Keystone Movie © PROJECTORS Mode 980 Z V - fully automatic threading, 1.5 Zoom lens, speed-control, forward-reverse-stiil, and editing viewer, Compare at 166.50. BOOM DAZE Model 980Z as above without editing viewer. Compare at 156.00. BOOM DAZE Model 980 as above with standard lens. Compare at 146.50. BOOM DAZE Model K-91 as above without self-threading. Compare at 119.00. BOOM DAZE Sawyer's Slide PROJECTORS New Sawyer's '700' Rotomatic Slide Projector Fully-automatic, operates continuous and unattended, euto-timer times pictures at 5, 10, 15, and 30 sec. inter- vals, tray capacity -- 100 slides, remote 4' panel con- trols focus, cycle, forward-reverse, 500 watt, blower- ae 149.95 KARN'S BOOM DAZE Sawyer's "500" Series Slide Projectors (Afl models will accept new Rototray) 500 E. R. Model remote forward, reverse, and focus 500 watt, accepts Rototray or conventional 40-slide tray. Compare et 139.50. 119.50 KARN'S BOOM DAZE 500 R Model remote control forward plus manual for- ward-reverse choice. atte Compare at 121.50. KARN'S BOOM DAZE 500 § Model premium performance -- low budget price. Compare at 74.50. KARN'S BOOM DAZE °°IS THE BEST TIME \ new... wonderful. AND JUST IN TIME FOR Christmas S BR Staumile Outfit Easy io carry and use /. 4 has built-in flash! Compare at 15.95 BROWNIE OUTFIT Deluxe flash outfit with big-picture camera Compare at 28.50 Reblox.20 ---- BROWNIE Feat; CAMERA OUTFIT Complete snapshot outfit -.. at low, low cost! Compare at 11.25 9.88 BROWNIE Sup V AS tee o27 OUTFIT ,Ultra-modern flash camera. in a complete outfit Compore at 24.95 21.95 Instanoad ...electria' eye ... budget price! Compare at 59.50 MOVIE KIT Indoor-outdoor movies with automatic ease! Compare at 74.50 MISTAKE- PROOF Agfamatic CAMERAS ~ ae jose tess than $60.0 Priced to fit the most modes budget. . Small -- neat -- light, Weighs _ only 18 oz, PERFECT TO USE Even if you have never used a camera before you can learn to take a. perfect picture in two minutes. All you have to do is aim and push the magic Jever. When you see the green light in the view finder... snap the picture. That's all, Come in for a FREE demonstration. and your copy of "PHOTOG- RAPHY WITHOUT FEAR" --- the funniest booklet ever written on photography, BROWNIE TwuZO0 OUTFIT. Compare at 21.95 18.95 ww pauas 28 KING STREET EAST PHONE 723-4621 67.75 Radiant Screens -- base. 30 x 40 Fine quality GLASS BEADED on sturdy tripod 13.25 BOOM DAZE. . 40 x 40 Open Evenings 'till 9 P.M. 16.50 BOOM DAZE 25.95 BOOM DAZE Deluxe LENTICULAR Surfoce "PICTURE MAS- TER" by Radiant.