Mr in packaging parcels for needy | and Mrs. Stanley Gray seived families was read. Five meM-|refreshments to conclude the bers volunteered their services| .venin ' g. , to this worthy cause. It: was announced that North-| minster Come Doubles Club would hold their' dance on No- MRS, R. A. WILLIAMS, MRS. KE. Mrs. Walter Branch Is Speaker At Mary Street Home & School | and Mrs, W. FE. Fice assisting the social conveners, Mrs, C Root and Mrs. John Blohm UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES FRIENDLY TOUBLES CLUB vember 29 (Albert Street) Mr. Mac Barnett gave a fine The regular meeting of the/report from the National Con- bert Street Friendly Doubles wWwvvvyv IT'S A FACT! 4 The principal, Mr. J. Wagg,| announced that exams will be| starting the week of November 18, and the report cards will be going home the first. week in December. Survey cards from the Board|4 . of Education for pre-school chil-/ Was held in the lower Church drén were distributed to those|Pall recentty, present, to be returned not) The devotion period was con- later 'than Tuesday, November|ducted by Mr. and Mrs. Mac 12. Barnett and Mr. and Mrs, Harry The religious chairman, Mrs,|590W. The presidents, Mr. and Bruce Sonley, -announced that|Mrs. Eric Jacklin, presided over the school choir will entertain at|the business meeting. Following the December meeting, and also|the reading of the minutes by Miss Betty Leask will show/the new secretaries, Mr, and slides. Mrs. Bruce Searle, the treasur- It was also announced that ' the January meeting will be} held one week later than usual, on January 13. Refreshments were served by the parents of pupils in Mr. L. Gauer's room, with Grade Mothers Mrs. Wilbert Clarke Mrs. Allan Wood, citizenship chairman, introduced Mrs Walter Branch, guest speaker, at the regular meeting of Mary Street Home and School Associ- ation, Mrs. Branch' captivated her, audience as she related some of the things that she saw and experienced on hier bus tour in Russia. "It isn't what you see, it is the way you look at if. [lliter- ~ acy has been practically wiped out." The speaker had high praise for their educational program. She spoke of the many beautiful cathedrals which are now not functioning, as such but are at present museums; and of the cobble- stone streets, the housing facili- ties and the lack of conveni- ences. Mrs. Gabriel. Lavictoire} thanked Mrs. Branch on behalf, of those present. i The minutes were read by | the ae ge rattle dost Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C, son, rs. Michae adoski CHIROPRACTOR gave the 'treasurer's report. @ Rheumatism Parent count was taken with) Miss F. Ledgett's room win-|}] @ Migraine Headaches 100 King St. E. 728-5156 Yes, Nu-Way has over 50 rolls of car- pet on display. No matter what type of carpet you want, you will be able to see it q q ot... 4 Nu-Way | Rug Co. 174 MARY ST. 728-4681 TCUVCC | Now's the Time to Beautify Your Home with CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 4 4 > » » ' 667 don't spend nearly as much time dusting and cleaning now. I wouldn't be without electric heating for. the world-- 9 9 OG! never realized how much dirtwas created by our - old healing system until we moved into our new home. with electric heating. After three years, walls, floors and woodwork are about as clean as when we moved in-- says Mrs, d. McKevitt, Hilldale Road, R.R. #2, Port Arthur, Ontarie 66Now that we have electric heating the air is cleaner and not as dry. There are no drafts either, eS eet ae ee. We don't. have dry throats all winter long--9q Mr. J, Wagg's; the senior. says Mr. R.D. Wilkinson, 11 Elaine Place, Brockville, Ontario, says Mrs. B. W. Anderson, Sundridge, Ontario, What makes electric heating the world's cleanest heating system? SORRY! ADULTS ONLY ALLOWED SPECIALS! ,.. HURRY! FIRST COME FIRST SERVED! MON.-TUES. se™sQNLY OPEN EVERY DAY 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. Appliance Dept. PROCTOR 4-SLICE TOASTERS MON, AND TUES. ONLY 15.88 Ladies' Department LADIES' HOPSACK LAMINATED ' CAR COATS You gotte see this! Compare at 29.95 home electrically than it does with other systems. In 'other places, the cost is about the same. In the few areas where rates are still slightly higher, the difference is negligible compared to the extra value electric heating gives you. wi the possible exception of sunlight, electric heating is the cleanest in the world. Because it doesn't burn fuel it cannot create dust, soot, smoke or dirt of any kind. Your whole home is heated directly with electricity through built-in heating units in each room. ELECTRIC HEATING GIVES YOU A CHOICE OF HEATING SYSTEMS Electric baseboard heating fits snug along walls at base- board level. Insulated electric cable can be hidden in the ceiling or below the floor. And there are other units, some that can be flush mounted in ceilings or walls, Electric heating cuts down on daily cleaning. Floors, furniture and rugs stay cleaner much longer. You'll spend a Jot less time (and money) cleaning, polishing and dusting in an electrically heated home. Toy Department Toy Department Unbreakable CAISON & CANON SET FIRES MISSILES @pproximately 36" long RETAIL 5.98 "att GeO SAKE Drug Department ECONOMY SIZE IPANA TOOTHPASTE 1,09 Children's Dept. Sizes 7-14. Nylon SKI JACKETS Hooded, in oll Services at O.D.H. 20% DISCOUNT @ Dry Cleaning @ Photo Finisting @ Rug Cleaning @ Drape Refinishing ESR RE Hii LACS Drug Department ENDEN SHAMPOO BUY 1... GET 1 FREE Reg. 98c value on Pe SAKE SAA Children's Dept. Kiddies Sizes 3-6x. Canadian Made Corduroy. 2-PIECE SETS Lined Jeans & Flannel Shirts for boys. Lined Slims & Corded Cot- Hasbro Fun Time BARREL BINGO compare at 4.50 2.77 Ladies' Department LADIES' OVERSIZE CORDUROY SLIMS Huge variety of colors. Sizes 38 to 44, Compore at 5.95. NO WHERE 2 88 ELSE e Men"s Department MEN'S HI-STYLE - DRESS TROUSERS [| MEN'S COATS Conedian Made, all sizes, variety ton Tops for Girls Compere at of motarials end colors. Reteil Coats, Jackets, Car Coats, ete. or 2.66 | 25.88 [nc 4.00) -22%".7,00 0 D 4 OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE © & | You even save money on re-decorating costs. You'll be astonished at the length of time your rooms keep their freshly decorated look. GUARANTEED INSTALLATION Choose an electric heating contractor who is qualified to back his work with the industry-recognized Triple Seal of Quality guarantee. This guarantee covers both equipment and installation. Any home with electric heating should be built to Hydro. standards of insulation. ELECTRIC HEATING REVOLUTIONIZES MODERN LIVING Only electric heating gives you custom-comfort. You can dial exactly and precisely the temperature you want for any room in the house. That's because electric heating offers you a thermostat in every room. FOR PRICE SAKE THE LONG-TERM ECONOMY OF ELECTRIC HEATING PROVES THAT IF YOU ARE BUILDING OR BUYING A NEW HOME, WHATEVER THE SIZE, THERE IS NO REASON WHY YOU SHOULD SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS THAN THE CLEANLINESS, CUSTOM-COMFORT AND SAFETY OF THE HEATING SYSTEM THAT IS REVOLUTIONIZING MODERN LIVING. Electric heat is gentle and constant. There are no cold spots in the house or uncomfortable blasts of hot air. You'll never be disturbed by noises. Electric heating is the quietest heating system there is. And there's such a health- reg. ful atmosphere . . . never too dry. FOR PRICE SAKE TUESDAY ONLY 12.88 | Men's Department JUST ARRIVED! Huge Variety of A safety breakthrough in home heating. The entire system is completely flameless. For more information and estimates, contact your qualified electric heating contractor or your local Hydro office. lan RESENT HOME Noo ELECTRIC HEATING FOR YOUR -P. If you are planning home extensions or your home is not now properly heated you can install supplementary electric heating for less than it costs to extend your present heating system. You get more living space. Because electric heating doesn't need a furnace you have extra living area in' the basement. LOW INSTALLATION COST Electric heating is easy to install. No furnace or fuel tank is necessary. An extension to your wiring system is all that is required. And with electric heating there ate no annual maintenance costs! colors. Letest styles! Top Coots, Sports 10.95 0.9: MON. & TUES. ONLY PR. MONDAY. ONLY FROM 63-N-18R2 your hydro LEVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY WHAT ABOUT OPERATING COSTS? In many municipalities the rate for electric heating has been reduced as much as 30% during the last two years. This means that in some areas it actually costs less to heat a KING ST. WEST AT GARRARD ROAD