55TH ANNIVERSARY SALE OF FURS BUY NOW AND SAVE! 125" 550" OFF THE ORIGINAL PRICES ON ALL STOCK FINEST QUALITY FURS A collection of fine fashion furs, so luxurious and - so low priced you must see them to know the wonder of their values. Marten's, with branches in Toronto _ a and Oshawa, makers of fine furs for over 55 years, are furriers upon whom you can rely completely. , Highest Trade-In Allowance On Your Old Furs Budget Terms Easily Arranged MARTEN'S FURS TSKINGSTREETEAST -- Opposite Hotel Genosha EMBA* Tourmaline Mink Jacket THE OSHAWA TIMES; Wednecdey, November 18, 1968 5 | BOOM DAZE SPECIALS at WARD'S OSHAWA'S "FIRST" KENWOOD DEALER OFFERS... ' 3 F ACTORY CLE AR ANCES KENWOOD __ | WATSON'S UNDERWEAR ete) | ee ee wear. . . the big savings are due to small imperfections in some of the garments . . . a twice-a-yeor mill offering on sale this week! VESTS sizesM,L ° Wal : [ weg. 1.19 PANTIE, bonded ieg ~ sizes ML reg. 1.19. sizes O.S. reg. 1.29 BRIEF boarded sizes M, L rag. 1.00 size O.S. reg. 1.10 PANTIE = double gusset sizes M, L reg. 1.35 size O.S. reg. 1.45 size X.D.S, veg. 1.65 beautiful colors of rose, ton, green, and blue in generous 72"x 84° size. urstrous 6" satin binding; pure wool, pre-shrunk, color fast, mothproofed cron gales PENMAN'S Wool-Nylon HOSIERY Prd 12 ea These are the famous botany wool fashioned hose for warm winter wear. & is Reinforced with nylon at heel and toe for longer weer, Substandards of our $2.79 line, the smali imperfections are difficult to find and will not or affect the wear. aes 2 for 25.00 sa Medium Beige Shade--- ~~ , COMPARE WITH 15.95 VALUE . Sizes 9 w 11 --SAVE 1.98 ......- eS ae ~ 4.49 WARD'S 31 SIMCOE ST. S. ask ror FREE DRAW TICKET 100.00 iv our srore"y> PHONE 725-1151.