Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1963, p. 4

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team defeated Bowmanville by 14-10 in the first game and 15-8 in the second game: Henry's Mary Lorra Pritchard and Linda Sleep were top scorers in this match. The last match for Henry juniors was with Cour- tice, These games were victor- ies for Henry ending in scores 0° 15-2 and 15-4, In the first game, Linda Sleep scored over one-half of Henry's points and. Sandra Chizen added most of the remaining total, Sue Bryant served ten points for Henry in the second game. Because the Henry teams won all their matches at the tournament on October 30, they earned the right to the LOSSA finals at McLaughlin Collegi- ate Institute in Oshawa on Fri- day, November 1. In these LOSSA matches the Henry sen- lors defeated Ajax in two games. The juniors, tae so torious, won two exciting from Pickering, ™~ i eye teams will represent the LOssA district at the COSSA_ tourna- ment on Saturday, Noveniber Cobourg. "On Tuesday, Novmber 5, the Henry girls will go to Port Hope to piay an exhibition game against the Port Hope High School's teams, On Thurs- day, November 7, the teams from Victoria Park in Toronto will come to Henry for another exhibition game. CARS IN USE The total of vehicles in use in Canada at the end of 1961 was 5,500,000 ment, Henry's teams took or. teams from Courtice, Bowmun- ville and Anderson in this tour- nament. The teams from Henry @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 7, 1963 COMMITTEE MEMBER NAMED Rural Development Studied By Clarke First requirement is passage of a township bylaw. The bylaw must set forth the maximum Toronto Man May Close Clarke Road ORONO -- The forced road travelling from the) southeast to northwest cor- ner of lot 32, Concession nine, prof been threatened with clos- ig. Owner James McComiskey of Toronto says unless council fences each side of the road which cuts across his property, he will close it, Complaint is with campers Only through study by all civic groups could mistakes be kept rep-|to a minimum, it was suggested. ap By sig Bene He also stressed that a local/#moun upon. rural redevelopment committee, It was explained that age ood is essential to help conduct re-|Palities can state amounts from search and get the whole com-|$2,000 to $300,000, if township De-|munity involved in planning. assessment is sufficiently high. Without such an active commit-|This means the township can tee, no area development plan|make debenture loans to farm- ers through the Ontario Govern- cup. be aporoved diate aptigi ment, but the total amount DRAINAGE LOANS loaned shall at no time exceed the amount named in the bylaw. A second delegation made rep- resentation for passing of a by- Mr. Dalrymble pointed out that neighboring Cavan and law which would allow qualified township farmers to apply for Cartwright Townships had named $50,000 in their byl loans under the Ontario Drain-|Hope, $100,000 and Darlin age Act. Agricultural department rep- $125,000. resentative O. A. Dalrymple COUNCIL DECISION A farmer getting a loan under said there was plenty of land in the township which could be the act can take additional loans brought to full potential with for similar projects in succeed- ing years. Council has authority proper drainage. Money is avail- able under the act at 4 per cent to decide which farmers, for interest for 75 per cent of the economic reasons, are qualified. "First step for the farmer," total cost of such projects. | said ig ror 2 to opply ~_ Agricultural engineering spe-|Council, 'stating the amount o claitet D. O. Gibb of the docart| loan required and filing a rough ORONO -- Clarke Township Tuésda: a Council y ited Coun. Roy Foster to be its- resentative on the Clarke Town. hip rural development commit- tee. The committee will study local application of the Agricul- 'tural 9 mg ani elopment Act. * The appointment was made after council heard a delegation explain reasons for the act and rways in which rural develop- ,ment could benefit the Recs n The delegation, comprising Durham County Federation of Agriculture member Clarence Allan and Ontario Federation .field representative Grant Wal- lace outlined the. need for a rural development organization having representation from all , local interests which would work 'together for the good of the whole community. MISTAKES COSTLY Mr. Wallace pointed out that establishing a rural develop- "ment area was not something to plunge into without adequate study, because mistakes could Wind" and "Last. Night I Had the Strangest Dream." The program was concluded as the school orchestra played "Blue Moon," and "My Blue Heaven." The enthusiastic ap- plause which greeted this instrumental group represented the pride of the student body. The orchestra is composed of: Mr. Nevin, piano; Mr. Ingram, saxophone; Mr, Amyot, trumpet; Mr. Fisher, French horn; George Carr, drums; Ricky Carr, trumpet; Ross Mackenzie, accordion; and Eric Crofton, electric guitar. School ¢lubs are in full swing again. The Drama Club, under the supervision of Mrs. Patterson, has held weekly play- reading sessions since its suc- cessful September production of "He!lo Out There' at the Orono Festival. Interest in the Folk Song Club is high again this year at were the victors of the tourna- ' ment, 'winning all the matches HENRY HIGH NEWS ey ape The senior team's first match - e e i IN Histor Ex lai ne with 11 points, was the high scorer for Henry in the first game The second match was hd & in 'Oo Go a against, our perennial rivals, Anderson High. Billie Stone- house tallied seven points in a attending Mosport events, wha| A United Nations' assembly "Purple and Gold," the school|°"d game, a 15-0, victory for sncroace om the land for camp-|was held in the auditorium on newspaper, went on sale Fri-/Henry. ing and picnicking. Friday, Oct, 25. Mr. Dhillon, day, Nov. 1. By 9 a.m., the] The Bowmanville seniors pro- Mr. McComiskey's contention;head of the history department, corridors, lockers and stu-|vided more competition for in thet slane he Wk @ not Opened the assembly with com- dents' pockets were overstuffed| Henry. The first game was won as notlments on the significance o! with the latest 'school news.|by Henry by a score of 15-6. formally dedicated, it is not althe United Nations in the mod- The work on the "Hi-Lite," our|Sue Miller scored a big eight public thoroughfare. on the history of the UN. ing space in this year's maga- Bowmanville girls. The third|® yiused by the public for some| Entertainment was provided zine to the local. merchants, jand deciding game, however. Hime and public eoeay be has been|by the Glee Club, composed of Friday evening, Nov, 1, a|Was a clear victory for Henry. spent or the maintenance. 30 junior and senior students. successful dance, the "Haunted|ris Giffin chalked up nine Under the direction of Mr. Hop," sponsored by the Cam-|Points and helped to earn Ingram, they sang, 'Santa era Club, and with music pro-|Henry's win by a 15-9 score, Lucia," and "By the Light of vided by the "Delta Kings,"| The Henry juniors played was with Courtice. The Henry girls defeated their opponents 15-5 and 15-10. Anne Henstock, By KATHY CUDDY, Henry High. At least 30 enthusj.|Winning cause to help Henry to ANNE HENSTOCK astie students were pon a 15-6 win. Iris Giffin was AVIS LEGGETT at the last meeting, Henry's top scorer in the sor- ern world. year book, is progressing. The|points for the winners. In the Township's position is that) Hugh Laurence, a grade 11 members of the Hi-Lite staffjsecond game, Henry was de- the reed dedizetion ts presum-|student, delivered an address have been busy selling advertis-/feated 14-11 by the 'determined? ;jed because the road has been On advice from township solicitor E, R. Lovekin, coun- cil stated it will continue to re- gard it as a public road and|the Silvery Moon." Folk sing- filled the auditorium to near|their first match against Ander- if closed, will re-open if, forci-lers Ross Gibson and Avis Leg- capacity. son, Because of the serving bly if necessary. gett captured their audience On. Wednesday, Oct, 30,|ability of Linda Sleep and According to Mr. Lovekin, the basic concern involved can) be expressed as "once a high- way always a highway." Marg Hare, Henry was victori- ous by scores of 15-13 and 15-5. Bowmanville was the juniors' next competitor. The Henry Henry's senior and junior girls' vollyball teams travelled to Anderson High to compete in the LOSSA semi-final tourna- with their colorful versions of "Everybody Loves Saturday Night," "What. Have They Done to the Rain," "Blowing in the be costly to the tax-supported budgets of governments con- cerned and frustrating to people ment's Brighton office, explain- ed steps by which benefits of the Land Drainage 'Act can be |sketch of the proposed project." It was pointed out the loan is repayable with taxes and is a treated in the same way as an instalment tax payment. Before being covered, drain- age tiles must be passed by a township appointed drainage in- spector. Then the farmer sub- mits invoices and the inspector's report and payment is made. It was stressed that applica- tion must be made and ap- proved before any work could be done. George Foote of Burley Bus Lines, Cobourg, asked council to pass a resolution supporting his company's move to have its franchise restored for transport- ing of township residents to S the Canadian National Exhibition next August, The ee: ge = lost last year. Council the resolution. in the area. made available. Uxbridge Nips 'Pickering 33-26 ' UXBRIDGE -- Uxbridge Sec-; Hugh Ferguson starred for ondary School Tigers greene Pickering College, scoring two , Pickering College 33-28 here é-vard Tuesday to win the Georgian ecg "i ie '. = he ' Bay Secondary Schools Associ-|S"ve and a second on a Oly ' ation senior B football league,run down the sideline. Doug championship, Uxbridge halted|Vaisey and Peter Grant shared a seven-year string of cham-|the other Pitkering majors. - pionships for Don Menard, * coach at Pickering College. It "gy Broncaugpbooal i add- AP HELD OVER 2nd WEEK! YEAR'S TOP COMEDY , A pass Fino a on Pick- » ering College's five-year line DON'T MISS .. . COLUMBIA PICTURES presents CANADA'S Quality DOOR ---- Fully PRE- FRAMED OVER 3200 QUALITY ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM ROCK BOTTOM PRICES { ' i DAY IN AND DAY OUT aaa WHY PAY MORE? VISIT US AND SEE WHY PEOPLE FROM ALL OVER ONTARIO DRIVE UP TO 250 MILES AND MORE TO SAVE AT CASHWAY LUMBER i re 3 RANDOM re ah Kt veep" a | )| MAHOGANY ne PLYWOOD PANELLING JUST OFF THE S.S, "MARIT MAERSK" FROM THE FAR EAST -- 18,000 SHEETS ; AT OUR 6 BIG DISTRIBUTION CENTRES OPEN DAILY 8 am. to 6 pm SATURDAYS TILL 6 pm. | by Gregg Lund in the final five ' minutes of play set up the ' game - winning touchdown. Bob} : Parratt drove over to break a| 26-26 tie. It was Parratt's second major} as he had hit for an earlier) touchdown in the third quarter | after Pickering gained a 14-6) half-time lead on touchdowns} by Doug Vaisey and Hugh Fer-| guson. Garry Harrison on a six-y: plunge, Brian Morrison on a 30-yard run and a touchdown pass, Doug St. John to Barry Kelland in the end zone, ac- counted for other Uxbridge touchdowns. St, John added two | --" 'ALUMINUM pe DOORS = 6'6") cece eee ee Se ee | RMRMRMR HHH HHH HEHEHE EH TOP QUALITY Less Than 10¢ @ RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT @ ADDED FEATURE! ACTION AND ADVENTURE IN "HMS DEFIANT" covor ALEC GUINESS e DIRK BOGARDE i, Brandon for a third to complete | the Uxbridge scoring. KHRUSHCHEV ACCEPTS MOSCOW (AP)--Soviet Pre- mier Khrushchev has told the touring prime minister of Cey- , lon, Mrs. Sirimavo Bandara- naike, he will accept her invi- tation to visit Ceylon as soon as circumstances permit. Get Ready For FOOTBALL PLAYOFFS and GREY CUP TIME with a HLECTROHOME TELEVISION SET from HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA) LTD. In crate lots of approx, 32 or 40 pieces 4x8' in crate lots $3.19 per sheet fhepeucieg | Instructions Available mtmemmmomement ee "IONE ~ TORONTO -- 262-3969 WHITBY 668-2602 FREE ELECTRIC IN? HEATERS BOX OFFICE OPEN EACH EVERING AT 7:00 P.M. (inc. Sun.) Smaller lots add 20c sheet ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS CENTRE BAR STYLE HEAVY DUTY Double Locking action and vinyl weathertite track, ete. $ 5 wo In lots of 50 or more. Smet UP TO 50 UNITED INCHES (width plus height) fer $1.00" - 5012 to 70 inches $10.35 70% to 100 niches $12.25 10014 inches and up $14.80 CUSTOM MADE TO YOUR MEASUREMENTS KEEP WARM THIS WINTER CASHWAY SHELL HOME All materials to close in, N.H.A, fications 1008 2q. ft. of living pols FREE PLANS -- JUST WRITE Ss AJAX YARD OFF HIGHWAY NO. 401 ON THOMPSON ROAD SOUTH AT INTERCHANGE 66 PHONE 942-1221 BROOKLIN YARD CORNER HIGHWAYS No. 7 andNo. 12 PHONE 655-3313 NO. 1 SOLID CORE CHIPBOARD BIFOLD DOORS 20" x 66" $7.88 "6"... $8.88 30". ... $10.65 S'0" ... $17.75 60"... $21.35 40"... $15.75 COOL NEXT SUMMER INSULATION parts P yg PER CARTON a] 7 a PER CARTON EACH smaller lots just 20c a carton BAGGED LOOSE \ WOOL ~ papetted INSULATION 88&c in lots. of 20 cartons or more 47 6059. FT. BIG 5 CUBIC FOOT BAGS in smaller lots 49c each MILL SURPLUS - FIRST GRADE ARBORITE and FORMICA S10" 26 «:. some smaller sizes 19¢ SPRUCE PARTITION STUDS 2 es 7 3 g on ANY QUANTITY CEILING TILE 12" x 12" PRIMECOAT in lots of Cc 10 cartons or more While They _ Lest EACH 12" x 12" or 16" x 16" 35,000 B.T.U. SPACE HEATERS Gernot with Oil Tank for only $49.88 VISIT OUR HEATING, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL DEPTS. 134" Strictly No. 1 MAHOGANY DOORS 1-6" $3.78 -- 1-8" $3.96 -- 1-10" $4.15 37 20" x66" aay 3 2'-2" $4.56 -- 2'-4" $4.77 JUST ARRIVED a Carload of AROMATIC CEDAR RED OR BROWN GRANITE ASPHALT SHINGLES Closer LINING 20 foot cartons Now si. 88 3 14.50- Other stock colors $6.45 sq. e& Like A Free Price List? THERE IS NO OBLIGATION! Just Fill In and Meil To .. CANADA CASHWAY LUMBER LTD. Write Head Office: BOX 330, MALTON NAME ADDRESS .... 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