WHITBY And DISTRICT 'MEETING A SETUP' -- BATES Fluoride War Begins 'Pro Group' Jeered Fluoride -- to be or not to be? That was the con'usion at a citi- zen's forum held at the town hall last night. The anit-fluoridationists were up for the occasion. They were well-armed with opinions and figures compiled by fellow anti- fluoridationists from around the world. "The whole meeting was a set-up," said Dr. Gordon Bates vice-president and general di- rector of the Health League of Canada, 'I could have verbally mopped the floor with some of their speakers but I refused to take part in their type of game. "As far as I was concerned, it was a meeting of all the anti- Tel. 668-3703 The Whitby Public School Board accepted with regret the Edwards, four-year member of the Board. Mr. Edwards ex- pressed his regret on leaving the board but said his intention to run for a seat on the Whitby Town Council made it .impos- sible for him to stand for elec- tion to the School Board. "There are a number of items which I would like to place on record with the board," he said. "The first refers to the dis- cussion at the last meeting of amendments to the bylaw. I want to caution the Board of the danger in permitting a situ- ation in which these rules could be changed at will. "They should be inviolate and changed after earnest consider- ation in the best interests of the Board. "Therefore I recommend that in futsire, amendments be sub- mitted to the bylaws commit- tee, which would bring recom- mendation for or against; with full explanation at the next S| meeting. Secondly I would like to re- peat my assertion to the Board that among our teachers. and fluoridationists and their hired help shipped down here from Toronto." Terry moore, spearhead of the "fors"', stated before the meeting that he wanted to keep the forum on a local level. He " reasoned that it was the peo- ple of Whitby that were in- volved in the "fluoridate-or-not- ° z age to-fluoridate'" question, and ANTIFLUORIDE S therefore restricted his speak-| ers to local medical authorities. | "T didn't want to ask Dr PEAKER DRINKS TOWN WATER "Fluorides are 'deadly poi-| "I don't vege my children to Bates 'isons. They are taken into the|be pawns of the state." thing Pag gpa ee that type x |body peg accumulate in the| She referred to the addition jon Bp explained. I didn't! ones, teeth and other orzans.\of fluoride to Oshawa water oan ve heeded oulsicers 'lhe amount of fluoride in the\supply in 1953 as being added nee Conyenre the " 7 body increases with age." "in a casual manner." pare Pg bg hé is. too "Show me proof of that," de-| (It was voted in by council, within our community there is assist in providing physical 4 \instruction, "IT would refer you the Schools Administration A c t, which says:.'A board may per- mit the school buildings and premises to be used for any educational or other lawful pur- poses'."" BIGOTRY CHARGED "It seems to me that im- proved health would come under such regulation." to Tommy Leaves Legacy For New School Board written resignation of Tommy. AUXILIARIES United Church Women Hear Conference Report day, Nov. 15 at the recentily- vacated Mercantile -store on Brock street north by Unit. No. 7 and Unit No. 10, with Mrs. T. R. Farndale in charge. Spokesman for the nominating committee, Mrs. G. E, Juby, presented the slate of .officers for 1964 as follows: Leader, Mrs. T, R. Farndale; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. W. Chapter IODE was read by the Regent to attend: their annual Dessert Bridge to be held at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Friday, Nov. 22. It was decided that a wreath ~rould be purchased yearly on Rememrance Day to be dis- played at the Cenotaph. Mrs. Stuart Roblin will make final arrangements for the The regular meeting of St. Mark's United Church Women was held Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 12 im the Sunday school auditorium with Vice-President Mrs. Harold Quantrill presiding. Mrs. Quantrill's opening poem, "Thoughts. for Armistice', was very appropriate. Mrs. D. Fallow, a delegate to Ivy League Conference for the UCW of the Bay of Quinte Con- ference and the Ottawa - Mon- \treal Conferece gave an excel- treal Conferenc gav an xcl- group's annual Christmas dinner to be held Dec. 7 at Whitby Coach House, It was voted that each mem- Hay; press secretary, Mrs. G. E. Juby; program conveners, Mrs. Ray Marshall, Mrs. Gor- don Mifflin; phoning committee, lent report. The theme of the ; 43, 7 (ber purchase a small Ohristmas|Mrs. R. J. Minter, Mrs. J. T conference was "Christian gift for Fairview Lodge resi-)/Foster and Mrs. Howard lliott | | TOM EDWARDS I am convinced that the delay in the provision of the 'Ontario Tax Foundation Plan} has been brought about by pres-| sure by such as the Admini-| strative Officers of the Public} |Schools. Trustees Association, a \singularly sorry result, when so jan abundance of volunteer help| much could be accomplished by combining the efforts of the Pub- lic and Separate Schools Boards "The motto of the PSTA is 'The world moves forward on the feet of little children'. "I get the impression that the leading lights of the PSTA imply the feet of Protestant and RC children whose parents are public schaol supporters only "I find much to criticize in the Separate School Board as I am sure they must have of us. But: Women of the World'. Some of|dents, It was agreed that the , ; H : '¢; Mrs. _ Juby introduced the lg ag age ree Bigg amount oo would be dis-| peaker, Miss lla E. Newton, tb teh Gun dat? Deke pos ude allows: |Deaconess of St. Mark's United adidation heli to. reliaw out Provincial Services at Homé|Chureh who gave a talk on parr How an oa Sarit our|2"4. Abroad Fund $25; Overseas /"Miracles", chapter six of the f ith aa" th faith i | out Relief Fund $50; General Wei-|"Word and the Way'. An inter- sai ale an DO We teed Whore ee. Fund $25. esting discussion followed. Evangelism?" Members were requested 0! Meeting closed with Benedic- airs JH Beockonndes well gather pocket editions to be sent/tion. A delicious lunch was < oe = : cn see i ya hes our Canadian Troops in Ger- served by the hostesses Mrs rs. e. ran 'ae 64 3 far Three hundred dollars| Frank Dalby, Mrs. Ken Eiliott Be ce Novena ales acy balks ia' ae ee MEN aT | ave report, " lait canpeate pcheur Clason. |_ The next meeting will be held) "Te program for the meeting] Mrs, Harvie introduced a new organ gag § with a Christ- |was in charge of Unit No. 4!member, Mrs. Roy Howe. She|™@S auction. and Mis. R, H. MacCarl, unit/also introduced the speaker, KINETTE CLUB leader, led in tt worship serv-|Mrs. Nixon, a hobbyist in' cop- Whitby Kinette Club held its ice using the theme of "'Stew- per-ware, who gave a very in- ginner meeting Wednesday even- ne yA ; She br | Path teresting talk and display. "G as given talents to us. oe only one talent, others reed it _-- ie} such an chaired the business meeting. | great many", informative and demonstr-| 'as a | "a , : " ; It was noted that Whitby Kin-) God 'does not act us to be eh pip is cca at the) attes would' prepare Christmas persons we are not; but we aire' close e meeting. b-skets to be distributed to asked. to use what 'alents we ST. MARK'S CW iy families. Kinette Norma| have. To use our talents to min- 4 ' . St. Mark's United Church|Souter volunteered to be ister for Ohrist throughout the its|charge of this project. world, To see a need and realize) Women Unit No. 7 held port-| 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 15,1963 5 Legion Ladies Plan Party Ladies Auxiliaries Royal Ca- nadian Legion held its business meeting Tuesday, Noy, 12 in the Legion Hall with Mrs, Earl Ormiston presiding A vote of thanks was extend- ed to Bazaar convener, Mrs. Vernon Moore and all members who took part and made the event such a success. of oe to hold the an- mual Christmas party on Tues- day, Dec. 10. Names to be drawn on Tuesday, Nov. 26 which will be a social in the charge of Mrs. D. Segriff and committee. Also on Dec. 10 will be nominations and election of new officers, Members were reminded to have names and ages of their children in for Christmas party by Dec. 2 in order to have a gift on the tree at children's sige gaa party to be held Dec, Those who purchased . toys from Toy Demonstration are asked to contact President Mre. Earl Ormiston for them. Reported on sick list were Mrs, E. Burgess, who is in Osh- | | All Saints Group ling Nov. 13 at Spruce Villa) Mrs. Murray Detlor thanked/Hotel. President Sheila Gordon| 2 you have the ability to mee t|monthly meeting Monday, Nov.) Kinette Wilma Heron rej 11 in the,Church parlor. led on the three-tiered Christmas awa General Hospital and Mrs. A. Lear who is at home. Speedy se ieee hoped for both mem- ers, To Hold Bazaar All Saints Afternoon Branch of the Parish Guild held their No- vember meeting Tuesday at 3 p.m. in the parish hall. Plans were finalized for their Bazaar to be held Nov. 19 from 2,30 until 5 p.m. Miss Elizabeth Gulliver will kp the bazaar. Mrs. R. E, that need constitutes a call from NOT EXPEDIENT God," she concluded. "I consider that as there is| Mrs. Breckenridge introduced} a caniza-\the guest speaker, Miss Milli-| provision for such an organiza tion, such criticism is only justi-/cent Luke of Oshawa, secretary| 'Thirdly, I have a notice of motion which of course cannot be proceeded with because I shall not be at the meeting to process it. Lea opened the meeting with a thought for the day. The wor-| ship service was conducted by Mrs. Ray Marshall, Mrs, Allan ' Mrs, T. R, Farndale|cake, mentioning how success this mith, president, will welcome ful/the guests and Mrs. E. project was. jter will be at the door. Wednesday's meeting was) |"Mother's Night". Kinettes had evening, coffee hostesses were ' b {manded Dr. Hobbs, "There is|not plebiscite.) : beanie arta aid h e sud-Inone. There is no proof that} Mr. Moore showed that, in i > een eon storage occurs in toxic!1953, not one eight-year-old in ur y ° : : .«, |invited their respective mothers.|Kinettes Anita H. Hewis and Mrs. Howard Elliott.| winners of the draw were Kin. yaar fee ampson and | All reports were read - ap: Jette Ruth Hewson's mother,! An executive meeting will be proved. Plans were completed!rs G. S. Eastwood and Kinettelneld Wednesday, Dec. 4 at the "IT am convinced that remain- ing in the Public Schools Trustees Association, taxpay- fied, when there is an opportun-|0f stewardship and_ recruiting) ity to reply. jfor the Oshawa Presbyterial "The Board, of .course, will|/UCW, who spoke on steward- make its own decision in this ship and recruiting. Miss Luke Any uantities." Oshawa had decay-free teeth. ence that didn't even have the Dr. Rae did not offer any| "In 1959, better than two per courtesy to hear us out. proo', Mrs. Anna Burton, a To-|cent had perfect teeth and the An estimated crowd of 200 | -onto "housewife and mother ofjincidence of cavities showed a oe bi yy under the! children", did read a list of)marked decline,"' he said ed ouncs?!OTltacts and figures compiled by a! Mrs. Beulah Sturgess, the Bill. Davidson, in the United only anti-fluoridationist speaker EVERYONE AN EXPERT States. from Whitby at the forum, and The crowd, referred to as par-| Mrs Bufton branded the the only person to have gone tisan by Dr. Bates and Mr.\addition of fluoride to municipal/on record so far as salying she Moore jeered and hissed thew ater supply as "decitful, had suf'ered an adverse effect local medical, health and dent-|wasteful, a violation of. rights from the fluoride, disclosed that al authorities chosen by the.and a money making racket." |she did not drink the town's i i yater. -- group to state their DRINKS TOWN WATER vet EE " ' | All of the» doctors and dent-- BENEFIT CHIL IN Dr. Ken Hobbs, director of a| is; in the audience stood up| 'I have to bring in well A 2 I local medical clinic, admitted and voiced unanimous approval water for me and my family," she said. that he was not an expert ON /cr fuoridation, She blamed the fluoride in the} fluorides : on 4 or aturally the dentists agree .. "Everybody seems to be an), i+, eatery A -- if you were ajwater for a recurring illness| wWas' axcarts T hckere'" are | dentist and your patients had 9 -- which, she said,| those that have futilished scien.|Pee" bainwashed into beliey-/her w ole family suffered. tific proof that fluoride is a good|i"% fluoride is a good thing, you! "I don't care what the dent-| jwould agree with it too," ists say. Dr. Dymond (M. D thing," he stated. the|Matt, MP for Ontario County "T am referring to the | Mrs. Burton expressed e ' y : {desire for a 'drop of water" as|and Minister of Health) told peng Baio aay nec re jabe was "dry." me he objected to denying ford and carala, Both Brant-| "IT know it's fluoride, /the citizen his right of choice." i Pac ott Professor Rae: "Sodium ord Stratford have fluoride) i # . oo water supplies. Sarnia| 'I don't think'-you should sera by product of sei has 'abuse ° have any, Mrs. Burton," quip- tilizer. If it was not remove "Phe incidence of dental de-\Ped Terry Moore. "It might ial om -- it would cay in Stratford and Brantford|Poison you." P"John Robson, of the Ontario was and is 60 per cent lower; Mrs. ages Page " County Health Unit and a third than in Sarnia. warning and drank a glass speaker for 'the 'fore'. bom. |fluoridationist Mrs. Gordon Wilson of West! Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Ralph Smith, Whitby is cele-! brating -her birthday today, Fri- day, Nov. 15. For the occasion} Mr. and Mrs. Smith are dinner guests; also it is Mrs. Wilson's great grandmother's 92nd birth-! day, Mrs. Mary E. Smith of Oxford Mills Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson of Sudbury were visitors at the) home of his brother and sister-! in-law Mr. and Mrs, H.-C. Simp- son, 405 Anderson street Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seko, 345 Dovedale drive, celebrated their eighth wedding anniver- sary, Thursday, Nov. 14. Their friends wish them every happi-| ness mt WILL MAKE DOLLARS OTTAWA (CP) -- The short- age of silver dollars for Christ- mas gifts may be eased some- waa' this year, Finance Minis-| ter Gordon indicated in the Commons Thursday. The mast- ers of the mint, N, A. Parker, hopes to issue extra silver' dol-| lar's despite the mint's limited} capacity, Mr. Gordon said in re-| ply to Perry Ryan (L--Toronto| Spadina). | "There have been, to date, | Whitby's fluoridated water jared the advent. of. fluoride no incidence of adverse side} She accused the Healthand the trouble incurred with effects pertaining to fluoride. (League of using funds allocated! similar cases when vaccination, "I am against mass medica-|to them by the United Appeal to pasteurization and chlorination tion but the addition of fuloride| promote fluoride. were introduced as public to water is not mass medica-| "Fluoride changes the cellu-| health. measures: tion but preventive medicine, injjar structure of the teeth and| "It may not help too many 0' the same class as smail pox|hones. We hung people in Nurn-jus in this room, but the young vaccine, polio shots and the/burg for changing people's bod-|people will benefit and_ the pasteurization of milk. ies without their consent. lyoung people after them." "It is the dentists if anyone) who will be hurt by the addi-| 'eet ars, WHITBY PERSONAL Their business will fall off, and still they, the men who know, support it District Deputy James Smyth,|Fiiday, Nov. 15 at the former Dr. Hobbs was frequently Mrs. Smyth, Grand Knight/simpson and Sears Mail Order interrupted by catcalls and/Frank Canzi, Mrs. Canzi, Whit-l Office in Ajax. shonpi la jeers from the audience. |by, Grand Knight Anthony Mer-|, P a : s _ ae ringer, Mrs, Merringer, Oshawa/'rom 3 fi p.m. General con-| ee ies pie aiie attended he Lindsay dinner|vener Mrs. John Woods is as- e s ae , 5 re 1, " 4 7 7 , at or chemistry and Dioogy at the| "ance, eld Wotnesday, Nov, listed by Mrs, W. Green, Mrs, University of Toronto, advised ee ih XN Y |W. Brownell, Mrs. Ruth Cowie the forum, before beginning his|° : and Mrs. B, Dauncey. condemnation of © fluoridation,, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Brown M Sats, Diekicles Ghansar! that he was not representing/and daughter, Miss Linda, of cy en Veen oeerrert the university's department of|Brockville were weekend guests and family of Scarborough visit-| chemistry but was expressing/of Mr, and Mrs. William Lee ofjed last Sunday Mrs. Charles! his own opinions. 617 Green street. Mrs, Brown is|Spencer, Byron street south, (A letter from Dr. D. J. Le-|Mrs. Lee's sister, mother of Mr. Spencer, Roy, chairman of the Depatr-| Q A ment, was received giving the; St. Andrew's Presbyterian) Recent guests at the home of| assurance that the depar'ment|Church Two by Two Club are|Mrs. W. L, Smith, 610 Perry! was not presently testing the holding a "Family Night" this) street were Mrs. William Hearn,| substance.) evening Friday, Nov. 15 .with|sister of Mrs. Smith and Mis: Dr. Rae separated his argu-, Rev. W. J. S. McClure and Mrs.|Eva Hearn of New Liskeard. ments against fluoridat'on into| McClure and Mr, and Mrs. Car- the fields of science and poii-/™an Sarles in charge of the pro- ties: gram "Engineers do not agree that ; . Mr. Joe Oosterholt is cele- i f C ina can be added to|, ating his birthday today, Fri "Doctors do not agtee that day, ag 15, i A san wish fluoride has any benefit what 9 M@PPy Dirthday, soever after the child is eight' Ajax, Pickering and Whitby) years of age. Professional opin- Retarded Children's Association! jon is not unanimous. 'is holding its Fall Bazaar today, BROCK For this program -- One Complete wuHitsy - ° Show Each Evening at 7:30 "BEST PICTURE!" Winner of 10 Academy Awards! BEST BEST poston Art Direction (colar) s ne BEST BEST Sound pane" BEST BEST Seated Pitore 'on BEST = BEST (ooteg) Costume Design Cooler NATALIE WOOD, RUSS TAMBLYN, RICHARD BAYMER Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Starring ,.. ers money is being used to sup- |However Young can not be fault-| matter and I am aware that the|Said recruiting begins with the thoughts I have expressed are|Person who has never had a job by no means expedient and in before: : fact dangerous to one with poli-| 'It takes time to grow, a long tical aspirations. Never-the-less|time to come to a position of I have my conscience to liye;maturity, and the older we are) with, and to remain silent now ae a " 7.18 . ahd Sheet ly ved eetnatd nancy member of the Church of Christ. | Mr. Edward announced his in-| What we do every day, every| tention to run for Council sev- nies as we follow Christ is what : aah counts, hook weeks: en The best person possible for| the job is the person you shou!d)| be looking for to fulfil offices. There is no room for people to 4 serve anywhere except for the love of God and bring all we |have and are to His service." Mrs. M: G. McCarty express- jed the thanks of the group to Miss Luke. The meeting closed with the Benediction. Units 9 and 10 were tea nost- -- for the social hour at the Cluso. port an organization whose ex- treme views amount to bigotry "In the four years since I be- came a trustee not once has the organization been of real prac-' tical help, "Inevitably we have been re- ferred to the Trustees Council for 'the necessary answers "Therefore affiliation. to an- other Trustees Association would have the desired effect." Wright Works Dunnies For Georgetown Tilt By CLIFF GORDON |Bowmanville along with coach Bob Wright, newly appointed|Cherry against the St. Cath-| coach of the Whitby Dunlops of|arines team and both made im- the Metro Jr. "B" league held|pressive debuts. Reeson was his first workout with the play-|picked as the third star of the| ers last night at the Whitby;game and made several 'near; HOUSE OF WINDSOR I0DE arena impossible"' saves. | House of Windsor Chapter Wright was appointed coach} The Dunnies will not have a|IODE held its monthly meeting of the Dunnies on Wednesday|home game now until one week|Monday evening, Nov, 11 at the night by General manager Ivan|from tonight. On Monday night|/home of Mrs. Murray: Detlor. Davie: He succeeds Jim Cherry which is the Dunnies' regular; Regent Mrs. John Harvie who has been elevated to the|home night the team is sched-/opened the meeting with the coaching job of the Oshawa Gen-|uled to play in Schomberg.|prayer of the Order. All reports erals of the provincial Jr. "A'|Then, on Friday, Nov. 22, they|were read and approved. league. jwill play the same team right) During the business session, The Dunnies looked very Pack here in Whitby. This is the|Mrs. Harvie read a letter of sharp in practice last night, Only Monday night of the season| thanks received from Mr. Omer much sharper than they did in| that the Dunnies are not sched- Edgeley, Principal of Henry the game here on Monday night! led to play at home. _ |Street High School, regarding against the Weston Dodgers. woe CY et ier ee ee gd ot vee Fg cr a ae G |donation of a plaque to honor nonnathat ia crete) ail 85, thes, Invade the Genrgetown Ontario Seholarshit winners handle the team for tonight's| hick up fapices call: Gans snes An Vuner all ---- game ie Sooreeuyrs: bier ln are looking forward to getting) on xreenwood Sr. ae on an Sat the Something going. The Dunlops, Haran ak dyin auton. Alse on the other hand, after getting he will have a better chance to ros oe ae roads sel get acquainted with the players. | ----- erated ih sare Ian Young will again guard : the twine for the Dunne, He|. The Yukon Tenrritory's Mount played his first game in Whitby|!san is Canada's highest an One-Stop DECORATING D Rebekahs Plan .. Annual Dinner and jall, President, Sheila Gordon's mother, Mrs. E. R, White, ad- dres: Unity Club Past Noble Gnand|ing Kinettes for their kind in- 1 | Vitation. |Wednesday evening, Noy. 13 in/proud mothers are of |daughters' part in town and wel- fare activities. | | (Rebekah) held its meeting the IOOF committee room. lers opened the meeting with |for the bake sale to be held Fri-| anita Hampson's mother, Mrs.home of Kinette 'Anita - Rochelle. son, 344 Rosedale drive. The Kinettes entertained their|next meeting will be the Christ- others with skits, pantomines|mas party to be held Wednes- recitations much enjoyed by|day, Dec. 11. SCUGOG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Oily PHONE 668-434/ sed. the group briefly, thank- She mentioned how their At the close of an enjoyable President Mrs, Isabel "il the lodge prayer, She was assist- ed by Sister Kathleen Brough. Thirteen members were present. A short business session was presided by Sister Saunders. It was decided that the annual din- mer would be held Jan. 8 in the lodge hall committee room. All| members urged to attend this| annual dinner meeting; mem-} bers will exchange gifts. A new member, Mrs. Mary, Churchyard was initiated. The! meeting adjourned and card) games were enjoyed and re-) freshments served by Sisters Kathleen Meier and Kathleen) Brough. New Location of... NEAL'S BARBER SHOP 123 BROCK ST. NORTH © "WHITBY'S FINEST" @ FEATURING... @ FOUR EXPERT BARBERS ¢ MODERN EQUIPMENT ¢@ POPULAR PRICES Adults .. 1.25 ----- Children .. 75e¢ OPEN WEDNESDAY ALL DAY @ TV LOUNGE Clesed Mondey F colors on Monday night against mountain at 9,850 feet. the Dodgers in a losing cause. rere nent Old English Style FISH and CHIPS HOME DELIVERY © Wollpaper end Murals @ Custom Draperies © Broadioom end Rugs © C.1.L. Paints and Varnishes © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points ed for the loss as' he got little} or no protection at times from his mates. Young the was alternate | for pure 'plane comfort; convenience; too LY TCA Toronto to CLEVELAND $38 ECONOMY RETURN UP TO 5 FLIGHTS DAILY | Reeson made his debut | a goalie of the Oshawa Generals but manager Wren Blair of the Generals felt that the way Ray Reeson was playing in goal for the Dunnies he deserved a shot at the parent Oshawa club. | PHONE 668-9056 Southern Fried Chicken Terrace Restaurant 120 Brock St. N., Whitby Travel Plan DODD & SOUTER Phone 668-5862 Decor Centre 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Ask your Travel Agent about TCA's Group See your Travel Agent or call TCA 13° Bloor Street Wu TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES (@) AIR CANADA 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN PHONE 668-3304 22 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE PHONE 723-9441