27--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA: TIMES, Thursday, November 14, 1963 2] ONE AND HALF-STOREY house in Brooklin, on 222 ff. by 365 ft. lot, two bedrooms, modern kitchen, nice clean house with plenty of garden area. Total price $8500., small down payment. McGill Real Estate Broker, Oshawa 728-4285, day or night. PRIVATE SALE -- 2-storey, 3 bedrooms, central, new oll furnace, garage, clean, vacant, $900 down or offer. Telephone 725-2911, evenings 728-7162. KASSHABOG LAKE -- furnished cottage, hydro, sand beach. Best offer over $3800. terms, Cottage lot, $1750: Telephone Mc- Kellar, Lakefield 652-7792. OSHAWA BLVD. and King East area, three-bedroom, two-storey, immaculate | condition, garage, lovely district, private, garage, $900. down, Phone 725-2911, eve \nings 728-7162. DIRECT FROM BUILDER -- brand new absoluely complete home. Very desirable area. Low down payment. Immediate} 27--Real Estate For Sale BEAUTIFUL large lot, 150 x 361 ft. Which may be divided Into two 75-ft. lots, lake frontage in the city. ideal spot for year round living. Asking price $4,800. with terms, Ike Perry, 725-0303, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, Lah 7377, $8,500 BROOKLING Comfortable older home with beautiful large lot, very centrally located, all conven- iences. Owner moving from Brooklin. Open to. good of- fer. Terms WHITBY BUNGALOW Centrally located with large landscaped lot, 3 bedrooms, dinette. finished recreation room with natural fireplace, 27--Real Estate For Sale RANCH BUNGALOW in spotless condi- ton, three nice bedrooms and family size s|kitchen, close to public and high schools. |27--Real Estate for Sale four-room --insul-brick eee Near Shopping @entr: $4,700 * elephone 25--Apartments 127--Real Estate For Sale WEWLY decorated three-room apart-/ PRIVATE oe five-room bungalow: VACANT, ment, ol) heated, ground floor, self con-jand garage. condition, 211/tollet and sink tained, retrigerator and range. larg e|Conant Street fe foot after 5 p.m.,|Needs some repairs, | Asking $12,500. with moderate down pay- patio, Parking. Telephone 723-4345. 728-6064, |723-1989, ey ______|ment. 5% per cent NHA mortgage. For ONE- AND TWO-bedroom "apartments, city. Must sell| ATTRACTIVE 1storey brick home, hot| appointment to see, call Ossie Martin, nto or unturnished. Apply 498 Sim- OWNER MOVING cut of cy lot over-|water. heating, broadioom, garage. F u ||| 728-7377, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. con Street, North, Apartment No. '.liooking city. Three-bedroom, finished price $12,000. down payment $2000. Call/€LOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE, lovely Telephone 726-4418 or 723-9358. room in basement, Apply 136 Labrador/Don Stradeski. D. W. Wilson, Realtor,|iarge home featuring two kitchens, four GROOKLIN- "one-bedroom | Drive. 725-6588, evenings 728-8423, Now vacant. |pedrooms, finished recreation room and iment in mew home. $75. garage. Asking $13,950. with substantial THREE FULLY EQUIPPED, Corner store with | garas payment. Shown by appointment |near GM south plant, $12,600, carries for stock. Six-room living quarters, garage. |only. Call Mr. Arthur Weinberger, 723- Caren = ~~ | $89, monthly, principal Interest and full. tea pia For quitk "ae a2 | |7244 or 728-7377, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. LMA ih = large three-room| xe: 28: tradeski 6588, evenings ciecucermeainn as hg he peat = vain =~ D: W. Wilson, Realtor, |PRIVATE SALE -- = Whitby, 1200 sq. ft. $13,200, LASALLE 'AVENUE. ~. Three- apartment, Suit middle-aged or business biti room _j bungalow, double garage, on 79 x 132 ff. nonri 63 . = fi bre brick Gunoaiow. with paved) lot. Stone fireplace, storms, screens, bed-|trive, lovely landscaped lot, close to W FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 29--Automobiles For Sale DEPENDABLE 29--Automobiles For Sal: 1951 PONTIAC coach, black, good moto excellent tires, radio. Needs bodywor' 19-----Automobiles For Sele 156 AUSTIN, 6 cylinder, sedan, low mile Je, immaculate ized, $75. or best offer. 723- sow tires. $375 or offer. 728-0558. ' jaa CVRSUNT standard, 6 1953 PONTIAC, mechanically very 900: | \echanicaliy . Q RECONDITIONED Good tires, $95, Phone 725-8132 or appi:| perfect. $125 full price. USED CARS 369 Drew Street. pply 329 Oshawa Boulevard North. : on GLOW regt anna Solmine ake | Stamey. oe ter Pric 52,100. Call after 5 p.m., Brooklin 655-447 | 963 1 PARISIENNE ag Beg seats, 1963 DODGE iss) IMPALA Chevrolet, Ricé-seeves garry miles. 92008.' CONVERTIBLE top, automatic transmission, radio, belts Automatic, 383 = engine, i988 CHEVROLET twodoor, 6 cylinder, and other eéxras. Excepionally clean. bucket 'shots, power etearing. Best cash offer. Telephone 728-0057. Chertes Sireet cancion $450, Apply 24 power brakes, sure grip rear Silesia ev KO). USED CARS eerie ~ furnished monthly, heat and hydro included, T after! NORTH OSHAWA -- modern fwo - |patio. Price $17,900. with $3500. down. room apartment in' apartment building.| schools, $2,000. down. We regret prices on| Telephone 668-8052 or enquire at 325 stove, refrigerator, laundry facilities.|this property were priced incorrectly ad-) Cochrane Street. lockers and. paved parking. Telephone! vertised. George Koornneef, 723-2859 728-3377 | Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377 TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, cen-|SOLID BRICK older two-storey, trally located. TV outlet, MODERN, three-bedroom home, dining| room, four-piece bathroom with vanity, Manor Di One radio, washers, wheel discs, 18 whitewalls, discs, ond mony etc. Excellent condition. nag A ten- Well north- asking other options. west Oshawa. mortgage, parking. Tele-!room home. Beautiful architecture! phone 725-7279. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, one mile)5 east of city limits on Highway 2, ona | Working couple preferred. After 6 p.m., call 728-3702 RITSON. ROAD SOUTH -- ~Three-room unfurnished apartment, private bath, suitable couple, close to an A. and P. Store and bus stop. Telephone 725-8785. TWO or three-room furnished apartment All conveniences, near South General Motors. Couple preferred Apply 268 Malaga Road THE DIPLOMAT New 'luxurious apartments. Conrtolled entrance, modern : lobby. Air conditioned halls with broadioom. Laundry room on each floor. Apply 340 Marland Apartment 111. or Phone 728-4283 PORT HOPE TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENTS Built in stove and oven, re- frigerator, balconies, dropes in liying room, free use of washer ond dryer. $90 MONTHLY TELEPHONE Pickering 942-2401 | Whitby 668-8751 26--Rooms For Rent FURNISHED ROOM, kitchen privileges and laundry facilities. Telephone after 6 p.m. 723-1878. se DEAN AVENUE -- Nicely furnished room, clean and quiet. Laundry and kitchen facilities Telephone 728- "4597 FURNISHED bedroom, suit one or two girls, close to South Genera! ~ Motors. Telephone 125. 3688. ROOM or room and board "for gentle- man, parking space. Apply 410 King Street East ELGIN STREET EAST -- Comfortable room for two gentlemen. Close to North General Motors. After 6 p.m., telephone 728-4104. rs NEWLY DECORATED furnished room with or without light housekeeping, clean, quiet and central, near hospital. Tele- phone 728-5984. BABY CRIB, in good condition, Apply 134 Ritson Road South RITSON ROAD SOUTH, 134 -- Large fur- nished room to share. Suit two gentle men. Apply address above. ARTHUR STREET, 292 -- Furnished bed- room, for -- gentleman, location, Breakfast optional. Telephone 725-1036. ATTACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 27--Real Estate for Sale METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 ~ $15. $1,000 DOWN This is the lost one. New 3 bedroom home just a block off King Street E. neor Hor- mony Road. Immediate - pos- session DOWNSVIEW PARK Electrically heated homes by Blok Construction, 10 homes now under construction with 7 models to choose from, complete with walk-out base- ments, attached garages, car- ports, lots completely sodded, electric lamp post, storms and screens, storm doors, N.H.A. Mortgages in the finest sub- division in Oshawa JUST A LITTLE FURTHER | Out of the heart of the city, we meon to say. Spacious three bedroom bungalow with large hollywood kitchen with plenty of cupboards. Listed at $13,500.00 with $1,800 down. STOP - LOOK - LISTEN We have 'sold so many homes this yeor and have so many satisfied customers, if you are thinking of buying ao home or have one to sell why don't you give us o call. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE. Dial 728-4678 Dick Barricge_ Joe Maga Ken Hanr Jack Osborne Bob. Johnston WHITBY CLASSIFIED DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. PRIVATE tuition by yraduate of "he Uni- versity pf London, England in Letin, En- glish, mathematics. Soec'al arrangements for adults. Telephone 6A 5864, SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chesnut Street) West, Whitby 668-2563. FOR SALE -- Former "henhouse, , eighteen| feet x eleven-six; two-storey Dar nA) twelve feet by twenty feet. Brock North, Whitby. 668-2083 ROOM and board in good home for young man. Lunches packed, laundry. Reason-| able. Table tennis available. 655-4996) ---- ------ | FOR RENT -- small. four-room apart. ment, centrally located. Appl) W. J Mowat, 668-2601. $65 monthly. HOUSEKEEPER to live in, middie-aged. Light duties, roundings, adult family. Liberal time off. Good home for right person. Call Mrs./ Hughes, 668-3061 HOUSE wanted, will pay up to $30,000 cash. Reasonably priced. Well kept, seed | home preteryéd. Dial (668-5849 WOMAN will care for one child of three! or four while mother works. Telephone! 668-8569 FOR SALE -- Used TV's, $39.00 up. Chrome kitchen sets, unpainted furni- ture. Buy; sell or trade. What have you? Geold's Used Furniture, 215 Dundes Street East University of London, England, in Latin, English, mathematics. Special. arrange ments for adults, Telephone 668-3866. | , preferably pleasant sur- planned garden Four acres. Pickering: '942-2703 |; CLAREMONT AREA $1700 down buys this quaint 3 bedroom bunga- low. 1 2 years old N.H.A. mortgage. Located 4 miles north of Claremont on Brock Rd..All storms and screens.. All convenien- ces. Situated on a nice | large lot. Excellent condi- tion inside and out. Own- er sacrifice. Asking $11,- 900. Call Peter Walley, AXminster 3-2071- or 640-2082 Stouffville. THOS. N. SHEA LTD. REALTOR 'J. J. VAN HERWERDEN, REALTOR Private 177 Church Street, Bowmanville "Valuable Commercial Corner Building in Town of Bow- manville. Two large stores, two. apartments on King Street East. $30,000. Terms. Commercial Building on King St. W., Bowmanville. Priced for quick sole at $10,000. --$2,500 down. Store on large lot on Albert Street, Oshawa, included are walk-in refrigerator, counters etc. Only $14,000 -- $2,000 down. Will trade on house or orm f Call 623-3393, After 9 p.m-- Jack Ricard Pot Yeo Joe Barnoski 623-3154 623-3077 2202 Clarke 741 King Street East, Oshawa, Telephone 723-4471 10 Acre. lots, excellent garden Oshawa. Road frontage 900 and 600 feet on wide! highway near Exceptional oppor- soil, tunity to build up your own business. Asking $4000. with terms 10 Acre Lots with wondertul trout stream, sOme nice bush, pork-like property. Close to Oshawo. $550 an acre, with terms. This 200 acre form must be sold barns with water and hydro, 8 room house with bathroom and hot water tank low down able, well, price only $12,500 with Good soil, 135 acres work- pig-pens for 100 pigs. Drill Asking payment. Located near Belleville. Willing to trade for house or other property in the Oshowa district WE URGENTLY OPEN NEED LISTINGS HOUSE LIBERTY GARDENS BOWMANVILLE PRESTIGE BUNGALOWS AND SPLIT-LEVELS WITH GARAGES -- CARPORTS -- PREPAID. SERVICES -- STORMS AND SCREENS -- CLAY BRICK -- CLOSE TO SCHOOLS. OPEN 2 P.M. TO5 P.M. DAILY Go North on Liberty Street. Only fifteen minutes from Oshawa. KEITH PETERS REALTOR 728-7328 103 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA ~ SCHOFIELD- AKER 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century of Reliable Service 6 YEAR OLD--S5 room rug brick bungalow, Extra large kit- chen with double stainless steel sink, beautiful recreation room with built-in Bar. Paved driveway. Close to public and high schools. Won't last long. Call to-day 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW Seporate, and High Schools natural broadioom, built-in china cabinet in dining area Open to offers Public, degorated. Price includes creation Room with Bor. to sell IMMEDIATE POSSESSION may be ultra modern 6 room ranch bungalow with 2 car garage, living room, Hollywood kitchen, vanity, down payment 4 pc. bath complete with etc. Location Beou Valley, N.H.A, mortgage WHAT A BEAUTY! Whitby. Some home in class apart. istically landscaped without regard for cost This may bé what you've waited for sands below cost. by appointment. Open $ to 9 Reg. Aker 725-0201 Charles Chaytor 723-7996 Steve Macko 728-5868 360 King St. W Located in select revolutionary features place this 2-3 bedroom Split level with a difference or two. Art- located in East End close to Completely landscaped and fireplace. in living room, Finished Re- Vendor very anxious on this brand new 20' 3 extra good size bedrooms, colored fixtures, tiled walls, $5200.00 balance obtained part of Henry Street, Offered at thou- View Sat. 9 to5 Bill McFeeters Margaret Hall 723-1358 Pauline Beal 725-0239 Free Parking KET PETERS REALTOR -- 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST BROADLOOM Two storey brick with finished attic extra washroom in basement four large well de€orated bedrooms, and dining room, ond garage, broadioom in living room private drive new forced air oi! heating. Phone Bill Rotcliffe 655-3917. « BOWMANVILLE Brick and stone bungalow with attached garage, inside immaculate with three bed- rooms. Outside large lot is beautiful St. This is worth seeing, 623-3637 for a look on Frederick Call Ronald Hetherington INCOME HOME Close to North Genero! Motors, with boorders, modern kitchen, would also make a good apartment house, try an offer. For more infarmation contact Joe Crawford 623-3672. COLUMBUS 67 acres--this farm is five minutes from Oshawa, situated right in the village and oy > zoned residential speculative property for a builder or subdivider. This' is very good Call Earle Allen ot 725-7782 for more Information. $14,900 -- 1 ACRE Full price just west of shopping centre, 5 year old ronch bun- galow. with double garage, 3 bedrooms, living room and kitchen, forced air with oil furnace, ment, Tool shed, vines. Large lot 75 x 665 ft ELGIN ST BRAND NEW--3 bedrooms, rooms, pierson type windows, pina ond bus. 728-7328 rec room plus extra room in base- some raspberry, Call Robert Johnson 728-2548. -- 2 STOREY hardwood and tile floors, storms and paid ser.ices, mahogany trim in kitchen, close to schools, strawberry plants, and grape 2 bath- some screens, pre- shop: ATTENTION HUNTERS AND SPECULATORS THIS IS A BARGAIN--78 acres with flowing fresh water spring which never cedar bush, 8 hour's. drive Moke an offer. Call 725-4162. freezes, 36 room -house acres requires a few repairs, Asking $4,900.00 with low, workable, balance good about | low down poyment. | Includes built-in $17,000. Phone 728-6850 or apply 833 Glen- brae Street. BUNGALOWS FOR SALE WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION BRAND NEW AND WAITING FOR YOU ranges exhaust hood, all interior | decorated, clay brick with stone fronts $1169 down to one N.H.A. mortgage DON'T DELAY SEE THEM TODAY. Opposite the Shopping Centre 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Limited LISTED FOR $11,900 WITH $1,000 DOWN 7 room home in tip top shape, paved drive, garage, decor- ated recently, new heating system. Priced to sell. Ad- dress 162 Grenfell, Call Bill Millor 725-1186. W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Limited GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 OUTSTANDING One of the finest properties we have ments with stove and re- frigerator in each unit. Park- ing is no problem on the 140 ft. deep lot. Just minutes from bus and within walking distance of supermarket. Attractive brick building only 10 years :old. More informao- tion. gladly given. by calling tonight. income 5 apart- | WINONA AVE. BEAUTY | Brick and stone bungalow in one of Oshawo's finest resi- dential districts. Large living room, broadloomed and with natural stone fireplace. 11 x 13 kitchen looks out over nicely landscaped rear yard. 3 bedrooms and 4 pc. tiled bath. Attached garage and paved drive. Owner has left the city and will give imme- diate possession. BOWMANVILLE The most house for the money you ever saw. Brick with 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs, 24 ft. living and dining room: Den and extra bedroom on main floor. Oil heating Large kitchen. Owner must sell and is ask- ing only $11,900 FUN FOR | THE SMALL FRY Completely fenced back yard gives the children a chance to play in safety. .5 room brick with very attractive kitchen. 3 bedrooms and 4 piece bath. School and shop- Ping just.a few short blocks away. Selling ot the reduced price of $11,200 | MOST WOMEN HAVE 725-1726 Smart husbands who will re- cognize the value in this 3 bedroom bungalow located on Eilzobeth Crescent. 21 ft. liv- ing room features redwood panelling. Large kitchen with built in stove and oven, Ex- tra high walk out basement with Forced Air Oil heating. Many extras included in the price of $15,300 AN_ INVITATION TO INSPECT This lovely 3 bedroom bun- golow on a quiet street of well kept homes. 20 ft. liv- ing and dining area. Walk out basement. Nearly new Forced 'Air Oil furnace. Car- ries for $93. per month. in- cluding taxes. LAKEFIELD ST. Five room split with private drive, only 5 years old.- Features living room and 3 good sized bed- rooms. Modern kitchen with eating oreo. 12 x 17 ft. re- creation room with 2 pc. bath. Florida room with stone bar-b-que. This attractive home is priced at $14,000. INCOME PROPERTY If you are interested in liv- ing rent free or obtaining good interest on your invest- ment, we have the answer for you. Centrally located four plex with 3 apartments on main floorand one large or 2 bachelor apartments up- stairs. Move into one and let the rest carry it for you. New heating system and newly pointed outside. Good park- ing. Full price $23,500. level brick For full particulars call 723-1121) Open daily 9 o.m. to 9 p.m. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoé St. $ "Your Guide To Better Living" attached garage. Asking $16,500. Open to good of- fer. Owner moving. from Whitby. $17,900 FARM Set in the beautiful. Cart- wright hills, very close to new Highway to 401 with good barn, plenty of water, 96 acres of land, and warm 3 bedroom home with all conveniences and moderniz- ed. Open to good offer with terms. Contact 'D. H. ANDREWS R.R. 1, BROOKLIN PHONE 655-3195 J. A. WILLOUGHBY AND SONS LIMITED REALTORS 46 Eglinton Ave, E. Toronto 12 S. D. HYMAN Real Estate Limited 323 King Street West 728-6286 SPLIT-LEVEL Four bedroom home with at- tached gorage in one of Oshowo's better oreas. Two roughed in fireplaces plus many other extras, for more porticulars call. Bob Steven- son APPLE-HILL Five room brick bungalow just histed. Owner asking only $13,500.00 with a modest down payment. Quick posses- sion arranged. Call Les Hall. INDUSTRIAL LAND Nine acres backing onto C.P. R. tracks, city services avail- able, with terms to be or- ranged. Call Doug Gower. RAVINE LOTS Five new: homes. under con- struction in the north end, oll festuring built-in stoves ond. ovens and walkout base- ments. Call Glen. MacKinnon, FOUR ACRES Loceted in the north eost section of Oshawa, city water on property. For more details call Howord McCabe. $750 Full down payment on these five room bungalows present- ly under construction. Loaded with extros and only one mortgoge. Coll Tom Tarrant. TRADE? Yes, no reasonable deal re- fused. Call Today for more particulars. CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 NORTH -- New split level in area of fine homes contains 7 large well decorated rooms, featuring family room on main floor plus extra wash- room, family size kitchen, large living room and dining room. Second floor features extra large bath and vanity with double 'basins, opens into master bedroom, all bed- rooms good size with large closet space. Complete with attached garage. A fine home in choice location. P. occupancy, Phone 725-2911, evenings 728-7162. MOBILE homes of ali sizes, prices and designs are offered to you every day |in the Classified section. Turn to classi- |fication 27 now. DOWNTOWN -- Eight | large | room two storey home on Bruce Street with garage, oil furnace, extra stool, zoned industrial |-- now vacant. Must be sold, only $11,900 with $2000 down. Call Jack Appleby 728- 5123 - 723-3391 ljahood Brothers Ltd. Northwest AREA Small frame bungalow, pav- ed drive, on large lot, close to schools. $6,000 full price. $700 down, Take over pay- ments $60 month. Private sole, PHONE 725-6641 Buckingham Ave. JUST LISTED close to hospi- tal and schools, 6 room 14 storey brick, modernized kit- chen, air conditioner, new oil furnace,. newly decorated, al- uminum storms ond screens, gorage. Asking $11,900.00 with reasonable down pay- ment. Call ROLANDE TIER- NEY 725-5207 | KEITH PETERS | REALTOR JOHN F. DeWITH . REALTOR Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. Phone 623-3950 HIGHWAY FARM, 97 Acres, 2 barns, 8 room brick home, all modern conveniences. Asking $26,000. Terms. HIGHWAY FARM, 90 Acres with excellent buildings, home with all modern conveniences. Asking $30,000. Terms. HIGHWAY FARM, 84 Acres with A-1 land and excellent buildings. Asking $30,000. Terms. 160 Acre farm, east of New- castle, 120 acres workable, born, 8 room home, all mod- ern conveniences. Asking $29,000. Terms. 230 Acres pasture with stream, Asking only $2,000 down, 171 Acre farm, excellent soil and buildings. Large' stream, River frontage. Asking $25,- 000. Terms. 65 Acre form with over 2000 feet of river frontage. House barn. Asking $19,500. erms. HIGHWAY FARM, 31 Acres portly orchard with new mod- ern home. Barn. Price and terms arranged. 50 Acre farm, commuting distance from Oshawa. Good house and barn. Modem con- veniences. Only $4,000 down. 140 Acre farm, only 20 min. drive from Oshawa. House and barn. Paved road. Asking $27,500. Terms 100 Acre farm, close to high- way. House and barn. Only $2,000 down. 50 Acres with small house ard bom. . Located near Pontypool., Price $3500 with $1,000 down. After hours call: Donald Mountjoy 623-2614 Idso Wiersma Orono 1649 Guy LeBlanc 623-3715 John M. Sondy 725-8010 '28--Reel Estate Wanted in ot once. Priced to sell, ask- ing $5,700 down, balance reasonable, Phone Henry Stin- son at 723-1133, evenings 725-0243 BROWNING AVE. -- Look- ing for a special lovely five room bungalow in select area? Red brick, three bed- rooms, living room with new broadloom, hice kitchen with eating area, bathroom with vanity, and recreation room. Landscaped with new TV tower, dluminum storms and screens. One of only a few 'listed' that will compare with this one. Asking only $13,900. For informotion call Wes Elliott at 723-1133. evenings 728-0581. CENTRAL -- Elgin St. East. For someone who wants a good brick, bungalow, all in spotless condition inside and out, all the work has been done, contains lovely living room and dining room, large cheery kitchen, good size bedrooms, hot air heating, convenient location. Priced at only $11,500 with terms. For complete information call Henry Stinson at 723-1133, evenings 725-0243 BROOKLIN--Five brick bungalow, bedrooms, four. nice living room, extra large kitchen, large lot 76 x 110. Only four years old, has partially completed rec. room, aluminum. storms and screens, nice location. Ask- ing $12,100 down payment can be arranged. For ticulers call Wes. Elliott at 723-1133, evenings 728- 0581 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 room red three 'nice piece bath, par- « | WANTED | | 1% or 2 storey homes, cen- | tral for genuine CASH buyer. Call Henry Stinson 723-1133, evenings 725-0243. Carl Olsen, Realtor 299 King St. W., Oshawa REQUIRED CALL Wilson Realtor 26% King St. E. 725-6588 |29--Automobiles For Sale | i963 CHEVROLET Biscayne sedan, avto- matic $2195. Telephone 725-8132 or 369 |Drew Street. | 1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan, auto- matic, extra low mileage, power steer- ing, radio, white walls, etc. condition. 728-1727 1957 CHEVROLET COACH $350 or Best Offer also % Ton Trailer Steel: Box, Steel Frame, 70 GLOVERS ROAD VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-092) GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE « All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and King ~ ' 723-4733 and 723- Thi2 LISTINGS URGENTLY | Showroom | | | ~ | Regular _ 780. for $3,600. 1963 DODGE "300" 4-DOOR 6 cylinder, automatic power brakes, etc. Regular "7 476. for $2,800. 1963 VALIANT CONVERTIBLE Option, engine fully equipped. Regulor " 640. for $2,900. 1963 GALAXY 4-DOOR V-8, power equipped. 1963 FALCON 4-DOOR, big 6, outomatie fully equipped 1400 miles , 1962 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR Bel Air, 6 cylinder radio, low mileage. $2,195. 1962 COMET 2-DOOR. Real clean, white, red interior. $1,595 | 1961 CHRYSLER 2-DOOR HARDTOP, power ui id. ei $1,995. 1960 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR, V-8, real sharp. 095. 1959 DODGE CUSTOM ROYAL 4-DOOR, low mileage, clean. 1095 1960 AUSTIN SPRITE Check It Over. 695. 1960 VALIANT STATION WAGON 4-DOOR outstoending. ADS. 1959 RENAULT 4-DOOR SEDAN Cleon in ond out. $395. ' 1959 D.K.W. STATION WAGON Low mileage. One owner. $495. 1959 OPEL Nice operating car. 495. 1959 VOLKSWAGEN New point. Motor overhauled. 25. 1958 PONTIAC 2-door. 6 cylinder. Sharp. 70. 1958 FORD FAIRLANE 4-DOOR, V-8, $650. 1958 DODGE 4-DOOR, V-8, Sharp. $595. 1958 MERCURY 2-DOOR, HARDTOP, spotless $795. 1957 BUICK 2-DOOR HARDTOP, 2-tone. Smart $595. 1957 M.G.A. HARDTOP $595. 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR, 28,000 miles. $550. 1957 DODGE 2-DOOR as is. $125. 1956°CHRYSLER 4-DOOR, power equipped, perf $595. 1956 FORD 2-DOOR custom line real nice, o72. 1956 BUICK SUPER 4-DOOR SEDAN 395. 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR, V-8, $395. 1955 CADILLAC 2 DOOR HARDTOP power equipped, real sharp. 750. 1955 AUSTIN 4-DOOR SEDAN $295. 1955 OLDSMOBILE 4-DOOR SEDAN $275. 1954 FORD A Number Of Other Good Cars Available. EASY BANK RATE TERMS Smith's Sports 353" KING WEST PHONE: 728-7341 1962 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN 6 cylinder, automatic trans- mission, This is a sharp auto- mobile, with low mileage. 1960 CHEVROLET IMPALA SEDAN 6 cylinder, _outomatic, 1959 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 8 cylinder, standard trons- mission, custom radio, Rea- sonably priced. 1959 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE COACH 6 cylinder, automatic, equip- ped with radio. 1958 CHEVROLET SEDAN 6 cylinder, standard, This is o nice clean cor, ond the price is right. $895. 1957 STUDEBAKER 6 cylinder, stondord with overdrive, custom radio, washers etc, A good running cor, 1957 PONTIAC COACH STANDARD 6 cylinder. A bargain ot $695. Courtice -- Bowmanville 728-6206 623-3671 Seaway Motors LIMITED 200 Dundas W. Whitby 668-5893 1957 MERCURY 2 DOOR HARDTOP. Smart tritone finish with automatic transmission and radio. $795. 1960 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR HARDTOP. Original blue finish. One owner local new cor trade in. $1695. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE SEDAN. Equipped with radio and.in A-1 condi- ion. $995. 1963 GALAXIE | 500 TUDOR HARDTOP. » 5000 original miles: Finished in Corinthian white with con- trasting interior. Equipped with automatic . transmission, radio, white walls and discs. $2,895. 1957 DODGE TWO DOOR SEDAN. Equip- ped with push button auto- matic transmission and fin- ished in original Maroon, One $595. 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA FORDOR HARD- TOP. Equipped with automa- tic, radio, power brakes, pow- er steering, washers, white walls, discs, Immaculate one ce $2,595. 1957 FORD STATION WAGON. Equipped with automatic transmission and radio. Snappy V8 engine. A-1 condition. $895. 1959 METEOR SEDAN DELIVERY. Equipped with V8 engine. Excellent utility vehicle. $895. Your authorized dealer for Ford's Family of Fine Pro- ducts, A Full Line of Low Mileage Fully Guerenteed 1963 Demonstrators No down payment to quoli- fied applicant. Up to 36 months to pay. | Seaway Motors LIMITED 200 Dundas, W. Whitby 668-5893 CLEARANCE SALE Lot To Be Cleured By November 30th. NO PRICES LISTED ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED 1963 CHEVROLET IMPALA SEDAN -- Power = 1962 FORD GALAXIE SEDAN--Autome- tic, radio, power steering. One owner. 1961 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR COACH -- Redio, Immaculate, One owner. 1960 CHEVROLET SEDAN--Mechanical and in- ferior excellent. | 1960 PONTIAC COACH--New cor trode. Our loss--your gain, 1959 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN TWO DOOR-- Automatic, power steering, power brakes. 1959 CHEVROLET SEDAN -- Good motor end 1959 FORD FAIRLANE V-8 SEDAN -- 1959 VAUXHALL sei -- Excellent motor, 1960 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR HARDTOP -- Radio. The sharpest in Osh- 1957 CHEVROLET COACH--Radio. Good trene- portation. 1956 CHEVROLET a ae og (two choess Other cars to choose from | For an Honest Deal See ROY W. NICHOLS "TED" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 King St. East Gust East of Wilson Rd.) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 NORTHGATE MOTORS 512 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-4666 1957 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR SEDAN, 6 cylinder, standard shift, with radio, An excellent family car, Full prie $795. 1956 CHEVROLET BELAIR 4 DOOR SEDAN, Tutone, automatic, 6 oylinds er. A beauty at $695. 1955 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR, 6 cylinder, autome- tic. An economy cor at an economy price, $395. 1956 FORD FAIRLANE HARDTOP, aute- matic, radio, good tires. A sweet one. $595 1957 CHEVROLET Ya-TON PICKUP, Lots of service left in this one. An excellent buy at $695. 1954 FORD 2 DOOR. Absolutely original condition, never been paint- ed. A real borgoin ot 1956 METEOR SEDAN. Automatic, 8 eylind- er, Bargain price. $395. SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1957 STUDEBAKER V-8, stick shift. $169. As. little os $10 down. Terms to suit your budget. NORTHGATE MOTORS 512 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-4666 (Continuea on Page 22)