, |__|-Golden Jubilee Chapter First WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES ~7o Bring IODE To Oshawa (From Supplement) = Maraduate at a 0 OGH Women's Auxiliary Has St. Gertrude's CWL Given Many Extras To Hospital P!¢ys Active Part spent annually in Canada and éverseas in welfare work and in well-known and weil patronized In Large Parish fal fashion show, held in St. relief supplies shipped to Eur- paen srybhdheg eregioree: active one for the St. Gertrude's a ', 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 13, 1963 a The Golden Jubilee' Chapter IODE, under the leadership of Mrs. §. A. Willson, was the first chapter to be formed in Oshawa. At the original meeting held in September 1949 the executive of- |ficers chosen were Mrs. S. A. Willson, Regent; Mrs. R. J. Ross, isi vice-regent; Mrs. Hay- den Macdonald, 2nd vice-regent; \Mrs. Edward Bind, secretary; Mrs. J. FE. Rundle, treasurer; Mrs, J. A. Turpin, Educational secretary; Mrs. D. E. Daniels, Echoes secretary; Mrs. W. 4. The Women's Hospiial Aux- iliary of Oshawa has grown in numbers over the years, as bas the capacity of the hospital, but The past year has been an Hold Membership Of E.'A. Lovell H&S During the year 1962-63 we held six regular and seven ex- ecutive meetings. A -member- ship of 74 has been enrolled. Interesting, informative and educational programs were pre- sented. In October we had "Get Acquainted and Curriculum Night." Mr, Robert Broadbent, principal, introduced new staff the class rooms, where ope, Africa, Korea and the West Indies. Commonwealth Relations De- partment promotes friendship among the nations of the Com- Whie we as members are/Catholic Women's League. The i ' willing to give our services and/executives are: Director, Rev. mem remains the sane -- that willing to work to meet our fi-! john B. Myers; president, Mrs.a charter membership of 15 is to assist the hospital in all/nancial needs, we feel we would|James Noonan; Ist vice-presi-;members, the chapter has fields of service in a voluntary|be remiss if we did not giveldent, Mrs, John Poltz; 2nd vice-/grown and now totals 52 young the aims of that origina: move- Holland, standard bearer, From monwealth by generous dona- tions to the medical and educa- tional activities and by bringing Commonwealth students to Ca- nadian Universities 'for post graduate studies. IODE extends a welcome to |New Canadians, presents greet-| capacity jfull credit to the hospital staff|president, Miss Eva Bruckner; marriéd women. ling cards to new citizens and We now have two groups|for the help and* co-operation/and 3rd vice-president, Mrs.) Because the chapter was OF-lassists with Commonwealth and) working within our Auxiiiary.|given to us in all our ventures./Frank Flynnj secretary, (Mrs./g#nized in the 'Golden Jubilee|Citizenship ceremonies. There's the parent Auxiriary,|Also to the general public a spe-|Frank Doreen and_treasurer,| Year' of 1ODE it chose "'Golden| Locally the chapter presents) which i the original group andjcial thank you 'or the interest/Mrs. Geo. Bogaard. Jubilee" as its name, The motto|cash awards. for proficiency in meets in the afternoon An Eve.|you have shown in our work by| The Councillors for the var-°! the Chapter is "Tonakela',|the different grades at Oshawa ning Chapter was formed a few)attending functions we have), : liteek bre da' fellowarlon Indian name which means/Central Collegiate Institute for years ago, which is composed|sponsored, Whiter 1" Others First". - |the purpose of furthering their mostly of mothers of young fam- ganization has much to. offer Spiritual, Miss Eva Bruckner;; The gavel of the chapter was/education. Two adopted schools ilies who find it di'fieut to al-any woman in the community Education, Mrs. Neal Boyle and|presented tg Me i Mac-jare sponsored, one at McKar- tend afternoon meetings, These|Who is interested in the aims of/Mrs. John Poltz; Membership, ite ae ee tener ee. Ontario a aa _ hg two groups work in the closest/the Hospital Auxiliary and we Mrs, Frank Flynn; Press, Mrs.|My. 4. G. fhoria: ae ' acre pein snd Codasanns harmony. ae ne gem to you a cordia John Poltz; Social Action, Mrs. The officers for 1963 are as gifts are sent to these schools. The services performed "J the shi aut is te canis Wm. Clancy 'and Mrs. John moto aan a -- af oe schools opening in hoger eee rey ee ' 3: Citizenshi "¢ Pat.| Burns; Ist vice-regent, Mrs, J.\are presented with framed pic- ied..The gift shop is, we feel, a! The following is a list of the Adams; Sere, Sea! aa lA. Vivash; 2nd vice-regent, Mrs. lturer of the Queen, me great service to all those con- officers for the year 1963: Hon- tick Roberts; Altar and Chan- D. A. Brown; recording secre- Cease the Services at Home nected with the hosvi:al in anyjorary president, Mrs. T. H ol. Ee ated Stepinac; tary, Mrs. E, L. Disney; treas- a abeeal "department, the way, as well as to the many|Everson; honorary vice-presi- felephone, Mrs. John Melny- urer, Mrs, R. M. Morrison; aha ter is divided into nelghe visitors. A gift cart, a store on/dent, Mrs, Gordon Conant; past Chuk; Social, Mrs. John Byrne; |fechoe's secretary, Mrs. D..H.|Chapter Is civid tos nd | le tn al rate | presi acsett:|House Committee, Mrs. Frank!towe: Educational secretary borhood work groups 0 sew ai wheels, is also operated by the|president, Mrs. R, W. Bassett; \\ : Bronare Mee hn Pol al secretary knit for needy people in Eng Auxi'iary members, and we as-(president, Mrs. 4. W. Arm-|§ Ayn; BPEBRETS, mani a0 D 'aw (its. A. V. Walker; standard land, Korea and other overse sist the librarian whon their cart):t'0n7; Ist vice-president, Mrs, tee! hr teats alee rer, Mrs. W. H. Gibbie; countries. is taken through the hosp 'tal J. G. Dancey; Qnd_ vice-presi. Mrs, 4 i Services at home and abroad The chapter has undertaken The Evening Chapter in the/4ent, Mrs, J. MeCansh: 3rd vic charge of the Religious Article \socretary, Mrs. L. R. Sawyer: 8 N pastha : : shop, Mrs. Geral Merkley and membership secretary. Mra. Ww, SPonsorship of a destitute Greek past yéar has centred a great| Vice-president, Mrs. H, Taylor; |her group and the refreshment %, MNS: ™+\boy, supplying money and also deal of interest and time around|"Cording secretary, Mrs. Nei!\jooth at the Bingo is run by A, Lacks. sending special parcels from the paediatric wing, They »|Felt; treasurer, Mrs, W. F.!Mrs, A. W. Parkin and her com- Conveners: Empire and World/time to time. , Affairs, Mrs. D. M. Campbell;} Bach week members prepare chairman, USE YOUR CONVENIENT CHARGE ACCOUNT inst Low-Priced Luxury! Open a "Charge-It" i é rsery |Marshall; corresponding secre- mittee. Other money raised by : : P _ Se isan te the pd A tary, Mrs. C, M, El'iott;, mem-|the League oe through our an- a c vemggeo rie tad C. and serve lunch to the members dren and embroider bedspreads|Pership, Mrs. C. Bowes; press.|/nual bazaar, card party, a rum-| OWES; iim, Mrs. ©. o. Siges; of the Golden Age Club at Sim- ; i Pa te, *\Mrs. H. ©. Perry: student'mage sale and several bake|/™migration and Citizenship,|eoe Hall. This time amounts to or the cribs. They have pur-) Sk el mage sale an : ; iMrs, E. R. Snow. imately 400 hours durin chased for this wing, two tele-|/Nurses. Mrs. J. G, MelIntosh,|sales. Through these events the Councliiore Mrs. R. W [BPptyae y : 8 5 ; -ecord viav.|Mrs. R. Nesbitt; bursary, Mrs./League helps pay off the Church),, ~ ) mrs. i. '|the year. The chapter also holds NisiOn Behe And One TeCOre Viay |W. W. Baldwin; sewing and knit-|mortgage, makes an annual|Heagle, Mrs. Ronald Wilson,/an annual birthday party, with er with a supply of good chil. pa hie. " E MAAN MSs: D,|donation i the #ehool as well as Mrs. D. C. R. Hill, Mrs. W. H. |special entertainment, for the dren's records The hosptta!)©" Tackson? Gee Mrs G. B sponsoring the Field Day. Also Libby. |Golden Age Club. workshop built two toy carts and Doker spbgse! ra $7 'sb "tecsee (the Grade 8 supper is an annual|,, /¢ Honorary Regent is Mrs.| Representatives attend meet- the members filled them with a Doherty; social tea gage ont where each graduate re-|!: X- Creighton, and the honor-lings of the Canadian Associa- supply of toys suitable for chil-|Mrs. E. F. Cuthbertson, Mrs. H. ives a RORRy and the _|ary Vice-vegent is Mrs. Michael|tion of Consumers, Red Cross, dren 'of all ages and interests,|Tonkin; chapel, Mrs. H E anbiog boy or girl of Grade §/ St!" |Women's Welfare League, Civil They expect to refill the carts|}ames: gift shop convener, Mrs) ive a Missal each, and for,, Meetings are held on the/Defence, UNICEF, Hospital as the need arises. They have|): &. Carter; sift shop {reasurs|\ ie First Communion youngsters|/ourth Monday of each month.|Auxiliary, Hillsdale Manor and also made scrap books for the"; Mrs. A. Austin; assistant a picnic is held each year, Each meeting features a guest|Community Rehabilitation and children and at Christmas time,|*teasurer, Mrs. PD; _Thomp- ie NAR ,|Speaker, an educational film or} Education program. re 'Ison; properties and historian. On the spiritual side of the', brief talk to stimulate inter-| The Golden Jubilee Chapter, paints and brushes were sup- a wibceas ledger, we have a Corporate|, ; -. d 7 abbaga plied and with the nurses' assis-| Mrs. J. W. Payne; visiting and Pamwinion: Sunday ake alcst in IODE work of world af-|along with other IODE Chapters tance, the small patients hetped|Beer, Mrs. R. 1. Gray; con cis Retreat once a year| ut: ' __|in this region, assist with the paint pictures for the windows|vener 0° Candy Stripers, Mrs.joi4 2 'nay of Recollection Once trom the eae inbership reception for New Canadians re- nd decorations throughout the ©: R. Lunn. ad : from the Yukon to Newfound-|ceiving their citizenship papers a be : ; a year. land, of approximately 32,000); 3 ward. It certainly helped to| The list of officers for the The needy of the parish -are sein anne ane h res oe, in Oshawa. : brighten the spirits of the chil-/Evening Chapter: Chairman, : je s! : omen in 8 chapters. It fos- : Funds to carry out these pro- : ; looked after by our Welfare|ters unity within the Common-jjects are raised in numerous dren, who otherwise might have/Mrs §, A, Heney; past chair-/committee and the Church Bul-|wealth and endeavors 'to shows Th hapt holds been quite downcast at the pros- man, Mrs, C R. Lunn: 1st vice. /etin convener is Mrs. Sydney fits patriotism through service cane each Fall. A Night of pect of spending the festive sea- 5 A Bea _|Sheridan. In the local field thejin its various departments. Cards is held each year in Jan son away 'rom home. lands aed on ded a members assist with the Tuck)More than a quarter of a mil- soa el Sales are held The Auxiliary Training. School Pavel: caine senrelare. Shop at Hillsdale Manor, _ the lion dollars is spent each year in during the year. This year, one Committee, who arranges enter- Mrs. 'G. Jackson: eur i cae -- pee a the work of the educational de- 'of the projects of the chapter tainment for our student nurses, Mrs. R. Learmonth: corresnond. o> the nerich aod take ne partment. in scholarships, burs-|will be the -presentation of a : cele i i of the parish, and take respon-|aries, grants assisting Canadian flag pole and flag to the new also provides food and assis-|ing secretary, Mrs. J Henburn; sible jobs with the various fund'schools and adopted schools in\Simcoe Hall Boys Club of Osh- tance at students' social func- coe ae - Gil- raising campaigns in Oshawa. |the West Indies, and in special awa. ' tions and lunch for the gradu- oe ool 'hitting, As we It was in February of this educational | community work. Members of the chapter work ating nurses, Magazines and|thews. Mrs. A. Knizht: spear year that the members looked First and Second War Memor-jhard to make each event a suc- newspapers are supplied for thel Mrs 'Youeca '<-- Me M8.back with pride at their ial Funds provide bursaries in| cess. Thanks to the support and reading pleasure of nurses in| eats: sites, eg Bi Fonte achievements: over a ten year|Canadian Universities for chil'foo-pperatign of the public, the residence. This yeer a piano was|tnesn: ni a nae 'loria period and could honestly say dren of war veterans and schol-|Golden, Jubilee Chapter, IODE, purchased for the Mel aughlialvarere, ' anit " hey upheld the League Motto arships, open to students injis able to continue its work in Hall residence, and the Aux-|-- POE ONE ae Panoee nA dul hd lubebbass dled cdilel Buhl tel AM st ih » jliary is presently buying furni- ture for the sun room and recre-, ation room of the Burns' resi-/ dence, as well as furniture for, a day room 'or chronic patients. | During the year, our Sewing) and Knitting Committe, hand out quantities of material to the women to make up for hosp'tal use, as well as wool which is) knit into baby sets for the gift) shop. We also have in our orga' ization an active Visiting and Cheer Committee. Each year at Christmas, the Auxiliary arranges to have a gift given to every adult and child hospitalized at this time A scholarship was given by the Oshawa Hospital Auxiliary this year for the first time. This was established to assist a stu- dent wishing to take the Physio- therapy course at the Untversit, of her choice and covers appli cants from the county of On- tario, The sum of $500 is given to this student for her year with the same amount to be given through the second and third year of her course, pro viding her qualifications wai rant it Vith the permission of th Hospita! Board, the staff and admin stration, the Afternoon Auxi! ary and the Evening Chan- ter joned together to organize recruit and he!p train 'he teen- age voluntecrs for work in the hospta. These gir's are called Candy Stripers and they have proven ther worth and are ac- cepted threuzhout the hospita' ! for their e'ficiency, cheerfu'ness Account today! and willineness to work. The Auxi ary has been complimen'- ed by the doctors on the contr'- bution made by the voluntary work being done by these girls At present we have 65 working steadily in their spare time and one gir! has a'ready given over over 230 hours o time, and the project was only started around the first of May, 1963, We are very happy to report, that the Chapel, which was com-) pletely furnished by our Aux.| iliary, is now being used regu- larlv and that this sanctuary: is avaiable for the use of al' faiths While service is our 'aim, funds must of necessity be) raised to meet our obligations. Tlie hospital gift shop is the largest: single source of revenue and is augmented by the gift, cart. Besides this we still have our annual St. Patrick's Day Bridge, the Fal) Festival of} Gi'ts, which again wilt take place in November. The Eve- ning Chapter, besides co-operat- ing and assisting with all ac- tivities, convene a January dance called Capricorn Capers In the early fall, they. hold a Dessert Bridge in the cafeteria of the hospital, as well as their It's so easy! ONLY 9.99 . ITALIAN MOHAIR AND WOOL pullovers and cardigans, the ultimate in hand-knit luxury! Beautiful cable-stitch front with ribbed neck sleeve and hipband, Fully fashioned for perfect fit! White, pink, blue, maize, S-M-L. The season's sweater pets at a down-to-earth price! ZELLER' KNOWN FOR VALUE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 723-2209 DOWNTOWN: OSHAWA PHONE 723-2294 coverés] during the year. er was Mrs, Walter Branch. Her topic was School Conditions followed by a discussion. In December we _ enjoyed Reverend Dr, Leng and Rabbi Kutziner who spoke to us on "Christmas an Hanukkah," In January we celebrated our) 42nd birthday. Oshawa Little! Theatre players presented their! play entitled 'Fresh Variable) Winds', followed by' a_ buzz session. In February we held a spe- cial night for our custodian of the past 39 years, Mr, Peter| Dryburgh. On .this occasion trophy was presented to the), school, to be given to the boy or girl most outstanding in the', field of athletics year. In March upen house. te our school held |rooms. iJ \Sheffield speak to us led tea was held in the fall for |the mothers of Grade 1 pupils. | was held at the school and the Catholic League March, 1959. Its purpose at the time was that of a social club, bringing together the women of the parish into closer relation- ' ship members showed their enthusi- asm towards the League by having such events as, bowling nights, bingos, an an- members, and parents visited|"Wal spring dance and a fall the|bazaar, which this year is be- teachers outlined the work to be '"8 held on Wednesday, vember 6, at 7.30 p.m., at the In November our guest speak- Patish hall. "Home and\raised were turned towards the in Russia,'|Purchase of a 'glass window for the church. | This feat was accomplished in |the year 1962, \the month, with the exception of July and August; jdirection of Pereyma, Two girls sponsible if c lafter the meeting. They decide furniture will be displayed at/Honorary president, Sister Bea> their |Georges Parish Hall. jtry to have daring the vetlel sgh oo we had as our A successful tea mittee, Mrs. K. Pooler, Mrs. and bake sale followed when the' p, parents returned from the class- yeners, Mrs. C. Powell, Mrs. - In April we had Mr. Robert/man, Mrs, H. Elliott; social on! ¢ "Thirty Years of Education." |Mrs, A. Wilkins. Mrs. E.. W.| An enjoyable and well attend-|E)liott; school cepresentatives. | |Mr, R. H. Broadbent, Mrs. H.| a Booth; Our Annual Skating Carnival] yoffries. At eatin eine 0 Tose mM Ne are -- Varied Programs |St. George's Jr. CWL Undertakes |St- Joseph's CPTA To Furnish Rooms in New Rectory Kids High Schbol -" The St. Joseph's Catholic Parent - Teachers' Association was founded in October 1959, the. year following the opening of the school, * : The association meets on the third Tuesday of each month,- at, 8.15 p.m., in St. Joseph's High School auditorium, The Club sponsored various activities during the past year, including a Night of Cards ca- tance in teaching our pre-school|tering for the Ontario children the way of our Demo-|English Speak ng Catholi¢ jcratic life, and in this way pre-|Teachers' Associatio. Conven« \paring them for their future |tion luncheon, a social evening, jyears, Reverend Sister Maryjand a marathon 'bridge, The |Sheila was accompanied by|money raised at these functions Reverend 'Sister Constance! provided such things as new stainealan? several of her students,|books for the St. Joseph's School § , (who acted out a play whichil'brary, prizes and soft drinks' jthey, themselves, had written|for the annual field day, and a» well as produced. The eve-|gifts for each child at Christe' jning was greatly enjoyed by|mas and graduation. Reverend J, C, Pereyma, invit-| The St. Joseph's PTA also ed guests and members. jhelped to found a cub pack last under the With the erection of a new Winter, at the school. Reverend J, C,\rectory during the summer, the; The present slate of officers. are re-|members pledged to furnish thejis as follows: Spiritual Di- light lunch living and dining rooms. Thisjrector: Father A. G, Quesnelles The St. Georges Ukranian Junior Womens was ofrcanized in Branch. Her resume of her trip to the USSR was most en- lightening and informative to Ourselves as well as our guests. | In April, the members cater-| led for a local bank opening, Reverend Sister Mary Sheila, principal of St. Josephs High School, was guest speaker at Our June meeting, She spoke to us, as parents, of the impor- with one another. The social] No- The funds which had been large are held on Monday of each Our meeting first for a hether to have the meeting at\the open house, early in No-trice; Past president, Mr. Rob» home or at the St.| vember, During the afternoon |ert McDonne!l!; president, Mrs; of open house the members will! Stirling Morison; vice-presidenty serve tea. Mrs. Dennis Noonan; secretary, During the Yuletide season, Mrs. Angus Dixon; treasurer, the monthly meeting' is _re- Mrs; Frank wochogne, place by a dinner outing, The rembers exchange gifts and enjoy an evening of entertain- 'ment. This dinner rounds out) both an enjoyable and profit-| ° Con-\able year. 30 DAYS OVERSEAS (OCT. Ist -- MAR. Ist) $312.00 ROUND TRIP AT FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) 'PHONE 728-6201 According to our charter we four communion kfasts a year. At our communion breakfast, 1 speaker, Mrs, Walter Jenkinson; . program . Crook; grade mother chair-| | onveners, Mrs. M. McConnell, | ' at t a ality (MY AND URED O, A ' No a Rtnany IRF! oe SAnoER DISCo press reporter, Mrs. J.| i} {children enjoyed hot dogs and 'chocolate milk served to them |by the Home and School Associ- jation, | On field day ribbons will be) provided for the events. | The annual gift to the sath of a teachers' magaz'ne was| presented. | We also sent the two Grade 8/ classes to Toronto for a day's| outing. They will be further) honored by the presentation ad class pictures to each graduate) on Graduation Day. Our main money making pro- ject for the year 'vas a dollar per family donation. Past presiden- Mrs. Everett| Graham; president, Mrs. R.| Lack; treasurer, Mrs. T. Tip-| ton; secretary, Mrs, D. Lycett; | cerresponding secretary, Mrs. M. MacKay; hospitality chair- mam', Mrs. D. Mountjoy, Mrs.| N. Lakas; membership com- { || festive look Wherever the gale. season shines brightest, you'll light up with the holiday scene with special radiance, in our lovely versions of fashion's festive mood, Make a date to see our "fashion first" style soon! A (é53 LADIES' WEAR 72 SIMCOE NORTH 725-1912 Open: Fri. Evening till 9 o'clock BUEHLE Tender EAT'N 'TRUE-TRIM BEEF Beef Steaks & Roasts e T-BONE e WING e@ AND SIRLOIN STEAK e@ ROUND STEAK ROAST Boneless L 3 ' ; e@ PRIME RIB ROAST FREEZER SPECIAL! BEE HINDQUARTERS (CUT AND WRAPPED FREE) HOGS % or Whole (HEAD OFF -- LEAF LARD OUT) (Cut and Wrapped Free) CUT-UP CHICKEN ! LEGS and 2 " 8 5. BREASTS WINGS lb. 29¢ NECKS 4 lbs. 25¢ C 4 4 4 4 ¢ LEAN, SLICED COOKED HAM LEAN, SLICED BREAKFAST BACON LEAN, PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS SHANKLESS, SMOKED 'PICNIC SH PEAMEALED BACK BACON SLICED BEEF LIVER POLISH KOBASSA Ib. 89* 2 Ibs. 1.00 Ib. 43° Ib. 39° lh. 69¢ lh. 89¢ OULDERS By The Piece Centre Cuts & Slices SKINLESS WIENERS ...,;, 79¢ tox 1.95 FRESH MADE SAUERKRAUT 2 lbs. 29¢ lh. 39° lh. 69¢ '