Community Chest Drive Calls F Ghe Oshawa Gune THOUGHT Browsing through some maga- zines makes a about the stuff jected. %& FOR TODAY fellow curious that was ¢e or Final Pus WEATHER REPORT Cloudy and cool Thursday with snowflurries or snow. periods of light VOL, 92--- NO. 266 tice Not Over «UG Cents Per Copy OSH. \WA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1963 Authorized es Second Class Mail Post Office Ottawe and for payment of Postage in Cash. FORTY-EIGHT PAGES th SEARCH as % LP ae 4 ERS CARRY BODY UP BLUFF Yale Teacher Not Spy MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Amer- ican Ambassador Foy D. Kohler today in a "strong protest" to] the Russian government denied} arrested Yale Professor Freder-| ick Barghoorn was a spy and demanded his release "forth- with." ' Kohler delivered his protest "~at a meeting with Deputy For- eign Minister Valerian Zorin. | Barghoorn is being held by| the Russians as an alleged spy. A statement by the U.S. em- bassy said: aa "Foy Kohler called on Minis- ter Zorin to register a strong protest against the completely unwarranted arrest and deten- on of Professor Barghoorn and the unjustifiably long period of time between the arrest and no- | quested his release forthwith.) Barghoorn was connected. with He denied that he was a Spy."'|the exchange program as a The statement gave no details}!member of the national execu-| of Zorin's reply. tive committee of the Inter-Uni-| In an earlier visit to the for- versity Committee on Travel eign ministry an American em-|Grants. babes tical Walter Stossel This group handled such ques. attempted to get further infor-|H0"s as placing of Soviet stu- jdents in the United Siates, vps one screening American students go- 'He got no answer," an em-\ing to the Soviet Union and, in bassy spokesman said. jgeneral, determining conditions The spokesman said Chief|together with the Soviet minis- Consular Officer Tom Fein'try of education under which again made telephone represen-|the exchange program is car- tations to the foreign ministry|ried out without success. | ~ 'We intend to keep on mak- ing representations until we get! some," the spokesman added. | Newspapers. here today ig- nored the arrest of Barghoorn, Coldwater Man Dies In Crash } | | 'TYRONE PILOT KILLED | WHEN SAILBOAT FLIPS " ' & ope AN Bia D DEAD MAN'S COUSIN ae TURN BOAT OVER ON BEACH Big Mouth, Plus Poor Driver Foiled New York Gem Bandits NEW YORK (AP)--The ban-; Five construction men were| The car, seized from a jew-| Officers said Robert Lel, 44, ~~| dits who pulled off Manhattan's|arrested Tuesday night, Police/élry messenger service in mid- r-|said they recovered about $250,-|town Manhattan last Friday, $3,000,000 jewel robbery appa: ently netted not one carat, group of construction. workers found the stolen gemis in a com- Al | mandeered car and, police said, about a mile from where for-j 000, worth of the loot. from the five. Some,of it was buried on a Gétfysburg, Pa.." farm only took a suitcase containing about $200,000 in gems, They said Wal- ter Cunningham, 61, took $8,000 in jewels to his Pennsylvania vacation retreat and buried them in a lard can. jwas (found by police several 'hours Jater, But-much of the loot 'dad ppeared. Polige gave this account: Body Fo und Near Whitby A 12-hour search for a Tyrone man. ended this morning when an over-turned sailboat was spotted in Lake Ontario, at Whitby, from an Oshawa Flying Club airplane. The life-jacketed body of Gary Chant, 27, a TCA pilot, was found 300 yards from his boat, at the base of a 40-foot bluff. Ground searchers followed Hop- kins street south to where the body was located. Chant left Frenchman's Bay at 9.30 a.m. Tuesday, where he kept his 16-foot cedar strip boat for the summer. He was be- lieved to have headed towards Bowmanville where he planned to take the boat from the-water for the winter. When he had not reached his destination by 8 p.m., first steps were taken to organize a search. His father, T. M. Chant, owner of the Hampton Creamery, join- ed the sea search along with Bowmanville taxi driver Lorne Haynes and a boat from Osh- awa. RCAF' ASSISTS At 5.30 a.m. today, George Slocombe, general manager of the Oshawa Airport, was noti- fied that. the man°was missing. Accompanied by Gordon Chant, tification of the embassy by the 1 f \. chairman of the Soviet studies! "\department at Yale. oess to Barghoorn and re- i" | fom gw = Rus-| Red Diplomats i: 5. 1.22.0 Find US. Area |charges casts a dark cloud on| jforthcoming Moscow talks on| jcultural exchanges, a US. source said today. BARRIE (CP) -- Carl Max- well, 50, of nearby Coldwater was killed Tuesday when his pickup truck was struck by a CNR train at a crossing near | \Fred C. Barghoorn on spyjhere. Police said Maxwell's|jan incompetent getaway driver/They continued to question other body was tossed 60 feet. it was like playing "grab bag" |mer president Eisenhower in King Solomon's mines. jhangs his hat. No one may profit from the) With that find, police an- biggest jewel theft in the Amer-/nounced that 90 per cent of the ican history, Chalk that up tojtreasure had been recovered | construction workers today in} | and a BIG mouth. |hopes of finding the remaining} 1/10 per cent. | | Still at large are the bungiing| The bandit driver, dressed in a policeman's uniform, had got as far as a demolition site on West 4ist Street when the sta- tion wagon's motor conked out again, He appealed to a con- struction worker to help him start the car. The worker said no, appar- ently relishing the sight of a Small Boat Wins Fight With Freighter CLEVELAND (AP)--The U.S. Coast Guard has ruled that a In all, the demolition men carted off at least $268,000 worth. By the time police discov- ered the car, it held about $2,- 250,000 in loot, including 15 gold bars, | Monday night, a construction) worker boasted in a bar about \. Off Limits i The high-ranking source, who) said he was rather pessimistic about the outcome of the nego- |bandits, who had to abandon|"policeman" caught in such a the windfall .in- jewels. An fisherman whose small boat was Police Threatened |their loot-laden car only a block|predicament. The frustrated from the robbery scene. It kept! bandit fled. hooked and towed by a Nor- wegian freighter in Lake Erie Oct. 20 had the right-of-way. eavesdropper tipped police. Besides Cunningham, Rossi WASHINGTON (AP) -- In ajtiations anyway, added that So-| stalling because the driver could! The construction man, Philip and Lee, police also arrested) In his ruling, Lt.-Cmdr. R. T. move to curb spying, the United) States has put some 11 per cent of the country off limits to en- voys of Soviet satellite nations.| In the past, these diplomats} were allowed to travel freeiy. | The new orders, explained in diplomatic notes Tuesday, also kept in force travel restrictions on Soviet citizens, although some. new areas were opened and others closed. : About 26 per cent of the coun-| "try is off limits to Russian tra-| vellers--and a like percentage} of Russia is off limits to Amer- ican travellers The new restrictions --- which don't apply to tourists -- came ater the defence department in-| viet charges against the 52- year-old specialist on Russia will not make negotiations any!) easier Barghoorn's plight will be a thorn particularly in the nego- tiations dealing with the ex- change program he had an in- terest in himself. MP Says Tories Favor Lotteries PETERBOROUGH (CP) Fred Stenson, member 'of Par- liament for Peterborough, says} the majority of his fellow Pro-| gressive Conservative MPs fa-| LONDON (AP) -- Sleeping} pills killed the "baby doll' girl] of Britain's newest sex sensa-| tion, and police still are inves-| tigating her double life to find) out why. A pathologist testified Tues- |day at a stormy inquest into the death of Julie Molley, sultry jcentre of a blackmail ring, that \barbiturate poisoning caused found sprawled across a four- poster bed"in a country man- ing for a party. Coroner Ralph Inchbald star-| By Blackmailers He did not go" into detail. Police have disclosed that some highly placed people may be in- volved as blackmail victims. | Nothing indicates they are as/ highly placed as those in| the Profumo scandal, which) reached into the government} the peerage, But police said Julie's victims servants, army officers, busi-| ple, | By day the 24-year-old Italian- tant. By fashionable west end spots. not cope with its old-style floor shift, police said. Sukarno Sets Himself Up As Premier included civil) JAKARTA (AP) --. President} Sukarno named himself premier her death 11 days ago. She was|nessmen and show business peo-|of Indonesia today, apparently to take tighter control of the day-to-day government opera- sion just as guests were. arriv-|born girl was a dentist's assis-|tions. } s 5 ms night she frequented! Sukarno, who is president for|!raq's Ba'ath Socialist party |life, revived the premier's post.|g9vernment apparently battled sisted that the travel of the van-|vor legal sweepstakes for hos-|tled the inquest by disclosing) Police said she placed adver-/It had been abolished in 1959, ous diplomatic representatives of Poland, Hungary, Czechoslo vakia, Romania and Bu'garia be restricted. pitals. ough and District Labor Coun-|ported to be involved with Miss} cil, Mr. Stenson said the matter|Molley. brand name was a tipoff to peo- ple with strange sexual tastes. ished the post of first minister|imcluding jet plane attacks on |that police had received threats|tisements in newspapers for ajwhen Sukarno reimposed the In a letter to the Peterbor-|While pursuing blackmailers re-jcertain type of raincoat. The/1945 constitution. Today, the president abol- |Rossi, 31, then drove the car jon to the demolition site. He dis- covered the jewels and gold bars, called fellow demolition jmen over and, ag police de- |scribed it, a "grab bag" | followed. construction men James P, and John T. Joyce, brothers aged 24 and 23, respectively.- All were charged with criminally receiv- ing stolen property, Rossi also game)Wwas charged with grand larceny for moving the car. Iraq Beats Down Attempted Revolt BEIRUT, | Lebanon (AP) -- divisions pledged their allegi- ance to the government. The leader of the attempted coup appeared to be tough, gun- packing Ali Saleh El Saadi, un- til Tuesday deputy premier, in- formation minister and reputed down a bloody attempt at revo- lution today believed led by an ousted minister. After a morning of combat, Young held that Hans Peder- sen, skipper of the 330-foot Fern- jord of the Oslo Line, violated "rules of the road" by oper- ating his ship in 2 reckless man- ner and not giving signais. The fisherman, Freeman A. Earl, 52, of East Cleveland, was in a 14-foot boat in an area about a mile off the foot of Neff! Road where about 75 other fish- ermen's boats 'were anchored. Witnesses told the coast guard that the Norwegian. freighter plowed through the area, neither blowing its whistle nor slowing down. Young said that if his ruling is upheld by Capt. W. A. Bruso, representing Rear - Admiral George H. Miller, commandant of the Ninth Coast Guard dis- trict, the minimum penalty would be a $100 administrative | the missing man's cousin, Mr. Slocombe took off from the air- port at day-break. In addition, the Air Sea Rescue Section of the RCAF at Trenton also sent up a plane, Mr, Slocombe searched the Lake Ontario shore from Osh- awa to Port Hope and then headed west toward French- man's Bay. The boat was seen on the return trip by Gordon Chant, Officers of the Whitby Detach- ment, Ontario Provincial Police, arrived at the scene, along with the Whitby ambulance and cor- oner Dr. F. A. Cuddy. Dr, Cuddy said an autopsy would be performed, Investigating offi- cers were Corporal Joseph T. Tullock, and Constable Michae) V. Malion. Mr. Chant; who was in his eighth year with TCA, received his early flight training at the Oshawa Airport, In 1960, he married the for- mer Rosie Hoffmann in Ham- The Chant's old. son, Eric. g, have a one-year. Besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. M. Chant, his wif sister, Mrs. J, C. Carter (Carol) of Oshawa, and two brothers, Roy and Verne, both of Toronto. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. BBC Withdraws Satirical Show LONDON (Reuters) -- The BBC announced today that its hard-hitting satirical television show That Was the Week That Was" would be withdrawn at the end of the year on grounds that political satire and politics do not mix during an election year. The controversial program specializes in scathing, out- spoken attacks on what the show's young team of producers consider examples of Britain's and the world's "militant stu- pidity." Politicians of all political shades were among the favorite tangets on the program. The BBC said the show will be withdrawn at the end of De- cember instead of in the spring because 1964 would be an elec- fine. tion. year, Many: of them, defence offi- has been discussed at severa! cials argued, were rlagrant!y PC caucuses. peering about in sensitive mil. He He said a letter received by Police said they found more|--which had replaced the pre-| aghdad's presidential palace police boiled down to "a stupid|than 3,000 pictures of Julie with|miership in 1959--as the chief/@"¢ the Al Rashid military said he .personally sup-,and clumsy attempt to interfere|men in compromising situa-|government post below the pres- They also found a de-jidency. First Minister Djuana camp,' the capital was reported quiet early in the afternoon. Ba'athist strongman. He sud- denly was dropped from the leadership of the Iraqi Ba'ath party command in a reshuffle itary areas and probably ferd- Ports a resolution from the coun-jwith and intimidate officers in| tions ing information to Russia whose Cil advocating sweepstakes. the execution of their duty." 'tailed diary. Own envoys are barred from the areas The Chest CLIMB 261,800 ~ 250,000 _- 225,000 || 200,000 175,000 150,000 125,000 100,000 75,000 50,000 25,000 Start ' federal-provincial relations. | | A feasions in each parliamentary Kartawidjaja died Nov. 7. LIBERALS SURVIVE TEST VOTE MPs Thumb Rule Books OTTAWA ((P)--Ey the magic| 3. The NDP moved to amend of words, the minority Liberal'the Conservative |tee of supply, which was ap-jtion that any prime minister has amendment|proved--the. Conservatives reg-jever been put in the history of governmen' Tuesday turned ajand make it a motion of non-listering opposition without a re-our country." cst of Commons confidence into declaration of i principle onjernment to carry out "more The net resut was that the government stil. was in power after the sixth money supply de- bate--the' last of the regular oc- | cial jurisdiction. session on which the position 4. Prime Minister Pearson can try jo unseat the govern-jhailed the NDP subamendment ment on an issue chosen. by the! opposition The sequence of events went/not a vote of non-confidence-- this and promised Liberal support. The government moved that. 5. The NDP motion was ap-/ ke 1 l hi supply 2. As expected, the Conserva-|crats, eight Social Crediters and tive Opposition tried to amend|10 Creditistes ranked against 60 this motion and make it one of! Conservatives, non-confidence. This time the| 6. The Conservative motion-- motion censured the government|now stripped of censure by the for allegedly failing to carry vuut|NDP amendment -- was en- |confidence that urged the gov-|corded vote. Actually, the Liberals could) groups had 'a total attendance' of 90. - House Standings: Liberals The Tuesday night votes left many MPs thumbing their rule books, only to find that the gov- ernments have on rare occasions) powers of the provinces and the] eoynt in the past. Before the voting, however,|state--is perhaps the most se-| yr. Opposition Leader Diefenbaker argued that the Liberals would be rejecting the supply motion NDP Leader Douglas said the federal government must have |fully" the spirit of co-operative|have successfully faced either|strong powers while working in federalism and to consult with|opposition party motion as a|close co-operation with the prov- the provinces before announcing/confidence issue. There were 98|inces. He warned that Confed- or undertaking programs which|Liberals. in the House Tuesday|enration could be wrecked if Can- fall to any extent within provin-/night while. the four opposition|ada were '"'balkanized" into areas of prosperity and poverty Social Credit Leader Thomp- son said the government was as "an affirmation of a principle /129, Conservatives 95, NDP 17,|making enemies of the prov- acceptable to the government"--|Credistes 13, Social Crediters 11.|inces through clumsiness and hasty action rather through real conflict of policy. Mr, Pearson said the question |te House go into committee of|proved by a vote of 128 to 60--jernment was entitled to act the|of co-operative federalism -- in with 98 Liberals, 12 New Demo- way it did--just as other gov-\essence, the relationship nd federal government in a federal rious domestic question facing Canada. The federal-provincial confer- the spirit of co-operative federal- dorsed unanimously by 4 vote of'and, as a result, "will be voting ence would make "very far- ism and neglecting to consu't 187 to 0 the. provinces. 6n joint federal-, 7. The Liberals proposed again provincial programs. themselves 6ut of office." He said Mr, Pearson had »een |that the House go into commit-|put in the "most difficult posi-|our nation." T . affect- ure and destiny ,of . reaching decisions ing the fut announced just before the coup attempt. FLEE TO SPAIN Cairo radio said El Saadi and several of his Ba'athist support- ers had arrived in the Spanish capital by Iraqi military plane. The new leadership, headed by Bakr, Army Chief of Staff Premier Ahmad, Hassan el |Bakr and Defence Minister Mahdi Saleh Ammash appealed over Baghdad radio for unity, warned against "'Ba'ath-ists kil- hing Ba'athists" and promised \"all problems will be solved."' | | Commanders of three army| Minister Hazem Jawad and Foreign Minister Taleb Hussein Shebib, was announced on reg- ular broadcasts over Baghdad radio. A few minutes before 10 a.m., Auditor Says | Quebec Bilked. | Of $50,000 QUEBEC (CP) -- Quebec's provincial auditor says the prov- ince was bilked of $50,000 dur- ing 1962-63 through misappropri- ation of public funds. J. A. Vezina, speaking at a press conference, said $30,000 When it returned, on a weak medium wave broadcast, a cur- few-was announced for Bagh- dad and its suburbs and the voices of Bakr and Ammash were, appealing for calm. | Bakr's. statement, read by De- fence Minister Ammash, called for an emergency meeting. of the National! Revolutionary has been recovered so far and|Couyncil, thé council of ministers! jall the offenders Lg a ' land union leaders. "The amount isn't large,' he! . cp), . : : said, "but it is the example that PP honth ya fal ge yp st unts and we don't want to see/\mhare have been attempts at |this happening again. sabotage to make Ba'athists kill Vezina declnied to say Ba'athists jhow many cases of misappro-|",, y . priation were turned up in| "Let us. patch up differences 1962-63 and who they involved.|by peaceful means. He 'said this sort of informa-| The rebels apparently struck ition would have to be given first) with air force jet planes attack- jto the legislature's public ac-jing the presidential palace on Taher Yahya, Deputy Interior|4@Y CALEDON, Ont. (CP)--Pro- vineial police today denied re- ports that the body of Thoma- sina Baker, 10, was found Tues- Hills near Guelph. who disappeared nearly 14 ag. But Inspector James Harris, heading a squad of OPP offic- ers,. said today: bones, no bathing suit, no bath- ing cap." In Toronto, Inspector H. M. Purdy of the OPP Criminal In- vestigation Bureau, said: "No body has been found." Inspector Harris said police searching the Caledon Hills are accompanied by John McDon- ald -of Newmarket, Ont., brought to Toronto for questioning after he was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment in Hamilton last week for wounding a police of- ficer. Thomasina is believed to have been driven off in a car by a man on the day she disap- peared, more than 2,000 persons, counts committee. the Tigris. i %) A OPP Scour Hills For Girl's Body SN in a grave in the Caledon | There were reports the girl, © months ago from her home near (4 Beeton, Ont., had been found in 3 a grave wrapped in a plastic ; Baghdad radio went off the. air.|' s "Nothing has been found. No | i i f i THOMASINA BAKER | lsearch, Small aircraft flew over valleys and gullies and police used bloodhounds in the search around Beeton, 18 miles north- east of \here. From time to time, since Au» jgust, 1962, police received infor- mation and took up the search jagain, after the mass hunt was jabandoned, Each time | they; .) including soldiers, joined the|came to a dead end.