4 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 13, 1963 BIRTHS Canada Starts ws sve] TO Unload Butter Surplus OTTAWA (CP)--A start has of a son, Bryan hows Civic Hospital on Thursday, No- vember 7, 1963. A little brother for Bryce. -- Harry and (nee Taylor) Phage to A Rha g bBo of their happy Robert William, 8, Ibs. 6 ozs., on. Satu Novernber 9, 1963, at Uxbridge) been made on unloading Can- ada's surplus of older butter, Cottage Hospital. A brother for Earia. 'YE -- Ben and Evelyn are happy stunnecs the arrival of their chosen daughter, Debor: . A little sister for Earl, Guy and Joey. LINDENSMITH -- Ray and Sandra (nee Ostrander) are happy to the arrival of a son, 6 Ibs. 9 oz5., on Tuesday, November 12, 1963, at Oshawa General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. W. G. McKay and 4th floor staff. First 4,1 total 80,000,000 pounds as part grandchild for Mr oni, and an eddilof a butter surplus of more than child = for = Mi \ test Cords ih 200,000,000 pounds. ; sei i eas One informant said several tha Uvivel of 2 son, 7 Ibs. 15 ozs, on{million pounds have been sold Monday, November 1 ner for Beverly,and Will be loaded this week. It Douglas and Debra. is believed initial sales are around 10,000,000 pounds. The selling price of 27 cents compares with the estimated cost to the federal government of 75 cents stored as butter oil, by over- partment official said Tuesday. Exporters recently were ad- vised that Canada is prepared to sell the butter oil at 27 cents a pound, well below cost. Stocks an rs. INT your son or with) an Oshawa Times birth notice. The rate is $1.50, Phone 723-3492 and our staff will assist you in writing a notice. seas sales, an agriculture de& US. Visitors At Port Perry Installation By MRS. C. H. REESOR PORT PERRY -- District Deputy President Sister Grace Love installed her fellow mem- bers of her own lodge at the first open installation ever to bbe held in this district. Over 400 members and visi- tors gathered together in the auditorium of the Port Perry Public School to witness the ceremony. District Deputy President Love greeted many guests, among whom were: Sister May Bunker, of Oshawa, Past Dis- trict Deputy President and Mother of Maybella Rebekah Lodge, was introduced by Sister Alpha Samells, PNG District Deputy President of Oshawa No. 7, West. Sister Dolmage was presented by Sister Reta Boe, PNG. District Deputy President of Niagara No. 2, Niagara Falls, New York, Sister Ellen Hoff DEATHS SHACKELTON, Mary Edna At the Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, Navember 12, 1963, Edna Shackelton in her 76th year. Pre-deceased by Mrs. L. Dean (Lila), Mrs. P. Fisher (Elizabeth), Herman, William, Jack, Joe, Albert and Richard, Miss Shackelton is resting at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street West, for service in the chapel on Friday. November 15, 2 p.m. Interment $t. John's Cemetery, Black- stock. YELLAND, Hate! Marion Keep Army In Europe In Oshawa General Hospital, on Tues- Canada Told loved daughter of the late Henry and! PARIS (CP)--The Canadian daar ae bay bre hg loving sister '\Commons defence committee "9, and Lloyd Yelland of Oshawa.|Tyesday heard a NATO spokes- bourg, The late Miss Yelland is resting at y -- Mcintosh - Anderson Funeral SEE ee edge Canada should not Oshawa, until Thursday noon, then at/Withdraw its 6,500-man army MacCoubrey Funeral Home, Cobourg,|brigade from Europe or change where service will be held on Friday:ithe nuclear role of the RCAF Nov. 15, at 2 p.m. Interment Union|": beapetghe , Cemetery, Cobourg. jair division to a conventional one. LOCKE'S FLORISTS The declaration was made at Funeral orrangements. and a closed meeting of the com- floro! requirements for all mittee by NATO Secretary-Gen- occasions. eral Dirk Stikker. werenwa NATO would also object, the committee was told, to any with- 2 adage drawal of the brigade from its 28-65 present forward position along the Franco-German border as IN MEMORIAM suggested by Gen. Charles Foulkes, chairman of the Cana- ; snr it 3 (uan joint chiefs-of-staff from jar cee Wane Arties, who 'passed away, November 13, j ea Sone. 'did what He thought best, 1951 to 1960. NATO's great worry is that) He came and stood beside you And whispered, "Come and rest". any withdrawal of the brigade, which now operates near the Y laked fo one. a last' farewell, East German frontier, would be Nor tven said bye, a signal for all North American You had gone before we knew It forces to be taken out of Eu- And only God knows wh 24 HOUR 7: was presented by Sister Ruby Beare, PNG. Two associate officers who accompanied the DDP from Niagara, Sisters Ger- trude Doty and Helen Dunn were introduced by Sister Lola Bruce, PNG, The Grand .Guardian of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, Broth- jer Harvey Atwood, was pre- 'sented by Sister Dora Dowson, | PNG and District Deputy Grand |Master, District No. 41, Broth- er Earl Geer, of Warriner Lodge was introduced by his wife, Sister Audrey Geer. OFFICERS PRESENTED The highlight of the evening was the installation of the offi- cers-elect by the District Deputy President and her staff of offi- cers. Under the capable super- vision of District Deputy Mar- shall. Sister Nettie Aldred the following officers were present- ed: Junior Past Noble Grand,| Sister Lillian Harper; Noble Grand, Sister Georgina Moore; | Vice Grand, Sister Helen Red- BROCKVILLE (CP)--A court tuying Dolores Clow on a charge of the theft of $228,000 from an auto agency where she was an accountant heard _ testimony Tuesday that Mrs. Clow planned to leave her husband, William, for another man. Bob MacKenzie, service man- ager at Billings Motors Limited, said Mrs. Clow told him on Oct. 16, 1962, that she was meeting Ronald Biesinger that night and that she planned '> go to live at his home in Danbury, Conn. Mr. MacKenzie testified Mrs. Clow told him she doub' whether she would ever see Brockville: again. After Mrs. Clow disappeared he reported this conversation to Murray Billings, the agency owner. He said Mr. Billings went over the company's cash jowmal with the bookkeeper and found that in one column '%e figures were under-added. After that, he said, Mr. Billings went to see his law- yer. TAKING HOLIDAY The bookkeeper, Mrs. Majorie Murphy, said in her testimony for the Crown that Mrs, Clow had told her she had broken up |with her husband and was tak- | Model Planned Leave Husband ing a holiday. When Mrs. Murphy asked her how long she would be away, Mrs. Clow re- plied: ' "One or two weeks, unless I do away with myself first." Ter. days later Mrs. Clow, a 37-year-old former model, was arrested in Plattsburg, N.Y. In a subsequent divorce proceeding institute by her husband, Ron- ald Biesinger was named as co- defendent. Mr. Clow has been granted a decree nisi. Mrs. Murphy testified she no- ted|ticed during 1959, the year Mrs. Clow became the firm's account- ant, that although considerable cash transactions had been re- corded the amount actually de- posited in the bank seemed much less. "One day there were some $100 bills taken in cash," she said. "I noted the serial num- bers and put them in the cash box. When I made the bank de- posit, I noticed two or three were missing." DIDN'T MENTION The bookkeeper said she didn't mention the matter to Mrs. Clow because "'she was the boss and she made out the bank deposit slips.' She also said she thought Mrs, Clow was paying herself because she 'told me she had | OBITUARIES | |MRS. MARY E. SHACKLETON The death of Miss Mary Edna Shackleton occurred in Oshawa |General Hospital Tuesday, Nov. 2 | Miss Shackleton, who lived at 18 Grenville street, was in her 176th year. B January, 1888, lin Pontypool, Manvers Town- lship, she was the daughter of lthe late Richard and Sarah Shackleton, Miss Shackleton came to Osh- awa in 1948. She has no surviving rela- tives, but was predeceased by man; recording secretary, Sis-|two sisters, Mrs. L. Dean (Lila) ter Lucille Gray; financial sec-)and Mrs. P. Fisher (Elizabeth), retary, Sister Leona Wanna-jand by six brothers, Herman, maker; treasurer, Sister Hileen|William, Jack, Joe, Albert Peel; conductor, Sister Mildred)and Richard. Rodd; chapkain, Sister Ruby} Miss Shackleton is resting at Branch; musician, Sister Roxy|Gerrow Funeral Home where Webster; color bearer, Sister|ine funeral service will be held Ruth Short. Friday, Nov. 15, at 2 p.m. The RSNG, Sister Velma Foster; | service will be conducted by hed Sister Luella Graham;|ine Rey, Arthur Magee, minis-) money in the business."' Mrs. Murphy said under cross- examination by defence counsel Roydon Hughes that instances of the accounts receivable column on the cash journal being under- added «went back to 1956, two years before Mrs. Clow was em- peoyed by Billings Motors. The trial continues. Sugarbeet Support Called For TORONTO (CP)--A resolution urging the support of federal and provincial governments to ensure the continued production of Canada's sugarbeet industry was adopted Tuesday at the On- tario Federation of Agricul- ture's annual convention here, More than 300 delegates dorsed the resolution, presented: in a report by the Ontario Sug- arbeet Growers' Association. The report said prices of Ca- nadian-grown and refined sug- arbeets must be able to com- pete with refined sugar pro- duced in Canada from import raw cane sugars, "The market is uncertain and suffers wild fluctuations," the report said. '"'These same price gyrations are reflected in the returns to Canada's sugarbeet producers and offer no incentive 'or large investment in farming equipment necessary to keep up with cultural changes." Murder Suspect Awarded Remand NAPANEE (CP)--Charles M. Loyst, 48, of nearby Kaladar was remanded Tuesday to Dec. 10 when he appeared for pre- liminary hearing on a-tapital murder charge in the shooting death of 64-year-old Hugh Mc- Mahon Oct. 9. McMahon, a logger and me- chanic, was slain in his road- side shack on Highway 41 just south of Kaladar. en- COMING EVENTS BINGO, Bathe Park, Eulalle Avenue, Thursday, 2 p.m. Euchre Saturday, 8 p.m. "CHRISTMAS FANTASY" Bazaar by the UCW of Albert Street United Church, RUMMAGE Sale -- St. Andrew's Church, Friday November 15, 1.30 p.m. Unit 1. REGINALD STEWART, Thursday, 4, 2.: fo be opened by Mrs. F. H. lous booths including home-cooking, aprons, candy, novelty, fancy-work, ap- Plique quilts. Also tea-room. Price 50c. inter acclaimed concert pianist, on Monday, November 25, McLaughlin Collegiate, Tickets Saywell's Store or the box office. RUMMAGE Saie at the Simcoe Hall, November 15, at 1.30 p.m. sponsored by the 28th Scouts Auxiliary. RUMMAGE sale, Centre Street United Church, Thursday, November 14, p.m. Evelyn Goodwin Unit 3. HARD TIME dance, Legion Hall, Satur- |day, November 16. Prizes, refreshments. All welcome. $2.00 per couple. BAZAAR & TEA Sewing & Bake Sale FRIDAY, NOV. 15 2:30 P.M. AT Today's Stock Marke TORONTO 11:00 A.M, STOCKS By The Canadian Pp; T 1--Odd lot, foronto Stock Quotations in cents unless marked $. ress Exchange--Nov. 13 xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is from prev! board-lot closing sale, 11:00 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 11:00 Net Stock Dicknsn Dome E Amphi Frncoeur INDUSTRIALS 11:60 Net Stock Abitibi Abit pr Alta Dis vt Alta Gas Alumini Alum 4% pr Alm 2 pr Brew C Brew A pr Cc Chem C Colli 63pr Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 125 $49%4 4 Me Ve $244 244 24% 00 435 435 435 $634 63Ye 63+ Ve 400 275 275 275 +25 $54. 54 54 225 280 280 280 1897 $28% 28 2B%e+ % 125 $23% 234 23%4-- Ve 786 $24 2434 24% 720 $56% 4 $98 98 98 OFT ce A HE 2 100 $9% "9% 9% 250 32 32: 92 25 $102¥2 1022 10214 215 $37%4 37% 37% 225 $19 19) «19 19 2 @ & 2 622. 50 $63 6363 a 210 $962 96¥2 96\2 Z12 $55¥2 55V2 55 N10 $11¥e 11 Ni%e+ ve 500 $10'% 3% 10% + Ve 120 $51 SI 51) + % 1600 595 580 580 --5 725 $18 18% 18 CF Prod pr 216 $52 52¥2 C Hydro C Imp Bk C C Ind Gas C Ind Gas p cIL C Marc CPR Cdn Pet pr C Vickers Clairtone Con Bidg Con MS Con Paper Con Gas n Corby vt Coronation Crush Int Dist Seag D Bridge Dom El xd Exquisite pr Falcon Fraser Fam Play Fraser GS Wares GL Paper GN Cap Gr Wpg vt Guar Tr Hardee Hard Carp Hawker-S Hayes Stl imp Tob pr 250 805 300 225 $176 $63% $876 8% $12% 12% $18 (18 370 370 370 $362 36% $138 13¥0 $19% 19% $7 7 $10% $29 $39% We 63% 27 400 1900 800 10% 425 50 250 275 225 25 200 100 230 250 250 400 250 16% 75 614 2100 125 1620 225 ee $6% 6 s9 6) 619 $13% 13% 13% 255 255 255 220 $164 $43% $14 $64 64 6% au 550 575 $5 5 5 45 410 410 --5 $58% 58% 58% -- % o 0 & so Wy 6 $15% 15% 152--% West A wis a8 OILS Ang U Dev 23000 33 32%2 32%2-- V2 Bata 500 3% 3% 3 Cal Ed tied | Sree CS Pete "45 44 445 C Delhi 525 530 745 745 3S 235 235 229 255 3650 1612 530 160 745 ssoses8 2 3s Cent Det 300 229 29 300 300 300 +5 41a Va 41¥2 $15%e 15% 15¥e-- Ye 435 430 435 ~1 +1 eo -3 13 10 140 --5 $122 12% 12% 140 140 140 + 710 710 2» 2 no 9 +2 | 4 +1% + {lees 2! ot +5 8 24a 24\2-- Va 62 62 Stanwell Triad Oil Union Oil Un Olis Ss -- 3 22 +1 2 2 72 1 17M 2°12 12 = 30% We Wa-- Vv WwW 2 --) 34. +7 160 365 780 3" a+ %& 2 2B W410 Wha--% 200 125 125 125 200 200 200 $10% 10% 10% 9 9 Advocate Anacon Area A Arcadia B-Duq Belleterre Bethim Bevcon Bibis Bouzan Brunswk Buff Ank Cable Camp Chib Northcal North Can Northgate Opemiska Ormsby Paramaq Placer xd Purdex QMi Que Lith Quemont Reaim Rio Algom Rockwin Sherritt Siscoe Steep R Tormont Tribag U_ Asbestos Un Buffad Un Keno Violam Werner West Mines Willroy Windfall Yk. Bear Zenmac ---% nN0 24 4 20 ef 16 . 675 18 35 5% $2 28 225 u 225 Ve i 14% 4% 44+ ve 392 38 Wat Ve 288 286 70 170 410 410 WS WS WS 64 6% 6% 12 : es | | " Th Ta--' 7 7 7 +% $11% 11% 11% 1 ~2 + 5 +10 --l --2 500 10600 7 2000 1 1000 3 1 +1% % +M% 6 +% 164 164 BY 4% + "64 b daeee | Behe | 2 Wa 1% Wh-- 9 9 9 +2 217 $10Y%e 10% 0% + v% OPP Commission May Subpoena -Mafia Suspects TORONTO (CP) Denison Judge TRADING FOREIGN 'orest 100 $23%4 23% 23% $55 5555 1 100 100 200 200 300 1000 200 500 500 Sales to 11 a.m.: 887,000, rope. SVG, Sister Norma Jeffrey; |ter of Centre Street United Ind Accep Brice J. & Macdonala i GRACE LUTHERAN 'y- Loving and kind In all your ways, Sister Eliza 2560 $23% 23% 23% Upright and just to the end of your days; Sincere and kind in 'heart and mind, Beautiful memories you left behind. --Lovingly remembered by daughter, | Betty, son-in-law Frank Povinsky. | This is of particular concern to West Germany which wants the nuclear protection of the United States. NATO feels that Canadian withdrawal from Europe would have almost as bad a reaction from the West Germans and other NATO European members as the withdrawal of the U.S. itself. HARDING -- In loving memory of Bill! Harding, who passed away November 13, 1957. eep. --Always remembered by wife Verna, son Douglas, Jean and grandchildren. |LSVG, Fralick; | outside guardian, Sister Rita! Beadle; inside guardian, Sister) Audrey Geer; RS of chaplain,} Sister Dorothy Pascoe; LS of} chaplain, Sister Rena Webster; | Donald; LSPNG, Sister Anna} Anderson; RSS, Sister Mary Enge; LSS, Sister Jeanne) Goode. | One of the first duties of the) newly elected Noble Grand was} the introducing of her family| Church, Interment will be: in St. John's Cemetery, Black- stock, MISS HAZEL M. YELLAND Very highly thought of by her associates in the traffic depart- ment at General Motors, where she worked for many years, Miss Hazel Marion 'Yelland died Tuesday, Nov. 12, in Oshawa General Hospital. MEMORIALS MARBLE and GRANITE Designing, Carving, Lettering " Installation, Repairs Open Evenings Until 9 Oshawa Monument Co. 1435 King Street East 728-3111 Mississippi Delay Tests Of Murder Suspect JACKSON, 'Miss. (AP)--The Supreme Court and mother to the assémbly,| Miss Yelland, who had been Her daughter Gloria presented|secretary to T. H. Coppim, head her with a gift from the fam-|of the traffic department, has ily. She also. presented cor:|been ill for three weeks. sages to Sisters Grace Love,| Daughter of the late Henry Lillian Harper, Helen Redmaniand Georgena Yelland, Miss and her mother, Georginal|yelland was born in Cobourg Moore. land attended Cobourg public Tuesday blocked further men- tal tests for Byron De La Beck- with and ordered him trans- ferred back to jail here to stand trial for the ambush slaying of Negro civil rights leader Med- gar Evers Jast June. By a 6-to-3. vote, the court held that Circuit Judge Leon} Hendrick had exceeded his au: thority in ordering pre - trial] sanity tests for De La Beckwith) /ori motion of the state. | CARD OF THANKS cy assiriED KEETCH -- | wish to thank all of my ADVERTISING former customers for their kind patron- (Continued from Page 27) ~RIMAR MEMORIALS MONUMENTS MARKERS Designed for any need. 152 Simcoe St. $. Oshawa Evenings 728-6627 Office 723-1002 age and hope they continue their friend- ly relationship with Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Kilpatrick, new owners. --Mrs. M. Keetch Initiation Ceremony At Audley By MRS. FRED PUCKRIN | AUDLEY -- The Explorers! held their I-'tiation Ceremony recently when three girls,| Arlene Bell, Dorothy Smith and| Marion Taylor, became new} members. | The communi' ~ club will hold) a euchre party in Audley school! on Saturday, November 16. | Karen Smith and a friend,} Martha Smith, who attend! school in Toronto, spent a re- cent weekend at the home of Karen's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mce- OCrandel, Beth and Alex, Rich- mond Hill, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aleck Richards recently. Lynne and Sherry' Underwood of Richmond Hill spent the weekend at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Guthrie, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Bath and family, Orangeville, and Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Powell and family, Cherrywood, visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Squire cn a recent Sun- di 36--Legal THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT 1, The Council of the Cor- poration of the City of Osh- awa intends to provide by "by-law pursuant to Statutes of Ontario 1 Elizabeth Il, Chapter 129, that effective January Ist, 1964, the spe- cial frontage rate to be lev- ied on lands fronting. or. abutting upon streets, lanes or alleys upon or within which watermairs have here- tofore or may hereafter. be constructed shall be as fol- lows: . (a) Upon all lands fronting or abutting upon the streets, lanes or alleys upon or with- in which watermains have been constructed or may hereafter be constructed, from and after the first day of January, 1963, a rate of 30c per foot of frontage. (b) Upon all other lands 'in the City of Oshawa upon which this by-law applies, a special frontage rate of 15c¢ per foot of frontage. 2. Application' will be made by the Corporation to' the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval. of the by-law ond any owner may within 21 days after the first publi- cation of. this notice file with the Clerk his objection to such by-law, 3. The Boord may approve the by-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and ploce when any objections to the by-law will be considered. DATED this 4th day of Nov- ember, 1963. L. R. Barrand Clerk. ay. Douglas Cale, Alderwood, and Miss Gail Pengelly, Cooksville, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Puckrin, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Guthrie and Harold recently visited with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Schuyler, Paris, Ont. TRADE BOYOOTT BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)--Ku- wait has. announced a trade boycott of South Africa because of its racial segregation poli- shee, Maybelle Rebekah Lodge, members were proud of the Dis-| trict and on behalf of the mem-| bers the retiring officers pre-| sented her with a bridge table} and. matching chairs in honor| of the occasion. The closing exercises carried jout by the installing team cli-}rn maxed their lodge work and all] joined ip singing "Blest Be The| Tie That Binds." | LOCAL LODGES H District Lodges represented! at the gathering were Osh: wa} No. 3; Beehive, Bowmanville; | Heather, Orono; Generaska,| Port Hope; Sunshine, Oshawa; Kinoven, Brooklin; Easter, Pickering; Benevolent, Whitby, and Niagara .No. 2, Niagara Falls, N.Y. Members staff were: Sister Grace Love, DDP; Sis- ter Nettie Aldred, DDM; Sisters Myrtle Rennick, Luella Kennedy, Alpha Samells, Myrtle Snelgrove, Joan Peel, Mae Blakely, Dora Dowson, Velma Foster, Ruby Beare, Lillian Harper, Marjorie Wan- of the installing Bruce, Florence Reesor, Min-| nie Diamond, Eileen Hodgins Dorothy Ianson, Lucille Gray,| Rita Boe, Ruby Roach, jorie Aldred and Betty McGee. Sister Luella Kennedy, PNG, accompanied by Sister Myrtle Snelgnove, PNG, rendered sev- eral solos among which was the American National Anthem in honor of the American mem- bers and visitors present. Magistrate Claims TORONTO (CP) -- "Some of our laws are stupid and hypo- critical," Magistrate CO. Bick that he has no objection to serv- ice clubs conducting raffles or bingo games. Mr, Bick, chairman 'of the Metropolitan Toronto Police! Commission, indicated he is sympathetic to clubs which want rf. donate the proceeds to char- ity. He added that service clubs face a stumbling block in that bingo games or raffles are al- lowed only occasionally. "T don't know what occasional means," he said in an interview. "Is jt once a week or every three weeks?' The suburban Scarborough op- cently by police to: end its weekly bingo games. Township Reeve Albert Campbell said he will meet police 'commission tatives to clarify the 'occasional.' (represen term " namaker, Dorothy Butson, Lola| 'Some Laws Stupid', said Tuesday night, announcing| timist club was warned re-| and secondary schools. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Miss Yelland leaves one sis- ter, Mrs. J. M. Harrison (Mar- |jorie), Cobourg, and one brother \Lloyd, of Oshawa. She is resting at the Mc- tosh-Anderson Funeral Home unt" Thursday noon, an' then at the MacCoubrey Funeral Home, Cobourg, where a memorial service will be con- ducted at 2 p.m., Friday, Nov. 15, by the Rev. J. D. C. Jack, minister of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, Cobourg. She jwill be buried ii Cobourg Union |Cemetery. FUNERAL OF | HAROLD BOX | The funeral service for Har- old Box, 133 Agnes street, who jdied Saturday, Nov. 9, at the |\Oshawa General Hospital was 'held Tuesday, Nov. 12, at the McIntosh -' Anderson Funeral jHome. | The services were conducted b> Rev, Dr. John Leng, minis- of St. Andrew's United Sore Interment was in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were A, Mac- Mar.|Donald, T. Rospond and G. jCapein, representing Local 222, UAW and W. Holloway, O. |Magee and S. Moss, represent- jing Corinthian Lodge, No, 61, {Independent Order of Odd Fel- j\lows. : | The members of Corinthian |Lodge held a memorial service lat the funeral home at 7.30 ip.m. Monday. 'Hoffa Fails To Block Trial WASHINGTON (AP) -- James ih. Hoffa, Teamsters' Union | president, lost Tuesday in an ef- \fort to have the U.S, Supreme Court block his: trial in Nash- ville, Tenn., on jury-tampering charges. The court rejected a petition hv Hoffa. asking review of his unsuccessful moves to have the trial transferred to a U.S. Dis- | trict Court other than the one in | Nashville. The Supreme Court made no comment about Hoffa's petition. Tt noted that Justice Arthur Goldberg, the former U.S, labor secretary, had disqualified him- self from considering the peti- |tioa, BINGO BATHE PARK CLUBHOUSE EULALIE AVE. Wed., Nov. 13th 8 P.M. NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY. EVENINGS 7:45 at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Game $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled, $220 IN JACKPOTS Door prize $15 CHURCH BAZAAR Christian Education Centre Ebenezer United Church 8 P.M. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 15 Home Baking Sewing Tea Room Sponsors: Church Women y) A = OSHAWA 1 -- $150 JACKPOT NO! $10 PER LINE PLUS $200. DOOR PRIZES EXTRA BUSES RED BARN JAYCEES Monster BINGO Thursday, Nov. 14th 20 GAMES AT $20 -- 5 GAMES AT $30 JACKPOT $20 PER LINE PLUS $50 PER FULL CARD 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS S. 51 and 56 PER FULL CARD IN 51, 56 NUMBERS THIS WEEK PLUS $25 CONSOLATION PRIZE $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES EARLY BIRD GAME ADMISSION , OSHAWA $1. LIONS, 1--$150 JACKPOT SH CHILDREN UNDER $1,200 IN CASH PRIZES BINGO WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13th JUBILEE PAVILION 20 -- $20 GAMES -- 20 5 -- $30 GAMES --5 ARE THE WEALTH--1 2 -- $250 | JACKPOTS -- 2 JACKPOT NOS. 52, 56 $25 CONSOLATION EARLY BIRD GAMES 7:50 P.M.-- EXTRA BUSES 16 NOT ADMITTED -- FREE ADMISSION -- MQNSTE WEDNESDAY 1 $150 ADMISS SUNNYSIDE PARK RBINGO | , NOV. 13th at VARCOE'S PAVILION Opposite Bad Boy's 20 -- $20 Games 5 -- $30 Games Jackpot (must go) 2 -- $250 Jackpot Early Bird Games 7:45 ION 50c WHITBY BRASS $75.00 FU NOS. 58 "FREE ADMISSION BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON South, WHITBY TODAY, NOVEMBER 13th Early Bird Game 7:45, 50/50 Share The $150.00 Special -- Must Go ~ iain LL CARD $15.00 each Horizontal Linne $100 JACKPOT -- MUST GO 20 GAMES $20 -- 5 GAMES $30 2 JACKPOT GAMES $250.00 and 51 Children under 16 will not be admitted, FREE ADMISSION 1 Ac 450 pr 1 Ac 225 pr Ind Min Inglis Inind C pr iniand Gas Inind G w Int Bronze int Nickel Int Util Intpr Dis Intpr D 62w Inter PL Inv Syn A Jeff Bw Jockey € Labatt Lakeind pr Lakeld wts Lau F 140 Leland Levy Levy 2 pr LobCo B LobG B Lob Inc Loeb M MB PR xd M Leaf Mill xd Met Store p Price Bros Rothman Royal Bank Salada Shell Can Silverwd A Slater Steel z10 55 310 97 «9797 $482 482 4814 $7%4 7% Th 40 440 $17 (17 36% 6% ov 3 7 OB $67% 67% 67% $24 285 285 (265 0 20 2 $824 82% 82% $524 52% 52% -- Ve 270 20 270 +5 330 330 330 $17% 17% 17% $19% 19% 19% 275 U5 25 +5 100 $242 242 24V2--~ Yo 100 410 410 410 200 $22 21 350 $12% 12% 12% 600 $7% ™% $2 32 2 372 7% Th 250 430 250 200 220 220 Ky 225 250 125 725 250 55 $ 1000 225. $8 8 8 220 $2270 227% 22% 230225 225 --10 $28V2 282 28Va-- Ve $13%4 13% 13% $i lS] Sl OK S16% 16% 16% $16%4 16a 16% 100 $25 25 2 +% $37% 37% WM%-- % 550 550 $14ve 14% 550 $12) 11% $19% 19% $74 7% $102 10% $36% 36 59% 9% 9% 160 $72% 72% 72 100 $11% 11% lw 939 $16% 162 16¥2+ Ve 274 $14% 14% 14% 2 440 Wse+¥% 6% 23% 24 + Ve man of the Ontario Police Com- mission, said Tuesday that per- sons in Ontario suspected of be- ing connected with the Mafia may soon be subpoenaed to tes- tify before the commission. Overseas, Judge Macdonald left for Ot- Board Urges tawa Tuesday night with two pee Fe ey H. A. Aha poly G, ib ot a parling and Thomas Graham, | Cat! , SOCTE They will confer with' RCMP|Fiue - Cured Tobacco : Sell Tobacco Marketing Board, said Tuesday Commissioner George McLellan, He said the RCMP has the most complete information on organized crime in Canada he- cause of its investigations of re- lated narcotics trafficking. The judge said he has had ex- changes with police chiefs James Mackey of Metropolitan Toronto and Leonard Lawrence of Hamilton but further discus- sions may be necessary. The commission began study- ing syndicated crime in Ontario on instruction. from Attorney- General Fred Cas3 in August after recently retired RCMP commissioner C. W. Harvison publicly warned of the presence of Mafia-like syndicates. "If we do began questioning these individuals or others thought to be part of organized crime in the province it will de- lay our report to the attorhey- general be yond December," 25 $10Ve 10%e 10% Judge Macdonald said. that selling Canadian tobacco abroad, not cutting acreage, is the way to solve the country's tobacco problem. He told members of the North- umberland - Durham Flue - Cured Tobacco Growers' Asso- ciation that the United States and Rhodesia export large pro- portions of their tobacco crop, 'Canada could do the same. To build an export tobacco market, continuity of production is needed as well as continuity of supply, JUST THE FACTS GILLINGHAM, England (CP) --Parents who are too shy to tell their children the facts of life are rushing .to borrow a record from this Kent town's library. The long-playing disc-- "How You Were Born"--is a suppl + W a Dollection books on familly life. ealth \ = axtaa Lient ce RUM * Captain Morgan RUM Captain Morgan GH AND FULL - soomD FROM THE LARGEST STOCKS OF RUM IN THE WORLD Captain: Morgan suggests these four Great Rums for Holiday Giving -- ' CAPTAIN MORGAN RUM DISTILLERS LIMITED ¢ SUPPLIERS TO THE ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY ]