10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 14, 1963 2\gram. The highlight was a talk ANGLICAN GIRLS ATTEND SERVICE IN TORONTO Seen with their leader, Mrs. H. R. Lawrence, Westdale street, are some of the girls of St. Mark's Junior Auxil- jary who went to Toronto by chartered bus on Saturday to participate in the White Gift Service at St. James' Cathe- dral. This is a popular an- nual outing for the auxiliary and the gifts this year are designated for Canadian Home Missions. --Oshawa Times: Photos ;|Malaya. While showing colored Westmount H&S Appreciates Talk On Malaya The November meeting of the Westmount Home and School a full and entertaining pro- by Dr. Claude H. Vipond, who spoke about his experiences in slides Dr. Vipond commented on the people, their work, re- ligion, hospitals and schools. In short, he opened a window to the east. Not only the people and their way of life, but also the beautiful' tropical country with its lovely -ties was re- vealed, Exotic trees and luxur- iant flowers moved the audi- ence to voice their admiration. Lacing his remark: with humor, Dr. Vipond made his lecture en- tertaining as well as educational. Mrs, John Hinze thanked Dr. Vipond, who was introuced by Mrs, Cecil G. Step, for shar- i ¢ his exciting experiences. Mrs. Ralph Boneham presid- ed for the routine business. She thanked the methers who as- sisted with the dollar drive in Octobe. Mrs. Roy Spratt re- ported that the project had brought in $224. The principal of Westmount School, Mr. F. H. Ross, in thanking the members for helping with the UNICEF drive on Hallowe'en night, mentioned that Dr. Vipond + a* one of the first citizens of Oshawa to in- troduce the UNICEF drive to this city, The "Hiliters", a quartet of the "'Sweet Adelines", provided the entertainment for the even- ing. Thir medley of songs was well received and prompted them to offer several encores. Quebec Couple Wed In Oshawa In Two-Ring Rites The marriage of Susan Ann Buckland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Buckland of Magog, Quebec, to Mr. Michael Joseph Benoit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Benoit of Eastman, Quebec, took place recently in the Albert Street United Church, Oshawa, Ontario. The Reverend A. E. Larke officiat- ed in a double-ring ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street length gown of white nylon lace over taffeta, the bodice having a rounded neckline and lily-point sleeves. Her finger- tip veil of nylon tulle was held in place by a tiara of pearls. She carried a nosegay of ted roses, white carnations and for- get-me-nots. Mrs, Branka Gilezan, was the only attendant and wore a green nylon over taffeta street length dress with white acces- ories, and a corsage of white carnations, Mr. Moise Gilezan, was best- man and the ushers were Keith Benoit, and Michael Buckland. For the reception at the San- dalwood Restaurant the bride's In a double-ring ceremony in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church Louise Mae Thompson became the bride of Daniel Pat- rick Fernane recently. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Thomp- son, Oshawa, and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Fernane of Toronto. The Reverend A. G. Ques- nelle performed the ceremony. The soloist, Mrs. William Kins- man, sang "Ave Maria," "On This Day," 'Jesu Thou Art Coming" and "Bless Thou These Hearts," accompanied by the church organist, Mr. Jack Driscoll. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. Her volumi- nous gown of white French faille was fashioned with a rounded skirt of controlled un- pressed pleats and a _ short- sleeved bodice of organza, ap- pliqued with re-embroidered lace motifs, and scalloped neck- line. A long train of. lace- appliqued organza flowed from above the waistline and a crown of tear-drop pearls held her waist-length, bouffant veil. She carried a shower bouquet of mother received wearing a three-piece brown knit suit, with beige accessories and a cor- sage of white pinocchio chry- santhemums. The bridegroom's mother assisted, wearing a brown silk print dress with matching accessories and a cor- sage of white pinocchio chry- santhemums. For travelling, the bride wore a blue suit, with white accessories 'and a corsage of pink sweetheart jingle roses. The couple will take up their residence in Oshawa. Guests attending were from: Magog, Eastman, Rock Island and St. Hubert, all in Quebec; and from Oshawa, Toronto, Hamilton and Dundas. Double-Ring Ceremony Unites Louise Thompson, Dan Fernane pink Sweetheart roses, nestled in white net, and stephanotis. The matnon of honor was Mrs. James Reid of Hampton. Miss Darlene Fernane, Toronto, and Miss Stella Smarz, Oshawa, were bridesmaids and Miss Sandra Ralston, Oshawa, was junior bridesmaid. Their decollete dresses with shoe-string straps and softly pleated skirts were fashioned of melon-rose peau de soie, with matching chiffon boleros extend- ing at the back to full-length, floating panels. They wore melon-rose wedding ring head- dresses with chiffon veiling and carried cascades of white car- nations, accented with pink. Mr. Anthony Azzarell, Tioron- to, was best man and ushering were Mr. Kelvin Shaughnessy, West Hill, and Mr. James Dun- nigan, Oakville. The bride's mother received the guests in the Fleetwood With her jacket-dress of cycla- men-pink silk shantung she wore'a cafe brown velvet hat, matching accessories and a cor- Sage of tea roses. The bride- groom's mother, assisting, was in lime green and oyster silk brocade with a white melusine hat and corsage of gold roses. The honeymoon was spent in Quebec City and Montreal. As the couple left, the bride was wearing a bark brown stroller suit.with a Norwegian fox col- lar, gold hat and clay-tone accessories. Mr. and Mrs, Ferane are residing at 9 Roanoke road, Don Mills. you will graved browpiece, it a wide selection of col lenses. It is 'a truly wonderful 17 BOND STREET EAST, 2nd Floor SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT We ore proud to present the Circe, the latest, smartest and most flattering frame find anywhere. coupled with a Luma-glow, Jewel-like en- contrast to the crystal lower rim. Extremely light in weight, delightfully comfortable, in 65 OTHER STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM AT THE ONE LOW PRICE OF $11.95, No Appointment Needed Superb _ styling makes a shimmering lors and complete with | buy ot only $11.95 PHONE: 728-1261 ~11.95 @ Repairs at Lowest Prices WE FILL ALL PSI, OCU- LISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRI LOW PRICES. SINGLE VISION " Complete with Frames Lenses and Case BIFOCALS 17.95 Complete with Frames, Lenses and Case IPTIONS AT SAME HOURS: 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. DAILY CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Branches in Mony Principal Cities of Canada ond U.S. -- Founded 1904 room of the Hotel Genosha.| The s of the quartet, Mrs, Robert Boneham, Mrs. Bruce Sharrard, Miss Marilyn Scott and Miss Nancy Fleming were thanked by Mrs. Fred Smith for their excellent per- formances. Attendance prizes were awarded to Grade 5 and 6, Mr. Wayne Stubbs' room and to Grade 4, Mr. Robert Owen's room, both of whom tied with nine parents present for each class. Refreshments, convened by Mrs. Harold Braund, were serv- ed by the mothers of Grade 5, Miss Barbara Hillier's class, and of Grade 4 and 5, Miss Georgina VanDeuren's class. Association offered its members] ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: That let- ter from "Married to A Ham" should not be taken lightly. You suggested that the wife should ee interested in the hobby, too. I knew of a fellow who taught his wife to operate his ham ra- dio and it almost broke up two marriages. Mrs. Y. started a cozy little Enid, Okla. They began to mail pictures back and forth. The next thing anybody knew, Mrs. Y. took off for Enid. A few weeks later, the guy from Enid came up to see Mrs. Y. These two psycho - ceramics (crack- pots) spent four whole days to- gether -- "getting acquainted," they said, Fortunately, no divorces took place. The people involved fi- help of a couple of clergymen. So you can see, Ann, women don't really belong in the ham radio fiele. It should be strictly for men, -- AGAINST HALF- BAKED LADY HAMS, Dear Half Baked: You forget that half of this goofy twosome was a man. Characters like Mrs. Y. and Mr. Enid could have met on a street car, 'so don't blame the hobby. Dear Ann Landers: Recently I went into one of the finest de- partment. stores in the city. A clock which I had purchased PHOTO Greeting Cards for s Christmas Come in soon and select from our complete sample catalogue. e -- DEVELOPING --PRINTING --ENLARGING Color or Black & White How's the Time to Beautify Your Home with CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 PHOTO SERVICE 728-1619 251 KING ST. E. Their Short Waves Are Off The Beam talk-romance with a guy from] there several months ago needed repair. I encountered aj y; line of seven people ahead ofly: me at the repair desk. There was only one girl on duty and that flea brain couldn't have cared less about the customers. She was busily engaged in a telephone conver- sation with her boy friend. Her back. was turned toward the customers but the conversation was audible to everyone within The girl was on the phone for; exactly 12 minutes, by my watch, Three customers were angry enough to leave. I waited. It took me 22 minutes to drop off that clock. My husband who was waiting outside was fit to be tied. What would you have done?--ONLY HUMAN Dear Only: After waiting five minutes for the girl to get off the horn, I would have h d the floor manager and in- ed him over to the repair counter for a listen. Dear Ann Landers: I'm a 13- year-old girl who made a ter- field soln. My parents are so mad they hardly speak to me. My mother won't let me go to the beauty shop and get my hair tinted back to my natural color. She says I have to sweat it out. How can I get back on cen a my rolks? lease suggest some OLD BALDY aes Dear Baldy: Be patient. a few weeks you'll be looking hu- -|man again. In. the meantime, «| Keep ribbons, bows and other ) 3 ornaments off your head. Make no reference to your hair and your folks will thaw out even- tually. 30 DAYS OVERSEAS (OCT. Ist -- MAR, Ist) $312,00 ROUND TRIP AT FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) | ; PHONE 728-6203 rible mistake, Two weeks ago I put peroxide in the water when I washed my hair. Not just a little peroxide--a whole lot. I meant for my hair to be a few shades lighter, but it turned out much lighter than I expected. 10 feet. nally got squared away with the My mother and dad went wild it's FRANKLIN'S PANTS and ELASTICIZED crc. SWEATERS BULKY-KNIT Start. the season off wearing a pair of professionally styled curling slacks that are designed especially for curlers. Exclusive elasticized waistline construction for maximum comfort, your choice of every smart winter color includiing, beige, blue, green, navy or black. Sizes regular and tall lengths. BULKY-KNIT SWEATERS PULLOVERS CARDIGANS 45.00 19.95 ,.49.95 Saeuhtia' 64 SIMCOE ST. N. OF OSHAWA Downtown Oshawa HAND BLOWN GLASSWARE SHERBET PLATE, OPEN STOCK ALL PIECES SHOWN, EACH SPECIAL from BURNS 'id re | to Crystal-clear, exquisitely hand-cut by European craftsmen in a modern fern cutting, and in a complete range of pieces at a popular price. cb \ \ \ COCKTAIL * PILSENER 13 OZ As Little As 1.00 Down BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST, WEST PHONE 723-7022 NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE SURE YOUR WINDOWS LOOK THEIR BEST FOR FALL AND WINTER ENTERTAINING . . . NEW DRAPES FROM WARD"S WILL ADD COLOR AND COMFORT TO ANY ROOM! 45" PLAIN Finished Length 45" PATTERN Finished Length 63" PLAIN Finished Length FIBERGLAS RANGE FOR 4' TRACK FOR 6' TRACK You Can Be Sure of Value and Satisfaction When you Buy New Draperies at Ward's, Oshawa's Oldest and Most Complete Drap- ery Department. MORE READY-TO-HANG DRAPERIES IN STOCK THAN ANY OTHER STORE .. AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES FOR QUALITY! FOR 12' TRACK FOR 16' TRACK FOR 8' TRACK PAIR PAIR PAIR PAIR PAIR 7.98 63" PATTERN Finished Length 95" PLAIN Finished Length 95" PATTERN Finished Length 25.98 | 39.98 | 51.98 @ Kirsch Superfine Pulleys 30" to 50" WE io Seeds 3.15 48" to 84" 5,50 . Oe Wide Hang Your New Drapes On The Best Tracks For Satisfactory Service @ Heavy Duty Pull Cords @ Nylon Slides and Pulleys. © Floor 84" to 150" Wide see 120" to 216" . L WARD'S DRY GOODS 31 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH We will alter your new drapes for perfect fit at reasonable prices. NO WHERE ELSE WILL YOU FIND SO MANY DIFFERENT > READY-TO- HANG DRAPERIES AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. NO WAITING, NO DELAY! . . . WE HAVE THESE DRAPES IN STOCK NOW !!! In addition to the tremendous stock of Ready-to-Hang Drapes, Ward's also are experts in custom-made Drapes, Slipcovers and Bedspreads . . . and can offer you COTTONS, TERYLENE, ARNEL, FIBERGLAS, DRALON, LINEN and TERGAL .. . ARE BUT A FEW OF THE FINE FABRICS ON DISPLAY AND WARD'S EXPERIENCED STAFF CAN ADVISE YOU ON THE BEST CLOTH FOR YOUR PARTICULAR AT WARD'S . DECORATING PROBLEM. Win up to 100.00 "Ask for Free ev Ticket at WARD'S FOR 4'| FOR 6' TRACK | TRACK PROMOTION RANGE Lined, Empire Hooks, Discontinued Patterns and Colors FOR 12' TRACK FOR 16' TRACK FOR 8' TRACK PAIR PAIR PAIR PAIR PAIR FINISHED 17.99 " 29,98 | 44.98| 59,98 FOR 4' TRACK FOR 6° TRACK BETTER RANGE Lined, Empire Hooks, New Florals, Moderns and Plain Shades FOR 12' TRACK | TRACK FOR 16' TRACK FOR 8' PAIR PAIR PAIR PAIR PAIR 54" or 63" FINISHED 25.98, | 95" 33,98 | 51.98 |69.98 FOR 4° | TRACK LUXURY RANGE 2 Excellent Plain Fabrics and Three Patterns, Lined, Empire Hooks FOR 8' TRACK FOR 12' TRACK FOR 16° TRACK PAIR PAIR PAIR PAIR 15 YEARS PRACTICAL PHONE 725-1151 ousands of different fabrics to suit your decor. OUR GRADUATE INTERIOR DECORATOR HAS OVER PLEASED TO ASSIST YOU IN YOUR SELECTION, EXPERIENCE AND WILL BE