18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 13, 1963 PLAYERS NAMED TO ALL-STAR TEAM Leafs May Trade For McKenney TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto Maple Leafs are interested in getting centre Don McKenney of New York Rangers and Leafs coach Punch Imlach says he'll discuss a trade when the teams meet in a National Hockey League game Thursday in New York, "Definitely we'ré interested," said Imlach, who is also Leafs jgeneral manager. 'We'll see |what Rangers have in mind |Thursday. They've got to make jsome kind of move and if we RUSS JACKSON TOMMY GRANT Jackson Shares Top Honors | With Two Montreal Stars By JACK SULLIVAN | Canadian Press Sports Editor) TORONTO (CP)--Russ Jack- real son, brilliant young Canadian) quarterback with Ottawa Rough| Riders, Tuesday night was) named to the 1963 Eastern Foot- ball Conference all - star team) for the second successive year.| He shared top individual honors|tawa with two imports from Montreal Alouettes. Selection of Jacksori for the Teal Football Reporters of Canada team and the unanimous choice|ton of offensive halfback George! Dixon and linebacker Jim And- reotti were highlights of the vot- ing. Selectors picked Hamilton Tiger - Cat and Rough Rider players for the backbone of the effensive and defensive squads. The FRC's team replaces The} Canadian Press all - star team) chosen annually since 1932. \E Ticats and Riders, who meet,on in the two-game total - point! EFCT final to decide the East's| ton taw ton 1M ANDREOTTI HAL PATTERSON THE OFFENSIVE TEAM Half -- George Dixon, Mont- ' Half--Dick Shatto, Toronto Half--Dave Thelen, Ottawa Half--Tommy Grant, Hamil- Quarter--Russ Jackson, Centre--Milt Crain, Guard -- Dick Walton, Mont-|Jackson has his passing in the last couple Hamil-/of years. This added threat,/outtsanding pass - jcombined with a canny ability'and tough defensive tackle jto exploit a team's defensive) Angelo Mosca, also of the Ti- Guard--Ellison Kelly, 01 Tackle--Roger Kramer, Ot-| a Tackle -- Hardiman Cureton, {amilton End--Hal Patterson, Hamil- End--Ted Watkins, Ottawa | weaknesses, jers formidable contenders this!,¢ {he selectors. It was the season. sidered by place in the EFC's three-team GEORGE DIXON ANGELO MOSCA graduate fnom McMaster Uni-|this versity in Hamilton, joined the Rough Riders in 1958 and hasjhole in their defence. |rapidly developed into one of} the country's outstanding quar-\from the University of Bridge-| terbacks. He is the only first-|port in Bridgeport, Conn., and) s tring No. 1 Canadian-born sig- Inal - caller in the nine-team Ot-|Canadian Football League. Always a fine ball handler} Montreal|and a terror on the option play, vastly improved) made Rough Rid-| The Riders weren't even con- the experts for a |playoffs in pre-season forecasts} THE DEFENSIVE TEAM but Jackson's outstanding work} Half--Garney Henley, Hamil-|played a big part.in the club's) Half--Joe Poirier, Ottawa Half--Jim, Rountree, Toronto and gave him an almost-solid|§ Corner linebacker--Jim Rey-|vote of confidence as second-place final standing. The voters noted all of this the all- team in the Grey Cup final at Vancouver on Saturday, Nov.|n0lds, Montreal ' jstar quarter, veel foc| Corner linebacker--Jim Con-|yotes. Veteran Bernie Faloney| 30, provided the personnel for| | / ' . 15 of the 24 positions. roy, Ottawa. jof the Tiger-Cats, the only other linebacker -- Gene|pivot considered, got six. Twenty - four FRC members| _ Inside Jim And- MORE HONORS AHEAD? He received 18| --football writers and sports-|Gaines, Ottawa casters in the four league cities Bing Lor ai i , ' rea PP Sa Middle guard--John Barrow, fensive and defensive lineups, | Hamilton : jnamed earlier as | | and seven from Hamilton.. Ti-| Tackle--Angelo Mosca, Ham-jcandidate in the voting for the ger-Cats landed four on offence |ilton A : joutstanding player and out-| and three on defence. | Tackle--Ed Nickla, Montreal) standing Canadian in the CFL. | End--Johnny Autry, Toronto|Results of the final ballot of this gag gy Mie gg A por FP ip Joe Booth, Ot-/award will be announced Thurs- . ' bok iday, Nov. 28. Grey Cup contention with a 17-5) The 26 - year - old Jackson| Dison, a spectacular break- loss to -the tp = is one of four native-born Cana-|away runner and the league's ee srs rere dian players to make the team.|jeading ground gainer the last se berths on the mythical The others are fleet - footeditwo seasons, was also an unani- dream team, split evenly be emmy Grant of i aig and! mous choice in 1961, Last year tween offence and defence. __ ue Me agh ng ee spo ous he won additional honors as the Toronto Argonauts, who ended! st ' Tt Gankoy. "loutstanding player in the coun- the 14-game schedule with only| stlatasgri ony three victories, placed three|/ DEVELOPED RAPIDLY Andreotti was named an all- players on the team. One made| Jackson, an Ottawa high star for the fourth straight it on offence, two on defence. |school teacher and an honorsiyear. He went to the Alouettes Basketball Loop Play Under Way The Simcoe Hall, Simcoe|scored and Mike Zimny collect-|asfair with the Kinlochs team Street Basketball Leagues goted one foul shot. Officials for| slightly overpowering the Parts : hese games 'were Ted Bathe,| i underway on Saturday morning},,. 2 : siand Service team by the score Mike Karas, Jim Rowden,|of 13 to 7. The big scorer for with me gery gu schedule! Sohn Rajkovic, B. Muzcen, Bill! Kinlochs was Ray Jacula who patel yoo pS igelgt Rajkovic and Walter Hubar. hit the basket three times for gp rahe ie was ence an.|q,Q8 Saturday, Nov. 16, the/six points. Other baskets went and a re --. Pte are ap Simcoe . Hall, Simcoe Street}to Gus Milosh, Dave House, Wal- ticipated to make this one Of/piddy League sponsored by thelter Hubar. and Gary Edgar the biggest years in biddy and woctmount Kiwanis 7 , rary agar. cory league basketball in Osh-/4-ain hold forth with an exhibi-lyice team were somewhat : _ tion schedule, with games. as\coarce er age y In the Biddy League which follows: 8.45 a.m. Courts vs wy tienes disea ehoee started off the morning's ac-|Avenues; 9.15 a.m. Olives ys) a oe : peers tivities Olives defeated Courts! Jacksons: 9.45 a. Etnas vs Officials for these games were ees he a ee auth wee Bill Melnychuk was the ig , Muzeen, scorer for the Olives team MINOR LEAGUE Minor League action will take scoring four points in the first The Simcoe Hall Simcoeiplace again next Saturday at quarter and four points also in|Street Minor League sponsored|the Simcoe Hall, Simcoe street the third and fourth quarters.|by the Oshawa Y's Men's Club/with another round of exhibition. David Manser for the Olives|Started action on assisted his team with four,Morning with three games, [playing condition for the long points in the last quarter. Addi:| In the first game it was the|winter basketball season ahead. tional scores were by Tom El-/CKLB team coached by Dave! Games scheduled "for Satur- dridge and Mike Zimny. For|Piatti who scored a victory|day, Nov. 16, are as follows: the Courts team it was Bill/over the Bolahood's Sporshaven|10.15 a.m, CKLB vs Police As- Swindells who stole the show|team by the tune of 30 to 26,|S0ciation; 10.55 a.m. Bolahoods | scorers were Joe Zimny and Dave Calder. For the Police As- sociation baskets (ere scor y Pat Cyr, Howard Stone, Don LePage, Jim Baskerville, |Bob Johnstone and Gilbert Ev- |anstein. | The last game of the morn- \for ed) this game with 290 followed by Club will| Baskets for the Parts and Ser-| Saturday games to help get the boys in) JOE POIRIER DICK SHATTO season after three years)! |with Toronto and plugged a big| Dixon went to the Als in 1959) |Andreotti, a native of Chicago} who played with Northwestern} University, joined Argonauts in} 1960. | PATTERSON NAMED AGAIN | Hal Patterson, Hamilton's catcher end, cats, were picked by all but one eighth time in the last 10 years that Patterson had earned all- star ranking. The only other time Mosca made it was in 1960) when he played with Ottawa. | The fine playing of Dick Shatto, one of the few bright snots in a dismal Toronto sea- on, was recognized by the vot- rs in his selection for the of-| fensive backfield. Shatto, the) league's leading scorer, re- ceived 22 votes and was chosen) the seventh time in the last! eight years. John Barrow of Hamilton was) e Now, Jackson is shooting for chosen as the middle guard on| The Leafs have scored 4-2 and|Nevin, out for three weeks with|game in hand. They also open two more honors. He had been|the defensive unit. This is the|5-3 wins over the Canadiens injan injured foot, have been pro. | Up a three-point lead over idle the East's|seventh consecutive year he has|two previous meetings this sea-/nounced fit to play, Defence-/Montreal Junior Canadiens. been picked as an all-star. Hotelmen Beat Clothiers 3-2 Bowling at Aprile Lanes Pierre Hotel won a 3 to 2 de- cision over the local People's Clothing team, The scores on \the day were low and Pierre Hotel bowled a total of 5906 for three points while People's [Clothing rolled 5726 for two points, | The Clothiers got off on the| jright foot by winning the first lgame 1173 to 1031. Ron Swartz lwas high for the Clothiers in |John Trott 273. Perc Cutting was |high for the losers with 258. | Pierre Hotel came back to take the 'second game 1270 to 1088. In this game Orval Brown led Pierre Hotel with 293 follow- ed by Fred Pechaluk 272 and) Ed. Moody 256. None of the Clothiers hit well in this game. The third game again went to) Pierre Hotel 1171 to 1021. Ernie} Hughes was high for the vic- jtors in this game with 266 |while none of the Clothiers could }get untracked. | The fourth game went to |Pierre Hotel with a fine team score of 1381 compared to 1203 for Peoples Clothing. Fred Pe- ichaluk led the way in this game jwith a fine 348 game followed beat them too they'll be desper- ate." Rangers, with four wins in 13 starts this season and beaten on enerals Take Thriller From Black Hawl Youthful Defenceman Bobby Orr scored two goals, including the eventual winner at 16.55 of the third period to lead Oshawa Generals to a thrilling 3-2 vic- tory over fourth place St. Cath- 7 arines Black Hawks last night. Orr's goals were his sixth and seventh in 11 games of the young OHA Junior "A" cam- 7 paign. At this pears to 'be a likély candidate for dethroning NHL defenceman Jacques Laperriere, who holds the crown for most goals scored by a defenceman in Junior 'A" © competition with 25, as a mem- ber of Montreal Jr. Canadiens their last five outings, have in- dicated McKenney is up as bait! for a trade. | McKenney, 29, is in his 10th NHL season as a centre and left! wing and has 204 goals to his! credit. Acquired from Boston Bruins last February in a deal involving a trade for Dean Pren- tice, McKenney has been used sparingly by Rangers this sea- son and has a goal and two as-| sists so far. Leafs are said to be anxious to get a centre as insurance against the retirement of 36-|ing antics between the pipes for two seasons ago. Orr's efforts to date aren't bad for a 15-year-old youngster! / Newcomers Jim _ Cherry, coach, and Ray Reeson, goal- tender, both experienced aus- picious debuts. For Cherry it was a tremendous beginning in his first complete game at the Oshawa Generals' helm, GOALIES STAR Reeson, meanwhile stole the show with his darting and div- year-old Red Kelly and the de-| Generals. parture of utility forward Billy) Harris. They are in a position jto offer a defenceman in return, with five on the regular roster|agility of the respe | sent down| and Kent Douglas, last year's top NHL nookie, just His counterpart, Don Sneddon, in goal for St. Catharines also! periormed superbly. But for the} ctive goal-| tenders, the score might: have/Ron Buchanan, Bill Little, and| Oshawa's reached double figures for both to Rochester of the American|clubs because of the frantic of- League. Juveniles Beaten By Trenton Team Oshawa Juvenile All Stars) lost their opening game of the| season 6-5 Sunday night in Trenton to the Trenton Juvenile All-Stars. FIRST PERIOD No scoring. SECOND PERIOD Trenton, Johnson; Teeple (Ferguson); Gibbens; Oshawa, Leaming (G. Bradley). THIRD PERIOD Trenton, Garrett (Hutcheson and Bonn); Oshawa, | Oshawa, Siblock (Barr); Tren- ton, Hutcheson . (Bonn); awa, Gow (Gibbens); Trenton,} Garrett (Fraser). fensive action throughout the. 60-/Kitts' more prominent players|country mile . . ~| minute contest. Bill Little scored Oshawa's other tally early in the second) period. Ken Laidlaw, and Den- nis Hull registered for St, Cath- arines. Generals' victory enabled them to continue the see-saw battle for sixth place with Kit- chener Rangers as they moved back into sixth, one up on Ran- gers, who dropped a 6-1 de- cision to second place Peter- borough. SHORT NOTES: | | | Generals' Trenton,| coach Jim Cherry has two more} Oshawa, |difficult chores facing him this} week, On Thursday night they |move in against Peterborough, time and responded with three/). |with only two defeats thus far.|80als, leading the Petes to a 6-1| Then on Sunday, Oshawa tackle ; Cullen|Marlboros in Maple Leaf Gar-|in Ontario Hockey Association (Siblock); Trenton, Reynolds);|dens, They too have lost only a\Junior A action in Peterborough. pair of contests ... Generals Osh-| with their impressive victory | terminated St. Kitts' winning Streak at six games. Although Leafs Seek 3rd Win Over Habs prolific rate, Orr ap» ~7 |St. Catharines are three points|Hull .,. Oshawa's General, i s, 3-2 j break into the win column would be tomorrow evening at home when they host Kitchener Rangers. They would at the same time perform a service for Generals, by keeping Kitch- ener from displacing them from their sixth place perch; pending of course, Oshawa's result at Peterborough . . . The only other club which St. Catharines » have been unable to beat be- sides Oshawa Generals is Mon- treal Canadiens. This is only be- cause they have yet to only to trigger-happy Yvan seeeneyee of Montreal, who has ST. CATHARINES: Goal: Sneddin; De- fence: Graham, Eichler, Jarrett and Freeman; Forwards: Laidlaw, O'Brien, Hull, Stanfield, Kelly, McDonald, Shelton, Hodge, Green, and Snider. OSHAWA: Goal: Reeson; Defence: Ort, » Domm, Foley, and Roberts; Forwards: O'Shea, Smith, Zaine, Little, Buchanan, Vail, Blair, Marshall and Kilger. FIRST PERIOD Oshawa: Orr (Buchanan, Little) 0.48 Penalties -- Orr (interference) 2.00, Foley (hooking) 4.07, McDonald (elbow. ing) 4,28, Hull and Orr (majors, fighting) 9 and 10-minute (litical cnet ti BOBBY ORR DON SNEDDON up on Oshawa, their loss rec-/Manager Wren Blair left for a ords are identical at five each|six or seven day business trip .. » Last night's Generals' vic-|to eastern Ontario, and over|s.42, Foley (cross checkin tory was the second successive|into the U.S. for a look at his misconduct) 10,30, squeaker in front of their fine|Clinton Comets hockey 'club. He SECOND PERIOD supporters . . , Jim Shaw chose could possibly return wn a| % Oshawa: Little Bobby Orr, Don- Sneddon and player or two for Generals, or] paysiites muchanan' tinieriorenced Ray Reeson as the three stars.| the possibility of one or two ar-|4.26 and Jarrett (holding) 18.12. Honorable mentions would have|riving in the near future ... THIRD PERIOD to be Bill Smith, Danny O'Shea,/A near capacity crowd watched) 3. St. Catharines: Laidlaw in, » u ; sparkling perform-) ,, Oohawral Orr xiiigne) S, the entire third line for a fine| ance, which surpassed Sunday's| s. st. Catharines: Hull checking effort for Generals. St.| dismal outing in Kitchener by a Paes ty! ad Polen (hata 'Tab, da . An opportune 4-15 (tripping) 3.55, and Freeman' (trip- were Stanfield, Laidlaw. anditime for Hamilton Red Wings to|ping) 17.10. Rookie Responds -- XAT: ' ing Pace With Hat Trick {1m omcscome iam played a double-header on Sun- By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Danny Grant, Dale Watson |day, at Port Perry. In the first Brian O'Byrne. a rookie de-|and RonsNaud were Peterbor-| same, Dodd Motor Sales picked fenceman this year. with Peter-jough's other scorers. They had|up their first win, defeating borough Petes, may never get|period leads of 2-0 and 4-1. Morrison BA with a score of back to the blueline. | Gary Sabourin notched the 4 to 3. It seems when Gordie O'Bryne was moved to for-|lone Kitchener counter. |Myles plays, the Dodd teams ward Tuesday nizht for the first} sohock, one of a few Flyers + 6.50 - 16.55 jhas that little bit extra. Also, ' |Hubble is playing great hockey ft from last year's squad thatlin defence for Dodd. | ge i made it to the national junior! Scoring for Dodd's was Hub- \victory over Kitchener Rangers |finals, couldn't » overcome able ae up two; the singles |Marlboro team effort that led) going to Myles and Knocker. : £"-'to Toronto's ninth win in 12)Morrison scoring was shared b: ; He ug on wat rpg tt starts. Niagara Falls remained|Leeman and Thompson picking onors, however, "K, | captain of Niagara Falls flyers,| in fifth place. jup two goals and laying | a 4 agiec fag There who played as if he was still in Dave Armstrong and Bill|strong game up front. last year's Memorial Cup final, Goldsworthy also scored for the was a total of five penalties, Schock fired three goals and added two assists, but it wasn't enough as the Flyers bowed to league - leading Toronto Marl- boros 6-5 in Niagara Falls. In the only other game, Bobby Orr scored twice to lead Osh- awa Generals to a 3-2 victory ver St. Catharines. Black Flyers, who split two first-pe-|Dodd's three, Morrison's, two. riod goals and trailed 6-4 after) The sécond game saw Mc- two periods. |Grath Plumbers meet Foley Plumbers, with the McGrath LED TORONTO team: handing Foley's its sec- | . Pete Stemkowski led the Tor- ond defeat, 4 to 1. Foley's, who onto victory with two goals, and| were short-handed for the game, |eaptain Grant Moore, Ron Ellis, | gave a good account of them- |Wayne Carleton and Britt Selby} selves on the ice, but on the leach scored once. }other hand, McGrath had a full By THE CANADIAN PRESS |have three injured p'ayers back Hawks Toronto Maple Leafs will bejin the lineup and the Canadiens} zg seeking their third straight vic-;have announced two of their in--ARE 3 BEHIND a 4 lace and Pl collecti in- tory over the Canadiehs and a|jured will play. O'Byme's scoring helped the,Ron Little as the Generals pei rp ein recta pd vn share of second place when) Dick Duff, who missed the|second-place Petes stay three;moved into sixth place, ome) ioe tan. gop Foley's. There they meet in Montreal tonight.|last two Leaf games, and Bob|points behind Toronto, a ye si Huu |Was a total of five penalties in a STN ES | kenorad for the "Black Hawks, | 'he game, McGrath four, Fo- lwho outshot Oshawa, 34-31, Orr, a 15-year-old defence-|Club out. For McGrath, Dowe |man, had scoring support from picked up two goals, with wa.- iley's one. ___| In an earlier game, McGrath Plumbers defeated Dodd Motor Sales 6 to 2. The McGrath team looks like a real tough club as from last year: They also have some top notch players like Frank Cover, Ted Lutton, Stan Wallace, Ken Bradley and Butch Dowe to carry the load. The Plumbers were just too fast for the Dodd team, who were missing some of: their top regulars, McGrath's scoring was shared by Ted Lutton and Stan Wallace each picking up |three goals. For Dodd's, it was Hubble picking up both goals. There was a total of four penal- ties in the game, McGrath one, Dodd three. son but are lodged in third/man Carl Brewer, who made a\~-- oth place, two points behind Mont-|surprise appearance in the Tor-| ENERGY TO BURN real with two games in hand.jonto lineup last Saturday, has| And the hopes of the 'two|been given the go-ahead to play| Wealthy Downes ° Returns To Ring teams of gaining ground on|again. league - leading Chicago rest} Leaf coach Punch Imlach was LONDON (CP)--If you have|--and I don't see any who can £100,000 in the bank and a 'tosy|do it,"? with the last-place Boston Bru-|concerned about two other reg- ins, who visit Chicago in thejulars Tuesday night but centre only other National Hockey| Red Kelly, who has a bruised » would you risk sight and) Downes's handlers say their ache eg ring? lcharge can still get down to Well. financially, Terry middleweight if Dick Tiger League game scheduled jtoe, and Eddie Shack, ham- The Bruins, who. have won|pered by a twisted knee, may Raaoer ¥ res to defend his world title | Downes is sitting pretty, Yet he/¢# cA ; I lhas ended a six-month sojourn|i2 London, "But I don't care if} two of their last four games.|be able to play. pulled the first major upset o'| Bill Hicke will return to Mont- ' Pate _|I never fight as a middleweight/ nthe, busines word OF 80a cuineap lon asf ah" a the season Sunday when theyjreal lineup after missing two the brash Cockney-cum-Yankee, | dumped the' Hawks 4-2 andigames with a concussion and No, the ex-world middleweight) Noy there are indications that} string at 11 games. Boom Geoffrion is expected to This upturn in Boston fortunes /play. His bruised hand was re- has moved them to within one|ported better. point of the fifth-place New| Gump Worstey, York Rangers and porvides the|agdinst the Leafs 1 Bruins with a chance to escape|ago, worked out at practice yes- the dungeon with a victory|terday but won't play. Charlie against the Hawks. [Hodge will continue to handle The Leafs are expected to! Montreal's netminding, HOCKEY SCORES, STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Eastern Division Wit Ff 6 6 3 57 68 1 49 injured snapped C hicago's unbeaten|gash on the forehead and Boom . . aes two weeks Dart Association champion hasn't taken t00)ji5+ 3 heavyweight champion| 4 Games Played | many punches. "I had ide | Willie Pastrano would defen jto burn . . . the missus said I),i- worl title here against] The following are the results was getting unbearable... aNd/nownes, rather than Britishlof games played: in the I missed boxing," he explains. |shampion Chic Calderwood. {Neighborhood Dart Associa- Downes, 27, is part owner Of] 'The ever-so-clever Californian|tion: Southmead 4, Woodview one of Britain's biggest chains|js a great favorite with British| No. 2, 1; Rundle No. 1, 3, Fern- of betting shops, a couple ifitans. hill, 'i. ~--. No, 2, 3, Wood- e real estate.) y j \view No. 1, 2. clubs and. som Downes clobbering away at aides R. Hopson, F. ,2; 0. Clark 2, Midge Wil- J. Carlson, J. Goulding 5, O. Twine 2, T. Twine, G, Bryant 2, A. Bryant F. Donald N, Pul- len, G. Waite 3, E. Major, L. Cole, B. Cole, A. Cole, J. Cole 2, P. Rogers 4 M. Muir V. Graves L. Shortt. | Baseball 1 inning -- J. Goul- |Galt at Guelph Port Colborne at Woodstock A Pt, Eastern League 5415 Greensboro 5 Miladelphia 2 57 13|Clinton 3 Charlotte 0 48 13 \9ttawa-Hull and District Junior ornwall 4 Pembroke 5 Smiths Falls 4 Arnprior 9 Brockville 1 Hull 6 28 20| Hawkesbury 4 Buckingham 6 4716) Ottawa-St, Lawrence Senior 32 14)Connwalll 4 Morrisburg 2 48 11 Lancaster 2 Ottawa 12 | 'Most of his business interests)/pastrano's fancy fistwork is a| are shared with manager Sam|/mouth - watering thought tor| Ford Burns. |ringsiders although share-|50", | London - born Downes -- who/holders in Terry Downes Lim-} went to Baltimore at an early/it ly age, joined the U.S. Marines and learned to fight--lost his} world title to Boston's Paul) Pender last year. He later was) Providence Hershey Baltimore Springfield Quebec Western Pittsburgh Rochester Cleveland Buffalo by Hughes 278, Moody 275 and Cutting 273. For the Clothiers} Roy Nesbitt was high with 278) followed by Ron Swartz 266 and} John Trott 252. The final game went to the Clothiers 1241 to 1053. Sel Himes paced Peoples Clothing to this win with a nice 335 game follow- ed by Harold Ballem 288, For the losers Moody was high with 255, Rochester Tops jstripped of his British title for ling 5 jinactivity. League Scoring | Standing -- Rundle No. 2, 23. Now he has turned the extra gy THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Fernhill 17, Southmead 17, Run- jpoundale from easy living to) "Pwo goals by Darryl Sly and|dle No. 1, 13. Woodview No. 1, hig advantage by coming back/one by Gerry Ehman have) 12. Woodview No. 2, 8 as a light-heavyweight, one of|pylled Rochester to within four) --~--SS™S the weakest divisions at pres- points of Western Division-lead-|second period against Quebec ent. ing Pittsburgh Hornets and/Tuesday night as Rochester In his first fight at the new) made the Americans the highest|/overcame a 2-1 deficit and de- weight Downes disposed of Ger-|ccoring team in the American|feated Aces 3-2 in the only game man Rudolf Nehring in three|Hockey League. jscheduled. John Hanna and Cle- rounds and now plans to fight' Ehman and Sly clicked in thejland Mortson scored for Aces. about once every six weeks. --o a SEMESTER ERS ESS Tuesday's Result Rochester 3 Quebec 2 Tonight's Games Springfield at Hershey Cleveland at Pittsburgh Ontario Junior A Wor | Northern Ontario Senior |Kapuskasing 7 S. Porcupine 2 Ontario Junior B | Etobicoke 7 Georgetown 4 |Dixie 4 Brampton 0 St. Marys 9 London 3 APt Nova Scotia Senior 1 77 4419\Moncton 5 Halifax 1 42 33 16|New Glasgow 3 Windsor 13 56 37 13 Saskatchewan Junior '57 4712 Saskatoon 2 Moose Jaw 7 40 10 Saskatchewan Senior Toronto Peterborough Montreal 6 Su. Catharines 6 5 Niagara Falls 5 7 2 1 0 0 scoring a-total of 10 of his team's 16 points. Other scorers were Ray Bartolziej and Kenny Embury. | In the second game of the morning Avenues toppled Etnas by the score of 17 to 3. Randy Jackson scored 10 baskets with one foul shot giving him a total |players on the KL team also of 11 points for the morning. Jim Jordan, Mario Cononico and George Granowski assisted for the Avenue win. The Etna| team lacked a little steam but} baskets were scored by Bill Cobel and Steve Ball. In the final Biddy game of the morning Bantings scored a 19 to 3 victory over Jacksons. Nicky Melnychuk, Walter Karas, Tom Eldridge, Maurice St. Pierre were the goal getters for the | League Bill Langley was the tof scor- er for the CKLB team by tipping in some 12 points. Three scored a total of 18 points by splitting this up at 6 each for Gord. Perkins, Bob Shepherd, and Mike Green. For the Sports- haven team it was Nick neal scoring a total of 13 points| followed by John Rajkovic with| 12 points, Bill Robinson, Mike! Wall and John Davidson helped| with the scoring. In the second game of the| Minor League it was the. Fire-/Knox, 1; Northminster, 0; Sim-|ian Foods 32, O'Connor Bowl fighters trouncing the Police| Association team $y the score) of 38 to 14. It was Phil Mcll- veen who led his team with 12 points and Joe Krasnaj with 11 points. Eddie Locke counted Banting|during the play with a total of|Simcoe vs Westmount: team, while Bill Melnychukil0 points. Other Firefighter!St, Paul's vs Westminster. . A vs Parts and Service; © 11.35 am. Firefighters vs Kinlocks. Any boys wishing to play bas- ketball are invited out any Sat- urday morning for either the 'Biddy League, sponsored by the Westmount Kiwanis Club and the Simcoe Hall Minor League Cor.|Sponsored by the Oshawa Y's!led with 1306 followed by Moody Men's Club CHURCH LEAGUE St. Harmony, 8; Paul's, 0; coe, 6; Westminster, 2. Next week's games are as follows: 4.30 - 5.05, Northmin- Ster vs King; 5.05-5.40,-Knox vs St. Andrew's; 5.40-6.15, Christ Church vs' Harmony; 6.50-7,25 |Cartage. x Individual scores on the day for Peoples Clothing were as follows: .Sel Himes 1215, Ron Swartz 1026 for 43 frames, Roy Nesbit' 1122 for 48, Harold Bal- \lem 759 for 33, John Trott 964 |for 44 and Don Henning 640 for 32. For Pierre Hotel Pechaluk 1081 for 44 and Cutting 1155 for 48 As avresult of last Saturday's bowling Peoples Credit Jewel- jlers lead Group '"'B" with 35 jpoints followed by Darrigo Ital- and Hotel Pierre 24 each, Motor City 22, Mowat Cartage 19, T. Anthony Ltd., 13 and Peoples ;Clothing 11 This coming Saturday Peo- tion« Bowl to take on Mowat Oshawa 3 Kitchener 2 Hamilton 3 Tuesday's Results Kitchener 1 Peterborough St, Catharines 2 Oshawa 3 Toronto 6 Niagara Falls 5 Thursday's Games Kitchener at Hamilton Oshawa at Peter' ,ough St. Catharines at Montreal Ontario Senior A WLT F APti 410 28 14 8) 420 22 2 8} $21 23.44 7 330 19 246, Guelph 23 1 18 23:5 Port Colborne 1-6 0 13 39 2 Tuesday's Results Woodstock 7 Port Colborne 0 3 50 9 3 56 5) 0 67 3 6 Woodstock Welland Galt Oakville 6.15-6.50,/ple's Clothing travel to Planta-|Guelph 1 Galt 8 Friday's Games |Oakville at Welland Moose Jaw 1 Yorkton 16 Central Alberta Edmonton 8 Lacombe 4 Exhibition Clympics 6 Melville (SJHL) 1 | --TIWwo YOUNG MEN---- To Train for Sales in Oshawa Good Income We will train. and assist the right young men -- 25 to 35--to a top income bracket in a few years. If you have a desire to be a salesman with an Inter- nationally. known Canadian Proposition. Send us your name, address we will contact you. Al] communcations wil Ibe kept strictly confidential. All rep! BOX 403, OSHAWA TIMES ARO Aaa ' "T reckon I like boxing better) than betting shops," he says. "'I figure the only thing that would make me dislike boxing is if guys started belting me around Immediately company, investigate our and telephone number-- ics wlil be acknowledged, BEAMED "TIVE" ON OUR REGENT | 723-3021 OR 728-6673. | OR 72 6673