7" THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Nevember 13, 1963 3 | Atom League | ; a Under Way The Atom Hockéy League got underway last Monday evening at Bowmanville Arena. In the first game the Indians defeated the Hornets 3-0 on goals by | Butch Stephen (2) and Morris Meadows, In the second game the Bombers handed the Royals an 8-0 defeat, Robert Wilson led the Bombers scoring four goals. Steve Parker (2), Wayne Murphy and Mike Leblanc ac- counted 'for the other Bombers' goals, 4 SATURDAY, NOV. 16 Baniam League -- 7 a.m., Pee Wees vs. Flyers; 7.45 a.m., Cubs vs. Braves; 8.35 a.m., Pirates vs. Lions. Pee Wee League -- 9.20 a.m., Bruins vs. Rangers; 10.15 a.m., Canadians vs. Leafs; 11 a.m., Wings vs. Hawks. ' Atom League -- 11.50 a.m.,! 2 | Giants vs. Hornets; 12.35 p.m., . |Bombers vs. Barons. ye p ¢ Pad | Midget League -- 1.30 p.m., 5 AP Path | " id ' ? " hose "alg Maroons vs. Generals. MINE SHAFT COLLAPSE SWALLOWS BUSES " i Juvenile League--3 p.m., Can- , . é ; , ucks vs. Aces. Two of five buses which at .Timmins Tuesday lie on the storage plant of Canadian Timmins Coach Lines. ' | were swallowe' by a cave- their sides in the 70-foot-deep Petrofina gasoline company. FIRST STOCK TRANSACTION IS RECORDED [Steet Keck = 8 pt, Sines] et ee ee cee eh toe Se eee oe eee nee eee ee ane, iis eet" Wancietlin" of Kolbstant Betreliny of the. dent of 1. -C- Beaubien and Credit St. Leurent Inc. 'The |" Hornets; 5.45 p.m., Barons 7 jeg Promotions And Awards Credit St, Laurent Js exam- Canadian Stock Exchange; J. L. Levesqn: Inc; and fompany sted is shares on [~~ >| GREENWOOD ENTRIES Promotions n Wal ined by Robert Demers, left, Rolland Giroux, Vice-Presi: Henri Ferron, President of AGP Wirephota) | Talk On Bible THURSDAY, November 14 CAPSULE NEWS BTS Ward | LABOR COUNCIL Qrono Topic sarmcais ee A PE Aen sso Made At Kedron | awccel, Mets a Bee Ase | By MRS. R. 8. BISHOP moted class were called by Ted | | ' } f | RTH RACE -- Fai t. $5000 . ( NEWS IN BRIEF | Bravunie tie eey i \ctatreina. Purse $2100 ny pyeriee 7, KEDRON -- The new year in|Maidman, the children passed Ro al Pr obe Of At UCW Meet 2 S22 Sine wv [Se cs, wie de ithe Sunday Schoo! of Kedron|through the white picket gates Vy ; | entence The Political Action Commit- Teeston, Hale (A112 | Barleycorn, Leblanc. 108 |United Church started off offi-/to meet their new teacher, y ° "py | Lawless Lady, Stadnyk 109 e Shining Wings, Dittfach 109 cially when upils were pro-| while Anne Bishop sang "Open tee, at the Labor Council meet By MRS. KEN GAMSBY | Choreography, Hernandez 112 Pay Parade, Parsons X110 eee ' Gai ce Peden i br bates" ° ing, urged labor support of two Unit 2 UCW met at the home Linscott, No Boy 112 | { candidates in the forthcomin : : v¢ | SECOND RACE -- Red Bridge. $2500 Careless Kate, Walsh 105 awards were made for perfect i Pensions Urged | I 0 15 Months Whitby T whedcienl bectlone of Mrs, Velma Watson. Mrs. | claiming. Purse $1800 for 3-year-olds and Quesimini, No Boy 112 attendance during the past ATTENDANCE AWARD pee " -'|M. J. Tamblyn opened thejup. 7 Furlongs. Round Sun, McComb 115 ° Awards for attendance were Thomas "dwards, a_ public . year. ' : : Mr. Bellachop, Dittfach 108 ' meeting with call to worship) eaiel, Gorden 116 > XM sate ia {made to all children of the Sun- KITCHENER (CP) -- Kitch-|ed din Bitar, 55, who had BOWMANVILLE -- A ward of SChool board trustee, is running) snd a Thanksgiving story, show-|Humber 6 anton ie FIPTH RACE -- Larkspur, $8000 claim _Promoted from Nursery 0 day Rohoal: wise analnbailiad: fam ener city council Tuesday de-/headed three cabinets domi- the Ontario Training School for for a seat on Town Council and mg the peta things ore Willhooks, 'Dittfach, 109 ing. Purse $2100 for 2-year-olds. 7 Fur-- Kindergarten classes were: | required standard of attend- cided to ask the federal gov- nated by the B'aath socialist! Boys was sentenced to 15 months _ puty pits Rspngeretl Ee has: to be thankful for. Bors Uiceee BicReEe abit Tin Pan Alley, Gordon 109 Secie peep Kibarvags eld Certificates were present- ernment for a royal commission|party since an army COUP /definite and three months in--*"0 1S seeking 19 retain his "a7. joan Duvall continued|Cut Jewel, Parsons (C)X106 Poppy Talk, Harrison 115 |Laura ye chke. Jo. Annie@ for the first year, and then study of the Canada Pension/March 8 definite in Ontario Reforma. Pace on Council. the story and followed with| Senior mastery Stadnyk: (A) 109 Brice Wiss Ne hey ts eg . ,R o k Mi shael| 82's to add to the certificates. Plan, The -- er the) WOULD BUILD PLANT _ |tory in magistrate's court here SEEK AFFILIATION prayer. Mr. Jiffer, Leblanc 107 General John, Walsh X107 pre ee c and! , C°ttificates were awarded to: lq t ro- 4 4 WAL Mankdac - ¢ : A . é en own, 1 uck's Nephew, No Bo! S, Ci i j plan would Ser a OMPIS | HONG' KONG (AP) -- 'Ani Tuesday. : An application from the Osh-| Visits to sick and shut-ins Willowdale. Girl, Harrison. (B)112 Holy Cow, Walsh 105" Bobby Watson Anne Marie Mountjoy, Carol portionate subsidy" to many.) , 2 ican company has sub- Steven Edward Stevenson ap- 4. Unit of the Toronto News. totalled 60. Also Eligible: Du Barry Rose, No Boy, Lady Domain, No Boy 107 | : wees Mountjoy, Robby Collings, transfer the cost of future gen-|' i ha Hong. Kong ,. peared Oct: 25 on three charges ~.* A". p ri anki Considerable business was)!04; Keep A Thinking, Hernandez, 116;|Falls Way, Armstrong 119 | Promoted fromm Kindergarten|Rhonda Morrison, Robert Jack- erations and replace private) mitted to oo n Abie ild $20. -- theft of a car from Mc-(PaPer Guild for affiliation with dealt with and arrangements|( cr 'nenn TS Boonie Flare, No Baay|_ SIXTH RACE -- Ashmeade Allowance. '0 Junior Primary girls were:|son, and Janet Bremner nme! pla " 4 gata r , , b ~ y, received. S| Lad, ' ; i 5 y -- As ance. 4 shiner, , ag plans which provide funds for/™™ a vet 2 te} |Queen Motors, dangerous driv-|20o . Council Pete received d sien at dding and| 16; Maple ven, Parsons, (c)x 106. BOY'! purse $3000 for d-year-olds. 1 Mile. |Mary Ellen Glover, Beverly! Year Seals. were won by: nvestmenm and 'industrial ex- 000,000 nuclear - powered fresh|: Wictiway: A0l A ahs Secretary Keith Ross said that|made to serve ata wedding and) 06! Diplock end We'd. Farr entry [Balaklair, Parsons. X11) Phan se Sharon 'Robinson,|John Ogle. B MacDonald he go8 water distillation and . power|N& on Mighway ane ©>"'the unit was made up of non-|banquet, The offering was re-|p--).'c. Cowan and H. C. Burton entry |Warriors Day, Fitzsimmons 119 AER: Ten ere, Druce Macvonasd, pansion. lgeneration plant to ease the|Structing a police officer. He Peau dente ot Tiaicelved oy Gy Gua aie Hee |Safety Man, No Boy 171 | Kerry Thomas, Barbara Tre- Douglas Morrison, Joe Wright, . : <i sad c had spent the week in County pays pags fis | ey ee | | Teardrop Lane, Dittfach 109 |gunna and Wendy Williams. Ruth Bishop, Nancy Woodward, Vi vehaw cy PLEADS NOT GUILTY _|Colony's chronic water short-)7 oe Gon fait Oshawa Times and that the ap-| Mrs. M. J, Tamblyn intro-| tyro pace -- Casandra. Maiden.|Gav Pageant, Harrison 114 : Donna Glover, Ann Glover and KINGSTON (CP)--Mrs. Wil-|age, the South China Morning peciebe Fa00et awalling @ Pre- ication would be dealt with, jduced Mrs. A. Loucks, the} sso00 iclaiming. Purse $1800 or 2year- Reckless Lady, Tawse XXX103 f ot on ae ag tot ogg nn Glover an Sigel | 3 Po oliah ane it, s old fillies. 7 Furlongs. Junior Primary s : : : liam Cooper, 25, has pleaded not|Post reports. The English-lan ST : seine : : 5 guest speaker. After prayer|oo iia, trust, Noo | : guilty to fn chaben of 'mahextling guage newsnaper says the plant Hp peperh cpuepared: ty INVITED TO. PARADE Mrs; Loucks spoke on "Why did|maaame Sailor, No Boy 112.7 | SEVENTH RACE -- Firethorn, sas0/Stephen Barnett, Barry Bnad- b hig 4 yd Seals were won 6 f the Kingston Flying|/Proposed by the General Elec-| igelow, the probation officer,|. ay invitation to attend the Jesus Not Write a Book. She|Valcuita, No, Boy ca)ti2 |claiming. Purse $1900 for 3-year-olds and shaw, David Maschke, Michael|by: Brian Starr, Allan Starr, $1,546 from the ingsto! yin tele Co. would mipnly 10,000 00| showed previous charges for poy, ile Chris Baraaalscuc ce ae a her| Roval, Picture, Dittfach 109 |UP. 7 Furlongs. \Pettis, Allan Starr, and Eddy|Stephen Barnett, Tom Ogle, Club where she worked as ajttic Y uid suppls eto | thet te Gare "And Molon Shook: owmanville ristmas Parade| gave some illustrations of her) jet Fiow, parsons X114 Faithful Tom, Gordon 115 Karen Pascoe, and Janice Sel- bookkeeper. The county court/t? 30,000,000 gallons of fresh| : r scod'jon Nov, 30 was received bylexperiences with the Old: and|Flying Dodi, Harrison 112 |Argo Bound, Ditttach 107 Woodward. : ' 5 gates and 36 tb 150 memewatts| me and three escapes from 'he|,, fi > , sme Nanian, Leblanc -112 |Sgt. Bricker, No Boy 118 P. oted # Junior Pri- leck. fel oF ne mower of three, be: of electricity daily 2 Ontario Training School for "°U"C' New Testaments which WAS! iiss Peanuts, McComb 112 | Soysambu, Uyeyama 118 rig aby Fourth Year Seals were won gan Tuesday. | ' 7 ie h ly j ; avi Pacbtabbatn dates barat) A RMID EMR HORS SS , Hale 11 jmary Girls to Senior Prima : : |Boys, Bowmanville, CHRISTMAS PARTY ee ak de | Red Sat itzimmons 18 \wore: Susan Brock, Carol Bar|Mountjoy, Patti Rosnak, Ralph , 7 ee, ' ° rad 9 . AVA ES j " i 1, B pales dey subead : ; PROCEED WITH TRIAL | __ OBTAIN LOAN ee A " charge brought a 12 The annual Christmas Party| yrs. Loucks for her inspiring R. Barraball in the sbsence Ofise, tas worn sie jnett, Diane Flintoff, Janice _-- Bsa Gloria Woodward. LINDSAY, Ont, (CP) |, AUCKLAND (AP)--New Zea-/months definite and thre eto children of delegates will be|cccac 4 Mrs. Watson for|tH€. Secretary. Minutes: were Ann Cox, Debbie Wilson, Janet| ©? ear Seals were award- cat dalhecated hree|land announced Wednesday it/months indeterminate term, the yeiq at the United Automobile me s28° 2nd Mrs. ; lread and approved, a fud re.| EIGHTH RACE -- Tourney. $2500 Oxi d Di Mountio: ed to: Diane Mountjoy, Gloria grand jury deliberated for three| . btained its first loan from|dangerous driving a six months' wea Stee! the use of her home, The teas ie w the finance, |(l2'mina: Purse $1900 for 3year-olds ang Sle, and Diane }0y. _ |Mountjoy, Diane Barnett, Anne hours Tuesday before deciding the World Bank It totals £2.\term- to run ateriireeit ane Workers Bond Street' Hall on urer gave a short report, Lunch p Pg ig of the finances | up. 1 Mile, ES Promoted from Junior Pri- Bishop ior Ogle ' ~ there was enough evidence to 800,000 ($8,400,000) ond wil be obstructing Constable J, McDon- Leathers was served by the hostess. Me N atin ox months DY eereure te bey WwW jmary Boys to Senior Primary: A Sixth y. : * proceed with the capital mur-| 56a by five 'harbor boards|ald OPP three months 'consecu- 2 : ; he . Allin. Collection was)tiny Fruit, Harrison 107 \Jeff Thomas, Robert MacDon-)) 0° coi Won Seal was won der trial today of Helen Margert/(,. port. development. Kinance|tive: UNIT NO, 3 aken and several handed in|Pepit, Lahore ue pee ald, Paul Jackson, Donald Tre-|°Y: S¥!via Woods, Md J in of i s their birthda i ; ' .| A Seventh Year § _ Deyell, 33. Mrs. Deyell ath| Minister Harry Lake said inter-| Evidenve showed that Stevan, Careless Driver Unit No, 3 meeting was y money | McGillicuddy, Smith 115 gunna, Danny -Maschke, Dan Phe ae a pre- charged with the beating de i te ELL i held at the home of Mrs. Tag-| "A Thanksgiving Thouzht"|Page Service, Walsh x110 ny Gavelle, Brian . Watson, of 76-year-old Harold Bate May|°st rate is 544 per cent and the|son had stolen an Austin Healy gart. Mrs. Tyrrell opened withiwas read by ig Seal eter NOY Grand, Parsons X113 David. Snowden, Gary Snowden| An Eighth Year Seal was 1 "terms 25 years, with no capital/Sprite and tried to make his " call to worshi whith pchumn-wak eine, [trae We ee d Gary. Sellock [presented to Dennis W. : jrepayment for the first four get-away on Highway 401. When Is Fined ' Mrs, Rainey cube the devo- Mrs . Chalice come D Real stuf, No Boy 118 ["Promeled trom Senior Pri-|Reggle Devs. ee APPOINT GUILLET years. the officer tried to stop him ac- : al. aa ti sing tha theme Mz th acrcm ng read l./Yola 2nd, Smith 115 nts ' Se as 'Ba > 8, ote ciissd Wad ataniniad: heneatsh: : ne oe, vonq. tional message using the me/Mather's condensed version of| Also Eligible: Last Morning, Stadnyk, mary Girls to Junior Girls:| A Ninth Year Seal wag pre- PETERBOROUGH (CP)--Dr. CALL SESSION ty tee Hi shige er ' peat BOWMANVILLE A Wood "Thanksgiving or Tjanksliv- the "Holy Spirit' from the !20 Musical Hit, Leblanc, -108; PirateGail Mitchell, Debbie sented to: Donald Werry, John E. C. Guillet, 65, of Toronto, a woscow (AP) -- The Su-- un him down or force the stock sportscar racing buff was j,5° followed by a poem: and "Word and the Way." new Stednvks 110; Bull Pine, No Boy. Maschke, Susan Arsenault,| Davis, 0 motorcycle off the ' 5 ; pt ogg A Bg Ed a preme Soviet, Russia's parlia-)-- seh = - fined $25 and $1220 costs eld prayer The meeting closed with) /Pes! Time 1.30 p.m. Cloudy and slow. Ruth Bishop, Nancy Wood.) A 10th Yi ranetE. ie " e's : dcrmhinssercecte bial del hy . f ear Seal was won by: f 1 ment. has been called to a careless driving in magistrate's " wphe minutes were then read. hymns "Now t meine ----j|ward, Nancy Craig, and Carol appointed consultant on Cana-| meeting Dec. 16, apparently to} . ® court. here Tuesday : Mrs, Sherwin spoke to the grouP|and "God be with Yoo "Ti W LaBOSSIERE SENT Down |/€¢ Harvey. ae ae ee diana to the librarian of Trent ratify plans to expand produc-| al river Barry Parker, 251 Clarke/apout India today --' particu-| Meet Again:"' e Syypeer sy veel - fa Promoted from Senior Pri-. An 11th Year Seal was won University, the university said tion of chemical fertilizer. FEE ee ere asd ne aallatly Central Indian around) Mrs, Challice thanked Mrs. more Clippers of the American|@'¥ Boys to Junior Boys:/by: Margaret Maidman, Tuesday. A native of Cobourg, Farlow, of Woodstock. The in- Nacour, Irwin for having the meeting at Hockey League announced Tues-| 1eddy Craig. A 12th Year Seal was earned K "ELE J vestigating icer C 2 id : . ak ; A ; he is author of several books. eier URUK Tae ss For 30 Day vestigating officer Constable P. 'The - collection was taken her home. day that New York Rangers are| Promoted from Junior Girls by Marie Maidman. Der Hoed OPP. ' ~i ; | : ¥ MUST COMPETE " 7 . I : | and the financial report given |sending them centre Gordon La-}to Senior Girls: Janet Brock, » CORNWALL (CP) -- Travel bleed ee ty bo ng The officer explained that the Collection last month amount- RALLY DAY Bossiere. Up from Sudbury,|Donna Glover, Alexis Bremner, | TB DECLINES SintMAy Auld: eal Tueiday the scantnn ie pealnbbed Comet: now ae : accident had occurred as traf-'ed jo $29.10. Twenty-one sick) The Church Sunday School 0 where he led the Eastern Pro-|and Wendy Hitchens. | Britain's tuberculosis death, oni alten ° re en ee a WMANVILLE -- A former fic was streaming 'out of Mos-\calis had been made by 'the|the Orono United Church held| fessional Hockey League in scor-| Promoted from Senior Girls Tate has been declining at the ntario tourist industry isn't do-\nist. party Leader Walter |Oshawa man, now living at the|port Park after the Grand Prix.|members during the pastiits annual Rally Day service|ing last. year, LaBossiere hasito the Y. to atte liebe of 15 per cent each year sti on Sorat ian aa Ca ee eaveas alg yes Motel, Orono, paid/There were 20 or 30 thousand) monih recently, Over 250 children were been a reserve with the Ran- Gloria Wonteant Dats Then = -- ting r ' s. Hejc § 5 ' yas 50 and costs after his convic-|people there that day, he said, s y - ndanc | , i told the Seaway Valley Travel to head of state. jtion for careless driving Oct. 2 land cars were bumper to bum- ra ae (saetoneliee vat ne we in be one cremate Ga Greig fiereusicae Council here the industry must "ELD TELEGRAPH TITLE John Wayne Dennis also|per for miles, talked about the Love of God,!main church hall. CHALLENGES FOR TITLE As the names of each pro- sel i 7 % Mee outclders. to' the arovints LITTLETON, Mass. (AP) --|Pleaded guilty to failing to re-| In this case three cars were/ysing The Word and the Way. | Rally Sunday was also the| SIMD COUR We TLE | _2s 'he names of | SPECIALISTS and keeping them here for as Lheodore R. McElroy, 62, word at poh as FENG egy acci-/involved, he continued, accused phe meeting closed with thejopening Sunday for the attend-Lloyd Gordon of Saint: John, | long possible. champion telegrapher in the/"© riving while his li-/being the driver of the third car Mizpah benediction, and lunch'ance pin awards, former Canadian flyweight box-\| "KINDNESS : 1920-30s, died Tuesday in his|cence was under suspension. |in line. The driver of the first oo : a F : > di , Plead Barc : , : as served. Mrs. Tyrrell thank-| yr. ings d ing' champion, challenged the|J BEYOND PRICE, CITES CROP IMPORTANCE jhome. McElroy held the teleg-) Conviction' on these two car was Robin Daw, Scarboro|?s 'those who helped with the aA a Brisas ® ctdldran aealNe: 1 contender, Carl Baldwin] yet WITHIN NI This vear's raphers' world championship charges brought him 30 days in'and the driver of the. middle fs i ren and} ' na mick poet ol Ga ina on 1920-33, lost it in 1934, then|County Jail at Cobourg. car was not in court. pene howe emer Choir sang three seilgh oon ie Dick Pear. REACH OF ALL" dous wheat exports are demon- tegained it in 1935 and he'd) Constable P. Den Hoed, testi: Mr. Daw described the UNIT NO. 5 ee son of Saint John, president of | GERROW strating how important a pros- unt 1 the competition was dis-/fied he 'had been called to: in- bumper-to-bumper snail's pace! Unit No. 5 held the monthly ocr th a _ Oe aren the Canadian Professional Box-| FUNERAL { perous agriculture is to the en. continued in 1939 vestigete the accident at Cour-|traffic and stated that he was|meeting at the home of Mrs.| Va, © singing of "Jesus Loves|ing Federation, said Tuesday| f Real Estete Ltd. tire Canadian economy, C. W. BATTLES BEAR tice sideroad. He said accused doing only about 10 miles an Irwin. The meeting opened a viper sg andinight the federation wants "to CHAPEL oe TRADES ACC! Gibbings, president of the Sas- CanIM LAKE. B.C. (CP) --|fad. run into the rear of a hour, with prayer by Mrs, Couvier* the P Reon of the . school.| get some action in this division" 390 King W. 728-6226) 728-6286 323 S. W. katchewan Wheat Pool, said padic Dixon. 50-year-old Tndian vehicle making a right hand "Suddenly I heard a crash and a hymn, rimary department sang|and the fight would probably be noted Wd King St. W. "Jesus j ; " | . Tuesday. He told the pool's an- guide, fought an 800. - pound|'U™, then he had panicked and pening me," he said. "A sec-| The devotional was taken by Jesus Bids Us Shine. sanctioned. nual meeting the prosperity orizzly bear with his wooden|'U". The officer told the court!gnd went by and -then 'Bang!'|Mrs. Irwin, the topic "God's generated by the record grain arm and hook until two hunters|that the licence was under sus-\ My car was struck in the rear,|Good Gifts," which included a crop in Western Canada and arrived and shot: the animal./P7nSion for a similar offence. Mr. Parker told me 'he wasivery fine thanksgiving message record exports is temporarily Dixon required 60 stitches. "You won't be doing any driv- looking at a Jaguar driving out! A _ quartette including Mrs | alleviating chronic unemp'oy- CHILDREN'S POSTURE ing for a while,' said Magis-\0f a farm lane. When he looked| McKenzie, Mrs, Bowins, Mrs ment, 10 w ness 0° economic SASKATOON (CP) 'The trate R. B. Baxter, "It will be ahead again he ran smack into|Challice and Mrs. Irwin sang growth and unfavorable balance a ) : tic - suspended for at least another|the car ahead and it banged|"How Great Thou Art." of trade, Pepi gil Agnes Hae six months. into mine." Roll call was taken by Mrs. dé a ays § Aa nae - ~ | USE NEW TERMINAL '° show that only 1.4 per cent of | | WINNIPEG (CP) -- The first children checked by the group domestic 'light to use Winni-|have perfect spines. About 900 THIS WEEK-END peg's new $10,000,000 air ter- children in the province were minal landed Tuesday. The new checked and about 10 per cent AT THE facilities are geared to handle had poor or bad posture, " uale as many as 18 arriving a:reraft House Jack Built ; ne BY COLOR CHANGE . at once without congestion ST. JOHN'S, Nfld (CP) - EGG pang 3 REBUFFS WARNINGS Newfoundlanders, who have had FRESH | BUENOS AIRES (AP) -- Ar. Yellow and black licence plates FREE e : gentina Tuesday rebuffed warn- se Aga ih eer : 39 M M 46 7 ae HIGHEST QU ALIT y MEAT +} * 4 Ss on a ings from U.S. sources regard-|)h" backsround in 1964 Ther oh eta IDEAL ' ' ing the Argentine. government's 8 8 ent's| eo on sale about March 1 plans to cancel multi-million- deli t comiacts with, foreign EYE POTATOES '5; 29° | ICE CREAM @j || FRESH Pork » | Senne | =~ America n. A government EXAMINATIONS | Ib BANANAS Ib source said "the action iz .m- PHONE 723-4191 Chocolate MALLOWS BRICKS | ne pencumen or provident "by appointment SUNBRITE COLORED c Arturo Illia is united in thé de- F, R. BLACK, 0.D. REG, c BUY ONE AT 39c . Mar arine ib vig t th ' a e >, . ee sien NORTH 39¢ 29 GET ONE LEAN MEATY FRESH PORK § FORM NEW GOVERNMENT ° BLADE SHOULDER FIRST GRADE CREAMERY Aegon pect -- ie SHORGAS eee Se FREE! BUTTER Ib new government was formed) Tuesday under the premiership HEATING & BREAD 2 nee 37° LEAN MEATY FRESH PORK i 0° the president of the revolu-| APPLIANCES BROOKSIDE tonary council, Maj.-Gen. Amin| LARGE SHORT RIB B U T T BREAD 2 FOR 39° ceeds the one headed 'by Salah SS AMERICA DRY 2 BOTTLES 39° SHORT CUT (1st 4 rib) 75 FRESH PORK " ATURE y @ established, reliable Gas ae > Son Geshe vou ores. H 0 i S 7 J A ( K B U IL PRIME RIB LOIN END 59 He po FEATUR rk PAUL 31 CELINA ST. ECONOMY--6 & 7 DEVON RINDLESS CHICKENS LYE Oe * UNE "728.9441 OPEN TILL 12:30 A.M. EVERY DAY KING sT. EAST |] PRIME RIB 59 BACON 55 oe.