Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1963, p. 10

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Ped MRS. THOMAS DANN, right, explains her paper fig- ure of the prophet from Oedi- pus Rex to Mrs. J. A. Ald- winckle and Mrs. G. D. Co- nant, left and right. --Oshawa Times Photo Paper Sculpture Wins Admirers The delicate art of paper sculpture was demonstrated at the meeting of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association this week when Mrs. Thomas Dann of Aurora displayed many of her unique creations to a delighted audience. In her introductory remarks, Mrs. Dann claimed that the in- vention of paper-making was as important to civilization as the wheel and the firing of glass. "The invention is generally conceded to the Chinese", she said, "The knowledge spread to Korea and Japan and through Turkey and Persia to Italy and Spain." "Mexico and Japan use paper extensively in decorations and in all -religious festivals and ceremonies and at Christmas- time in. Canada, paper glamor- izes the humblest and most costly gifts. "Years ago the peasants in Poland fashioned paper orna- ments. Their ideas were ex- tended by artists into three dimensional] creations and later A Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 ANN LANDERS Clergyman Deplores Commercial Weddings Dear Ann Landers: I am a minister with a church of 1,709 resident members. I often quote you in my sermons and refer to|b you as one of my mentors. What can be done about time and energy wasted on rehear- sals and weddings? Rehearsals are often repetitious and nerve- racking. The rigamarole of the wedding itself is becoming more and more commercial and less spiritual. ' After the ceremony hundreds of guests stand outside waiting while the bridal party takes pictures. Then there are more pictures taken beside the cake-- plus pictures vith grandparents and distinguished guests, Woddings used to be sacred, but now they seem to be staged events for photographers. What can you suggest?--WHIPPED ARKANSAS REVEREND Dear Reverend: If the people who put out all that loot want repetitious rehearsals plus a lot of la-de-da they will have it. Nothing will deter them. Any clergyman can insist that no pictures be taken during the ceremony. Such a ruling would not save time or energy, but it would help to preserve the re- ligious atmosphere. Dear Ann Landers: The ques- tion * 'hich has been causing a great deal of trouble in our fam- ily is this: Do pictures of old boy friends belong in the family album? 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 7, 1963 ~ PERSONALS Out - of - town guests at the Horky-Owens wedding, recently in the rectory of Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church, were: Mr. and Mrs. John Bodjala and Mr. and Mrs. John Bodjala Jr., all from Delhi; Mr. Gaza Horky, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs, Horace Carter, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leroy, Toronto; and Mrs. Glas- co, Kingston. Several parties were held in honor of Mrs, William Chapman, prior to her marriage at Black- stock: a miscellaneous shower) Perry; a pantry shower by the Misses Anne Gibson and Donna McLaughlin; a miscellaneous shower by Mrs. Pat Hayes and Miss Jayne Carnegie, Port Perry. The Honeydale WI pre- sented the bride with a wool blanket. Mrs, H. G. Willes, Riverside drive, welcomed members of the Literary group of the Lyceum Club to' her home on Tuesday evening when Mrs. John Stacey, Mrs. H. W. Sheridan and Miss by Mrs. Charles Lown, Port Evelyn Everson gave a talk on early furniture. courses in paper sculpture were introduced into the art schools." Mrs. Dann showed the dif- ferent ways of folding, creasing and scoring paper to create forms and then displayed pieces of her own work, some of which had taken 18 months to com- plete. These included fruits, flowers and figurines in an ar- tistic array. Mrs. Dann was introduced by Mrs, C. M. Elliott and Mrs. Uriah Jones who presided, ex- pressed thanks. Mrs. G. D. Co- nant and Mrs. J. A, Aldwinckle assisted Mrs. Dann in arrang- ing the display. Mrs, Jones presented a cheque to Mrs. W. Lawson Richards re- presenting Oshawa Little Theatre as a memorial to the late Agnes Corben, a charter member of the Lyceum Club and convener of the club's drama group. Mrs. R. L, Gray poured tea My wife and I have been mart- ried two years. We were given an album by mother when we married. Mother had already pasted in some very lovely fam- ily pictures of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. We keep this book on the piano in the living room and a great many people see it. Last night I happened to pick up 'the album and was shocked to see that my wife had added a half dozen pictures of her ex- boy friends. Some of them were signed with pretty raushy senti- ments. I told her didn't think this was proper. She said, "Why not? They were part of my life."" Is she right? Please settle this---WANTING TO BE FAIR Dear Wanting: A family album means "family." your wife's old . flames clearly out of place. If she wishes to keep the pictures else- where you should not object, but they don't belong in the family album. Dear Ann Landers: I am a girl 14 with a serious problem. My real father died when I was 4\foar and mother remarried a ~|man I did not like. My step- fether did not treat my mother This promise of beauty is Suzanne Pierson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Pierson, Simcoe street north. Photo- graphed at 14 months, Suz- during the social half-hour. anne is the granddaughter of A FLOWER IN BUD Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Pierson and Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Cooper and great-granddaughter of Mr. Edgar Pascoe, all of Osh- awa. --Ireland Studio PICTURE FRAMING SFE... Walmsley | & Magill 9 KING ST. E. -- OSHAWA Pictures of |B right and he was mean to me. I never remember him smiling or saying one kind word © any- ody. It so happens that my step- father snored scnething ter- rible and his snoring used to keep me up at night. I finally stuffed cotton in my ears so I could sleep. This went on until last year when he left my mother for another woman. I have gone to many slumber MR. ROBERT ANNAERT § |wrecked. Is there a way I couldjawa. The bride is the daughter in, | Malashev-Gay 'she has bees] VOWS Exchanged Northminster United Church The thought just struck me,|oo. the setting for the mar- Ann--what if I marry @ MaMiriage of Linda Evelyn Gay to who snores? My life would be/Victor Maleshev, both of Osh- of Mr. Cephas Gay and the marriag aoe ee tele ne? wonminpliate Mrs. Gay and the bride- lease help groom is the son of the late Mr. LYNN and Mrs. Maleshey. The Rev. Dear Lynn: Yes, there is ajerend H. A. Mellow officiated. way to find out, and I don't} Given in marriage by her fa- recommend it. r, the bride wore a three-} Sometimes snoring is caused|piece turquoise suit, white hat find held at the bridegroom's home on Lorraine street after which the couple left on a wedding trip to Northern Ontario, On their return they will live at 49 Gladstone avenue, WEEKLY WHIST DRIVE The Old Country Club held a Whist drive in Rundle. "Park last Wednesday. There was an- other large raffle was won by Mrs. Stanley Wilkinson, and Whist prizes were won by Mrs. G. H. Clapp, Mrs. James Thompson, Mrs. Joseph Finch. The booby prize went to Mrs, B. Shortt, by a nasal obstruction and ajand accessories with a corsage dector can help. If there isjof red and white roses. The nething organically wrong aj|bride's sister, Mrs. Dennis Hay- gentl' nudge or moving the|ward, was her only attendant. snorer's head to the side may|The bridegroom was attended produce results. As a last re-|by his brother-in-law, Mr. Emil parties and they are lots of fun.!cotton. sort, earplugs are better than|Labaj 30 DAYS OVERSEAS (OCT. Ist -- MAR. Ist) $312.00 ROUND TRIP AT FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) PHONE 728-6201 An informal reception was YOUNG PEOPLE It you want a career in business ines 4 You receive assistance aacthen in berating ° PEM ag eel ps '% Day 'ou. may choose from School Career: You receive the benefits of our 26 35.00 PER MONTH Act now---Your future is up te you 10 Simcoe St. North Dial 725-3375 FRI. and SAT. Nov. 8th and 9th NEWEST APPLIANCE ROCE APPLIANCES Mr. Roger Annaert formerly, of Simpson - Sears of Osh- awa, is pleased to announce the opening of his new appliance centre at 155 Simcoe St. South here in Oshawa, Mr. Annaert invites all friends and customers to visit this new centre and see his excellent range of first salty appliances by such famous manufacturers as: KELVINATOR . . . McCLARY-EASY . . . FLEETWOOD. AT 155 SIMCOE SOUTH you'll find this . . . McCLARY-EASY Model 200° ¥ AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYER Automatic Drying with Complete Selection | of Time and Temperature Settings! This new McCLARY-EASY Clothes completely automatic, yet so to dry all types of fabrics. So. | set drying time desired . . end of set time . . . clothes for comfortable handling .. . ALL AUTOMATICALLY! Heat correct settings for all fabrics . . fluff for aerating and drying room _ temperature, APPLIANCES. LUCKY DRAW Complete selection of time settings enables you « dryer shuts off at See it to-day at Dryer is so easy to operate, easy to use are cooled down dryer stops... selector provides « PLUS an air- special items at ROGER 148" Visit our showroom to-dey . . . fill out one of the handy coupons on our Lucky Drew you could win... @ An AM/FM TRANSISTOR RADIO Valued ot 89.95 @ FLOOR POLISHER by well-kown manu- facturer. FILL IN YOUR COUPON TODAY .. . 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