ih groups was reminded of: the TRAFFIC DEATHS a UCW's buffet supper to be held) ENSCHEDE (AP) -- More ~ UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES xsi jEsame. AP) = sos |. Thi i 4 ¢ 21ST SCOUT GROUP AUX. |sisting of word contests was di-|Port' Hope Trades School were) joc naa ae pte be fle recorded in The Nether- The 21st Oshawa Scout Group|rected by Mrs. Fred Densham.|discussed<wheré children do get'Mrs. Donald Stone and Mrs,|/@nds last year. They resulted Ladies' Auxiliary met receatly} The new president closed the|a basic trades training, Mrs.| Walter Famme who 'setved|i@ 2,000 deaths and more than in Kedron Hall. a meeting with a prayer for scout-|John Adair sincerely thanked/refreshments, | 30,000 serious injuries, resident, |ing. Mr. Munday on behalf of the 1 a Feo pecvaggtvnsen ee Mrs. R. Brown (was wel- association. SIMCOE STREET UCW Scout Mother's Prayer. jcomed as the first new mem- ST. ANDREW'S UCW (Unit 3) Mrs, R. J, LeRoy read the|er, for this year. fag ws | The members of Unit 3 of the, inintton 'and. Mire.' Bert Smiths} ere Stent Watson and Mes) é |, UCW of Simcoe Street United reported a bank balance of| William Etliott served cofiee e regular meeting of the Church met last Friday after- $50.57 and cookies, |Laurel Group Unit 4 was held/noon-at the home of Mrs, Leo The president read the an-| MITCHELL'S CORNERS H-S om nop tae ladies' par-|Gray, Somerville avenue, Mrs. nual report and thanked the Mitchell's Corners Home and| a. - oc; 'Edgar Bradley, group leader, members for their co-operation|Schoot Association's October|.2'¢,, presormt;_ Mrs. E. A.ipresided. Following the " busi- hiding. the S len. vets, | . ; "\Cuthbertson, presided. Mrs.|ness, refreshments were sery- 8 ae y {meeting .was held at Mitchell's)" 7 Moreau read the secre-led by the hostess Mrs, Wilfred Pascoe, chair-|Corners School recently. Mrs, tary's report and Mrs R. LI ilo sick man of the nomination commit-|Arthur Peeling, president, pre-lnfark 'gave the treasures's| The Christmas party will be tee announced nominations for sided. Mrs. Victor White, re-| anor "siheld at the home of Mrs. W.. A.) the. new executive. AH were| cording secretary, read the min-|" >." ' /Dewland, 300 Mary street north, elected unanimously. Mrs, Ron-\utes and Mrs, Milton Fountain,| ,The President conducted ajon Friday afternoon, December ald Love installed the new of-|treasurer, gave her report, |Short business meeting and the'6. ficers who are: Mrs. Nelson| Mrs, G, Hewie's room, Grade) Wright, president; Mrs. William/1, won the banner and dollar) Elliott, 1st vice-president; Mrs,/for the second consecutive) Ga Grant Watson; | William Nicholls sug-! 2nd° vice-presi-| month, iP dent; Mrs. Stanley Ogle, sec-| Mrs. : ; retary; Mrs. Bruce Annand,|gested a card party and a com- ye ~-- treasurer, mittee was appointed to organ-|f~ x PT Mrs. Nelson Wright thanked|ize it. \Mrs. Love and continued with) Mrs. Lionel Hart introduced the business. The members de- Mr. Jack Mundy, vice princi- cided to hold an apple gale on pal of Courtice High School and November 9. \Gut instructor of Vocational i ' Mrs, 'Wright introduced Mrs.|Guidance, who spoke regard- NIGHT OF CARDS | Wilfred Pascoe, president of the|ing our educational facilities of| The Lend a Hand Club heldigroyp Committee who asked|today, compared to the schoolsi§ ;U~ a night of cards-in Simcoe Hall/the co-operation of the ladies|in 1830 with their chinks in the} , ------ -jrecently, the winners of cards/in g pop-bottle drive being car-\log walls packed with moss) were: Mr, William Hopps, Mrs./-ieq on November 23. Hand-|with one of the holes being} i | Grace Lutheran Guild Holds first pews for "'old" Grace/Warren Lanning, Mrs. Joseph/piis will be disiriouted on No-|used as a sun dial. Church on Albert street and/|Hallawell, and Mrs, Fred Spen- vember 16. |. Mr. Munday also pointed out 35th A iversary Service equipped the kitchen in the new|©°. : The next meeting will be held'the three courses available to} nn Grace Church at Park road and| Door prize winners were Mrs.'December 11 in the form of ajour children and the require.) ; ; F é ack, Mrs, H. Couch,|pot luck supper. ments available for higher edu-| Rae ' - fe Highway. During the last Donald Blac c , ? De A special service and fellow-/the evening program which fea- 401 ne : f dt ~on-|cation, The -facilit he ne ship Sane and evening mark-|tured a special poem by Miss|war they organized a Red Cross Miss Ann Holt, M. Goodman, | An interesting program con- cation. The fac lities of t shania ed the celebration of the 35th/Carolyn Manz, a play about! Gnapter and sent "boxes" reg-| Mrs. A. Hayton, Mrs, Leo Raci- | Anniversary * the babes age hg bs Gute ee; [uaa to our men overseas. An|cot, and Mrs. Robert Shorten, | lb. C ; yrace Luther y 38, ' pall); ; sates iis | cee - Caunee TPO ig arrangement of the Guild's Hie-|that during bi agreingg ie Ped c : | or-|tory consisting of twenty songs| Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C, ae f i | 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Nevember 13, 1963 Now's the Time to Beoutity Your Home _ CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET. PHONE 723-7827 right: Mrs. Robert Rehm, --Oshawa Times Photo president; Mrs, MacKenzie; Mrs, Martin Petersen, a for- mer member who now re- sides in Montreal; and Mrs. William Marshall, treasurer. was honored at the 35th anni- versary Fellowship Dinner and Evening held recently at the church. Seen with Mrs. MacKenzie are from left to MRS, ROSS MACKENZIE, second from the left, is the only charter member - still active in the Grace Lutheran Church Women's Guild and SPECIALLY SELECTED -- LEAN -- PICNIC STYLE SHOULDER In the special morning w' cided to continue to have tea CHIROPRACTOR ship service attended by -- oe Wyle Fen. by the + the meetings, but each mem: prese f " members 0! veren i SS. ' ; : . ream tg agli urged| The program wa. closed with sine and naiee bring her own | @ Rheumatism the women and all women to/divine worship, The Pastor; Mrs. Selby-G . od @ Migraine Headaches follow the examples of Hannah, |spoke on Paul's injunction, "Be) Ne. 00 12 U/Mn Petes tend. | 100 King St. E. 728-5156 as a mother; Lois and Eunice,/not weary in well doing." fe gpg renige es i pages nee in a mixed marriage; Lydia, a8) Grace Women's Guild Was officers of the Guild who were a a business woman; and the Vir-|founded in 1928 at the home of oc ong | gin Mary, as a woman of faith.|Mrs. F. Dahmer, Athol Peet Mrs. Ivan Mitchell convened|three years before Grace) the evening dinner meeting. An/Iutheran Church was. officially | orchid corsage was presented tojorganized. During the years| the only member of the Guild/the members have contributed) who has been active through all|to many church and community 35° years, Mrs. Ross Mac-|projects. They purchased the kenzie, She was also presented wth a prayerbook by the Guild. Miss Margo Knox read con-| MAPLE CLEANERS gratulatory messages from for-|] 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA mer pastors and members in-|] Cesh & Cony --s te Service cluding one from Ohaplain} ' Pick-Up. a Deliv | Major The Reverend C. T.| "Your Family's Friend" | Schmidt, U.S.A. Force. PHONE 725-0643 Mrs, Philip .Fiess convenedi olWpAHS. exch newt [OHS Guaranteed waterproof and stainproof 'Dashing continental-style boots that out- wear end outvalue all others. Snowbelles look Mize new after months of wear, keep your feet warm and dry--fashionably--all winter long. Grime and salt wipe off in- stantly with a damp oloth. Cosy white nylon fleece or genuine shearling linings. Heels are flat, medium stacked, or wine glass. Stylish Jet Black and Beaver Brown. INGIST ON SNOWBELLES--they're guaran- teed waterproof. $7.98 to $10.98, LIVER 39° STEWING Mild Seasoned -- Tasty -- HEAD u. 49¢ BEEF CHEESE 39° BOWL PENNY SAVER! -- SAVE 4c! -- SOLO COLORED -- : LB. PKGS. 45 MARGARINE 2 PENNY SAVER! -- SAVE 7c! -- 3 VARIETIES PANCAKE FLOUR AUNTJEMIMA 2 39°: PENNY SAVER! -- SAVE 13c! -- WHITE OR COLORED TISSUE ' WHITE SWAN 4 rus 45° PENNY SAVER! -- SAVE 62c! -- 37¢ OFF PACK uc. 97° KING SIZE SURF 5 20.02. § PENNY SAVER! -- SAVE 25c! -- DEEP BROWNED TINS 2-LB. LIBBY'S BEANS st SA PENNY SAVER! -- SAVE 5c -- CROWN BRAND 2 43 FOR CORN SYRUP M28 qe PENNY SAVER! -- SAVE 6c -- POUCH PAK SIZE 75° TWINKLE Qo iw poty BAG 20° MIXES PENNY SAVER! -- SAVE 5c! -- LIQUID 10-0Z. 2 ceuto bacs 29° JAVEX BLEACH oor, 45* CRISP, JUICY ONTARIO 2 ron 198 Ideal for Frying -- Lean -- Well Trimmed -- BUTT PORK CHOPS u. 9° Lean -- Boneless -- Cube Style Ancus-Gra CARPET COMPANY 282 King W 728-9581 professional RUG CLEANING | Be prepared with safe first aid that brings | fast relief... keep your medicine cabinet stocked with DR.CHASES | Antiseptic ometeanet STRAINED EN BEANS] FANCY = © GRADE BSKT. McINTOSH APPLE ALL PURPOSE ONTARIO--NO., 1 YELLOW ONIONS GARDEN FRESH-----NO. 1 SPINACH SWEET VALENCIA OUTSPAN ORANGES SLOSSY--NO. 1 GREEN CUCUMBERS Manufacturers of Foamtread: Funtreads, Packard Shoes a Slippers, Kingtreads and Waterproof Footwear. BUY YOUR SNOWBELLES AT ANY OF THESE STORES Clean, convenient glass 119 Brock St. South OLLINS SHOES Ope but that's not all Of course, mothers appreciate the convenience of Gerber Strained and Junior Foods in glass. The Wide-Top jars WHITBY 668-3476 n Fri. Night till 9 p.m. SAVE 7c! TOMATO, VEGETABLE, CHICKEN NOODLE LIPTON SOUPS 4 pkgs. 47¢ SAVE 14c! -- YORK BEEF or IRISH STEWS SAVE 8c! -- EVAPORATED RED & WHITE MILK 7 toll tins $1 SAVE 9c! -- RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY 3 15-oz. tins 79 SAVE 5c! -- FANCY QUALITY CRUSHED DOLE PINEAPPLE 20-07. tins 69e SAVE 4c!» c DAINTY SHORT GRAIN RICE 2-lb. pkg. 35¢ SAVE 6c! PLANTERS ve ked tii COCKTAIL PEANUTS 7-07. tin 39¢ SAVE 6c! --_ NO NEED TO ADD MILK -- BORDEN'S . make it easy to spoon out baby's fodd... the re-usable Whitby Plaza Quick-Twist caps help preserve freshness of unused Hi 0 U S T fr N 5 4 0 E S 305 Brock St., South portions. But most important to any mother is the quality WHITBY of the food itself. 668-4901 Buy High Fashion Snowbelles By KAUFMAN at DANCEY'S DAVIDSON'S 18 SIMCOE ST. S. 31 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-1833 725- 3312 ROSE PURE JAMS 2 9-02, jars 69¢ | HOT CHOCOLATE Lib. ta 59e SAVE 2c! AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP 11-0z. bt!l. 19¢ WESTON OR SUNBEAM Regular 49c BANANA GUEST CAKE Fresh Baked 45¢ SUPREME FRUIT CAKE 1-Ib, block 69¢ A big advantage of Gerber Baby Foods is that they're 2-Ib. block $1.35 "custom-cooked." Each food is prepared according to its own requirements. Whether flash-cooked or slow-cooked (and some foods must be), cooking times and temperatures are scientifically controlled to preserve the utmost in nutritive values. "'Custom-cooking" also contributes to the exceptionally fine flavours, true-to-nature colours and unusual smoothness of Gerber Baby Foods. @ LIBBY'S FROZEN FOODS @ 15-02. PKG. STRAWBERRIES pkg. 4le WHOLE HEAD SPINACH 12-0z. pkgs. 2 for 45¢ 29¢ 55 KING ST. E, OSHAWA 725-1521 10-0Z. PKG. BROCCOLI Spears @ DISCOUNT PRICES REGULAR $1.50! : RESDAN 6-0z. bottle 1.29 60's 69c REGULAR 89ec! btl. 59¢ ANACIN REGULAR 69c! PHILLIPS MILK OF 24's bottle 99e 99e MAGNESIA 24's 29¢ Important: Gerber Baby Foods are prepared by specialists who work solely in the interest of better infant nutrition. All their efforts are devoted to the most important people...your baby and all babies. Regular $1.25 DRISTAN Tablets REGULAR $1.25! DRISTAN MIST REGULAR 33c! PHILLIP'S MILK OF MAGNESIA Tablets The Better Shoe Guild st downtown Oshama KING AT SIMCOE i 725-4611 Babies are our business... . ' our only business! \ 'Goods Satisfactory of Money Refunded" DUFFY'S MARKET 948 SIMCOE STREET NORTH MAPLE GROVE MARKET MAPLE GROVE, ONTARIO : Gerber Baby Foods NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA conhinn aca At MILL OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 | BROWN'S MARKETERIA BROOKLIN, ONTARIO i