THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 15, 1963 7, So hneemeeie Sefted. 32--Articles For Sole |CHILD'S dresser, POA gas op 220| Lloyd stroller, $103. Coed $4; Panel catiee a x Si", 4 car ar 'ire: $8. Telephone. 78-6808. 'Z29----Automobiles For Sale DEPENDABLE RECONDITIONED USED CARS AT WHOLESALE OR 'BELOW: 1963 DODGE CONVERTIBLE Automatic, 383 = engine, bucket seats, power steering, power brakes, sure grip rear end, radio, padded dash, whitewalls, discs, ond many other options. Regular $4,780 fae $3,600. 27--Real Estate For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale PRIVATE SALE -- Whitby, 1200 sq. ft.|1963 CHEVROLET Biscayne sedan, avto- wngalow, double garage, on 79 x 132 ft.|matic $2195. Telephone 725-6132 or 369 lot. Stone fireplace, storms, --. Drew Street. patio. Price $17,900. with $3500. Telephone 668-8052 or enquire Cochrane Street. ONE AND HALF-STOREY house |29--Automobiles For Sale 1962 tie kgs ond fas Air sedan, auto matic, extra power steer- ing, radio, white ate ete. nage hf condition. 728-1727, 1962 PONTIAC. Laurentian, two-door| fr hardtop, six-cylinder, automatic, radio, Price' $2,100, Call after 5 p.m., Brooklin 655-4476) v. 1963 IMPALA Chevrolet, two-door ha top, automatic transmission, radio, belts and other exras. Excepionally clean. Best cash offer. Telephone 728-0057. 1956 AUSTIN, 6 cylinder, sedan, low mile age, immaculate condition, winterized, snow fires. $375 or offer. 1558, 1955 EL ds sah standard, 6 cylinder, mechanically perfect. $125 full price. Apply 329 Oshawa Boulevard North. 1957 OLDSMOBILE Super 68, Beautiful sjear, automatic with radio, good rubber. $650. Private, 725-9366. 1963 PARISIENNE hardtop, buckel seats. console, five thousand miles. $3,285. 725-1732 after 4. 1958 CHEVROLET two-door, 6 cylinder. 27---Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale OWNER MOVING out of city. Must sell) MOBILE homes of all sizes, prices and this week. New home on Ravine lot over-|designs are red to you every day ing city. Three-bedroom, finished |in the Classified section. Turn to classi in basement. Apply 136 Labrador |fication 27 now. [FULLY EQUIPPED. Corner store with stock. Six-room living quarters, gg cd Full price $14,500. For quick sale. Stradeski, 725-6588, evenings "08-0423, /> W. Wilson, Realtor, |PRIVATE SALE, five-room bungalow) and garage, very good Caewene a Conant Street or telephone after 5 p.m., 25--Apartments ONE- TWO-bedroom pester . unfurnished. Apply ~ Si Street sere Apartment 'elephone 728-6418 or apartments, im WW r Drive. THREE-BEDROOM brick bungalow, near GM south plant, $12,600, carries for $89. monthly, principal interest and! faxes. Call 728-5222. $3,908, CASALL "AVENUE. Three- bedroom brick bungalow with paved 'Idrive, lovely landscaped lot, close to schools, $2,000. down. We regret prices on si this property were priced incorrectly ad-|KASSH: vertised. George Koornneef, 723-285 Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. SOLID BRICK older two-storey, tore) Keller Lakefield 652-7792. .-|room home. Beautiful architecture! Well) --~ planned garden. Four acres. Private) sale, Pickering 942-2703. MODERN, three-bedroom home, dining] room, four-piece bathroom with vanity,| Manor north- |west Oshawa, One mortg gage, asking |$17,000. Phone 728-6850 or or apply 833 Glen- brace 'Street. 'want wreccng. "Hi prices "paid, 2 Wentworth East. 1181. ce|WANTED: 1957 Ford two-door Rardiop, Must be in perfect cond ton. Private deal preferred. Call 105 95, bape Auto agg hard Auto Wreckers, 5 Neilson Street, want cars for wreck- H si Telephone 125-2162 or 723-4245, $ ALL CASH $ For clean cors or trucks we deol up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 31---Automobile Repair 308 1951 PONTIAC coach, biack, good motor, excellent tires, radio.. Needs bodywork, $75. or best offer. 723-7997.. Ini 1. es syo|1962 CHEVROLET Super Sport convert- ce, eS suchen Phas 'clean |ible, V8, automatic, power steering and house with plenty of garden area. Total brakes. Bargain at winter price. Tele- price $8500., small down McGill Phone 728-2683. Real Estate Broker, Oshawa 728-4285, | |1963 PONTIAC V8, four-door hardtop, day or night. two tone, power Jae --_ wen y Positraction, safe' s, radio, white- aaa ee, brandlamn. garage, fu it|walls. Full price $3,200. PO Box 477, Port price $12,000. down payment $2000. Call|Perry or phone evenings 98 985-2235, Don Stradeskl. D, W. Wilson, Realtor,|1956 METEOR Niagara, V-8, automatic, 725-6588, 728-8423. Now it. iradio, good body. Good running condi- OSHAWA BLVD. and King & tion, $350 or. best offer. three-bedroom, two-storey, ieraeulats condition, Ps do lovely district, private, garage, $900, m. Phone 725-2911, eve-!phone 728-9296. Ne Te: a 1957 VOLKSWAGEN,) complefely over- DIRECT FROM BUILDER -- brand new|nauled, new paint job. Will give guaran- absoluely complete home, Very desirable/tee. Price $560. Apply Zolton and Nick's area, Low down payment. Immediate|Fina Garage, 160 Simcoe South, 728-0051. dow at ONE-BEDROOM apartment, one mile east of city limits on Highway 2, $65. Working ~ gaan ferred. After 6 p.m. racer; camp cot, mirror. Phone 725-3276 atter S$ pam. "RIFLES -- Mesa hag | Winchester" matel ee pena pred m sions sc ak | char hardwood, le cord. ve 12 We 1 oF etter ay 2 eee Y hodoet Ploks fasase, »RITSON Re ROAD b SOUTH -- Three-room) eunturnished spariment, (core ntl fable couple, close to aoe and bus stop. ralechon 725-8785. posse ened i -- two-bedroom upper | th duplex. L living room and kitchen, oil heated. Private entrance, bath, laun- dry room, parking. 1. 725-3863. verses ALBERT STREET, 300 -- Unfu second floor apartment, semi-private en- trance, private bath. Apply above at rear entrance. THE DIPLOMAT New luxurious apartments. ; G6 LAKE -- furnished cottage,| 9./hydro, sand beach. Best offer over $3800. terms, Cottage lot, $1750. Telephone Mc- 728-0286. 1963 BUICK Le Sabre, two-door hardtop, completely equipped, ,plus extras. Tele- Northwest AREA Small frame bungolow, pav- ed drive, on large lot, close | | Conrtolled entrance, modern lobby, Air conditioned halls with broadloom. Laundry room W. FRANK to schools. $6,000 full price. $700 down, Toke over pay- month. Private 728-7162. BUILDING LOT, Brookiin, 300 ft. 'by 365 ft., level land, bargain with $500 down. 1962 MERCURY Monterey V-8, automatic, power equipped, push button radio, white- walls, discs, 17,000 miles, like new. Ask- ing $2,400 or nearest offer. Terms avail- 1963 DODGE "300" 4-DOOR automatic. Good condition. $850. Apply 24 Charles Street after 5 p.m. 1960 CHEVROLET, 4door, stic, re of The Trading Post Wate th and 4 end Shroot Week T2-16N. HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION occupancy. Phone 725-2911, evenings ments $60 sale. PHONE 725-6641 automati ne washers, wheel discs, backup lights lent condition. Phone 723-3942. VROLET 'ton pick up "eeu $00. After 6 p.m. '2lephone 728-018) 1962 CORVAIR, two-door, standard aie. mission, excellent condition, private $1650. Phone 725-1566 after § o'clock. 1959 DODGE sedan V-8, stick, $1,150. Will accept trade. Telephone any time after|32----Articles For Sale "mn. 7 i vial : swine | BEACH electric 4burner range, $25; 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian, sedan, excel- Easy washing machine, $15; new double| and lent condition, Telephone 728-7978, knit dress, size 18, loganberry; mouton umont hardiop, auto-|fur coat, full length, size 18, perfect con- 1968 ACADIAN. Resurmoent herdion, suber ai egret a forts $10; ToleDnOne '23-3767. 6 cylinder, automatic power brakes. etc. Regular $3,476. for $2,800. 1963 VALIANT CONVERTIBLE Option, engine fully equipped. Regulor $3,640. for $2,900. 1963 GALAXY 4-DOOR V-8, power equipped. on each floor. Apply 340 'Marland Apartment 111. or Phone 728-4283. PORT HOPE TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENTS Built in stove and oven, re- frigerator, balconies, drapes in living room, free use of washer and dryer. $90 MONTHLY TELEPHONE Pickering 942-2401 able. Owner forced to sell, trade accept- ed. Call 725-9940. Apply 1036 Street. 1957 CHEVROLET COACH $350 or Best Offer also ¥2 Ton Trailer Stee! Box, Steel Frame, 70 GLOVERS ROAD | McGill Real Estate Broker, Oshawa, 728-4285, VACANT, _four-room toilet and sink. Near Shopping Centre. Needs some repairs, $4,700. Telephone | Sunderland -- Piggylond for | 723-1989. = Sale. Approximate 94 acres |MAPLE GROVE -- Very close fo High- and a fabulous variety of wey, 2, Ne on: uenen With ; i ezeway and garage on big lot, whic buildings thereon | including |can be extended for VLA. House must be! about everything. Many bus- seen to be appreciated. Asking price iness possibilities, sales barn, $12,900 with $1500 down. Give us an commerical hog raising. Phone G. Blyleven, Realtor, iad run of sand and gravel sit For price etc n- oe 28--Real E Estate Wanted -- MARGARET BALLARD, | WANTED Office - Sunderland, Ont. 1% or 2 storey homes, cen PHONE 303 tral for genuine CASH buyer. "GUIDE REALTY | jenry Stinson 723-1133, oe 725-0243 723-1121 | DESIRABLE LOCATION Just off King St. E--I'% storey stone and frame fam- ily home with attached gar- age. 3 bedrooms, 2 extra large ond 4 pc. bath upstairs. Living room has _ natural stone fireplace, separate din- ing room, ample room to eat in kitchen and 2 pc. wash- room right at back door. This home is very attractive. with its pleasing landscaping and Kool Vent awnings in front. A very good value on today's morket ot $15,500 COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE Yet just minutes from the city. .6 room bungalow with attoched gorage located on Elizabeth Crescent. Cathedral ceiling in living room and din- ing room. Hollywood kitchen. 4 pc, tiled bath with vanity and 3 generous bedrooms. One of our salesmen will be glad to show you this distinc- tive property todoy FAMILY COMFORT For such a low price. 6 room 2 storey insul brick with basement and furnace. Gar- age. Located in. South East orea. Pricedyat only $6,900. REDUCED TO SELL 6 room stone front spfit level with attached garage 4 rooms on main level consist- ing of 18 x 16 ft. living room, family size dinirig room, a' large very modern kitchen ond bedroom os well as 4 pc. modern bath, 2 ex- tra size bedrooms on upper level. Owner is leaving the city to live in U.S.A. and is anxious to sell, Central loca- tion. ATTENTION HANDYMAN! ! Unfinished bungalow with at- tached garage locoted on Courtice Rd. North. Large lot. We have full details. | THINKING OF BUILDING We have 20 acres of level land on Thornton's Rd. North selling ot $1,000 per acre. Vendor will divide to smaller porcels. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Geneva Park--35 acres of land with 2 swimming pools, dance hall and all equipment. 3 bedroom home with base- ment gorage and in the best of repair on the property. A real money maker for a family endeavour or partnership, QUIET RESIDENTIAL | STREET Only $12,500 for this ottrac- tive 2 storey brick home, just a short distance from down- town. Contoins 3 spacious bedrooms with closets and one smaller bedroom upstairs Living room, dining room and spacious kitchen downstoirs An oil furnace, garage and low taxes make this o very good buy. IR compressor, new phone 723-2527. ¥ ACCORDION, gpa ad almost -- NeWe4 ee 120 bass, --_ bodes) on treble, ,, ree on wi case, Cal! evenings, 725-8575. : LiviNe ROOM, bedroom en suite, fridge, stove, on used only two months. machin Street North, Apt. Shen oF bore ibs BRIVATE: sale, "Aamiral TV 21~, | 21", radio" record player combination, like new, ° Furniture, dishes, appliances end: silvers' ware. 725-3621, TELEVISION tower ture, including ali channel srternes in stalled and guaranteed 10 years experience, $50. Tele ie 728-6781. REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177 Church Street, TEXACO PRODUCTS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 insul-brick house, | Bowmanville Two Bedroom bungalow on lorge lot meor Newcostle $8,500 - $1500 down VOLVO. SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728- 0921 are GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723- 4733 and 723- 7712 PRIVATE SALE. 1962 OLDSMOBILE Super 88, four door hardtop, two tone beige ond brown, fully powered, only 17,000 miles, $3,000. "PHONE 725-2906 DON'T LOOK AT THIS AD LOOK AT THESE CARS 1958 OLDSS 98 2-DOOR ¥ ginal black tires, automy power 'steering 3-way. power windows; radio. Full-Price $1. 195 1957 PLYMOUTH Sedan, sound and well kept. Full Price $495 1957 CHEVROLET 6 cylinder, standard trans- mission, wonderful condition throughout Full Price $795. 1957 PONTIAC 6 cylinder sedan, completely refinished in red and white, Real sharp car. Full Price $895 1956 FORD V-8 SEDAN Full Price $195. 1956 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. Good runner. Full Price $295 1955 MERCURY 2-DOOR, V-8, HARDTOP, Automatic ond radio. New paint. Full Price $495 ALL THESE CARS ARE FULLY WINTERIZED. WILL ACCEPT TRADE OR SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. 156 KING St. WEST, TELEPHONE 725-3557 Three bedroom home, Town- ship of Darlington and Bow- . manville Town Line. $8,000. $500.00 down Estate Sale, Three Bedroom house in Bowmoariville on Amne Street. Large lot Only $4,500. full price, Act fast on this one matic, power steering, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs. $1,900. Telephone Whitby, }-4807. EQUIPMENT from three-chair barber shop. Chairs, mirrors, cases, etc. Whitby 668-9036. After 6 p.m., 668-2583. SKATES, new and used, sold and ex- changed. Largest selection in town, Open evenings. Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond Eas}. 1958 METEOR convertible, automatic, radio, good condition. 1180 Simcoe Street North or telephone 728-0031. |1958 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, first class |condition, 35,000 miles, used as second jcar. Phone 725-3744, |1955 CHEVROLET, standard, rebuilt motor, good body. Plenty of miles left in this one. See and drive. 1180 Simcoe North or telephone 728-0031. 7 1963 FALCON 4-DOOR, big. 6, automatic fully equipped 1400 miles 295. 1962 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR Bel Air, 6 cylinder radio, low mileage. 2195. 1962 COMET tt neg clean, white, $1,595 1961 CHRYSLER 2-DOOR HARDTOP, power equipped. $1,995: 1960 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR, V-8, real sharp. 095. i I A cn ed TELEVISION, 21" Admiral, must int? working condition. Telephene 4 S-PIECE chrome kitchen set, $25) Quebee' heater, $7. Both in good condition, re " er ig-z re- verse stitcher In oy. gus bf ie 723-7617. Phone 723-3118, _____|WEDDING "dress, wallz length, size MOFFAT four-burner heavy duty range, |" 12. Original price $95. Will sell for om 4 |i987 PLYMOUTH Savoy, automatic, | used 6 eleven months, Call after 5.30 p.m.|Apply 573 King East. |radion one pathol aaee © me. 984. ia | FRIGIDAIRE refr imcoe Street or tele e/LLOYO b riage, converts to car | 728-0031 |bed, pag Mo diy chair, All ins. Tal Telephone 725-0126 after 4 p.m. |1957 PONTIAC sedan, good condition, n, cash| 9008 Condition, Ajax 942-3574, |GILBERT electric rein set, complete lor terms, $795. Apply 637 Stevenson 'Road/19s7 CHEVROLET c qanvertiole V8, auto-|With tracks, |North after 5 p.m. matic, radio, New top and Best|¢tc. "Telephone 705 $206, " |1960 CHEVROLET BeiAir two-tone ij offer. Telephone 725-0714, CHESTERFIELD cheir, j aise, back-up lights, radio" with ign 1955 MORRIS Minor, good paint, clean'bird cage and send, $107 sir's ble' wie: 8 |seat speaker, 31,000 miles, perfect run-|@F. $100 or best offer. Telephone 723-4147. /ter coat, size 10, Dial 655-3081. ning condition, After 5 p.m. call 728-3246 Lect Hf \or Maree still see it ee yourself at 166 fee en yd Slochronta: he ced pee f 'nse Keyitone' Capt Capri, \Central Park North. brushes, hoses. Guaranteed rebuilt ma-| movie sroaree turret lens. Perfetc condl- 2\4-TON 1955 Chevrolet _stake truck, A-1|chines. Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Service.| tion. 723-7706. condition, 7 x 14 platform with racks, Call anytime 728-0591. | $475 or best offer. Apply 448 Park Road) TELEVISION stone She erie ANTIQUE GUN | South, evenings. |plete, $25, Tel COMPLETE steel coal stat and electric janitor, be con verted to oil,' $10. ToKohene Tide. ANTIQUE wash stand, Fi wach cradie, spin» selling $12 each. 723-4213. eins wieely Wee an CLEARANCE of 1963 model baby car-|gin' Telephone PO ag waraMioes gli riages. Thistle, Lloyd, Gendron. All re-|~ tom cab, Flarside body, $450. Dial iced. for quick sale from $24. Wilson LIN' rifle, nearly new, 22, lever action, tubular magazine. ina ________.___|Furniture, 20 /Church Street. 1961 PONTIAC two-door, hardtop, big a lars with case 750 "gpande Call between 5 and 6 p.m., 723-9760. motor, standatd. transmission, positrac-|/BEODING/Bargains! Smooth top _mat- fion, many other extras, Call before 5.30|tTesses, $27; smooth top NEW rug, 6 fi dlemeter with 37 Tree" Italian broadioom, Piet $80. p.m. 728-4934, with headboards, $36; bunk beds, com- | Sere ea trea | with springfilled mattresses, $57; | 1963 "CHEVROLET Bel Air, tw0-door,|spring filled mattresses all sizes, $17. jeight- ri tang DR Sale st oe cine Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. Jing, radio. ve snow res, 'xcel CHRISTMAS trees, Scotch pine, pruned, Fea? ais, | Seth $295, Telephone] spproximately 3,000, all ready to go. | att sicesschalibia meee (Apply Tim's et a wg near Mosport. | 4a! |1960 CHEVROLET Bel Alr, ir, radio,| Telephone Orono 12 R 6. |whitewalls, two-tone cream and green, EDROOM suite, siece, ante In good}! l|undercoated, washers, etc. Perfect condi- dition. Tel 668-59. |tion.' 728-4367. ey | A900, sin Gviinder, bucket| TRADE-IN sewing and 1956 AUSTIN A90, six cylinder, bucket| eaners trom. $19 up. Singers, Filter seats, four-speed transmission, good con- Queens and others. Your Eina and Filter Weer AUSTIN heed Soa Queen Dealer, 329 Simcoe South, 728-2391. = '|\BABY CRIB with mattress, while and \Apply mY Bloor & 778). silver, orthopedic board; high chair, bive; | 1962 "GALAXIE, 6 ~"eylinder, 3 automatic,|steel ironing board. Dial 725-8784. radio, padded dash, excellent Per ger BUY and sell, good used furniture and Priced for sale. Dial 668-5489. appliances, One location only, Pretty's MEMBERSHIP how available to Gahawa, | 1928 . FORD body with '54 Buick motor|Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. hig district In "Ontario's most eropreces® |and frame. Good running condition. $85 TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupit food club". Red brand beef, wei jor best offer, 725-2468. names in frozen food, canned goods, cators, cheqvewriters, ant ee wn Budget terms. Daily delivery. ie ae |1964 FORD, 2door, fully equipped with|three hundred new and we 'lfreezers from $269. v oor full I |heater, radio, windshield washers, injsell, rent, service. Hamilton Ottioe equip phone Mr. Lewis, 723-1359, mtormation ment, 137 Brock South' Whitby. 'd re | good ¢ condition, $325. Telephone 723-4068. iMRINTORN oobles," SBI par" buahel"- ae, |1963° MERCURY Monterey four-door| WALLPAPER at 4 price, hundreds of ered. po cnt § Pine 4 | Loaded coer $700. down. See it at|patterns In ready-pasted and regular, pore ie i ms | Smith' $ Sports, 353 King Street West. Buy one roll, get one roll free. Edgar's wantin is ibid are BEY es }Paint and Wallpaper, 34 King West, Os! cabbage, per dozen. John" |1954 CHEVROLET Bel Air. Mechanical-| house ly sound, snow tires, clean Interior, $95, |°W2- rare te tier Ce Sea DN APP TEA hoo' Ce Pcl a $f Sherry orwe. : FIREPLACE wood, any lengths, from 12) inches to 4 foot. Phone 723-2315. PICK your own Spy apples, $1 fo $1 Whi Nice operating car. Whitby 666-5071. |1962 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, automatic, bushel, Base fine f irom TELEVISION 21" Viking console also 17" CA Victor console with phono jeck.|z2, "les west. Jow Makowehik ¢n # Whitby 668-8751 *26--Rooms For Rent "DEAN AVENUE -- Nicely furnished and quiet. Laundry and es. Telephone 726- "4597, FURNISHED bedroom, suit one or two| girls, close to South General Motors Telephone 725-3688. : ELGIN STREET EAST -- Comfortable room for two gentlemen. Close to North General Motors. After 6 p.m., telephone! *'778-4104, s BABY CRIB, in good' condition, Apply 134 134 Ritson Road South. RITSON ROAD SOUTH, 134 -- -- Large fur. nished room to share. Suit two gentle men. Apply address above. LARGE housekeeping room, continuous hot water, shower, parking, bus at door Suit one or two. Telephone 723-4401 COLBORNE STREET EAST, 57 -- Large} furnished room, main floor, close to} downtown and North General Motors.| Quiet gentieman preferred. Apply above address ue SINGLE ROOM for young gentleman, ab- stainer, in quiet home. Telephone 723-2875) TWO ROOMS, bedroom and kitchen. Suit couple. No children, please. Apply 141 Church Street. FURNISHED bedroom in Shift workers welcome. 725-3205. Sean NASSAU STREET, 82 -- Nicely furnish- ed room in private home, double bed, Private entrance, home privileges, $10.| weekly. 725-2198. WHITBY -- 406 Dundas Street West. onal large clean, comfortably furnished bed- _sitfing room. Private entrance, parking, kitchen, washing and bahtroom facilities included. Suitable for one. Call after 6) rhe ROS - ATTACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 27--Real Estate for Sale METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 _ OSHAWA BLYD. NORTH | Most attractive 7 room split level with built-in gerage, stone fireplace, home com- pletely decorated, sunken living room, family sized din- ing room, large breakfast nook. This is a choice loca- tion, close to schools,: serv- ices. Price $20,200.00 with $5,700.00 down. Balance on 1° N,H.A. Mortgage INVESTMENT PROPERTY Beautiful 12 suite apartment block, in choice north aréa. Building in excellent shape, with paved porking, stoves, fridges, etc. Call for more detail. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY | E. Ideal busi- ness location, suitable for most type of _ businesses. Zoned C 2 Shown by oppoint- ment only. DOWNSVIEW PARK Many new models are being erected in this' choice sub- division, some homes are ready for occupancy, other homes nearing completion. Let us discuss your home needs today. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Joe Maga Ken Hann Jock Osborne Bob.Johnston Dick Barriage WHITBY CLASSIFIED DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a _ Specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. PRIVATE tuition by yraduate of "he Uni- versity of London, England in Latin, En-| glish. Soecial arr for aduits. Telephone 06A-3R6A. " SEPTIC tanks cleaned, p prompt service on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chesnut Street West, Whitby. 668-2563. $ ROOM and board in good home for ) young man. Lunches packed, laundry. Reason- able. Table tennis available. 655-4996 HOUSE wanted, will pay up to $30,000 cash. Reasonably priced. Well kept, older home preferred. Dial 668-5849 WOMAN will care for one child of three| or four while mother works. Telephone! 668-8569 FOR SALE -- Used TV's, $39.00 UP. ~ Chrome kitchen sets, unpainted fyrni- ture. Buy, sell or trade. What have/you? Gooid's Used Furniture, 215 Dundas Street East University of London, "England, | in Latin, English, mathematics. Special arrange- "ments for adults. Telephone 668-3866. CHRISTMAS. SHOPPERS! Now is the time to order your CCM bicycles .and p skates. Sports accessories. At Wilson's Cycle and Sales, 106 Colborne Street East, Whitby. Phone 668-3746. Use our con- venient lay-away plan. FOR RENT Two-room apartment. Completely furnished. Private entrance Carl Olsen, Realtor 299 King St. W., Oshawa | LISTINGS URGENTLY REQUIRED CALL Wilson Realtor 26% King St. E. 725-6588 29--Automobiles For Sale Queen Street Bowmanville. Lorge square brick home in excellent condition. Must be sold at once. $17,000.00, Terms Call 623-3393 After 9 P.M. Pot Yeo 623-3077 Joe Barnoski 2202 Clarke Jack Ricard 623-3154 = erator, erena Tap freezer, $75; 22" National electric range,' wt eo ~ $15 after 6 p.m. 723-1878. > '> Oshawa's Largest Firm Stoff of Fourteen (14) BOLAHOOD BROTHERS JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LLOYD A. P. BOLAHOOD F.R.| List With Us Then Call Your Mover "HAVE TO SELL" "MAKE AN OFFER" Split Level. 3 bedrooms. Re- creation room. N.H.A. mort- Payments are only per month. Call Mr Bill Johnston at 728-5123 or 728-1066 LOT $2200 LOT Pollard sub-division ed lot. 150 x 250. See this excellent oreo. Coll Mr. Charles Rankine ot 728-5122. CLOSE TO KING ST. EAST 2 yrs. old ranch, brick bun- galow with attached breeze- way and gorage. 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, modern both, fin- ished basement. Landscaped Many extra features. Asking $16,500. with $2,000 down. Call' Mr. Jock Appleby ot 728-5123 or 723-3398. BEAUTY SALON DOWN $500 DOWN Fully equipped, with modern equipment ,5 dryers, located in a shopping plaza in Osh- awa. Contoct Mr. 'Bill' Horner at 728-5123 or 728- 2236 WANTED Telephone Oshawa 725-8183, PARTY dresses, » green 14, mauve 16, chif- fon over taffeta. Regular $30 dresses,| -- Seaway Motors LIMITED 200 Dundas W. Whitby 668-5893 1957 MERCURY 2 DOOR HARDTOP. Smart tritone finish with automatic transmission and radio $795. 1960 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR HARDTOP Origine! blue finish. One owner local new car trade in $1695. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE SEDAN. Equipped with radio and in A-1 condi- "a $995. 1963. GALAXIE 500 TUDOR' HARDTOP. 5000 original miles. Finished in Corinthian white with con- trasting interior. Equipped with gutomatic transmission, radio, white wails and discs. $2,895. 1957 DODGE TWO DOOR SEDAN. Equip- ped with push button auto- matic transmission and fin- ished in original Maroon. One $595. 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA FORDOR © HARD- TOP. Equipped with automa- tic, radio, power brakes, pow- er steering, washers, white walls, discs, Immaculate one oi $2,595. 1957 FORD STATION WAGON, Equipped with automatic transmission and radio. Snappy V8 engine. A-1 condition $895. 1959 METEOR SEDAN. DELIVERY. Equipped with V8 engine. Excellent utility vehicle. $895. A Full Line of Low Mileage Fully Guaranteed 1963 Demonstrators No down payment to quali- fied applicant. Up to 36 months to pay 1961 AUSTIN 850, original owner. Good condition, $495. After 5 evenings, 725-2107 |1959 MONARCH hardiop $1000 or best offer. Telephone Whitby 668-5249. |1957 MERCURY half-ton 6-cyclinder, cus- 1959 DODGE CUSTOM ROYAL 4-DOOR, low mileage, clean. 1095 mat- bed: adult home. | Telephone 1960 AUSTIN SPRITE Check It Over. $695. 1960 VALIANT STATION WAGON 4-DOOR outstanding. 1935. 1959 RENAULT 4-DOOR SEDAN Clean in and out. $395. TWO YOUTH beds -- nak * tresses, $15. each or best [Fg Friday after $ p.m. or 'gator: " e 2 DIAMOND W Wapoite and 4, cocsenet 25. tales, bite glass torn oe Telephone © pcecraic TRAIN set. Three Wings lights, switch-board opersted, bridges. Completely set-up. Cost '. $450. Asking $150. After 6 p.m. 406 om das Street West, Whitby. 33--Market Basket i _ ae ew 4 %e ten } Approv- 1959 D.K.W. STATION WAGON Low mileage. One owner. $495. 1959 OPEL | $495. 1959 VOLKSWAGEN anniv tow irvar sain amor anest arin: New nv equipped with winch. New r lew paint. Motor $525, Phone Bowmanville 623-3231, motor. 1958 PONTIAC 1951 si tube $75. or r best offer. 2-door. 6 cylinder. Sharp. 895. After 5 p.m. 723-2580. STOVE, Gurney 30 Inch, refrigerator, Frigidaire, small size, Thor washer and kitchen suite. Telephone after 5 Whitby 668-5201. PIANOS Williams, also Newoomb, upright. Idéal for recreation room Clubhouse. 728-0215. 2 ie ft. Blue Ribbon freezer, $195. Must be to be appreciated. Apply Rosedale Drive, Whitby. MAN'S used top coat, two suits, Pedy ten Senate, size 38 to 39. A+) tion, '728-4779, LOWREY organs, new and free trial. Alto Music Supplies, "so "sine South. 725-1501, -|CHILD'S crib and mattress, 30 x 54, In good condition. Telephone 725-5158 WALNUT coffee table and two end tables, beautifully home made. Brand new, $20 T 728-7037, pasate apples, ri offer. $1.50 pe by Pg anywhere Phone. 725. | 1962 POnTIAE-- 'Strato-Chief, _ two-door, |six cylinder, standard shift, radio, white- walls, 22,000 miles, $2,000, Telephone | 728-4069. Be } PONTIAC Laurentian V8, 4door sedan, automatic, radio, henson |washers, low mileage. | tion, Phone 723-3246 after six. |1948 CHEVROLET | pick u up truck. Good | Condition, Telephone 725-5028. |1969 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent condition, radio, 4,000 miles. Must sel jaccepted, 723-4313; after [1962 DODGE Dart autom "¢ }- tion, $1,635. Apply 215 Phyllis 'avenue, | Scarboro, | 1957 PLYMOUTH, 'V4, push button, 'auto- |matic tr radio, |washers, seat covers, extra wheels with snow fires, new paint, no rust. $42 month, no down payment to approved credit. jaa sale. Evening: 668-0042 |1954 CHEVROLET pic ay WINTER potatoe Tor ale FW Fes 'own corte or at mine, Telephone Wnitby val | WINTER potatoes or tale, store Ta your's lome or al Tel 50. mine, lephone wnitby. =a 1958 FORD FAIRLANE 4-DOOR, V-8, $650. 1958 DODGE 4-DOOR, V-8, Sharp $595. 1958 MERCURY 2-DOOR, HARDTOP, spotless $795. APPLES, Mcintosh, $2 "|down, in your own cntinan: ir dyke, 401 Highway and Thickson Road. 34--Lost and Found BOG, Miniature Poodle, black, "Glee, ad 41 ares, Reward. Call Ajax 942-6068 anytime, Toronto HUdson 1-1661 staieiacad 421-1500 local §5, days. LOST: Cardboard carton of auto ia early Saturday morting, on east iene ef 401 iaiway , panwcser Oshawe and Bow- manville. finder please contact Mr. Murdock at ¥25-1123, Sure " tal $12,500 JUST LISTED Attractive 5 room: brick bungalow with paved drive, fenced lot, 80' x 100', nice- ly landscaped, out door bar- b-que, Must be sold. Be the first to inspect and make' on offer. Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo ot 728-5123 $1,000 DOWN $1,000 $12,900 FULL PRICE 3 'bedroom clay brick bun- golow, all aluminum storms and screens, newly decorated, landscaped. Owner hos pur- chased another Home and is very anxious to sell --- make on offer now on this best semi-detached home that we have had to offer for sale Owner' sacrifice is your gain Cail Mr. Ed Drumm at 728- 5123 or 725-9345, TRI-SPLIT CLEAR SPRING DRIVE 7 rooms -- 2 baths -- -low taxes, Lot 120 x 190 restrict- ed oreo. | year old. Priced for below cost. 'Ali large rooms. Make an offer. See Mr. Jimmy Love. Phone 728- 5123, DO AS OTHERS . CALL THE BROTHERS BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED | 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening SEVEN-piece dining room suite, walnut, $50. Telephone 725-8579. HEAVY duty range, $30; 303 deer rifle, $30. Both in excellent condition, Tele- Phone 728-6341. CHESTERFIELD bed $20; double bed out- fit, $10; heavy-duty range, $15; rangette chesterfield chairs $7. 728-2798. N, Scandali, 120 bass, $225 or fully: bar offer. Rangette, electric, $18. Sales- 725-|man's briefcase, brown cowhide $5. Cro- chet work, doilies, pot holders, one-piece chesterfi set, good condition. Must be smn to appreciated. Telephone 728- 5047. BUYING or selling furniture or appil- ances. Call Emer, Hampton 263-2294 or 263-2695. HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appliances. Name brands at biggest discounts any- where. We carry Restonic and Beverly mattress furniture fines. Your authorized GE dealer. Contact Honest. Cal's on 424 Street West, our new home formerly Avalon Dance Hall. Telephone 728-9191. MORTAR MIXER For Commercial Use Almost New $300. Telephone after 6 p.m. Whitby 668-3045 What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture and appliances, For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture "728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. 5000 SCOTCH PINES CHRISTMAS: TREES Trimmed cut ond delivered. Orders taken now. PHONE 725-3476 Join The Line-Up For The Best Used Apetignets WAYNE? S Used Televisions Used Washers Used Refrigerators Used Ranges 1957 BUICK 2-DOOR HARDTOP, 2-tone. Smart. $595 peg -- Black zipper ed C. N. R. Vieinity whith T Dundas Street. Pldese oy om Reward. 36--Legal up, 4speed trans- mission. Good condition. Cheap for cash. Apply 170 Alma Street after 5 p.m. | 1952 CHEVROLET, half ton pick up. Best joffer. After 6 p.m, call 728-2685, lia CORVAIR "Monza" sedan, i r T King . Street 1957 M.G.A., HARDTOP $595. 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR, 28,000 miles. $550. 1957 DODGE 2-DOOR as is. $125. 1956 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR, power equipped, perfect. $595. 7634. 1951 MERCURY 4door, good transporta- \tion. No reasonable offer refused. Tele | phone 723-9945, |1962 PONTIAC. Laurentian adoor, auto: matic, power steering. radio, wheel discs, back-up fights, perfect condition, low jmileage. Telephone 7 728-8348. 1950 PLYMOUTH. in ¢ good condition. Radio, snow tires, Starts good, $75.00. }Whitby 668-5071. |1986 BWICK hardtop, automatic | Exceptional Condition throughout. |rost. Slim white walls, Radio, 668-3889. KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Bars bought and sold Leins paid off Trade up or down Always top quality. ~~ SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.---OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL: 725-6553 14 Albert St. 80--Automobiles Wanted 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted!" jan. No CITY OF OSHAWA TENDERS for Vehicle Storage Garage Your authorized dealer for Ford's Fomily, of Fine Pro- ducts, Seaway Motors LIMITED 200 Dundas, W. Whitby 668-5893 for full particulars call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Jean Peacock Roy Flintoff Lloyd Corson irene Brown Steve Englert Steve Zurbo Lucas Peacock Dick Young Leon Manitius Tony Siblock GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. 5. "Your Gide To Better Living" SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 Over A Quorter Ceniiizy Of Rehable Service BROCK ST. E.--8 room brick 2 storey home located close to downtown and St. Gregory's Church. 4 bedrooms on 2nd floor ~--2 washrooms, 2 pe. on main floor and 3 pe. on 2nd floor -price of $11,500 includes netural fireploce, venetion blinds, T.V. Aerial, etc. Hurry on this one. GARRARD ROAD--Dream sp!it-level at wide awake price! Attractive extra lorge garden sets house off to great advantage It is near schools and on paved rood and can .be yours. Coll us, then see how it motches your own dream home COMPLETE PRIVACY will be yours this lovely bungalow located in the Ansley Development. Extras include 2 fireplaces, broadioom throughout the 21 x 17 'living room, large completed Rec. Room with walk-out basement to a very privote patio Lot size 62 x 140. A real good buy in.a well built home in a prestige orea. Give us o call todoy. Open 9 to 9--Sot. 1956 FORD 2-DOOR custom line real nice, | $375.. | 1956 BUICK SUPER 4-DOOR SEDAN $395. 1956 PLYMOUTH tract hia, 63-18" will be re- ceived until 12:00 Noon, (E.S.T.) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1963 for the construction of a 3 bay Vehicle Storage Gorage ot ~ City Yard, Ritson Road South. 1955 CADILLAC 2 DOOR HARDTOP power equipped, real sharp. Plons and specifications may be obtained after noon, November 18th, at 'the office of the undersigned, upon deposit of a certified cheque in the omount of $25.00. : Lowest or ony 1955 AUSTIN 4-DOOR SEDAN\, $295. 1955 OLDSMOBILE 4-DOOR SEDAN $275. 1954 FORD 4-DOOR, V-8 sharp. A Number Of Other Good Cors Available. EASY BANK RATE TERMS tender not WANT TO GET BEHIND A NEW WHEEL? GET YOUR CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED XXX Xxx x x x aad XXXX Xxx x x ee es ee XX Xxx Xxxk in 4 Floor of City Hall, at 2:00 P.M. Friday November 1963. xx x xx a x XXXx xX ae XXXX x x LOAN ' F. E. Crome, P. Eng., City xx x Xx x x x x XXX x x x x x x x x x , 9 to 5. , and a bath. Ground floor. Cen- tral. - 668-343: FOR SALE -- Easy Spin-dry washer, in BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 MARGARET HALL 723-1358 PAULINE BEAL 725-0239 goed working condition, $25. cash. Phone 668-3153. Tele- 360 King St. W. CHARLES CHAYTOR 723-7996 STEVE MACKO 728-5868 REG. AKER 725-0201 Free Parking THE BANK OF: NOVA SCOTIA Smith's Sports | 353 KING WEST Talk 'Cash' to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS PHONE: 728-7341 |! 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | Wayne Appliances 4 SIMCOE ST. NORTH TELEPHONE 723-1411 ' (Continued on Page 18)