~. Ges Fe ee MS Nat st ORI Gary eer pgm agpen ian ome le 0 PEP PSE 3S raion Pit FN re iter Be PS ae A ol ewe ' evening visitors with her par-|tions" and Nestleton Institute|jand Mrs. Ken Sommersford,|and My. Ron Rogers and fam-- THE OSHAWA. TIMES, Wednesdey, November 13, 1963 28 \ i G Snowden, cousin Mr. Bob| Trenton. ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ste-|will be our guests. Town, recently, to wish Mr. andiily, 3f0 her mother. Mrs. Al- Map e rove a ia Mr, and-Mrs. M. Goodmur-|vens. A number of our UCW ladies|Mrs. Ross Stevens, Bon Voyage,|lan Snowden, returned to West-| Mr. and .rs. E. Twist, Mr. HONOR SCIENTIST ' T Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown|phy, Mr. Clarence Wood, at-| Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doyle|atiended the fall Regional meet-|who are leaving on Nov. 12 tolon with her daughter for a visit.|Raymond 'Twist, Miss Kathy| MONTREAL (CP)---F. Kes e€ 10 attended the Case convention|tended the Wood-Charron wed-\and daughter Lynn of Richdale|ing of Oshawa Presbyterial at)visit their daughter, Muriel, who) Mr, and Mrs. Fred vgn Eri Master Murray Twist,|neth Hare, dean of arts ané which was held at the Seaway|ding in Hamilton recently. were recent Sunday visitors|Newtonville. is a missionary in the Congo visited on Sunday recently with|/Salem, were visitorc on a re- science at McG Unt with his brother and wife, Mr.| A number of cousins from as nga Africa. Muriel was|their daughter and son-in-law,|cent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. versity, born and raised in Maple Grove.|Mr. and Mrs. Roy Topping and|Jake) Laird and boys. ro dag bg og Beg callers on their aunt Mrs. L. C.jat the Panda Villa Rest Home, rd net |p Visi t Africa Hotel, Toronte igh 28 ney. Mr. and Mrs. Basty Bleeks, and Mrs. Steve Doyle and fam-|Fergus. Peterborough, Oshawa, gor Mes fen Hag ente Mr. A en wt ily. Bowmanville and Maple Grove| Mr. and Mrs. William David-jboys, Barrie. On their way - ye ee ag agin ye ak Bow- own, The Institute meets on Nov.jand brothers and sisters of Mr.|son and son, Paul, Weston, were}/home on Monday they were sup-| The workd's longest railroad' ee rag Meg Sgren se Dean stg teh 'and family,|son, Zion. visited the former's| Mr. and Mes, Ray Snowden,|11 at 8.00 p.m. in the chureh|and Mrs. Ross Stevens were|recont Sunday dinner guests|per guests, wit with Mr. h Mr. and Mrs. |bridge, located to Sitensahlae, are research aap' ached. eabagtacalin Mre. Blanche Cooneyllslington, were recept Mondaylbasement, Topic " "Public Rela-|entertained at the home of Mr.|with her sister and husband Mr. Oliiffe, has a total bength of on Canadian Arctic. Vet « ul seittnn ¥ AQ: ENCYCLOPEDIA FACELLE ROYALE se 2:=° 59 | rue' sac STOKELY'S CORN sti 2= 37: | =.99.-- PARTY CRACKERS ~-~=-= 33: CORN SYRUP --55 SPAGHETTI =. 3=49: Gitte sppean ---5 5: EVAPORATED MILK--4=59: zm KOTEX "wnt 2~89: CAKE MIXES ~-45: OXO CUBES 3:2 ~33: TOILET TISSUE «2... -- 4-43: HEINZ BEANS 'sm.cx 2=35: CORN FLAKES «== 2.9: BEAN PICKLES «xx = 33: ir CRISCO SHORTENING ag a 33: © CREST rome 37 AQ. | NESCAFE Siar =r = 95: PEANUT BUTTER a 2 ORANG Full of Juice, Ne. 1 Grade Pull of Juice, No, dials CALIFORNIA LEMONS 29. Ontarie, Cold 'Storage, Best for Baking, Fancy Grade COURTLAND APPLES «65. Ontario Grown, Firm, Green BRUSSELS SPROUTS 25: » Tender, No. 1 Grade CARROTS co sve mn 2 2d Extra Fancy Grade, Large Size B.C. ANJOU PEARS 5-49. Tropical, Extra Large, Ficus Decora RUBBER PLANT -- "259 eastern oe eee Catifornia Aimeris, Green Eating Grapes GRAPES No. 1 crap: b2% Ontario 0 Grown, Red Delicious, Finest for Eating APPLES rancy crave 3.% colo bog 45: CABBAGE No.1 ye heed 1.5 ¢ | 3 Af BRIGHTS = 13¢ : i Vitaminized Fe aocemse All Prices in this Ad DATES osonn a, Ontario, Green ] imported, Cooking, Pitted ed¢ Rew Fon | = MONARCH FOOD STORES nesseeniotinnpesees Li] wo AsP MEANS DEPENDABILITY Saturday, November V6th, 1963 | Gea | | Fon we sretrtisna/nnaayi an " cxeis a es seurcmummpmanpse sis ms ewer ut pnevremnenrenerennnrior Pere | ; ire f \