Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Nov 1963, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Movember Je, 1768 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 : ' 6 8 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 16--Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted CAPABLE General wanted, age limit 40)BRICKLAYERS for scl.ool. Apply on|JITO offers work to for modern home with ail the t SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R J SCOTT i paleo must like children. Cathal char, Siintbys or telephone ities 45 per ESS SERVICE DIRECTORY go" ere ee B U S | N Ger logy, ive in or ean time. tt] EXPERIENCED = ' ! x Apply Box 329 Oshawa Times. ONE or two-bedroom apariment wanted UPHOLSTERER eee Building Trades Mortgages TV--Radio Repairs 4.) Eos sped son yee MECHANIC Accountants uliding fra 9 js [ 728-8868. TELEPHONE GUARANTEED repairs to all makes - i ee ee GOB CLANCY'S Accounting ide hg os pos ALL pg Ahall a incon aye and rhrggetba monies ro Tv, radio, car radios. Thompson €lec- : erie ag or an soaver| Wh B U h | t EXPERIENCED Complete bookkeeping service, 4 i Estimates free. Dial 723-1193). % all types gad pay mason tronics, 157-Elliott, 723-9792, Fred. H lanes HR yg Write bar ot yte ros. phnois ery : Street West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. rates. gages and agreements of sale purchased, | 'f°"" ' J SS lences, weekends free, p . R, chartered account|. Foley. Creighton, Drynan and Murdoch. (See/LAKE VISTA TV 'Towers and Rrchny , 5 a Oshawa Times stating full particulars. Bowmanville 623-5252 VOLKSWAGEN soon colburne Street, Whitby, 660-429. Cartage pal Batt ta ee an - - CLERK for hotel desk, who can iEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE,|FIRST AND SECOND isda 19 Sale - it ny meet pe gd and bentley For Pickering. Excellent | . agreements purchased and so jen- 4 accurate wi ures, employment. Accountant, Suite 205, Oshawa , ong bay opt rates. Fully/ i and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King) OSHAWA ELECTRONICS : ' € . HIM, |type and handle cash accurately. Good TAX] DRIVERS wages, Full time Centre, 725-9953. ERIC as ese |Street East, 723-7232. dP ee > 1, character references required, Apply TELEPHONE MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and Guaranteed. Parts a! vie ; i IM |Hotel Lancaster, 27 King Street West, Mee iied Accomrens, 727, '35|Dressmaking | MORTGAGE TV REPAIRS te D hip Be Pelee amon Ach | «AJAX 942-1401 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax EXPERIENCED dressmaking, pant cuff cp Eben! sb! Rl os week, 7.30 a.m. to on 942-0890, Whitby 668-4131. Sting and alterations, reasonable rates. DAY OR EVENINGS Wayne { ; BEADLE AND CO., Char-| Mrs, Eldridge, 67 Montrave. 725-6476. (| . % 4 bral 725-9864, Sees hecantante, 187 King Street - - a LOANS 728-5286 l6. 7 ' 'ie HOUSEKEEPER, six-day week, live in, MERCURY TAXI 20--Room and Board East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725350. ___|Gardening and Supplies chavs Fer fllgt montooass . three adults, comfortable home, modern| 725-4771 BROOKLIN three-room apartment, YA LC E, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. TREE CUTTING done expertly and eco) nt, t 7% " INDIANS conveniences. Call oer 6.30 p.m, bie bath, fines entrance. Main floor, Chartered Accountants. Licensed Trus- nomically 'Also tile floors laid, odd jobs interest at \ 4 OF NEW MEKIC@ | 725-4167. Brooklin 655-3654, tees fees in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East./nomically. Also ite floors tals aad {cs sag Mortgages 1 etoreep ty RELIABLE dishwasher. Apply af } it Coach A ROOM FOR GIRL, board optional. Ross | 668-4612, nus House Restaurant, Whitby. Telephone land and Simcoe North a sa Bus WILSON. AND BURROWS, CHARTERED) <>°7"Hore-piGGiNG, fencing, top soi,| No charge for vauations Economy and peR PUTNAM yn al INNER KAve norringe, | 60-4892 AREA MAN stop at door. Telephone 725-1032. span OA at Ma tal cae, 'G |sand fill, sod, fall clean up and. plantins, Mortgages and Agreements Del a DEVELOPED nt. ie Pout Wao lowed RELIABLE women fo care for one year REQUIRED ROOM AND BOARD to share. Good ; 4 "|Hardsand Landscaping, lover hased. U.S. LIBRARY oF CONGRES: OF BUFFALOESs [old child and sehold duties, live home for considerate young man, Gere + CA, 728-7554, purchas' x 7 ; extsaindnbbatath 725-1721. Moneys for second mortgages bhdesatand ae THE LARGEST LIBRARY soit ah Bose, tert See Tee pel bre een ee i i nN THE 4 JOHN NAPIER A ined i pheno Why C020, 5 ae Barristers ------ Loader and Dump | Fes ME. SWARTZ Priced to. suit your budget MORE "Msn 4ctn0 BOOKS. BarAsK MASHENICIAN b, [EXPERIENCED waitress, Full or part bf i Sa 517. WEEKLY -- Room and board for CREIGHTON, DRYNAN a DOC . es s ime. Apply at the Rose rill, 'onadi 4 gentlemen, willing to share, Apply 148 Barristers, Solicitors, | Netary Futile, Truck Service 261 King St. East TERMS ARRANGED bead bc eueues 4 Bond Street West. donut machines and ingredi- |Easthaven or 7259843, erc uliding, . . 4 arent North. Ceara: Ontario, 723-3446;|, Choice loam, top soil, crush- Oshawa, Ontario OSHAWA TV MATURE GRAN Fo Gene age. Vicinity hon hag sebelah or een Brana Wik bate Some privilegess f " T. K. Creighton, QC. Residences: G, K.}- rayel | : ; Drymen "Ge, 784554; 1. Murdoch,| €4 stone and pit run gray 723-4697 north-east Oshawa. Telephone 7258375. | View please write to lunches packed. Telephone for sale. | A 723-4768; J. C. Victor, 985-7115. Mortgages 6 : ee ' RELIABLE WOMAN for general house- ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen, and agreements of sale bought and 'sold. ] r r SUPPLY LIMITED Auction 13--Business Opportunities work, five days per week, to take over Hol 'N One Donut Co willing to share. Apply 216 Clarke Street JOSEPH F. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, 725-7119 Musical Services | household. while mother works. Must be 70 Belfield Rd 728-0215, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14¥|-- ----| LOWREY organs, five tree lessons with| ond of children (three school age). ' . King Street East, Oshawa, 728822. __| | Om and Gravel __|each purchase. Alto Musle Supplies, 45 hice 81 80 AUCTION SALE RESTAURANT Wit ean Rexdale, Ontario 22--Offtices, Stores, Storage McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers Fill Simcoe South, 725-1501, | EXPERIENCED wanress day Gi Ap. Solicitors. Clients' funds available for| Washed Stone 1 |ALi_ TYPES of repairs ana remodelling, -- Sa RT aaa, 4 waitress, day si:ift. Ap-|-------- ' of new summer cottage and ply Polaris Restaurant, 40 Simcoe Street FOR RENT ; 20 Simcoe Street North, sonable| ; ; ST Eien | Gicening, tig levsed < (he auttiln "Seis ST KING 7 wil bewedingrnauely | GOING CONCERN fea" Sr ® "ACCOUNTING | meaciOr REN office, Ed a astedo, . lormi . J. Foley | subjec © reserve bids, Me E 0 son. Heriot sip heaped ales -- "= | ELECTRONICS 80' x 200', LOCATION near IIIness prevents carrying on. EXPERIENCED OPPORTUNITY Approximately 700 square EV. MACKEY, 7, BAB Barrister, BEATTY HAULAGE [Painting and Decorating | Pigeon Lake, Nogey's Creek Reasonable rent. Occupancy TELLER feet, Close to downtown aren, ; q 1g ane Vecorar y ; Svaliable. 36¥2 King Street ast, 723-1107 725-2156 |PAINTING and 'paper hanging done. Will) | AUNDERETTE BLDG, | 3 miles north-east of Bob- | at once. Apply east side ten with a reputable heated Bar mica cal * work by tract or hour. Call the Dutch caygeon on Highway No. 36. trance. 156 William East. . Res, 720-1285. fa |Painter, 728-1945. | 181 BOND ST, W. Sale at 2.00 p.m. Sat., Oct. REQUIRED Inernational Company e THOMAS H. GREER, BA, Barrister, |. CBS CE Ar ROE oe é Sten Ketarye Bulle a0! The Times] | ARMAS AAKKO | Drivecin Service Only. 19th. Terms. 25% down, CALL 725-2173 call a ; fore Building, 86 King Street vst, 728-6209.| WILD BIRD Guotahteed | Ranelre balance easy terms as low as ull time employment. Apply Mortgage Funds available. | | Painting, paperhanging, CAR RADIOS | $25.00 monthly, for inform- ---- ooee ---- ad YOUNG MAN GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici- FEEDS | spray painting. Clean, reliable SISTOR RADIOS ation phone the auctioneer ommerce corner King an tors, efc., 114 King Street East. Dial | . y TRAN: | Orval McLean 324-2791, STORE Athol Streets. Pisfenibiy ot the stenade STRIKE | 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. M, Greer, workmanship. Flo-glaze col- RECORD CHANGERS | Lindsay, Ont ie lel oF a mdced QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, Wild Bird Mixture paleu end C-l-L paints TV ; ' 728-5832. Wild Bird Feeders use HI-FI 3 Hunting FOR RENT HAIRDRESSER accounting course. = a aA Gisiont nists fae DL IRSA mit resume' to Personne fer, Solicitor and Notary Public, 5. Sim- Millets 728-5719 STEVE BAK, Prop. HUNTERS' SPECIAL Me. skid, Gi, 3 PRINCE STREET y JOSEPH C. VICTOR, BA, LLB. Barris- Sunflower Seed coe North 723-3446. Residence 985-7115. Ghat Cup Gralke | S : Rcnestaned Gn Monager. : IT LOUIS S. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, .Soll- 3 Seana By TER. PH. 728-4232 or Whitby 668-5676. Downtown . vagus y Dowty Equipment tltor, Nofary. Suite 305 The Times Build | DODD and SOUTERY | - Top Salary Ves Ing, 86 King Street East, 723-4943. Clients WATER SOFT PAINTING AND DECORATING Tl ih Diaci 11--Articles For Rent APPLY of Canada Limited funds availeble for mortgages, CONTRACTORS Well Drilling-- igging CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church PRESTON APPLY DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers and 1 hi i WILLIAM KROONTJE, well digging, aisle runners. Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe ; Ajax. Ont. RICH Soichors ee. King Shee! east SALT fey Rees, ee es a ee Vincent of Rome i | Telephone 723-2201, Crystal No. 2 Salt Sea Paintin ing, 448 Park Road South, 7283864 | Ti ---- ay Glasses | Decorating Supplies : : : Rarpiee: onl thiictier are, Notary 'Pub. Rox Brand Pellet 107 BYRON sT.§ "WHITBY WELL DIGGING by machine specializ-, "S . 7 ri | eee | 19 Bond W.. Oshawi 102A Lupin Drive ris é oy ing 'in 30: ile. W. i 3 ' He, The Commercial Building, 266. King Common Fine Salt | DAYS 668-5862 mt sree! West PO" Bor ta, wniioy.| * CEee Stas hs aa Whitby - 668-8591 MECHANIC be a fk lag ba a ek la NIGHTS 725-7426 | 668-2563 or 668-3809. | Sil . Te, lea 723-4922 eg SALES CLERK Sell Benen Jha! LAR ilver Tea Servi Burrutera: selichiors, Sev King Siro COOPER SMITH |Personal Service |1--Women's Column Silver Candelabra i Boas w d Miss he CLASS "A" LICENCE arristers, icitors, y ree! 4 ot retai] store td Ew, Oshawa. RB. Humphreys, AT co. |BAILIFF SERVICES REG'D. Serving 24| |BERMANENTS "on "6 special. r Page Hair SARGEANT'S RENTALS reine sac Sonnac a - tonite tt es Peg 8g rae . S. a # W. A. Hi B . hi U 1, ing, ine Avenue. achshund, puppies, a . ' 4 Ottice Sit, 'Realdence Tiea316. 16 CELINA ST. \beWvati: "Experienced paleonnel cal 725.5363. 725-3338 [black Polish Cockerels. After 5, tele-| store, Between 21 and 45 Preferably with General Things Whitby 468-2761, 725-4604. NHA and other | 728-4883. ee ec eee er ee Ree jeomacubete Bowmanville 623-3430, | years of age. Apply Motors "Products experience. mortgage funds avaliable. | WHEEL CHAIRS iz -VOU ate ORIG for Gees anda is MANNING F SWARTZ AND RONALD L. 723-2312 |Plumbing and Heating | FACIALS $1.50 Repairs, Sales, Rentals, aera el whe you work, tee| Tamblyn Drug Store fel gat gprs You Don't pated OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 2 Aosly 231 Huron Street Through An Oshawa SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Te BM TTT eT Sra Pp B t S | H {ALL PLUMBING and heating spelt e i eau aion Also PARR E : : Money 0 lon. Henry Block, 26% King Instruction ia ARING: and nesting supplies. ggy : uf Hospital beds walkers, bed» |EXPERIENCED inan woull Ina ataed)]| benefits. Apply: in person. Street East. 723-4697. ai 1188 Simcoe South P , ti k. Hotel preferred. Telephone i 723-4029. LEARN TO DANCE. Expert instruc-| |Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255 side commodes crutches, janitor wor lotel_preferr: Pp EXPERIENCED Write or telephone. tions in ballroom dances. ~ en Simcoe Street South. | Appointments can be orrang- | reli i hi ¥ 728-1568. ee Building Trad rates, YWCA, Telephone 720-7625, od ot your home orot the |. ce ee be" nome mani atta dey CLERK TYPIST HORACE MEAD bebimalad abicsobce BURNS SCHOOL of Dancing, CDTA, iRug- Upholstery Service | So ond roll-away beds. [care available at Peter Pan Day Nure! Recuired for mew Whitby GHIMNEYS built, sidewalks and stoops./Knights of Columbus Hall Ballet, Tap,| ne SHONE 723-1921 725-1644 Jery, 581 Simcoe North. Call 728-2604, v9 Also brickwork. F. McCann, Brooklin. |CHESTERFIELDS re-built, re -covered| : Office. 655-3061. j Jazz, Acrobatic, 728-7902, _ --_-----.. | Ike new. Why pay more? Our rates are} WILL MIND children "by day or week In i NALD HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton,|reasonabie, Satisfaction guaranteed. Mat- (2--P 1 own home. Bio playground, children} Call Whitby 668-8181 HARRY A-l CARPENTRY, cabinets, recreation|tap, RAD Ballet, Highland. Register tresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery Co.,| ----Fersona RENTALS companions. Best of care. Telephone Aj 942-0655 ys tig bet floor tiles, arbor-|/now, 424 King Street West, 725-6122. }10 Bond West. Dial 725-0331. |PERSONS interested In Indoor garden 728-1383, | or Ajax a LTD LILLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A., Dancing| RUGS, CHESTERFIELDS cleaned Injing, under lights, who would consider OF ALL KINDS Mrs. Hepbum . ROOFING, concrete floors flat roofing|school, Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Character,|own home, Free estimates. Telephone|@ weekly meeting to discuss their various d E on speciaity, New work and repairs.|/pre school, Kinderdance. Fridays, Satur-| 728-7057. [problems and ideas. Please phone Leon-| OFFICE CLEANING 300' Dundas East Large and smal' jobs. 1. and H. Roofing/days, Masonic Temple, 723-7253. ard Pullen. 728-5311 afternoons between} SANDING 'MACHINES ---- A HAIRDRESSER &ind Construction, 725-6937. ave YOUR "chesterfield auife factory To 6 | oscillating sanders, dics sond- WANTED se te 3 Whitby. -- 668-3304 Times ROOFING, Shingles, Roof and Gable B : iF YOU have a drinking problem, write "floor 3 Bend oo ee Louvers, instaled. Siding, carpentry alter- Boos ppg ol IEivenea Aassied| waned he 333, Whitby, or call 668-3034. rghag Balt Seaenrey eer panier -- ps ange so perience. Part-time or full ' Ree Toews A | og, a , _ |MESTERRINLDS "and cig "chairs re GRADUATE | MASSEUR for radical! bi UawpeRS TOOLS -- pipe "728.4627. sei N 81 Journeyman Tool ond Die Classified Ad ewes jawa' Branc |covered tik Get the best for less;massage in your own hom joctor's | R ' & Bs ' YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim- 728-0881 ler fr hang Upholsterers Tt Simcoe prescriptions followed. George Scott. 1009) cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- TELEPHONE 728-37 Makers required. Major ex- assirie ; neve bullt and repaired, 98s linings. in- 8-0 |South. Call 728-6451. Free estimates. Byron Street South, Whitby. Telephone] pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- Braemor Beauty Salon| perience should be on dies. 3 3 # sat ted cat : ivi mates, 723-2997. NEW CARS |CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered Li re Went Coa ters, pipe threading dies, |16--Female Help We ted Apply by letter, giving full restyled. Free estimates. See our ti 0 Western Canada, innipeg, = . PLASTERING and repairs, firs | Automatic, standard, dual |715)" for. recovering. Dalton' Unhalane,|Edmonton, etc. Anyone wishing to ride,| toilet auger. |"AVON 1S CALLING" in your neighbor-|!7---Male Help Wanted details of experience. Glass workmanship. Telephone 728-2482. controls. Fully insured. ling, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. |please cail 668-4949, Whitby, anytime) PAINTERS EQUIPMENT -- _ |hood through TV. Be the Avon represen-!DRIVER for cily delivery. Must be fami: HOUDAILLE 723 3492 PLASTERING, patching and remodeling, FREE HOME SERVICE |CUSTOMCRAFT'S "UPHOLSTERY De-| Peeing 6 p.m. Leaving Monday or Tues-| stenladders, aluminum exten- |tative and turn spare time into money.|tiar with city and have chauffeur's U ae new and old work. Telephone 723-4871. \ertment, itech a eerie, reo | sion ladders, ladder jacks, {Write PO Box 512, Oshawa. licence, Telephone 728-4681. INDUSTRIES ALL TYPES of building répairs, ge 5 |styling, fabric consultation. "'Scotch- | i 4 COMPANION for elderly woman, live in. y fireplaces," ~~ oops, | Mortgages \guard' Service. Free. estimates. Dial "LEN PULLAN steel | scaffolding, a Meat |Comfortable home. Time off. Top wages RETAIL OSHAWA, ONTARIO | 728-7271. ENGLISH TAILOR ers, spray guns, wallpape to right person, Write Box 304, Oshawa Gordon BD MUSICAL. SERVICES steamers, tarpaulins, blow -- |times ' PIANO, reed pipe and electronic organ Need yn \Sales and Service Specialist in garment altera- | torches, propane torches. WOMAN with cooking expereince to work SALESMAN 7 aan, li OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS funing and repairing, Instruments ap- FT RS TTP PESTER tions, etc. Invisible mending, N Equipment -- _ |in kitchen. Must be dependable an Praised. J. Hiddunk. Ajax 942-1664. SUARANTEED repairs to wringer wash- WELDING -- Equipme have good character references. Steady ACKERMAN | hone. £2 EEG Ss 10 PRINCE ST. | 200 amp. electric welder, |Lancaster, Oshawa. fer experience in Carpets Excavating -- Loading Private porty: ta invest in ist | ATS GUN REPAIR 728-5311 | BUILDERS EQUIFMENT -- '|WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE. If you| ond bad Fermanont rig PRINTED PATTERN Sond, Gravel, Fill ond 2nd mortgages. Agree- GUNSMITH Removal of superfluous hair, | cement mixer, finishing hee rains teeliary Geen etek See bade pa ee And Top Soil ments for sale. Mortgages 18 BOND ST. W. Marie Murduff will be in wels, wheel barrows, electric | o¢ studio Girl cosmetic clients on a route| Pe'So Open 3 ee purhased. Low rates. Your | Guns, bought, soid, traded. | Oshawa, Nov. 18th, 19th vibrotor, a. compressor, t2,be,ertabiished in and around Oshawa. Angus Graydon ontracts . | Ammo,. reloading e ment, A Ph, $ if jack hammers, hand trowels, i jo _-make ii = Reasonable Rotes mortgage problems gladly dis ing equip' and 20th. jone Genosha. water pumps, portable -heot- I MeieL Beck Coan ve eto eae ts. Hotel on these dates for ap- : PHONE 623-5756 cussed. No fees, no woiting, t pall eal ° ers, steel scaffolding, electric | Montreal 32. Route will to $5.00 Carpet Compan BOWMANVILLE immediate service for quick After hours Whitby 668-2497 pointment. sera ctor tanest power pg reat: 'oute will pay up to p pany NORTHWEST none \- -- 728-9 731 aes ELECT ROLYSIS rollers, electric hammers, sacneacarea Yar eu pease 282 King St. West ELECTRIC CO. Call Ed. Wilson | GLASS AND SCREEN |__723-4641 tele en ae eee WAITRESS BO inc Bl INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL | 725-2539 or 723-3211 Repairs to aluminum win- |3--Pets & Livestock | chain hoist, miter saw, elec- TED - | down and door inserts -- 1 tric plane, tarpaulins, 14° Full time HOUSE WIRING, SERVICES | doy service ---- Bring your |POODLES, while miniature, nine weeks] fondeoy, "4" joiner, " sand 11 P.M. till 7AM. COST. CLERK OF ANY KIND | Mortgage "Money frames into our factory. lteys. Angelique. Sire, Estids Fanfare. tn-| blaster, power tamper, power Apply Mr. C bell jternational Cham phone 725-9754) st hol ; : Pe Somers Oshawa 728-7457 | Available NASH ALUMINUM. [iuiton! Shampion._ Telechone Pen ee eee Genosha Hotel With senior matriculation or BEAUTIFUL, | METAL WORK 95 ATHOL ST. EAST eee mite ee hae iin STAN'S geuhelent for eeuaiiel fim. | Low Interest TELEPHONE 728-1633 | Broad, i14 Elgin Eas ee ee a Manufacturing and repairs | Fes |GERMAN SHEP 2-year-old, pre oe i steel Valuations Arranged | ae Excellent watch, dog, igen Sharpening and Rental Ltd. COMPETENT rong ae yet chromolly sheeting and tub- » |BON ae phone 4. | > ing, Free pathos RESIDENTIAL ff and FLEISCHMANN, On- 223 King St. W., Oshawa éeaerttal. CUSTOM METAL CO. | CITY AND DISTRICT |prints, 11 'Ontario reels rar tess bie Pg Be oe PHONE 723-3224 SECRETARY Pistas phone oe wile Mortgage Loan ers and ranges. Free estimates. Tele-| dress alterations. Acetylene welding outfits, |position. No late night work. Apply Hotel Required immediately. Pre- H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, o To|GERMAN Shepherds, puppies. Registered OSHAWA MUNICIPAL AIRPORT SUMMER PROPERTIES Load 'lopeorere, HIV" Keer shat igreSioees a lg gg p ae bale aii G. HOOD DIAL sah 474] VACANT LAND |Phone 7256881. |colts. Stud services. Cozy-J-Ranch, Ken-|]2_ Apticles Wanted osition requires. Self reliant E |nels. Ashburn. Brooklin 655-4662 for ap- For purchasing department. Members Ontario |Pointments. |PIANOS, $10., any make or size. Will Ne 'TV--Radio Repairs POODLE, biack, 18 months old, excel.|Pay cash. State make and price. Write} ualities good telephone CANADIAN Oo by Mortgage Broker's Association | tose SCG jlent house f29, food with children, $75, | 80X 308, Oshawa Times. personality, ability to meet . | elephone 725-14 HOUSE TRAILER WANTED -- With i 1 Roofing, eavestroughing, SUMMERLAND | TV TOWERS |ltaHsO APSO puppies, 12.week-old "baile ut ret ioe leet. Talenhone widaasietaes Johns-Manville tiling. "Generol repoirs of oll | | AND jions. These small Tibetan Terriers|\ WANTED -- silver dollars, 1938, : : . must be seen to be appreciated. See|1946, 1947, 1948, kinds. No job too big or SECURITIES Antenna Repair them and other registered stock at De- (dian coins, Avice £ pam. weal Tae After 7 P.M, Finoncing ot bank rates. Coll of Brooklin on: Highway 7. 655-4408, |WANTED ola dress patterns, pattern West Hill P.O. us anytime. | | books and magazines, showing styles P. Nellis. } 112 Simcoe St. North TELEVISION : CASH on the spot. Highest pri aig evening. Telephone: 728-2061 Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA for dead and crippled frm a3 pi EBA ay aamaenae. SALESLADIES ses |Phone collect, Hampton 263-2721. Marg- ~ SHAW | Dominion Ti tati 5-651 25 WORDS OR LESS ~ Service Calls |sreninar ater rear Pas *"| Wants Cars for Wrecking. | experience, references, pleas- SALES 4636 By ANNE ADAMS painting, cupboards, floor of fluff. Wonderful pets and compan.|after 6 p.m. Hampton 263-2 oe Whitby 668-8055 CO ie he small, All- work guaranteed. Laver Kennels, Reg'd., there miles west LIMITED TRI O 5--Farmer's Column iberiad Call Tas 5868" 'aor pn ay 282-| 131 will's Fur Farm, Licence 245-C-63, Part time for exclusive ladies Classified Ad Rates : 728- 6781 *BilI"" your AUTO WRECKING CO. sportswear shop must have a: SPORTIVE PAIR Better described offers get faster results, : Ports for sale, also scrap iron ing personality and good ap- : Smart Turtleneck blouse and jumper. Cn ae as $2.50 hi and metals, etc. bought, pearance. Top salary. Apply OPPORTUNITY SIZES 10-18 go great together -- or separate- 3 consecutive doys... Y 9 o.m--? p.m. Daily Business oe . day. are in person. KS ly for campus, career, country. Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation as one word. New 21" Picture Tubes People -2311--89 BLOO z With Canada's Largest COZY KNEE Soc Gp ac ge edrodingh og Box -- sh Be ies ae 15s | As Low As $19.66 Sing the Praises |13----Business Opportunities SEIGNEURS Retail Organization! By ALICE BROOKS Sizes 10, 3 14, at pata id within ys, charge rate applies. : ber lit GhSPIGhIIV to atarT bus ts! Knit) jumper ya: i Sas a cs § a cs All Work Guaranteed | of Oshowa Laced ms guinea" See tee Oe SPORTSWEAR ' Smat for echo cpie socks; blouse 1% yards SSdnch, Each additional line per month 1.60 Dominion Television | times Clossified new modern front 18 x 30 feet. Next to EATON'S a dank seer are. FORTY CENTS (40c) in coins (Not applicable tor merchandise advertisements.) £0: BONO ST. Ms Ads. sen PRITAM Gatale wie $00 Oshowa shopping cee 'in Oshawa Easy-knit on two eben gy se oh gat ae Fafa DEADLINES Call. Bow -- 228-51 BA Glecott"" Oshawen ontern " " "13 "Business Opportunities pr ee bitte lsales tax. Print plainly SIZE, Glecoff, Oshawa, Ontario. Br : : they're handmade Word ads. 5 p.m. doy previous |2--Personal '2--Personal - us require an experienced 7401: directions Small (2-4);;NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE Classified Display .+.2:30 p.m. day previous . Se" ee saat ! r 6-8); "La (10-12). |NUMBER. Births, memorioms, cards of thanks -- 9 a.m. day of. publication | TAKE THE FAMILY FOR : S @ S eae a o Send: order to ANNE ADAMS, Lost and Found -- . 8:30 a.m. day of Bublicstion ERVICE STATION F R LEA E FURNITURE Pag Plage ong FP of The Oshawa Times, Pat- Cancellations and Corrections--8:30 a.m. day of publication. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER ' SALESMAN to Alice Brooks, care: of The 1 ee ia: "a REGULATIONS Excellent opportunity for a handy man or me- Oshawa Times Needlecraft inside new Fall.Winter Pate @ Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, dvertise- ' i i Dept., Oshawa, Ont, Ontai-o sei Mei ae oe than 2 HAE not ae Full Course Turkey Dinner $1 20 chanic to become independent. = - ig Oey oo ie add Aen go! ae pi Paring. gan f pit pn rrect insertion of any advertisement, mor beyond the 2 xd iliti : ----Empioyee ' Print plainly Pattern umbe: ' price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which Juice or Soup, Vegetables, Appetizers, Full two bay, erage facilities Ls the Newcastle Name, gos |50c for Cotelog. error occurs. For dessert: Pies, Jello, etc. area, Finankial assistance available. For Interview Apply 206 Handicraft Hits in our] The Oshawa Times reserves the right. to classify advertising : "2 : i Personnel Dept., big, big, new 1964 Needlecraft) e according to Its proper classification. Write giving full particulars and ambitions to: Catalog. out now! See toys, fa- Want-Ads Don t In the case of display edvertisementa, The Times will not be : EATON'S shions, crewelwork, heirlooms, Se seeeiae Tis pence coseeratne, oma WATEDIR RESTAURANT MURPHY OIL COMPANY LTD. |) - of canada, {esas son'wene| Cost-They Pay ' a" matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement . embroider, quilt, smock, Send if ony inaccuracies in ony form are eontained therein. at the New Simcoe Plaza 78 BOND STREET WEST, OSHAWA Oshawa Shopping Centre | 25 cents right now. a

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