| Race Riots In North. } Irks Negroes, Whites Associated Press Writer Junius Griffin of New York, a Negro, visited Jackson, Mich., to find out why racial upheaval came to this northern~U.S. city and what whites and Ne- groes think about it. By JUNIUS GRIFFIN JACKSON, Mich. (AP)--Long- tgnored racial tensions suddenly exploded in a rock-4hrowing|t student riot here to the emb rassment of this southem Mic Staff railway depot for fleeing Negro) slaves. The clash outside Parkside High School on Sept. 18 impelled both white and Negro citizens to ask themselves: Why did it happen here? "All of a sudden Jackson was staring at its own ugly face and was being forced to admit that despite our looking down our noses at Birmingham, Alabama, he races have not been living ar-|in beautiful harmony," said an h-leditorial in the daily Citizen day, On the streets of Jackson to- whites and Negroes are discussing their problems, won- dering how they can prevent another outburst--in a city of 8,000 Negroes and 42,000 whites. Jackson's Negroes live in the southeast section of the city, They say it is impossible for them to rent or buy dwellings in other parts of the city or in the suburbs. STAY IN DISTRICT Although no race restrictions involve public accommodations, iis neighborhood to use recrea- tional and other social facilities. Asked what started the "Parkside incident" a Negro girl replied: "Rumors lems would be solved." FIND RESENTMENT were flying that ters and civil rights leaders. parking lot after school, The po- lice wete there, but they were not standing near the white stu- dents, They were near us." But after the incident, Rollin Green of the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, criticized the Negro students, saying "You have got to forget your fads, act like Americans, dig for your jobs, quit dancing and fighting." "It is not a Negro problem, but a community problem," eaid a Negro minister, Rev.| Polk Williams. employed machine operator: town and saying he r me. "I am especially resentful explained: be anderstood more, their prob- But a Negro grass-roots sam- pling by this reporter found re- sentment of some Negro minis- there would be a fight in the) 'saiq John Hurd, 41, an ut 'I have been im this commu- nity for almost 30 yéars and I resent a so-called civil rights leader who doesn't associate with me socially going down- some of them who haven't been here for more than four years." Asked whether he felt his un- employment resulted from dis- crimination, Hurd said no and "Many Nogroljeb in Jackson, nine times out Hurd said "the Parkside tnci- dent" started when 'someone' called someone else a 'nigger,' and got out of hand when police showed up at the school in white helmets and carrying. night- sticks." i "Both the children and par- ents became riled at the way the incident was handled, It was a bad day for Jackson." ns ' SPRAYED CROWD of in handling students. 'Police Chief R, V. Gray, who led a contingent of 16 uniformed and plainclothes officers at the schoo] in an effort to disperse the crowd, said he resorted to a fire extinguisher after warn- ing the crowd to disperse, He said he aimed the hose below the waists of the youths and --s about 18 or 20 of them. Alfred Pryor, president of the "If a Negro is qualified for a| Jackson Junior NAACP, criti- cized Gray for the use of force ob aries it back and threaten Pry; ~ae who complain the city handling cials through their votes 'Bat you can't vote not ," he said Less than one-third registered to vote. sions in this city. HOLD DISCUSSIONS races have been meeting ves. "They pull out a club, draw about of Negro prob- lems to attempt to change offi- if you're of eligible Negro voters in Jackson are Indecision and indifference more than anything else mark the efforts to ease racial ten- Parkside students of both group sessions since the inci- dent 'o explore human relations among themsel' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 13, 1963 9 Statements attributed by school personne! to the students: in their discussions include: "My om brought me up hating Negroes." i, "If our would only keep out it, we could work this out." "When we come to school, we feel like we're walking through enemy territory." "T had no idea the Negroes had problems in Jackson." "This whole thing scares me." "Why do the cops only follow the colored kids home?" "Why should we study? The white kids are still going to get the good jobs." The' Citizen Patriot summed up the situation editorially: "We, as a community, have been kidding ourselves, We say in almost no Negro ventures out of youths feel that if they could of 10 he will get the job." igan city, once an underground! Patriot. o£ EXTRA STAMPS di WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE Two 1th, Phos. GOOD LUCK COLOURED MARGARINE d sat Coupon Exper Nov. 20 BITES WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 9 H. on. Jer © D. SMITH PURE BLUEBERRY JAM $20 Coupan Expres Now 20 I EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 9-0, Pho. QUAKER BUTTERMALT MUFFETS $40 Coupon Expres Now 20 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE Orie 3j-0n. Aerosol Tin HELENE CURTIS Firm or Extee Firm SPRAY WET $2) Coupon Exper New, 20 EXTRA STAMPS dS EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 10-05. Pho. WESTON'S STONED WHEAT THINS $42 Coupon Expires Now. 20 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 12-02, Jer ROSE BRAND Bean Patch Relish $22 Coupon Expires Nov. 20 EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA 'WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE Two 2-Ber Phos. 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Jone PINEGLO CONSERVE 37 'Coupon Expres Nov. 20 al al EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 29 EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 10-02. Jer INSTANT COFFEE NESCAFE ss Coupon Expires Nov 20 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One Gient Bottle ARRID ROLL-ON DEODORANT sto Coupon Expites Nov. 20 WITH COUPON ANO PURCHASE One 26j-02, Tin DOMOLCO TABLE MOLASSES 9 Coupon Expires Now 20 WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 9-02. Tin JOUNSON end JOHNSON BABY POWDER $20 Coupon Expires Now. 20 that Birmingham 'can't happen here,' No, it,can't; at leastfin that degree, But we still have a problem, a deep and serious problem." ' Police Find Rifle * Near Body: HAMILTON- (CP)--Police -- feet from. where the body of Walter Moson, 43, shot through the head, was discovered in the Desjardins. Canal 10 days .7 Following a report from the attorney-general's laboratory Toronto, police now believe Polish it "may e committed suicide, ; Becuase the bullet, believed to be from the rifle, enteréd dead centre at th back of Mo- son's had without leaving pow- der-burn traces, suicide was Or- iginally ruled out. " Laboratory istics experts in Toronto 1 Moson was in the canal for about 24 hours and the cold water could have washed away powder burns. ; Rainfall Fails' To Aid Farmer In SW Ontario TORONTO (CP) -- Rainfall this month hasn't significantly alleviated the water shortage sin southwestern -Ontario, affected by a critical drought in October, the head of the provincial gov- ernment's emergency water supply committee said Tuesday. K. E. Lantz, who is also as- sistant deputy minister of agri- culture, said the November. showers had eased the emer- gency situation for farmers but more rain is needed before freeze-up to raise water tables in the drought areas, Slightly more than an inch of rain has fallen in southern On- tario since Nov. 1. | Mr. Lantz said an accurate assessment of drought. damage to wheat-growing areas cannot be made until the spring. Men And Boys Banquet Given At Audley By MRS FRED PUCKRIN AUDLEY -- The men and boys banquet was held at the church recently, Bill Guthrie was chairman for the program. A. Richards proposed a to; to the boys, to which K Puckrin replied. Robin Nichol- -- played the piano for hymn ging. Bert Guthrie introduced the speaker, Mr. Stanley, Outhouse, a probation officer for boys in Metropolitan Toronto. He gave a talk on 'The body, the mihd and the heart', Reg Kennedy thanked the speaker, The Explorers held a Hal- lowe'en Masquerade party in the church basement for chil- dren up to Grade 4. The judges had a difficult task judging the costumes of the more tham +50 children who attended. 4 Prizes were awarded to the following pre-school and Grade 1 winners: Kelly Hadden, Ann Pardon, Pammy lIzatt, Judy Perrin, Gregory Winter, Bertie Kampman, Ray Pardon and Lyle Hadden, for Grades 2, 3 Hedge, Wendy Izatt, Smith, Darrell Winter. Frank Taylor, Ronny Puckrin and Jimmy Brown; for the seniors, Susan Richards, Beverley Smith, Cheryl Betson and Bar- bara Smith, The community club met at the home of Charlie and Mrs. Clemence recently. The presi- dent, Bert Guthrie conducted the business. A euchre party was planned for November 16, a box social for December Dorothy Patrol Sergeant Alan Box,, of the Pickering Township Police Department, gave a talk on his work, He answered many ques- tions on driving laws. ' The children in Audley and Baggotsville schools held Hal- lowe'en parties in their schools recently. F Hallowe'en was quiet in the Audley section, but considerable damage was done to windows local High School students col- lected money for UNICEF. The United Church Women will hold their meeting on Nov. 13, at 8 p.m. at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. H. Stain- ton, of Oshawa. Miss Betty Leask, of Oshawa, will show colored pictures of the Holy Land and other countries which she visited last summer. Castro Executes Four CIA Suspects HAVANA (AP) -- Fidel Cas- tro's government announced Monday night it executed four agents of the U.S. Central In- telligence Agency. They were convicted of infiltrating Cuba for subversive activities. The four, tried. by a military court, were identified as An- tonio Cobelas Rodriguez, Or- landa Sanchez araza, Luis Mil- lan Rodriguez and Jose Bolanos Morales. ; : MEXICAN MOTORS MEXICO CITY (AP)--Mex- ico's industry-commerce mifis- reports about 70,000 auto- embled * in and 4, Arlene: Bell, Marilyn " j 5