a a 12 THEOSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 16, 1963 THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK HOME DESIGN No. 441 This simple easy to build home has many practical as- pects in its orderly layout. Substantial g, am- ple wall space and lavish window area in living-dining ot ae an it easy to at- tively. Plastered leads to three bedroom --, ing wing. The compartmented bath features a vanitory unit and large linen closet with hall access for added con- venience, The large kitchen is skillfully co-ordinate for pleasing working conditions, and includes table space. Lav- atory has excellent location near basement stairs and service entrance . . . this will liminate a lot of ary traffic, Design is for frame but instructions fc building in brick beneer are supplied. Standard Builders Blueprints for this Design No. 441 cost $15.00 for the first set, and $5.00 for additional sets. They ate available in Canada by teturn mail. (Ontario resi- dents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax.) Now available at this Newspaper Office (or td address below) is the Design Book entitled "Canadian Guide to goon Planning and Design", ce $1.00, and is tax free. This edition includes information on Financing '. Canada, Building Construction Details, Land- . BED RM. i2 BATU WAL tin | KITCHEN i 13-40 BC ua LAVB cc ENTRY' LIVING IZ. DINING Ls. 16.1 BLD RM. 9-0.16-0 5. 20-0 DESIGN No, 441 1100 Sq, Ft. oisiaar'" Color Selection, In- terior Decorating, Furniture Arrangement, Custom Design- ing, etc., plus over 100 popu- lar and new designs to choose from. Also included in this book are full Jetails of how to order Blueprints FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN CEILING AREA DROPPED QUESTION: There is a small quired for complete removal of atea in our kitchen ceiling ut the spots. has apparently loosened separated from the lath. The olnater has dropped down a Tittle way. How can this section be refastened? ANSWER: Plaster, from the lath, cannot be held in place. This section must be removed and the area replaster- ed TOOL SHED PLANS QUESTION: Where could mle obtain plans for a garden too shed about five by six feet? ANSWER: Your building sup- plies dealer or lumber yard may have this type of plan available.|in RUST ON CEMENT oe: What should I to off a newly cemented yard? with emphasis ANSWER: Dissolve one part eodium citrate in six parts of Consult the advertising of pool water and six parts commercial rin, Mix part of this with There are so many enough powdered whiting or other absorbing powder to make e@ paste and spread over the rust spots in a thick coat. When dry, replace with fresh paste or HOME WORKSHOP GARDEN CART PATTERN By RUTH W. SPEARS NO STORAGE PROBLEM for this cart, Just remove the sides and hang it up. Make it now. You will use it the year around. It may have wooden wheels, as shown, or metal wheels may be used. Pattern 216, which gives material list, actual-size cutting guides and illustrated directions, is 50c. This patierr also is in the Gardeners' Help- ers Packet No. 27 containing four full-size patterns all for $1.75. Send orders to. The Home; Workshop Dept., The Oshawa) Times, Oshawa, Ont | A DOUBLE-DUTY chair will delight a small boy or girl. Just flip the back over and you have a pair of steps for climbing into bed or to stand on while brushing teeth at a lavatory that is much too high when one is four or five. Pat- tern 431, which gives actual- size cutting guides and direc- tions, is 50c. It also is one of four patterns in the Make it for the Children Packet No. 70) --all for $1.75. Send ordets to The Home Workshop Dept. The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. KEROSENE ODOR to clean the tiles in our shower loosened/stall. Now, after several weeks, the odor is still there. How can I get rid of it? usually be removed by wiping the affected surfaces with a cloth or sponge soaked in yine- j|clear water. SWIMMING POOL tices for a pool? get rainspout rust spots are being widely publicized, 'building that comparisons are bg with remaining liquid. ing replaced, loose flashings A week or more may be re-|na should be filled. Areas jwhich paint has been. removed down primed first. Use top quality ex- nailed down and edges sealed, etc.. Cracks, dents, nail holes from to bare wood should be QUESTION: I used kerosene/torior paint, applying it accord- ANSWER: Kerosene odor can gar. Rinse well afterward with ing to manufacturer's directions on the container. dealer probably has literature giving detailed information on proper procedures This merely lists broad general principles. cording to type of paint and house siding's material. Your paint to follow. Methods vary ac- CRAYON MARKS ON CARPET QUESTION: My son and two QUESTION: I am interested|friends were playing with cray- pool. Where can I get ideas, specifications, construction prac- ANSWER: Plastic-lined pools on economy. contractors, write for literature. types of pools, materials, methods ~ of most desirable to be sure you Settle on the type best suited to your land and needs. GRIMY SCREENS Fg gl After nine years of use, our combination storms and screens, especially the doors, are coated with a greasy grime. How can we clean them?|§ ANSWER: Excellent cleaning preparations for outdoor alumin- un are widely available at hardware, housewares and alu- minum window dealers; follow label directions carefully. Or tub all greasy surfaces care- fully with fine steel wool and kerosene (being very careful of|Could I apply this without re-! the fire hazard). When the metal surfaces are clean, wipe with kerosene-moistened cloth, to leave a thin coating of the oil which will. evaporate and leave a thin protective film on the aluminum. any over paint or varnish because a home swimming|ons and got some marks on the grey wool carpeting in the liv- ing room. How can I remov these stains? ANSWER: The National Insti- tute of Rug Cleaning, Inc., recommends the following treat- ment to remove crayon stains: First apply a small amount of dry cleaning fluid (be sure room is well ventilated while work- ing) to the disc"or 4 « blot with white tissues. Continue the procedure uni wie are removing no more of the crayon, Next, make a solution 'of one teaspoon neutral deter- gent in a cup of lukewarm water and apply small amounts to the stains. Blot with tissues after each application. After the Stain is removed, place a layer of tissues one-half inch thick over the area and weigh down with books for six hours VARNISHED TABLE QUESTION: I have an table with a varnish finish. I would like a lacquer finish. moving the varnish? ANSWER: No. Lacquer in form 'cannot be applied it will have a solvent effevt on the old finish, acting as a 're- mover and causing smearing. end) | } PREPARING SIDING QUESTION: I would like to know about painting the outside the house. Do we have to clean it off, or what? ANSWER: Go over the entire surface to be painted with a wire brush to remove soot and/ grime and any flaking paint. Any damage, such as spiii boards or shingles should be re- Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. * LLOYD CORSON, Pre ® DICK YOUNG Vice-President @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Treos. 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-1121 paired, missing or loose caulk- FRONT-END ALIGNMENT For ALL CARS on JOHN BEAN "Visualiner"' SPECIAL Free Pick-Up and 728-6221 tor appointment Delivery Service ENERAL TIRE OF OSHAWA | $34 RITSON RD. S 728-6221 Weekly Summa TORONTO, WEEKLY STOCK QUOTES By The Canadian Oress Declines outnumbered Lactligy = by 397 to 289 on the Toronto Stock Exchange this week. issues un- changed fotalied 871. Volume for the week was 16,801,062, down from the previous. week's 19,244199. Total sales fo rine year to date are 715,159,118. Quotations In cents uniess marked WEEK'S MOST active TORONTO STOCKS By The Canadian Press. a This Week 63 Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low pape ee $36% 35% 4 --%* 24% me We Brock CPR Rothman Trans Mtn Con Gas Steel Can 43801 36330 $9% Wat % $14% 19 Ma + % 29477 $12, (WW 12 + % 20425 82% 2% Permo Unispher Quonto Stanwell Glacier 909588 big 8564 67600 63 54 66500 11% 9 MINES 3186611 1123500 abacon Abitibi + % Abitibl pr +" Ackland +8 Alta Dist + Alta Dis vt + Alta Dis w es 1% 3389 --20 $19 + $24 --M% 600 600-600 --50 I SB HA+ $11% 11% 11% $2262 26% --1 Alumint 4% 3617 $41 M% W%e + % Alum Ipr 4 240 $22% 22 22 --Ve Alum lpr 4¥a 840 $48% 47% 4744-- Va Analog 2700 105 5 +23 Analog w a 30 30 Anthes Imp A 700 $ 1% B4--% Anthes B pr sate Sioa 103% 103% + % Argus 410 $12Ve 11% 1 Arg 8 pr as Argus 250 pr 410 Argus 260 pr 280 Arg C pr 7973 Ash Tempie 110 Ashdown B 670 Atlan Acc pr 745 Atl Sugar 2400 Atl Sug A 865 Atlas Steel ie "as. gs a 375 % 'ou +% 1% 72¥2 + Ve 25 (+50 --0 a 290 «250 Bow 5¥a pr 305 Bow-M pr Bowater Bramales Brazil Tank Am Bank Forest ol 22536 $28Ye 7%-- Ve Pack B 260 $16V2 16¥a + % Pow 2218 $24% 24% Suger 423 $44 43% Sugar pr 1670 $19% 9% Phone 1530 $56%4 58 56 Ph #epr 9-35 $89 o +' @cPH 4 15 $98% 98 98%e+1Ve BCPh Svepr 125$103 102¥2 102% + Va Brown 275 $14% 14% 144-- % Bulid Prod ns 5 --% Bullolo 271 54+ Ve Burns 1220 Mam Va Burrard A 175 mut Va $254 25 $54 5% $92 9% $8% 84 Cc and D "0 39 3) ml Cal Pow 1055 $202 20% 2A-- % Cal Pow Spr = uit 102¥2 102Va Can Bretd 5 Bs Can Cem n Perit 3% 38 +1 Can Cem pr 440 $28% 27% 27% + % CD Sugar 865 4 i 244 -- M% Can _Folis B 0 --Ie Cl Fndry 4845 Ba 2% 22a-- Ye Can Malt 2% 1 + % Cc Pack A 1625 $62 612 61% --2%4 C Pack B. 2700 $63 624 6242 + Ao C Sate 4 pr nae $962 96V2 a CSL $5756 ty CSL. pr xs $13. («13 3 --Ve Can Wire B 375 $13 WW +% 66 S11% 1 NW = 19345 $10% 10% 10% 830 $51Ve S0Ve 5} +1 2% 53 +% Cabol --% 963. $21 C Aviation Cdn Brew Cc Brew pr 9 135 hl ma wa Ye --3 +18 --I5s é Coltfertes 3265 " Cc Curt W 2450 2112 oy ss a8 345 400 375 375 251 te w' 1' 0 4: 450 450 25 ry 232 $44 rod CF Prod 1 pr Cc G inv C GSec A 105 $12% CG Sec B 1500 $19 C Hydro Car 1231 $17% C ice Mach A_ 20083 Cc im Bk C 7700 $64 Cc ind Gas 1185 $8% 8% ., ag Gas pr 1060 $12% 12% 12%-- % 3664 $18Ve 172 17% -- Va env. 370 350 350 --40 $364 35% 3% -- % Cdn Pet pr "a $13%4 122 12%%--% Cdn Tire 135 $37 V Cdn Tire A 325 se Cdn util Cc utit pr 8% -- V4 ¢! ae PR 0 $. 33 10 sio0% 10% 100% 230 $19 500 bi oe n= 75 $15% 15% 15% 3541 $7 7 7 --Y" 1700 325 SIS 315 --5 350 $228 222 2ia+ ej 392 8% 8u--% 36% 64 ht 00 $13% 12% 13 --% 223 $384 38 38 275 S6a 64 b4-- 28480. $10% 10 ie + 965 $8% 8% 25275 735 650 no. +75 10309 $272 29 29% -- % 5785 $39% BWVe 392+ % 74277 $12 «1% 122 +% 70 $106Ve 105% 105% + % 210 $84 8% 844--'% 635 $18Ve 18¥e 18%e-- % 405 36% 6% be 125 Clairtone Clairtr wts Coch-D Col Cell Conduits Chemceil Chem 1.75pr Con Baks Con Bidg Con Bidg pr 78 as. 29% 22% 665 150 125 510 $8% 8% 2475 $10%2 10% 50 $15 18 1900 150 150 " Crown Zell Crow's N Crush Int Dale Dist Seag Dom A D Bridge 11572 $18% 16% 18%+4+1% 2 D Can Gen 3108122 120 120 "et 16% Wh-- 200 $17 2634 $13 12% 12% + % pr BF a oie 102% 102% + Ve $66%4 652 664 -- % WW WWh-- Ve 82 82 15¥e 15¥e+ % 15705 220 1045 Si $8% $15 316% $i" $22 $22% $39% Eto kK 9% 2 bac Emco Exquisite aoa pr 'alcon ean Play Fanny F Fed Farms MAb | 2600 100 2018 abe 2h -- " yee 4 tet rd sm 27% PY 625 G Mackay A G Mackey B GL Paper GL. 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