§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 13, 1963 || Credit Union Tax 'Death Warrant | Viking Hamlet lgraphie Society in" Washington | Not Ericson's | Scientist Says Nov. 5. "The find is great news in- deed and the support they have received from American scien- tists is most welcome," said Jo |Christian Tornoe in an_ inter- | view. |Markham Fair recently, Neil |Yeo is home from the Bowman-| ville Hospital, many of his friends called on him, Mr. Doug Pickering, Penny, Richard and Jodi, Burlington, Mr. and Mrs Ted Yeo and girls, |Whitby, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Orono Fire Protection | Changes Urged to the township. Mr. Simpson stated that he understood that after awarding a contract for a rte ee Pek Ciel Axcen said. he sew "definite pattern" Montreal area crimes and more fire pumper that it generallyjrecent ones in eastern Ontario took three month«, for delivery,/and western Quebec, At this time the specifica- "These are hoodlums who tions had not been completed|shouldn't have been out in the or tenders called, first place," he told reporters. He said court sentences were ee rgaren seeacianseasi oh sen SAGO NARESH 1000 GROCERY WIN HELEN ROSS SAULT STE, MARIE PONTIAC WINNER MRS. J. BEARD SCARBOROUGH '500 CASH WINNER MISS CHRISTINA BROWN LEAMINGTON SPECIAL! LOBLAWS CAKE SPECIAL! 40c OFF REGULAR PRICE <a rm anal GROCERIES $1000 EACH WEEK! F008 voucuras SPECIAL! LANCIA MACARONI or SPAGHETTI 'e+ PLIOBAG 35: SPECIAL! CHOICE CUDNEY PEACHES inal ih Qe SPECIAL! IMPORTED LAMB _ ROAST - CHOPS - STEW LAMB :«.BASKET . 19: SPECIAL! 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INSTANT JELL-O PUDDINGS se Coupon Expires Nov. 20 EXTRA EXTRA GRAND LOTION EXTRA STAMPS [iM STAMPS [iad STAMPS Teal Coupon Expires Nev. 20 "But Leif Ericson sailed past : | OSLO (AP)--The Viking ham-|Newfoundland to Nova Scotia ntsc tent on A fot tan {couacutt: Mr. and Mrs. Sam] gy MRS. KEN GAMSBY | : too short, legal spokesmen - OTTAWA (CP)--If credit un-jexisting institution could do this|let found on Newfoundland can-\and thence on t#almouth, he atbor lb. to. ba bald wat soams and Kelly, Bowmanville,| orono -- ° When Trustees| Ottawa Chief called improperly for lenient jons were subject to income tax|J0b effectively. not be Leif Ericson's, a special-|where he settled near Martha's|<°* , SUPP h _|were recent Sunday guests ati/pouglas Simpson met' with treatment of hardened criminals " lage list on the travels of the' old|yineyard." Enniskillen Church in the base i glas Pi - and parole was too lenient, it would mean "signing their| Jt was in this respect that he| yo. 0emon said here Tuesday. | ne%a"¢* ment on Nov, 4, tickets will be|Gordon Yeo's. Council recently he was in- Raps Pampering 7G ae : Siains ts." the royal com-|% 208ed any corporation tax on : . | Tornoe is publishing a book at| sold by the ladies. Arthur Wright, Oshawa, is|formed that the Fire Marshall's . George Street, chairman of ee Te vere. Soe loredit tanhons, |_ The 5 preg was --_ wd seh the Oslo University Press soon| 'A sale of baking, used cloth-|spending a few days with hisoffice was recommending) oe the National Parole Board, said mission on taxation was told he CUMA Wait dinininss ee "ago ine Diet nigel about Leif Ericson's discovery] ing, miscellaneous articles and|prother, Mr. N. E. Wright. changes in the specifications of Of Criminals he agrees with Chief Axcell that Tuesday by J. O. Shipe, man-/suggestions that credit unions|?2'* al ne Veaat of America. even some farm animals sub-) yy 0 win Gritti the fire truck and that a meet- sentences should be longer. aging director of Credit Union|were moving into the competi-|oites on their voyages M4 ject to reserve bids on them.|' Mrs. Will Griffin, Morden,/ing had been arranged with the| OTTAWA (CP)--Ottawa Po-\Longer sentences would enable National Association, Inc, tive field with other financial or-|Greeniand and North America| ADVISES ALCOHOLICS |Sale on Friday evening, October|Manitoba, who has been visit-/fire marshall in the Council|lice Chief Reginald Axcell cri-/prison officials to do a better Mr. Shipe, whose office is in| ganizations. They uncovered traces of a| LIVERPOOL, England (CP)--|11 at Church shed. ing relatives and friends from|Chambers. ticized the courts and parole of-|J0b of rehabilitation. Madison, Wis., said that any tax| At the end of last year, Can-|Viking settlement near the fish-|An office described as the first| Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb,/John Griffin's is now with Mr.| Deputy-Reeve J. Stone 'aske1|{icers Tuesday for pampering} "But longer sentences are not system so far proposed forjada had 4,638 crecit unions and|ing village of L'Anse aux Mea-lof its kind in the United'King-|Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb,|,n4 mrs Lloyd Prouse, Brook-(\Mr. Simpson how much longer professional criminals. our business," he said, , @redit unions--he didn't elabor-|caisses populaires with 2,884,100\dows, on the northern. tip of|dom has been opened here to|were recent visitors at Kennet ii nd i teaiih io hone |belore a new thuék ld b He made the statement in the} Mr. Street said he doubts that ate on any of the proposais--|members. In 1921 there were 100|/Newfoundland, last summer.|give confidential advice on alco-| Lamb's, Oakville. Hn, BG 38 5 ome 2: 'ruck could be iM) wake of a weekend of robberies|recen: Ottawa robberies could would mean the organizations|with 33,166 members. 'Their discoveries were an-'holism. A number' of folks attended'soon. 'operation to give fire protectioniblamed on well-organized gangs.|be blamed on parolees. 'would go into rapid decline and ultimately die. He and other representatives of the movemen' in the U.S. and Canada appeared before the commission with a brief de- signed to ward 'off arguments presented earlier by other par- ticipants: that credit unions should be subject. to the same taxation as other financial in- stitutions. But credit unic can't be eas- ily compared with these other institutions Mr. Shipe said, As opposed to other institutions, they were really 51 per cent fi- nancial and 49 per cent frater- nal. They weren't in open com- petition with other organizations, and they were fulfilling a role that couldn't be filled in any other way. Such organizatio s as banks functioned for profitmaking; eredit unions, rawing on volun- teer service, functioned for the benefit of its members, joined in a common bond. GIVE EDUCATION A. R. Glen, a CUNA vice- president in Ne..aimo, B.C., said credit unions were chiefly con- cemed with financial education ad they taught members how to save, borrow wisely, and manage their affairs. No other Diem Attempted ) Ld a Cease-Fire Papers Claim SAIGON (Reuters) -- South Vietnamese Lewspa pers, ap- pearing following "liberaliza- tion' measures, claimed Tues- day that the Diem regime was negotiating a cease-fire with Communist North Viet Nam at the time it was overthrown. The newspapers, on the streets fo the first time since the Nov. 1 military coup, implied France had a hand in the negotiations. As the cabinet met' for the first time to announce '"'liberali- zation' decrees, newspapers hit the streets with reports Ngo Dinh Nhu, strongman brother of president Ngo Dinh Diem, met a Viet Cong gue: -iila envoy ina Communist jungle stronghold near here Oct. 18. The press said it was agreed a' the jungle meeting between Nbu and the Vie Cong that fur- ther talks towards a cease-fire would take place in Cambodia. Both Diem and his brother were killed in the coup. However, one reputable Sai- gon newspaper, Dong Nai, de- scribed the story of negotiations as false. It said other newspa- pers were merely seeking sensa- tions based on rumors circulat- ing in the city. . ECM Tries To s Differences BRUSSELS (AP)--The Euro- pean Common Market nations tried Tuesday to patch up their differences so as to present a united front to big exporters like the United States in tariff-cut- ting talks next year. | Foreign and agriculture min-| isters from France, West Ger- many, Italy, Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg agreed to work / out regulations for controlling / beef, rice and dairy products} ff and to set a unified price for cereals--if possible by Jan. 1. President de Gaulle has} threatened to wreck the Market by pulling France out if there is no agreement by then. The others, while resenting this deadline, are well aware they must speak with one voice at the tariff talks. They agreed to meet Dec. 2 to prepare their policy on indus- trial products--always less diffi- cult than foodstuffs. . Red Spaceship . Would Sustain Life 3 Years NEW DELHI (AP) -- Soviet cosmonaut Andrian Nikolayev says Russia is planning a space- ship that will sustain life in outer space for three years--the estimated time required for a round trip to Mars or Venus. H esaid manned planetary space flights entail untold amounts of research. Nikolayev told scientists at the Indian National Physical La- boratory Monday that the round trip would actually take 14 months, but spacemen:> would have to spend almost two years on the planets to wait for a pro- per orbital position for the re- turn flight. Lama ing ne