2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 13, 1963 yore | Argentina To | Man, 70, Across Pacific WELLINGTON (Reuters) -- ported missing after drifting alone for 130 days across the Pacific on a raft has landed in pce oot > aa it was disclosed here toda' William Willis landed Monday at Faluela, six miles from the Western Samoan capital of Apia, after -his voyage aboard his trimaran Age Unlimited. Willis, heavily bearded, came ashore today with his cats Kiki Not Criminal Just Nuisance Old Lag Says VANCOUVER (CP) -- Pat-| 39, who has} rick James Atkins, impersonated everything from a British army general to a Ro- man Catholic missionary, says he plans to appeal his convic- tion here as an habitual crim-| inal "Tye been no more than an habitual nuisance," says the partly bald barrel-chested im- personator and convicted cheque forger. Besides his impersonations-- which he claims started when King George VI and Queen Eliz- abeth smiled at him in Toronto in 1939--he has been convicted on scores of cheque passing and theft charges. Atkins has been convicted of stealing everything from a lapel pin to a chicken. He has writ- ten bogus cheques for plane tickets, furniture and even two dachshund dogs. But he is not an habitual crim- inal, he says. He described him- self as more of a "damn nuls- ance" than a criminal. Atkins, declared an habitual criminal here Oct. 16, has been languishing in Oakalla prison farm under an indefinite sen- tence. | Anal Oil Ties With U.S. Firms | BUENOS AIRES (AP)--De- spite U.S, warnings, the Argen- and Aussie. He was reported fit)tine government reaffirmed] w well. \Monday its "sovereign and ir- Drifts PEPE PGE REN RYE RA GORE AY RG er - ee revocable decision" to annul; Informed sources had re- oil contracts with foreign com-|ported that. Harriman warned panies, most of them American.|that cancellation of the oi) con- A high government source|tracts without just compensation |said the Argentine position was|could harm the program of U.S. jmade clear to W. Averell Har-jaid to Argentina as embodied riman, U.S. state .undersecre-\in the U.S.-supported Alliance- tary for political affairs, in talks\for-Progress aid program for with gcvernment leaders last|Latin America. weekend. | President Arturo Illia empha- POP Se WE ee ew sized in hig talks with Harri- man and U.S. Ambassador Rob- ert McClintock that the govern-|added, ment would move in a legal end! However, there was no men- non-violent manner, the govern-|tion of indemnification in a com. ment source said. Indemunifica- munique leaked by the govern- tion also was promised '"'within'ment. HELD OVER- 2nd WEEK! the just rights of a company as determined by law," the source Willis beached his craft atip Faluela at 6 p.m. Monday flying/ the U.S. flag upside down as a distress signal. A navigator, explorer and au-! thor, Willis expressed disap- pointment 'at having come ashore at. Samoa instead of finishing his drift to his target point--Sydney, Australia. Willis started his voyage from) Peru last July 5 but lost radio} jcontact with the outside vaniad |last month. | When the going was good,| Willis's 40 - foot - long raft did! about five knots. He kept in touch with his wife Tess in Los Angeles, with a hand-operated radio. DID IT BEFORE Nine years ago, he navigated) GREATEST GANGWAY FOR OF THEM ALL! THIS YEAR'S The New BIG Spectacular ADVENTURE! TARZAN JOHN The Magnificent" WAYNE hye "DONOVAN'S a REEF" with GORDON SCOTT in TECHNICOLOR BILTMORE 59 2:5": a NeW PLAYING DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! a raft 6400 miles from the| United States to Samoa. A successful, book he wrote on) this adventure. financed his lat- est. voyage. \ His raft, rigged with three; jsteel pontoons, was named Age) Unlimited by Willis as a chal-) lenge to the#traditional limita tions of age and a_ protest! against arbitrary age limits for retirement. SMART WOMEN ... have their corpets and uphol- stery cleaned. "The Safe Way' DURACLEAN 728-8518 28 KING STREET EAST 723-4621 OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M, Same THE EPIC EMOTIONS AND ENCOUNTERS A. SPAWNED THE DEADLIEST, Hb: Balt Columbia Pictures preserits NO" THE SAM SPIEGEL DAVID LEAN Production of He could never stop being a critic..a even on his wedding night! TAWRENCE _... QE ARABIA ANTHONY Quayle JAYLE | CLAUDE RAINS ARTHUR pbicitogce mm OMAR SHARIF » "ALS PETER O° OTOOLE » LAWRENCE? ROBERT BOI. SA SPIEGEL. Dano Ean 4 momen serine @ TECHINICOLOR® mercgmmen # SUPER PANAVISION 79° ©PLAZAR THEATRE MATINEE 2 P.M.-- NIGHT 8 P.M, PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT ONLY! MATINEE NIGHT ADULTS ... 1.25 ,ADULTS . $1.50 CHILDREN 75c | CHILDREN 75¢ ~~ $ORRY -- NO PASSES _ NO RESERVED SEATS DOORS OPEN 1 - 7 P.M. a tite an Nl NN i ts RE A DR a 8 a Say SABA Auatie He R t Ody te we JOANNE WOODWARD TREVOR LYNLEY CAROL pi CINEMsScoPE ROBERT WEBBER / us INE GA ELE a CONTINUOUS DAILY FEATURE AT. 1 :30--3:35--5:40 7:45--~9:50 to All Our Wonderful and Faithful Supporters it's THANK YOU DAYS OSHAWA DISCOUNT We wish to extend the warmest and sincerest 'Thank You" to the many hundreds of people who attended our Grand Opening last week ... We regret, and apologize for, the fact that we weren't quite prepared. We regret, also, that many shoppers could not take advantage of our Grand Opening specials due to limited es gg We hope, however, that you will return to take advantage of our Discount Specials each and every week. This Is the OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE on NOTE:--The Genuine Purebred FRENCH P Nipigon Street, we. + Surry was Purcheted Scturdey Nite by M ked with Happy Velue- gage ey . PLEASE VILLE HENRY, THANK YOU": SPECIALS taurs,-Far-sat. ony SORRY ! ro cgay capa ONLY iaeyeo SPECIALS -- We Reserve The Right BLSL-We Resncvo The Right Te Un Limit Quantities -HURRY! FIRST COME FIRST SERVED! By Order of The Fire Marshall MEN'S CONTINENTAL LADIES' ¥ ITALIAN WOOL BOY'S CONTINENTAL "BUFFALO" BRAND SHEEP'S WOOL LINED FOR THE HUNTERS | THIS WEEK ONLY! & REGULAR STYLED Flannel Pants mediurr DAK STYLE TROUSERS 13-0z. charcoal flannel Sizes 6 to 18 COMPARE AT 4.98 om wy 2 PRICE SAKE VASELINE BRAND Petroleum Jelly © Compare at 75c 30< The One and Only GENUINE Prestone Anti-Freeze Compare at 3.95 FOR PRICE SAKE 2.37 GALLON Our Entire Stock of Unpruned Chrisimas Trees Must be moved from the front of our build- O i 10:00 P.M. SATURDAY. hh SAVE US CARRYING ! ! Toy Department Toy Department SPIN TEA CELACLOUD FILLED & INSULFOAM COVERED Compare at 21.95 FOR 12.88 PRICE SAKE 14-97, Unbreakable Polythene Compare at 1.39 a © 66c | PRICE SAKE Ideal for Christmas BROWNIE Starflash Camera by Kodek Complete outfit. Compare at 16.50 FOR PRICE SAKE SLIMS LL SIZES IN CHECKS & Plains in all colors. Compore at 4.98 FOR 1.77 PRICE ENO'S SAKE Fruit Salts Compare at 1.19 a PRICE SUNBEAM TOOL BOXES Heavy Gauge Steel Compare at 4.95 FOR PRICE SAKE 177 VESTS 60% Acrylic; 40% viscose lined Compare at 7.95 FOR 4 4.4 PRICE LANOLIN LIFE SAKE HAIR SPRAY 13-0z. can ~ NOT STICKY 50 With 101 Uses! ! 5-Cell Flashlights A shopper's find! DIAN MADE Jac hirts all wool in 4 variety of out- door colors. S-M-L & XL. Compare at 7.95 FOR 4.00 PRICE APEX SAKE Thermometer Compare at 1.50 FOR PRICE SAKE Sundry Department BOTTLE OF 500 ASA Tablets Compare et 1.59 99 GIANT SIZE Crest Toothpaste Compare at 1.39 98< ALL TOYS That Normally Retail at 98¢ YOUR CHOICE THANK . You 7 DAYS SPECIAL | C Sundry Departmen! The New Detergent SAMBO AT 12-02. size grey ond charcoal oll sizes Compare at 6.95 a 2.44 PRICE COTTON SWABS Q-TIPS Compare at 39c 27 Toy Department For the Whole Family Badminton Seis by Title Compare at 3.30 i. Go! 0.D.H. ea. FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE The Latest Rave In HAIRDRESSING Greasy Kid Stuff They're all going for it! . Compare at 98¢ _ FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE 17° a0 Oshawa Discount House @ KING ST. W. at GARRARD RD. OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. Shoppers' Special Compare at 3.95 THIS WEEK SPECIAL Compare at 1.19 FOR PRICE SAKE Nh FOR PRICE SAKE its NO WHERE ELSE NO WHERE ELSE Compare at 49¢ FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE