@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Mevember 13, 1963 WHITBY And DISTRICT Assaults Youth Gets Probation Note this, students: Don't pan your teachers and principal any more, Sewers, Mains For Ajax Council Approves Plan | AJAX (Staff) -- Council last|throughout the winter. It was 2 night Fowmon J payment oflaiso recommended that the old| James McGivern, Jr., 18, of $35,000 to Tripp Construction for|water works building could be\Pickering won't. Oshawa attor- the installation of sanitary sew-\used as a giant sized dog pound|ney John Greer announced in ers and water mains, lonce the hot summer weather Magistrate's Court here yester- $5,000 will be held back from (started. jday that McGivern's principal the payment until the sewers|HEATERS IN RINK and vice-principal had offered and watermains are proven to, Skaters using Ajax's skating|to go to bat for him as he be in satisfactory workingirink this year will have thejfaced sentence on a conviction order, 'luxury of heat when theyoof assault causing bodily harm. It was also agreed to grant) change. _ | Magistrate Harry Jermyn, on the Ajax safety council $200 to Thirteen infra-red heaters will| the request of Mr, Greer and continue the work that has been|be installed in the change house|the agreement of crown attor- done in the past year. used for both skating and swim-/ney Bruce Affleck, placed Mc- A motion was also --_ hd ming. |Givern on two year's probation councillor Weatherall that the |. oie wee aac Ajax Industrial Commission re- were Agfieonna town of;months," the Crown comment- ceive a $4,000 grant. A motion from the town 0) ; pasate ' iTrenton, Ontario, to abolished, but in this case I will 30 SALVAGE BUILDING lschool guards and post speed along with the sentence. The This motion was passed unan-|signs of 15 miles per hour in assault was vicious, nonethe- imously,. their place was defeated unani-|less."" It was also decided at last mously by the entire council) The accused was found guilty night's meeting that all the sal- last night. of breaking the teeth and jaw vageable material from the old The general feeing among the of Walter Whitehead, 18, water works building should be councillors was that a child) Ajax Court last week, He was salvaged and sold. could not be controlled by a remanded in custody for five This salvage program will sign and also that very few days to await sentence. Sele selon tua 6H ere eas eed panei telght Saat works. project and serve Scho dy g guards, > wi } . SHiw: "e ot to keep two men employed thought, did an excellent job. ee ek an ann S planned to go on to university WHITBY MERCANTILE student DRIVES ANTIQUE FERGUS, Ont. (CP)--An 1895 ,mark and Melvin Brown ail Any By DON TEBBLE scored for Fleming's to put,' Ottenbrites' Men's Wear up-|them ahead 3-1 set Arena Sunoco 7-2 to register' [pn the final period of the to be driven in a parade of an- the'r first win of the season and game Shell added four more 4ue cars here. Owner Keith also hand Sunoco their first 108s goals to the tally. Mac Rowland Acres drove in the parade any- * of the year led the Shell team with two|Wy, using a 1909 Cadillac, In the second game Flem-|goals. Jim Christie and Gord|~ ing's Shell moved into a tie for/Townson were the other goal! first place after defeating! seorers, Durno's Garage 7-4 Dave Harrison opened the scoring for Arena on a pass from Nick Dennis. Art Remick By DAVID FOSTER scored twice, both times on Robson Leather shut out Mar- passes from Gwynne Barnes tojitaime Express 3-0 on goals by put Ottenbrites' into a 2-1 lead. |Bob Millér, Ron Barriage and In the second stanza DougiEric Smith Assists went to| McLean and Lloyd Seymour in-|Bill Olesak,. Don Bram, and/ creased Ottenbrites' lead to 4-1.) Terry Wilkams The third period saw Leroy; Express picked up 12 of the Mowat add two insurance goals|16 penalties in the game. to put the. game out of reach). for Sunoco. ACES BEAT LARRY'S " ane mes seniininaiaiee Aces Electronics beat) FLEMING'S DOWN DURNO'S Latry's 52 in a hard. fast In the second game Durno's on | opened the scoring on a goal Bride' ew Wek ana by Mike Gray early in thea, ae Ge aon cutie seorge Pimm were the goal- Roni Towoson Lisi: getters for the winners. Cald- well and McBride also had a pair of assists. Other assists went to Mitchell, Doug Allen, and Joe Kapiskinski, John Ellis and Joe Northam tallied for Larry's. | fire several hours before it was WHITBY INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Bill ~ WHITBY BOWLING NEWS LEGION SUNDAY NIGHTERS HOTEL WINS 3-2 BOWLING LEAGUE Whitby Hotel downed Hoo- Sunday,.Nov. 10, saw the sec-/D¥¢ 3-2 in a fast, hard-fought ond section underway with the game, as goalies. Bartlett and following scores: Hot Shots, 7; |Maxwell came up with some| Demons, 0; Headpins, 7; WCS, Hine saves: | 0; Imports, 7; How Comes, 0; , Bil Grant, Jerry Janveaux} Stinkers, 5; Amateurs, 2 and Larry Batherson sank the| Some interesting scores in the Hotel markers Ralph Seamons Ladies Division were: C. Mir- psy Barry Denier gained| owski, 229; C. Rowden, 213; I ae i - Walls' 205; J. King, 196; Aly cocrard Black and Jim Mul. Brush. 191 ' ' ligan both scored unassisted Men's scores were: R. Mus- moots ior te iesers. tard, 231; 226; Don Brown, 311; B. Shearer, 219; R. Valiant, 230; R. Rowden, 332, 298; E. Brush, 245; S. Bragg. 210; K. King, 285; D. Segreff, 204; F. Elliot 205; B. Walls, 226; T. Connelly, | 206; J. Howard, 210; F. Mitch- ell, 204 Lemon were Bess Magill, 67; Bob Mclvor 76; Clare Vaillant, 96 WHITBY MEN'S LEAGUE Triples over 700: D. Rowden, 849 (327, 271); L. Bedard, 828 (278, 276, 274); M. Reeson, 768 (284); M. Jordan, .747 (260); L. Batherson, 736 (388); A. Knibb, Pidatns Dedtillir this week 95 Art Frank Elliot, 98; 94; Roxy Shearer, Aldesron, 84; Helen Leaguers Howard, "J would usually ask for six) - derson car was destroyed by!Court that he had just spent 30 Adams -° Private Stock DIAN RYE WHISKY | Flunks Tests Gets 7 Days | A Newmarket man flunked all lof the sobriety tests proffered lhim by OPP Constable R. S. /Goodwin, but still offered to \*'puinch the' officer in the nose", it was learned in Magistrate's \Court here yesterday. | Stevé Swedlo, 38, of 63 Long- ford drive, was sentenced to seven days in jail by Magistrate Harry Jermyn on a conviction a of drunk driving. "He slumped at the wheel when I reached the car," Con- stable Goodwin said. "He lean- ed on the car. He staggered. His eyes were bloodshot. He was incoherent. "He could not walk 2 straight line and dropped two pennies) when I applied that test. He claimed to be "all liquor' and| said he would punch me in the} nose." Man Rids Crown Is Remanded oaio of cigarettes in his 43 jpockets and in two d a Dags, valued at $23.52. Harold "Oatsie" Phillips, and no fixed address, offere helping hand to Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck in Magistrate's! Court here yesterday. AUXILIARIE' St. Margaret's Guild held its bi- monthly meeting at the parish hall. opened the meeting with pray- er. During the business meeting Gerry Weir was welcomed. led a devotional period with a bazaar of Nov. 19 were priced.| The following ladies volunteer- ed Brown, Mrs. {Charles Curtis, Mrs. Harold Mc- |Garry, Mrs. B. A. Box. ing served by t , bY Hewson, Mrs. E. T. Pellow andjfoster child Wing Kee in Hong Mrs. James Duggan... Thursday, Nov. 21. All Saints Guild Plan For Bazaar Women, Unit No. 5, held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Eileen Clarke, Burns street} west. Leader Miss Mildred Price} opened the meeting with ver- sions from several religions' "Golden Rule'. Miss Price also All Saints' Anglican Church President Mrs. Ray Holmes} prospective' member, Mrs. theme of "Advent"'. During the business meeting reports were read and approved. Plans were outlined for the next meeting of Monday, Dec. 9 which will be in the form of a Christmas party held at the 'church parlor. Mrs. Tom Brandon spoke on United Church Women's Articles for the forthcoming their help: Mrs. Harold Mrs. J. M. Mighton, Alfred Schubert, Mrs. Meeting closed with lunch be- Mrs. Clarence|the Kong; letters. received from The next meeting will be held!Wing Kee were read. | At the close of the meeting re-| ST. MARK'S UNITED rfeshments were served by the St. Mark's United Church|5°C#@! committe, ---- a St. | shopping) Fellowship monthly His Worship reserved sentence Nov., 9. John's Anglican Church held, its! Saturday, Group meeting until next week and remanded The group met at County Bowl Phillips in custody. and enjoyed two lively games Phillips pleaded guilty to the break, .enter and theft charge at the Dominion Store on Sun- day night. Mr. Affleck began to read the accused's record to pid Magistrate Harry: Jermyn in determining sentence. He thought he had finished when the accused informed the days for another theft. Constable Fred Baker of the Whitby Police Department testi- fie that he found Phillips in the Brock street store with a td Led MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS NOMINATION MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Electors of the Township of East Whitby will be held at the TOWNSHIP HALL COLUMBUS, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOV. 21st, 1963 From 7.30 in the afternoon to 8.30 in the afternoon for the purpose of receiving nominations for offices of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Three (3) Councillors for the year 1964 and Three (3) members of the East Whitby Public School Area Board for the years 1964 and 1965. If a Poll is necessary, Polls for taking the votes of the Electors Shall be held on Monday, December 2nd, 1963 beginning ot 10.00 o'clock in the forenoon and continuing unti! 7.00 o'clock in the afternoon. The attention of prospective Candidates is drawn to the fol- bowing: "When oa proposed Candidate is not present ot the meeting, there must be satisfactory evidence given to the Returning Officer, at the nomination meeting, that the Candidate has con- sented to his nomination, and before 9:30 o'clock P.M, the same doy a Condidote moy resign is respect to one or more offices for which he is nominated by filing his resignation in writing the Returning Officer, the Clerk, otherwise he shall be deemed to be nominoted for the office for which he wos first nominated", Columbus, Ontario, GEORGE FARNCOMB RETURNING OFFICER TOWNSHIP of EAST WHITBY {Kyle and Mr, 'and Mrs. Stan. The next meeting will be) ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN | of bowling. They then adjourned; Mré.° Thomas Tompkins oe * --_ -- to the church hall. |thanked all who attended the| DUFQIars Iry To Mrs. George Page chaired the Girls' Auxiliary and the Junior, business session and various re-| Auxiliary Fall Tea held tant | Cut Way To $1500 arte were Log ye ge |Saturday and helped to make new slate 0 lcers WAS this event most successful. PETERBOROUGH (CP)--P. | 4 "P)--Po- oan for the 1964 term "S| Mrs, Stanley Armstrong readjlice said Tuesday would - be President, William Bonk; vice-|2 humorous letter received burglars chiselled through two president, Mrs, Norman Brad-|{t0m her mother. who had been|'eet of the four-foot-thick vault ley; treasurer, Mrs. Gerry|recently visiting Rey. and Mrs,/at the Royal Canadian Legion Kent; secretary, Mrs, George|Armstrong. jduring the night before they Page; ' press _correspondent,| Meeting closed with the Bene- abandoned attempts 'o reach Mrs. Gordon Kyle. idiction after which Mrs. Merle the receipts from Remem- Plans were made fers Christ-|Watson auctioned for the|brance Day poppy sales. mas party to be at the'group's opportunity sale. Crowbars, long - handled church hall Saturday, Dec. 14.| Refreshments were served by screwdrivers, chisels and a The committee for this affair yr¢ Charles Rycroft and Mrs.| ; consists of Mr. and Mrs. George rrr. Wilson, pe nd Mrs.'flashlight were found at the Page, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon : Legion Hall Tuesday. morning, Legion Secretary A. G. Stew. art said there was about $1,500 in, the concrete vault, held Monday, Nov. 18. | Atkinson. Lunch was served by Mrs.| William Bonk assisted by mem-| BASEMENT OF BIKES WINNIPEG (CP)--Nearly 300 bers. _DoFALSE TEETH ALL SAINTS' GUILD lost or stolen bicycles are, All Saints' Anglican Church crammed into the basement of Rock, Slide or Slip? FASTEETH, an improved powder Evening Guild held its hi-|civic offices waiting for their monthly meeting Monday, Nov./owners to claim. them and J. T.| to be kl y 8 yy plates, Relge false tesths more Simiy in place. Do not slide, slip or rock. 4 in the parish hall. Barrie, chief licence inspector, President Mrs. .H. R. Strat- Says "we don't know what we'll) No gummy. gooey. ford opened the meeting with a\do if we get any more." Un-| ae ie : prayer followed by a short busi-\claimed bikes are to be sold in' odor breat ness meeting. ithe spring. drug counters ov The directors of Central Ontario and Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associations are pleased to announce that they have agreed ona plan for -- Joint Ownership of Bulls This move is designed to give unit members the widest possible choice of sires. The combined bull studs of the two organizations will include: -- @ 48 Holsteins -- 21 with daughters proven above average for type or production 33 Herefords -- 23 performance tested -- 3 progeny tested 9 Jerseys -- 3 with daughters proven above average for type or production. @ 12 Shorthorns -- 5 performance tested @ 3 Brown Swiss -- All from the famous Lee's Hill herd. @ 6 Charolais -- 3 progeny tested, one a Certified Meat Sire @ 10 Angus @ 2 Red Polls @ 2 Milking Shorthorns In addition they will obtain, through other breeding organizations the services of: -- @ 11 Ayrshires -- 5 with daughters proven above average for type or production. @ 9 Guernseys -- 5 with daughters proven above average for type or production. Service from this outstanding group of bulls will be available for the 1964 breeding programme in member herds of Central Ont- ario Cattle Breeding Association. 734 (288); W. Gordon, 726 (289) D. Adams, 720 (276); R. Koster, 708 (271); L. Hall, 707 (243), Singles over 260: S.. Peake,! 333; W, Bick, 304; A. Young, 277; J, Switzer, 274; D. Walker, ! 264: D. Grif'in, 261 Points Won : Legion (1); Fire- men (2); County Bowl (1); Ot- tenbrites (2); Legionaires (0); Silversmiths (3); Abners Ram- lers (1); Post Office (2). IAM (1); Red Wings (2); Le- gion Old Sweats (0); Goolds Furniture (3); Credit Union (0); Mel Ron (3); Knights of Columbus (1); Citizens Fi- nance (2), ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE Standings after November 11, 1963: Pin Pals 7, 25: Dodgers 7, 24; Strikers 2, 23; Hopefuls 5, 23; Ups and Downs 0, 22; Kor- ner Pins 2, 20; Hurricanes 5, 19; Crackers 0, 12. Triples over 550: Ladies -- Fran Schatzman, 551; Men -- Ed. Samanski, 717; Ted Kapus- cinski, 637; Bob Edwards, 608; Tom Stevens, 589; Adrian Gov- erde, 581; Harold Forbes, 578; Leo Steffler. | Singles over 200: Ladies -- Mary Forbes, 223; Fran Schatz- man, 214; Nellie McCarroll, '209; Eve O'Leary, 205; Berna- dette Robinson, 203. Men Ed. Samanski 331, 245; Ted Kapuscinski 260, 220; Adrian Goverde 245, Bob Ed- wards ,230, 230; 'Leo -- Steffler You'll enjoy the Chrysler way of life. Surging power that accepts any driving challenge; luxury that knows no peer in rich fabrics, gleaming appointments, thick full carpets; deep comfort from wide, firm seats; crisp distinctive styling that's, in a class by itself; that's the Chrysler way of life! ¢ CHRYSLER 7, CANADA LTD. The car with the §-year--50,000-mile power-train warranty WINDSOR NEW _ YORKER SARATOGA 300 in"64 the CHRYSLER way of life' You'll find that the handsome new Chrysler richly fulfills' every one of its exciting promises. It offers you a sense of driving satisfaction unlike any you have ever known. It beckons you to a stimulating, new way of life. The Chrysler way of life. Yours to enjoy--starting right now! 229; Clarence Hendricks, 218; Harold Forbes, 215; Felix Le- Bianc, 214; Tom Stevens, 213, 203; .Bill O'Neil, 210 Coe 331 PA TICKER-TAPE PARADE Astronaut Johri Glenn had an estimated 3,474 tons of paper showered on him in a 1962 New York ticker-tape parade. CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES RK ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO DISNEY MOTORS LIMITED KINGSTON ROAD AND CHURCH, PICKERING, ONTARIO Northside Chrysler Dodge (Whitby) Ltd. SMITH'S SPORTS 353 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO 916 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY, ONTARIO Z Ld ;