a Community Chest Drive Entering Home Siretch THOUGHT FOR TODAY Most home accidents. happen in the kitchen -- and many wind up on the dining table. Oshawa Cimes Mainly cloudy with little change in temperature on Saturday. id OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1963 Surertand ae Serene Clams Mee Tot Cree Or ane Ottewe and Dayment TWENTY PAGES VOL. 92 -- NO. 262 an Killed In Office Explosion SAULT STE, MARIE, Ont.|pho Spadoni, at the time of the (CP)--The body of office worker | blast. é Robert Fera, 32, was taken from|, Mr. Gebien described it as a © the rubble of a hardware store' 'dull thud." i early today about 11 hours after) He said he heard a woman an explosion wrecked part of|calling: 'Get me out, get me the building. cut, my 'eg is broken." But Mr. © More than 50 men, who|Gebien said he couidn't see the © worked through the night re-/woman and finally stumbled moving . rubble from the base-|Cutside. ; ment, cleared away large sec-| Besides Mrs. Vernelli, those tions of concrete to remove the|admitted to hospital were Har- / body which was found behind a old Newman, 25, whe suffered huge slab of concrete which had|Shock, contusions and a mild collapsed into t'e basement. |concussion, Rita Mattola, 31, The concrete slad had to be|Who had injuries to the left knee propped up to prevent it from|and multiple lacerations, and collapsing on the rescuers. |Frank Pagnucco, 30, lacerated A hoist was used to remove|!iP and body 'contusions. | rescued from the. vubble of a rubble and reach the floor of the|,, THe hardware store, located in| three-storey. hardware store destroyed Thursday by an ex- haheuiiek jthe heart of this city's Italian ae jcommunity, is a favorite) plosion. Mrs, Vernelli was _ Nine other persons were in-|cheque-cashing spot for Italian| 'rapped with another em- RESCUED FROM RUBBLE --Mrs. Judy Vernelli, 24, of Sault Ste. Mar'e, Ont., is car- ried on a stretca*r after being | Junta May Revive Political Parties SAIG CN, So th Viet Nam) Relirble sources reported that a younger| i vioyee, Robert Fera, 32. The search for Fer: has been hait- ed temporarily because of danger to rescue workers. At least eight persons were known injured in the believed caused by natural gas. --CP Wirephoto jured. jw rkers of Algoma Steel Cor-/---- A woman office worker was|poration. rescued Thursday night after) One nearby resident said 'he DOCUMENT HAILE D |Poulo Condore. three hours. She was Judy Ver-/store was filled with men wait- nelli, 23, wh~ escaped with only|ing to cash their cheques Oe ines hi an planea on | der 9 sale Goose Leads Hunter On panos Wild Chase s'anding. Ont., ventured into wind-|Christ Mrs. Vernelli was reported in satisfactory condition in hospi- tal, Three other persons also were admitted to hospital and five persons were treated and| Cause of the blas' was a mys-| HOLIDAY BEACH, Ont. (CP))|Semitic propaganda was put be- tery. It levellea the two-storey|A hunter was rescued today |for the Vatican ecumenical rear section of the two ~ levellafter a wild goose chase that/council today. It said. all man- brick building and blew out the/nearly cost him his life. \kind--not the Jews alone--was front, leaving part o* the frame| Joe Wagner of Burlington,/Pesponsible for the death of res whipped Lake Erie Thursday in APARTMENTS SAFE we y six-foot pram in pursuit of'a __A three-storey section ooein, | S082 he had wounded. ing --. was iv-|" "The gonse y the way and er's huntinglat their daily meeting. being trapped for more thanjan hour before the explosion the C il VATICAN CiTY (AP)--A pro- to the 2,200 council members-- patriarchs, cardinals, archbis- Probes Anti-Semitism In Rome/ffie American Jew- posal designed to counter anti-|ish Commfitee hailed the docu- Sind ment as a "historic event' which could result in a major improvement in tween Christians and Jews. blast, | (Reuters)--A crowd of cheering thousands greeted a group of re- leased poiitical prisoners today | who is in Los Angeles, has been amid hopes that parties mip: | arwented by military officials. | pressed under the now-ousted jem regime will be revived, The thousands lined the wa- terfront to give a rousing wel- come to 33 politica! prisoners who arrived here after being) |freed from the i.land prison of) They were arrested for. their part in an attempted. coup by paratroopers in November, 1960,} gon. and were released following last, week's successful coup in| which President Ngo Dinh Diem) United States hurried its recog- and his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu died. The revolutionary govern- ment called thei~ deaths "acci- dental suicide." But private rees said they were assassin- The former prisoners ap- relations be-|peared in good health. Their|syumption of forei leader, Dr. Pang Quang Dan, a Tran van Khiem, [brother of Mme. Ngo Dinh Nhu, Khiem, a son of former Viet- |namese ambassador to Wash- ington Tran vay Chuong, was appointed to a high political se- curity post just before the coup. Mme. Tran Trung Dung, a niece of Diem, confirmed that Diem and Nhu were secretly buried Wednesdiy in a smail military cemetery outside Sai- WASHINGTOI! (AP) -- The HOME GAINS ENTR' TO COMMONS SEAT SIR ALEC DOUGLAS-HOME j candidate that obviously took }-- majority of 9,328 votes and it Bwas hoped that the whopping "in 1959, would take the sting out Laborites Win Luton Ri ding PERTH, Scotkand (Reuters)--jin the popularly elected Com- Sir Alec Doug'as-Home today \.on the Kinross and West Perthshire parliamentary by- election, paving the way for his e try to the House of Commons a; prime minister. The former peer won by a mons. While Conservatives were ju« bilant over the wealthy former Earl of Home's victory, others noted that this sparsely~ settled highland area of farms and forests was far from typ- ical of the industrial, heavily settled areas resembling Luton margin, although 3,000 voteSiwhere the winner of the next less than the Conservative win of a bad Conservative defeat in another byelection at Luton, England, Thursday. Labor won the Luton seat in a. race that included a Liberal nition of South Vici Nam's new government on the urging of U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot |Lodge, officials said today, Along with the recognition| T ursday, U.S. officials imme-) ' diately began consider'sg re-) | aid which) |had been throttle? down in an} A statement by President .A.|Tight-wing nationalis* and head) effort to force the old Diem re-| M. Sonnabend by | The document was distributed|Shuster, European director 'of|patty, believ |the committee. Sonnabend declared accept- kept swimmingjhops, bishops and other prelatesjance of the documen t *'will imake..it impossible for 'any lost. sight 'of. It will form a new chapter in/9 to-instigate: hatred'for Jews Zachariah|Of the Viet Num Democratic|sime to ease its anti-Buddhist) six months |sho. 4 be allowed before free elections were held here. | H said this -vould enable po-|ogniti ti regime less| Provide whatever | services it z roe weet afer dh miaary|can towards "puting "an end nmounoed | that toppled President Ngo|to .the unfortunate situation" ay. among North American mari-| 4s foOR RUSHTON |litical parties--which were 'sup- pressed under Diem---io be or- ympaign. | The United States followed) \Britain's lead in bestowing rec- ITF Gives Support To Trustees LONDON (CP) -- The Interna-|rival, Liberal Alastair Duncan |tional Transport Federation has|Millar, a well-liked farmer in told the Canadian marine trus-|the area. There were seven can- teeship it-is "only too willing to] didates in the race. away some of the Conservative | support. But Douglas-Home's big vic- jtory was. seen as a psycholog- jical counter to the Tory loss in Luton, The 60-year-old prime minis- ter who gave up his six noble \titles to run in the Kinross- Perthshire district, polled 14,147 votes to 4,819. for his nearest genera] election will be de cided. The Conservatives, in. power since 1951, must call a general election in the next 11 months, Their 'latest five-year mandate runs out in October, 1964, Now, with the Laton and Kin- ross - West Perthshire bylec- tions decided, the Laborites would be pointing confident:y at the one, the Tories hopefully at the other. : At Luton a former 5,019 Con- servative margin was turned into a 3,749 Labor win, It added up to a 15-per-cent loss for the Conservatives and a three per cent gain by Labor. Results of the byelection were today. Voting was Auto Workers . Ratify Contract pee nee he. r Nick Bugyra, an. office em-|him. Wagner had only a piecela council schema on Christian|@%@ claim 'sanction: or support|ganized a¥d.ele ctor al laws) pinh Diem- Soca ployee of the store, James Street Hardware Limited, said he was} sitting at a desk in the rear of-| fice when "all of + sudden the| roof came down on me." Mr. Bugyra sai. he pushed part of the roof off him and "scramble¢ out to safety of board to propel the craft. Because Wagner had rowed" the boat, his compan- ions waited two hours before) telling anyone he was lost. Provincial police enlisted the| aid of planes and_ helicopters from the Grosse Isle naval| "*bor-|b; unity, No time was fixed for de-|'" church teaching or dogma,' drawn up. Australia, Japan, Thailand|"me--unions. Andrew Forrester, Labor, re- ate. A fFommunique from the coun- cil's\secretariat on promoting Christan unity said the docu- ment declared: 'That the re- sponsibility for Christ's death falls upon sinful mankind. It and Malaysia also extended rec-| It added, however, that it/ceived 3,752 votes; Arthur Don- |ognition. ' could only offer "its' good of-laldson, Scottish Nationalist, 1,- Vy At Coulter's fices" if various "affiliated un-|801; Ian Smith, independent ions concerned were ready to| Conservative, 78; William Rush-|' Ratification of a contract be- juse them." 4 ton, the TV comic who ran as|{ween Local 222, United Auto- | The ITF statement came in a/™ Wert a t, a and Rich- pera Abe id o oa bond letter to Mr, Justice Victor L.| 2% Wort, pe 4 7~ wes aeannen today. vent |Dryer, chairman of the trustees|, The Conservative margin of : Cardinal Attacks | Mutchmor Urges Free Wheat Deal through a smaij hole." He waSpase, At one time, five search| unhurt Holy Office Rule was to atone for the. sins of ° lanes were in the air. Another man whe got out of _ search was called off at\°Very man that the Son of God! the building uninjured was 29-111:30 p.m Thursday. Searchers|Willingly offered himself on the year-old Matty Gebien, a paint/presume. Wagner was lost; they|CTOSS. man cardinal's attack on the|just heard." salesman from Toronto who was! didn't know that being. stranded) MANKIND ALSO GUILTY Holy Office, the Vatican's ad-| Cardinal Ottaviani, a central|selling large quantities there talking to store's owner, Adol-lin an open boat was nothing! "The peek the Jewish leaders| ministrative guardian to _doc-| figure among conservative pre-junder tong-term credit c'auses, H t F d new to Wagner. He once spent o Christ's day played 'hs Seine: trine, today sparked the liveli-|lates, reminded the assembly|the moderator of the Uni ted un er oun é |21 days adrift in the Atlantic. |. about th itixi '2-jest debate so far in the Romamn/that the Pope himself is always|Church of Canada said here Wacher a thenibar of a wockliis. aon e crucifixion does the prefect of the Holy Office. |/Thursday. 4 ain auses gner, fer OF a WOFK) not exclude the guilt of all man- i i 2 P tf crew who were putting up an kind. But the personal guilt of Seve eee ose Ce Phone oles speknemen pare): Br Bev.d, Ry Mere wee u Ing n elevated water tower for thelinoce leaders ésanat be charzed| (80: a leading progressive,| phrased cardinal Ottaviani as|speaking to 200 Unitea Church Three Deaths Harrow Public Utilities Com- a he Chee Soman wn said Holy Office procedures are saying that attacks on the Holy|men of the Haldimand-Norfolk| mission, was picked up _at{eitner 'of 'he time wc et _|ctan uatalt a ware, Ha sae Office resulted from "lack of/presbytery at the'r annual rally| utumn Leaf TORONTO (CP) -- Rain that Sis' win RING 1s Se ta good|'8 therefore unjust to call this spokesmen, -- that Holy Office sn ao ions PARRY SO continued to ease Ontario's six-|condition and stayed aboard un-| People 'deicide' or to consider it)methods 'are badly in need of! onard ceene th yee week drought was blamed for alti) skipper Dick Borocco of 'UrSed by God updating." who became lost ir the bush while hunting Monday, was found alive and in good condi- tion Thursay, puffing on a cig- arette of crispy autumh leaves. Mr. Cooke, found by a party of five hunters, told them the rash of accidents in Metropol-|Kingsville made it back t - deicide is the killer of God Th as burst of Besa O t S fan Toronto Thursday thatleen® eck to har-|,. more, specifically, person yi Meve, wae burst of applause in! A JUL LEST ace Law killed three people and injured concerned in the death o | basilica although council rules 77. There were 169 accidents _ |Christ. |torbid it E ' The communique further re- ' Agreement Made * : . af | . . ee cid wl oo Windsor Child not propose to deal with the not fair for the Holy Office to| UNITED NATIONS (AP) --jhave tried for the last two|Worst hardship he suffered was ons WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--A 16- V27!0US causes of anti-semitism.| accuse, judge and condemn any|The United States and the So-|years to draft an 1greement to} oing without a good smoke, Al- reported in a 36-hour period. | . . : ee - Dolores Jessup, 18, of Red-| Lemon Oil Kills | ported: Council press spokesmen gave other car, then skidded into a saps i . month-old girl died Thursday at However, it does indicate that! individual without his having a|viet Union have reached an-jcover such matters as the res-|though he had not 'eaten since : SIMCOE (CP) -- Canad alernment to take charge of the VATICAN CITY (AP)--A Ger-jously the condemnation we have|should send Communist China| maritime unions. Catholic ecumenical council. The goose? It got away. bridge, near North Bay, died | "The council document does Cardinal; Fritps seid: (16 1s |appointed by the Canadian gov-|9,328 compared with 12,248 in a large gift of wheat instead of ce 16,256 votes in a three-way the 1959 general election when a Tory, W. G. Leburn, was elected ace, Labor candidate J. G. acKenzie polled 4,008 and Scottish Nationalist Donaldson "Leburn's recent death left the seat vacant. Distribution of seats in the 630-seat House of Commons now becomes: Conservatives and allies, 359; Labor, 258; Liberals 7; .inde- pendents, 1; vacant, 5. The 60-year-old prime minis- ter was a member of the House of Lordr until he renounced his titles to succeed Harold Mac- millan, He will return to London for the clash with Harold Wilson's laborites that will come with the opening of the new Parlia- ment Tuesday. Abe Taylor, president of Local 222, said a 10 cent hourly pay increase to skilled trades men was guaranteed by the contract. He also stated that unskilled male and female workers would receive a seven- cent hourly increase. Mr. Taylor indicated that the 172 employees would also be guaranteed a four-week. vaca- tion with pay after 25 years' service. The company will con- tinue to pay the full cost of Blue Cross, PSI and Ontario Hospitalization coverage and in addition. will pay 50 per cent of a new Green Shield Drug Plan. The contract, which was ap- proved by over 80 per cent of the workers, Thursday, also provides an increase in jury duty pay from $5 to $10 daily. Changes in the supplementary unemployment benefits were also made and the 9-cent cost of living rate was changed to include five cents in the basic this 'account: building. Driver of the car, Wil- frid Godfrey, 36, of Toronto has|Hotel Dieu Hospital here from pneumonia she con- Peril ; ; é ' i tracted after drinking part of a|the crucifixion cannot give rise|to those carrying on this (Holyjouter space, diplomati~ sources Mrs. Mary Seniuk, 74, of Tor-|bottle 0' a lemon oil tyre of fur-|'® disdain or hatred or persecu-| Office) work, there must be an) Teported Thursday night. onto was killed while crossing/niture polish Sunday. Dawn daughter of Mr. been charged with criminal neg-|chemical ligence against a red light at an inter- Dead is section. Stobbs, tre sacred events of the Bible|chance to defend himself at a\tther agreement--on legal prin- and, in particular, its accoun* of|hearing . . . with due deference|ciples to govern exploration of ton of the Jews." updating more in keeping with! The secretariat said the decu-|the mentality of today." clearly admonished Ro- Informants said the agree- ment would be submitted soca Margaret d Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, It-|to the General Assembly's spe- and| ment soe reg ee Saati bod Monday, he walked out of the Maral p Pred or be' ys ee lee of ting von bcs toed landings on Prsniyad soil fy i. bush unaided and disdained a House of Com: s seat, Noth-| The negotiating committee ability for space vehicle acci.|Medical checknp. ing in the British constitution|was chaired by Albert Cocker- dents, The Toronto hunter became|so states, but it is regarded as|ton with members Stan Skir- separated from his party Mon-|imperative in the second halfjrow, Alfred Norton, Charles The United States and the So- ' viet Union agreed earlier to co-|4ay morning. He built a firejof the 20th century that a Brit-/Rout, Robert Small, Inter- Dona Catholic preachers Chao Chan Yam, 43, of Tor-|Mrs. onto, died in a two-car, head-/Stobbs said she was cleaning|teachers of religion on collision on the Gardiner EX- furniture Sund° ld Stobbs. Mrs,|man and| alian-born secretary of the Holy 1 "never to! Office, speaking later in the|form of a declaration and reso- session, put aside a prepared/lution sponsored by all 28 mem- and left the/present a contrary position." cial political committee in the|0Terate in the use of outer|and blew a whistle that he hadjish prime minister answer for| national Representative Harry the conduct of his government Benson and Abe Taylor. space for weather observation|With him to attract searchers, and communications. = pressway. Driver of the other room for a few moments. She The communique emphasized) address and told the council car, Norman R. Marshall, 33, 0:\said she returned, her daughter|the document was strictly re | fathers: Toronto has been charged with impaired driving. HELP The Chest CLIMB 261,800 250,000 __225,000 200,000 __175,000 _150,000__ 125,000 100,000: was drinking the polish. ligious in content and purpose "I must protest most vigor- lbers of the committee on the| In other UN business, Can- |peaceful uses of outer space, |a@da's support for a resolution re- Russia and the United States|@uesting intensified negotiations seeking general and complete NATION DEBATES QUEBEC AUTONOMY Se | From Vancou-er to Quékec City, the autonom, of Quehec subject Thursday night. In general, separatism was dom, and co-operation and un- dians was recommended, Lajoie said all provinces need because of changing soci needs, even if such a_ shif means less revenue p ent, a bigger share of the tax dollavjof Les cay lie in fields like social wel- fare and education, which the province was a much-discussed | constitution makes provinces|Canada would only lead to lower primarily responsible for Even a solution to the tax- rejected as a solution to Que- sharing problems wor ldn't set- bec's demands for greater free-'tle all French-Canadian com- plaints, such as the lack of op- derstending by English - Cana-|portunity in nine of 10 provinces for French-Canadians to have Interviewed in Winnipeg, Que-|their children educated in their bec. Youth Minister Faul Gerin-|own language. In Quebec City, the federation Jeunes Chambres de Commerce de Quebec also touched on this--it asked in a for and/brief to the Quebec. government gually French jus' 2s the othgr! spending by the federal govern-'that Quebec be declared "othe He said Quebec insists on|provinces are English. } 75,000 paratism Rejected By THE CANADIAI; PRESS ,; The main social needs of to-jchief of La Presse, Montreal \daily, told a labor council meet- jing in .fontreal secession from living standards for Quebec's | peuple. "We have all the political f.eedom we want, so this is not our problem," he said. "It's one thing to flirt with separatism, but it's another to marry it." In Vancouver, Pierre Bour- gault, a journalist for La Presse and a self-proclaimed separat- ist, said at the University of British Columbia's. French-Can- ada week that separatism is log- ical as well as emotional, 'We feel we are not at home in Canada," he said. "We feel Wwe are not at home even in Que- jeditorial called Quebec Premier|search plane today spotted an disarmament was pledged by Gen, E. L, M. Burns. Gen. Burns, Canada's chief negotiator in: the 18-nation Ge- ne'. disarmam.nt conference, stressed in a speech before the General Assmbly's main polit ical committee that strengthen- ing the United Nations peace- keeping machinery is one of the key subjects in these negotia- wards nation - wide recognition tions. Be of biculturalism is necessary to| The political committee, wind-| § preserve Canadian unity. ing up its debate on general dis- He said he is opposed to sep-/armement, postponed until Mon- aratism and he dismissed the|day voting on the latest reso- separatists as "youngsters look- lution, submitted to the 111-na ing for adventure." tion committee by 42 nations i ' |from outside both the North At- In Windsor, Ont., the annual lantic Treaty Organization and the Warsaw Pact, Canadian - American relations seminar of the University of Windsor took up the topic of Quebec separatism and students in 'the seminar generally agreed it is self defeating. The Windsor University stu- |dent publication in: front-page! Searchers Spot Missing Hunter TWEED, Ont. (CP) -- Ali 18-year-old youth who had been a "racist" and "nationatist,"|*°-7© " missing since noon Thursday in but words of thiy type were 'not used during the discussions. a densely wooded area near this community, 60 miles north PLUNGES FIVE STORIES AND LIVES : 50,000 raising it own purposes -- rather than|recognize French av an official) Dec. contributins taxes to a federal|language, the brief said, Que- own money for its) If the others can refuse to} is 'articipants concluded there Real Caouette, leader of Que-|is no major threat of a violent! of Kingston. The pilot said the boy, Gre- Robert Mondani, 28-year-old roofer who plunged 80 -feet pool for redistribution--with "traly Canadian viewpoint," not!an official language. a selfish one. 25,000 Start Gerard Pelletier, editor - in -jnia, Ont., told the Canadian Club of 'Sar- that education to-| \2ec should wipe out English as |bee's Social Cred't Movement,| split, bmt there was'a need for '| Canadians to understand the} current unrest in Quebec. | gory Hughes of Tweed, was walking out of the woods with two hunters, down a ventilator shaft, lic cut and -- bruised in hospital yesterday in San Francisco, Calif. Mondani was working atop an old warehouse spread- ing asphalt. He stepped on whai he thought was. dove of siding. It gave way and he fell straight down, His fail was broken by a bend in the ventilator pipe 15 feet from the floor, --AP Wirephote bd