BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT ~ {Oust Diet rs a. namely « 8, oan | Oa CASHIERS AREVREADY ¥ =| British Families To Use | Move Meets a2 -v-t mxssss ma N bh a Houses Made In Calgary Opposition ae a i Den Ml oun el a BGOMOE. ' Conservative club," includes ---- : Wikies: K idea of a national party conven-|members from five federal and 74 "i 0 ~~ «sg CALGARY (CP)--Next Feb-jers. Freight costs accounted for) ~oRONTO (CP) -- A grass-|tion scheduled for February. {provincial riding associations in = e ia ruary 10 British families will|the di'ference. roots move to challenge John Heads of four other riding as-|the area. \ x x ee move into a subdivision of well-| te said the company hopes Diefenbaker'e leadership of the in the Toronto area} 4 w Heisey, president of the tra omes. : declared themselves opposed to|non Mills group, said that é The houses peta eated in po rg 000 viol porn Ae Rrogpeseive 'Conuny tude the Don Mills move, mae ae peohing of jm York. os ; , int ition y iati 7 Calgary by Jager mes Ltd there iy a possibility a plant a 0 pe oe higher up|IS DIEF FOE Scarborough association the res- (Gx and shipped overseas to Brizh-| night eventually be built in The resolution was proposed|0lution would be sent to the res- ton, England, are the vanguard), iti. et ge ee "demanding alby Toronto lawyer R. H. Roh-|°lutions committee of the na- of what company President Wil- Altho agitg: ' liam ugh walls and floors are|party leadership convention by|mer, who says he emphatic: ve Rie ot eg tect Bos oy poy being built in Calgary, he said,|June was passed Monday at a ally" opposed to Mr. Diefenbak- ie oy segue, 'Isuch items as plumbing and wir-|closed meeting of the steering|er's leadership. COURT CONVICTIONS Pa Fag ae -_ meaty a ing, glass, shingles and other|committee of a Conservative) It was supported by Fred Stin- More than 97 per cent of all ; items would be bought and in-|club in suburban Don Mills, Thejson of York Centre, former convictions in Britain are ar- tote "ire 'woe stalled in Britain. commaltion includes prominent'member of Parliament and an'rived at in magistrates' courts. 'selling whatsoever." The only serious drawback is i that lumber can be rmported ~<. WITH THE PURCH ASE OF A into the United pga / -/ 10-0: OF Europe and Russia much more c : c ff cheaply than from Canada, Mr. pe Instant 0 ee Jager said. ous . However, he said ,two big fac- tors work for the Canadian prod- uct: The company's speedy as- sault on the British market; A te See ee PRICES EFFECTIVE NOV, 13, 14, 15, 16 tional party convention. dian-built prefabricated homes compared with the British prod- . ct. oy, my SHOP and SAVE at I.D.A f : wenso ste eM Jager Homes personnel have | | | beenworking in Britain since last February, studying and cul] These SPECIAL PRICES End November 16 a sg o i} ?. ¢ ; } ot Jacere Calgary offs /IGA COFFEE ue 55 Th 1 if ple Leat Homes Co. Ltd., a sub-| 12's -- 51c value cil BOX OF CARNATION INSTANT sidiary, to sell homes and direct) f ! JELLO P OWDERS ALL 5 5 P ow dere d Mill | FLAVOURS _@® ror g& tivating markets. At the s of the new year, Arthur Majing assembly of the prefabricated sections, -- "We're dealing now with want to uy," said agg Pog FLASH BULBS "Sylvania" AG-1 of M2 12's ~ 1.56 1.29 || BOSTON BLUE FISH FROZEN een ieove cna" aren ads] EEEN-A-MINT _ a9eVowe == 43 |] 40 FATHOMS FILLETS iixce> =u 29° eral have visited me here and| SWEETMILK OR BUTTERMILK tia added" "We give vo meal LUSTRE CREME Shampoo 69c Value 49c |! PILLSBURY ROLLS #01. 99¢ more for the same price. British] hsek Sate tew mt ya NIVEA SKIN CREME doz, 1.33 Jor 1,17 | a tg oie "arr Jager said tomes avait! PEPSODENT Toothpaste estValue = AZ |) nec cccen «vant able for shipment to Britain 3 FEY j é | fet for smace and oct =| ONE-A-DAY Multiple Vitamins = 1-49 = 3.79} OFFI IK -- vec 33° / itn ra purchase o re , in - } , : Bee 1 00 cluding ane. giv a sacar tool ORNAL Cold Capsules 8's - 1.39 1.19 bei COCOA vik 59¢ . for homes sold to Calgary buy- s : <I TIN la Bags COD LIVER OIL Capsuies 1.0.A.trond 100's-98 87 || Me ee mee | Special Size 1G, Best Buy LIGHT BULBS sé vcie 2for49c || ----aer | HOON Transactions eee ee aa yuncnast oF A KING mat| EXPORT CIGARETTES ||| LoINROAST-PORK |= A LYONS Discouny special size sours ss| Buy By The Carton And SAVE! _ rae -- | c 2-15-OZ. TINS OF AYLMER 772.23] FRUIT-A-TIVES || REDUCE vm sume || OO 4 40° || Fam Pe $61. say' goodbye to : Elsewhere, pipelines were re NETIPA: 10N New reducing plan lets you eat three meals Trans-Canada "aropping % oath Fresh fruit extrace nature's herbs af er gad yet lose up to 15 Ibs. in ff = Slog , and Dominion Foundries and alg OE Pag | WITH THE PURCHASE © Steel, Moore Corp, and Bank of 2-15-0Z. TINS OF AY ye 1 BIC. vinin FOC 1.98 3.98 | CHIQUITA BRAND [i aie | . ... On the plus side, Crown Trust| advanced one point to 73, Can- ada Packers B % and Alumin- | com | What? Broken Teeth? | a A N A N A Se eo 1 fora cake of >) SORE MEGGEZONES. | eg On index, base metals were For comforting relief down .05 to 59.54, golds 45 to THROAT mer oe Throat. . . | a sf Ww extra? 4 OC) 125.96, western oils .02 to 82.25 iat oe ee @ ; re and industrials .16 to 133.78. The , fey alike any. aoup youve" ever Nasal Congestion . . . WITH THE PURCHASE 125.36 cy Bag ng ie leotted, te eat: aa eye Aspergum Night and Day. Ib C ; OF 2-20-0Z. TINS AYLMER'S a0, s 4,120,000 shares compared with = thernataral ely ai > pmeiee 69 Ss. f Choice Pea « : wecemany » 4 UTROGENA's glycerii Y 3,315,000 Monday. does pot de-fat the thin, NEUTRO- is non-alkaline, mild, and Instant First-Aid for all to pure' i i | Pain Relief in ( NET EARNINGS | broken dentures but what it does priceless" | Chewing gum form, : motion Mt VALENCIA size 176's | 3 ee GEZONES. || = sco r=! Smith Brothers Cough Drops | ~~" |MUeagz ye || ORANGES v= « = 8 | B.C. SIZE WITH TH Ltd., 9 ths ended Sept. 30; ; Ano Med esa T0s, 1902 $724 843 | Choose from Wild Cherry, Black 50c 1.00 [We OST! DELICIOUS APPLES sues 5 00. 29° 2-18, PKGS. OF SOLO Northern Telephone Ltd., 9) Medicated or Smokers' Drops mos ened Sak ------ || ONTARIO CARROTS ox 2: 29° eg pet : SPECIAL eg a | PURE X Toler Tissue 9 97 CUCUMBERS ovc'cctttns 2 vee 19° DIVIDENDS | un. p; | for | , | White, Pink, Aqua, Yellow | IGA AYLMER'S RED ARROW SALE! By THE CANADIAN PRESS common 10 Prete " ot be. ries A 55 cents, $2.65 Series B : YLME 'S C TS 2 11-02, 39° Tr Nor a Jan, 1, 1964, aT C g N i 0 ETS Sle value C A R A UP poo pir 7 TAD Ee ace TS enter Naki SPECIAL AYLMER'S PEACHES tives 9 3 ins OS® | reuse or eso Normetal Mining Corp. Ltd., e anitary Napkin AYLMER CHOICE Fa in ; | ] BING CHERRIES (5-07, tin Ste Fruit COCKTAIL 15-07. tin 27c | Potatoes Quemont Mining Corp. Ltd., AYLMER SEASONED AYLMER FANCY 25 cents, Dec. 30, record Dec. 2.) 2 ' Si. 'Lawrence' Cement co. | Fe@] Stronger Fast With 5.49 value || WAX BEANS 15-02. tin 23¢, Asparagus TIPS 12-02, tin 48¢ Class A 10 cents, Jan. 31, 1954, AYLMER FANC AYLMER Y Class A 10 cents, Jan. 31, 1984. TOMATOES 28-02. tin 3ic Gut WAX BEANS 20-02, tin 25¢ record Jan. 15, 1964. Tablets 80's SPECIAL AYLMER'S Virginia Dare Ltd., | AYLMER atittinie Dare Lid, five per! iS E i: i 0 Lies! or Bean & Pork 20-0z. tin 19¢ Diced Carrots 2 15-0z. tins 25¢ record Nov. 20. | L iquid 24-02. * | ADDITIONAL BONUS TAPE ITEMS... CRIME HQ HERE i] RECEIVE $2.00 BONUS TAPE WITH THE PURCHASE OF 5 (CP) -- The; OVER 500 STORES IN ONTARIO TO SERVE YOU | SIDE BACON Royal Guest 1-1. Sliced Rindless pkg. sec eacrn_ctl JAMIESON'S «© =McCORDICK'S © -- LAW'S |] Siomnee So cis aust at / away at Winnneg. | Montreal CHOICE CORN *"** *75%; PEAS & CARROTS 752152, | SUM HE cuncnteg and the United States is re-\| 241 KING ST. EAST 360 WILSON RD. S, 1204 WECKER DRIVE | CENTRE cur' RCMASE rted: to ha t head 6 ; sdhrt | Compbell's 2 10-02. DUTCH 32-02. ORK . ported» p bave: se iP head 725-1169 725-8711 : 725-3525 a | TOMATO Sou TINS LIQUID BLEACH 2c OFF JAR Ops & R Oasts neat "Ss ~ reporter. Mike v cr v V 8 ree Press says: ; Tie Wakdeel cotiny 1s sctd to KARN A) MITCHELL 5 POWELL ) HOPE IGA STORE MOTOR CITY IGA COLLEGE HILL IGA BECKSTEAD IGA siserackers and 'chon ne] 28 KING ST. EAST 9 SIMCOE ST. N. 35% SIMCOE ST. N. i. a -- ee ee eee cialized in armed holdups and 723-4621 723-3431 725-4734 | BILSKY IGA DYL'S IGA LANSDOWNE IGA SOUTH END IGA breaking and entering." - 120 WILSON RD. S., OSHAWA 166 ADELAIDE ST., osHAWa LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE BROCK ST. SOUTH, WHITBY oa