Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1963, p. 24

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Trustees Begin Accounts Check THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 6, 1963 23 Taxicab Firm Installs TV Enterprise Residents To Boycott Post Office BEAMED VETERAN FIREMAN _|fhis.retirement in 1058, has died.4 SAULT STE.. MARIE, Ont.|He was a native of Minneapolis! "IVE? (CP) -- William O'Rourke, 76,|and came to Canada with city fireman for 49 years untilifamily as a. young boy. . ON OUR #y~™~ orien HOCKEY TOMORROW § By ROBERT RICE -; They have also asked for the In 40 Cabs OTTAWA. (CP) -- The three| constitutions and bylaws under! "CHICAGO (AP) -- A Chicago federal marine trustees have Which each of the five unions taxicab company is installing Maanched 'a pereliaaulry checkee television sets for passengers bbl. oe The job of the trustees is, injwho want something more than into the financial operations oflessence, fo clean up the SIU,|just ¢ ride and unsolicited com- the five unions under. their com )root out lawlessness, eliminate|ments on the weather, politics trol, abuses by union officials against|and sports. At the same time, the trus-|the membership and restore de- The Flash Cab Company has tees have ordered the five un-/mocratic processes, installed the five - inch screen | ENTERPRISE, Ont. (CP) --|worked as a member of the A boycott of the '»cal post of-|security force of the Aluminum fice has been promised by resi-|Company of Canada. while his dents of Enterprise if a wid-|wife ee a oo , ' owed mother of five -children; Mrs. Dillon and Mrs. Stewart st her job as postmaster, |*en applied for the job. ; To charges that she did not Mrs. Clare Stewart, wh0se/,5p1y soon enough, Mrs. Stew- husband died of a heart attacklart said: "My husband died on last August, said Monday the! Aug. 27. I applied on Aug. 30." job involves her self-respect and ions to prepare complete lists of! The trustees obviously have names, addresses and job class-|chosen the indirect approach, ifications of all their members)moving carefully and deliberat- --some 21,000 sailors, engineers|ely in their complex task, rather and deck officers. than boldly barging into the un- The two moves are related tojion offices and seizing control. last week's order placing all ex-| The trustees are reported to penditures by the unions--fourjbe looking for an information unions plus 13 marine locals Ofjofficer who, among his duties, the fifth--under the direct con-| would keep an-eye on union pub- trol.of the three-man board of|lications to ensure that they act She said jobs are few in En- terprise, and unless she is made postmaster she will have to hire a baby-sitter to look after her children, pay for trazportation and find work in Kingston. receivers in about 40 of its 285 cabs and plans to install 60) more, | "The response has been tre- sendous," says Arthur Deck-) holtz, Flash Cab president. "The passengers like it and so do the drivers. The drivers say they get bigger tips." The receivers are mounted on the rear of the driver's seat. A her children's future. The appointment of postmas- jter has gone to Mrs. Thomas Dillon, mother of 10 children, whose husband is employed as One resident said he helped gather a petition last week in|she said. a carpenter with a construction firm in Kingston, 30 miles south- east of here. Five of her' chil- dren are away from home and GIANT "TI can't see any alternative,"|. trustees headed by Mr. Justice Victor L. Dryer of Vancouver in' a responsible manner. The trustees have the authority to special speaker is set into the window: deck behind the rear self-supporting. WALT DISNEY LAST. "SPENCER'S MOUNTAIN" (Color) Toosy "ISLAND OF LOVE" (Color) ----= STARTS THURSDAY --------. THE TWO SUSPENSE ; THRILLER MIGHTIEST OF MYSTERY MONSTERS or AM. Tne AND INTRIGUE! "King Kong --VsS-- Godzilla" IN COLOR ALL NEW and Sensational! . | "The seat so that sound as well as| Mrs. Stewart had charged the television screen do not dis-leatlier that the appointment of| trac the driver. {Mrs. Dillon smacked of "'politi-| e ' ae F Pp 5 20000 Leagues .*: om she 9 B: lec' patronage." | ' } ee jfavor of Mrs, Stewart, to which E pe 200 persons affixed their names. jo as Enterprise has a population of, = j i The trustees, operating out of|take over control of union pub- Montreal, were empowered by/|lications and edit them as they Parliament to control and man-|see fit. age the Seafarers' International Union of Canada, the Canadian Maritime Union, the National Ls Association of Marine iM We b'4 Feud Closes eers, the Canadian Merchant Service Guild and 13 marine |o- cals-of the Canadian Brother- hood of Railway, Transport and General Worker's They haye been busy setting) gp ' TITE-DES-CAPS, Que.;board meeting later this week up their offices in Montreal, hir-/(¢@p) -- Two schools here were|and other villages are reported ing lawyers and accountants,|tg remain closed again today|considering similar action. clerical staff and special assist-|and it appeared that reluctance} The Roman Catholic school ants, At the same time, theyjtgo increase property taxeS|hoards have stiff accumulated have been moving closer to as-|might result in more being|hudget deficits and their 1963-64 suming the full powers granted closed in Montmorency County.|pudgets generally forecast defi- to them under the government's! The St. Tite-des-Caps Roman cits. ee a f trusteeship law -- powers that)Catholic school board shut the) The youth department has re- give them almost absolute con-|doors on 466 pupils Monday, givr'fused to accept the budgets un- The trol over the day-to-day opera-jing as the reason its inability|ti] the boards raise property tions of the unions. to pay 17 teachers September|tax rates. ' bw. - ~e | rT] < ue ! ASK ABOUT. MONEY or October wakes. | has set\SAYS NOT REALISTIC nig -- ra" Counts Five Nearby St. Fereol | - Now the trustees have asked|Nov. 12 as the date on which| The present rate in St. Tite the five unions to give them full|430 pupils will get a holiday iflis $3.75 for each $100 valuation. details about their bank ac-|some way isn't found to pay 19/The youth department says a | DOORS ' SHOW 2. BILTMORE SS 2:3: 6:30 P.M. 6:45 P.M, PICTURE OF THE YEAR! WINNER OF ACADEMY AWARDS! | 300. |FOLLOWED DEATH 2 Quebec Schools wre wiser sett \3c, former poastmaster who also SEE PAGE 17 THE MOST DIABOLICAL PAGES EVER WRITTEN BECOME THE MOST TERRIFYING + MOTION PICTURE § = ¢ FEATURE DAILY AT 2:10 4:30---6:55--9:20 Columbia Pictures presets \P SHE SAM SPIEGEL: DAVID LEAN Production of TAWRENCE _.. OEARABIA ANTHONY QUAYLE» CLAUDE RAINS - ARTHUR WENMEDY em OMAR SHARE BF PETER O'TOOLE » Lawnence- ROBenT sour. PLAZAR THEATRE 2 SHOWS DAILY PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT ONLY! MATINEE 2 P.M, NIGHT 8 P.M, ADULTS 1.25 | ADULTS $1.50 » counts, safety deposit boxes,/teachers their September or Oc- realistic rate would be $7.81, but how their finances are audited|tober wages. jit has suggested a $1.56 increase and who the outside auditors) Montmorency will 'discuss|to $5.31 this year. FIRST RUN HITS! based on stories by Guy DeMaupassant TECHNICOLOR' Released thru (EJ UNITED ARTISTS. VINCENT PRICE Wt HIS MOST CHILLING PORTRAYAL OF EVIL AUDITORIUM BOTH ADULT FEATURES ENTERTAINMENT SOPHIA ANTHONY LOREN PERKINS ANATOLE LITVAK'S Friday, Nov. 8 8:30 - 11:30 si ' s at school; A department spokesman said = sre an tard Monday the rate looks high but jis based on an assessment that represents only 18 per cent of teelwor ers 0 lthe actual property values. The St. Tite board has of- & ithis has been flatly refused by INCO Workers 1e |the youth department. A spokes- _ |man said the next move is up to St. Tite. TORONTO (CP) -- The On-lin Sudbury produced bursts of| In St. Tite, 30 miles northeast) tario High Court declined. Mon jviolence and lengthy litigation, of Quebec, Board Chairman day to overturn a year-old de-|including. the latest appeal. |Henri Boivin said he is await- lations Board installing the/HEARD LAST MONTH ties. United Steelworkers of America Argument on the appeal re-| St. Fereol's 'rate is $1.55 and as bargaining agent for some jected Monday was heard Oct.'the youth department has sug- 15,000 Sudbury employees of In-|9-!8. Mine-Mill challenged the/gested it be increased to $2.25 ternational Nickel Company. jright and competence of the rat bee the eventual rate $3.49. Chiet Justice J. C. McRuer bor relations board to decide the} Ratepayers at a school board rejeéted an appeal by 'the In-/ssue meeting last week refused to ADMISSION 1.00 DRESS -- CASUAL |fered to raise rates 50 cents but cision of the Ontario Labor Re-| jing word from Quebec authori-' ternational Union of Mine, Mill Mr. Justice McRuer ruledjaccept any increase and said and Smelter Workers--the un- ion ousted by the steel workers that the Labor Relations Act es-\their assessments are based on tablished the .board': jurisd'c-/85 per cent of the real value of tion and said the court had nojtheir property. They set Nov. CHILDREN .. 75¢ | CHILDREN .. 75c SORRY -- NO PASSES INO RESERVED SEATS at INCO--in a written judg-|,.. ; watitic: power to review the certifica-/12 as the deadline for govern- ment. tion case on its merits. iment help or ciosed schools. DOORS OPEN 1 ~ 7 P.M. The labor relations board' Counsel for Mine-Mill, Mal- ruled id @ "decision Oct,'15,|.o1m Robb of Toronto, was not| . 1962, that the Steelworker: un-\available to comment on| , fon, an affiliate of the Canadian| whether the appeal would be t Labor Congress, should "ce" °-\carried to a higher level, al- ; sent INCO employees on the ba-\though he has said in the past sis of an earlier supervised pollipe was under instructions to of employees, ltake the case to the highest The 1962 decision ended 17\court if necessary. years of bargaining rights at) The next step in any further INCO for Mine-Mill, 2 union/appeal would be to the Ontario ousted from the CLC in 1949. A|Court of Appeal, 'said John H. long power struggle between|Osler, counsel for the Steel- Mine-Mill and the Steelworkers! workers. ONTARIO Notice of Initial PUBLIC HEARINGS on briefs concerning MEDICAL SERVICES INSURANCE Preliminary public hearings will be held as follows: Windsor--Council Chamber, City Hall 10:00 am. December 3 and 4 Toronto --Galbraith Bidg., University of Toronto 35 St. George St., Room 202-202A 10:00 am. December 11 and 12 10:00 am. January 7 and 8 10:00 am. January 14 and 15 10:00 am. January 21 and 22 10:00 am. January 28 and 29 These are initial, not final, hearings. Briefs will be pres sented by a responsible officer of the organization con- cerned or the individual wishing to make the submission, or their legal counsel. Participants may have expert wit- messes appear for them. Participants will be asked to present only the summaries and conclusions of briefs as well as their recommendations. They are free to elaborate orally and offer arguments. Persons appearing before the Enquiry may be examined directly by the members of the Enquiry. Persons submitting briefs are permitted to introduce at the hearings supplementary information and material in written form. These, to be known as exhibits, will be filed with the Commission and numbered in order of presentation. REMINDER -- Briefs (25 copies) on the proposed Medical Services Insurance programme must be submitted by November 15th to the Secretary, Dr. J. Geratp Hacer Chairman ag ihe What make: Why does Valiant outsell, outpoint and outclass all other cars in its field? One good look answers the question. Luxurious and generous in size, sensible yet beautiful in style... that's Valiant. Trim and tasteful, smart, grace- : Valiant the logaler? < ful... Valiant is 1964's style leader and Canada's biggest car value. A combination of quality, looks and perform- ance that outmatches anything in its class-- bar none! %s wonder Valiant's the leader! : a | NOBODY BEATS Va ; a nt FOR VALUE THE CAR WITH THE 5-YEAR-50,000-MILE POWER-TRAIN WARRANTY cy EE ARUANIUES PE TT SEE THIS DEALER FOR PLYMOUTH, CHRYSLER OR VALIANT CRANFIELD S0TOR SALES DISNEY MOTORS LIMITED 331 Perk Read South Oshawa, Ontario Kingston Road & Church Pickering, Ontario CHRYSLER CANADA LTD. SEE THIS DEALER FOR DODGE, CHRYSLER OR VALIANT SMITH'S SPORTS NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER DODGE 353 King Street West Oshewe, Ontario 916 Brock St. N. Whitby, Onterio T. C. CLarke, Secretary Rootm 418, 67 College St. Toronto | Telephone 365-4024

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