ne Psst i ore 82 eth nes tn co LA tnieamstanbindttpromaiess aealads Ne ee eee amar fe ee oe ad 5 EE mi vshhfed Ard --_s PPM QOL PPE AL OF 69 1.29 Be ne pe I ne OW wee TRY the ferrific POWER Perfect GRAIN FED Lean Juicy Succulent BONELESS ROUND STEAK» 77 ROASTS 7 7 e SQUARE END RUMP re CHOICE MEATY PORK BOB THE BUTCHER-- SPARE RIBS Pure White Granulated 5-lb. Bag WITH THE PURCHASE OF rows, COFFEE "BOTH FOR 1.98 » SAVE 30-- ALL PURPOSE GRIND Power Perfect _ Grain Fed Beef Tender, Juicy, Boneless CUBE STEAKS 83: 15-oz. Tins SAVE 12c 1-Ib. Bag Kings Choice Black Sweet SAVE 5c CHERRIES Green Giant Fancy Cream Style SS = REN Ge SA Te oe 15-Oz. Tins Green Giant Fancy Small SAVE 10c SUPER VALUE BRAND Rindless BACON *: HYGRADE BRAND Sliced BOLOGNA * personofies Power's Traditional Old fashioned Courtesy and Service--which makes shoppnig o pleasure instead of a chore. Bob the Butcher is Proud to serve you Power Perfect Grain Fed Beef. Because he knows it is the finest beef ovailable ond he will cheerfully and quickly prepare any special cut WHITE POTATOES 3 %« 29c SAVE 10c 2 Power Plus Powder DETERGENT wri «6 REE LEED SAVE 4e oa SAVE 4e ta» 0c Choco Instant =TGCOLATE DRINK Biue Surf DETERGENT SAVE 50¢ we 1.09 Kelloggs SAVE 2¢ SPECIAL 'K' "ae 316 Debby Liauid DETERGENT SAVE 10¢ 32-02, Plastic 69 cme O7C SAVE 6¢ sex 29¢ Brights Fancy APPLESAUCE Dove White or Pink TOILET SOAP SAVE 4e 2 i= Be SAVE 6¢ we 39¢ Aylmer FROZEN PEAS Bayer Children's Size ASPIRIN SAVE Se 2 sori 59C Aylmer Frozen French Cu SAVE 5e GREEN BEANS Woodbury Dry SHAMPOO SAVE 12¢ or 6/C Aylmer Frozen SAVE 4e FRENCH FRIES pkgs. 35¢ ; Armour Corned BEEF SAVE 66 Df SAVE 4¢ -- 50 Swifts Frozen MEAT PIES >< Red Rose Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS SAVE 6¢ SAVE 7e of 200 9c Facial Tissues 2 "3 2 2 wx ac Z 3 2 KLEENEX 5: 2 -- V7 Power Salad ie DRESSING SAVE 7c Chef Boyardee Meat or Mushroom DINNERS x sa ie ae mere weer 16-Oz. Jars Power Deen Filled | APPLE PIE SAVE 10c With ripe juicy apples baked in a crisp gol- den crust. Each 5 Power Glazed DONUTS SAVE 4c Pkg. of 8 Lynn Valley -- Halves in Heavy Syrup ~ SAVE 10c SHOPSY ALL BEEF CELLO FRANKS = Swifts Beef or Irish SAVE 6c Stew 2402.35 Liptons Asstd. SAVE 2¢ Soup Mix 2m. 25¢ Bicks SAVE 2¢ Sauerkraut °2"33c Swifts Gold Dew SAVE 6c MARGARINE 2 iis: 43c Pablum Mixed Cereal #8" 47c Monarch Deluxe Assorted SAVE 6¢ Cake Mixes _ 253c a ae Tee. TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! STEAL YOUR LITTLE GIRL'S HEART WITH THIS BEAUTIFUL CAROLYN 30" WALKING DOLL Realistic walking doll, dressed cotton dress with lace trimmed yoke, knitted pants, socks and party slippers. Five piece body, moving eyes, and deep rooted hair. '98 1.9 8 sei Sy. he WITH 7.98 YOUR LITTLE BOY WILL LOVE THIS DURABLE GIANT FIRE ENGINE "REELY" RIDE-EM FIRE TRUGK. 32" long x 10" wide x 11" high--A whopping big truck loaded with exciting fea- tures: 2-44 EACH COMPARE WITH 3.98 Ocean King Fancy Red Sockeye SALMON to your individual order. SAVE 8c 73-02. Tin Hunts Fancy TomaTO JUICE SAVE 6c 48-07. Tin GOLDEN RIPE -- Fresh From The Tropics BANANAS LARGE FINGER FRUIT CANADA NO, 1 GRADE NEW BRUNSWICK POTATOES 50 Lb. Bag 1 19 ONTARIO FANCY GRADE.-CRISP JUICY DELICIOUS APPLES 3-Lb Poly Bag ONT, NO. 1 GRADE SNOW WHITE YOUR NEAREST POWER MARKET 1S LOCATED AT e@ 564 King St. East e 500 Rossland Rd. N. HOME DELIVERY SERVICE 39: 4h bittia! iHURLET ERE AGHS Try o5 Pot pares = ew oe ai AM 25c on Order of 3.00 or Over