27--Rea! Estate For Sale |Z7--Real Estate for Saie IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, Play oy HOUSE in Nestieton, Insul ae on 787 Gordon coe neki! brick, seven Hot water heating, garage, with lots of cupboards. Prine 7 726-4117. '27---Real Estate For Sale CUBE! Street, clean five-room, two- bedr: bungalow, modern kitchen, large dining room, 21-ft. Jiving room, oil heat- 27--Reel Estate For Sale $500 WINTER WORKS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, November 2,1963 | 7 32--Articles For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sele NEW THREE-BEDROOM bungalow with carport and attractive stone front, choice 18--Male or Female 18--Mele or Female Help Wan Help Wanted two-storey I barn and. two $1,000 down 29---Automobiles For Sale < eR RN ai mena aN ss IS ip Crna een wma "Available immediately. TRICK. STREET -- Four-room bung with accepted, ment Saturday. Telephone 728-3038. "Port Perry 985-2336. THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA AND THE MUNICIPALITY OF OSHAWA REQUIRES TEACHERS FOR THE RETRAINING OF THE UNEMPLOYED Teach with good training and experience, with or without enerel aeiblificetions, will be required for the training program for the unemployed commencing Noy. 18th, 1963 and running for approximately 24 weeks. These courses will be held between the hours of 4:45 P.M, and 11:45 P.M. 5 days a week, THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTORS WILL BE REQUIRED 1, Academic Upgrading (Grade 7-8 Level) 2, Machine Shop Practice 3.-Retail Sales 4. Restaurant Service Interested persons should call or-write to MR. G. L. ROBERTS CO-ORDINATOR SCHEDULE "5" PROGRAM R. S. McLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE and VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE OSHAWA PHONE 728-9407 | L. GIFFORD, Mayor MR, G. K, DRYNAN, Q.C., Chairman | City of Oshawa Oshawa Board of Education & | 22--Offices, Stores, , Storage 25--Apartments _ tment, | itabie @ tor small car|SELF-contained three-room apar | © eee viens Mary and Connaught) private bath. Immediate _ possession. Street, $5. month. h._ Telephone 725-1945. $77.50 per month. Call W. Schatzmann, * = Realtor, 668-3338 | Whitby. STORE for rent, full basement, rear) entrance. Suitable, office space. Located| FURNISHED apartment, heated, suit bus Harwood Avenue North, Ajax. After 6 iness couple, downtown location, immedi- pm. Ajax 942-2933. ate possession. Apply Biack's Men"s WAREHOUSE space for rent, 3,000 feet,, Wear between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. two floors, truck level loading, $75 periBLOOR EAST, 131 -- Two-bedroom fur- month. Apply Mackie's Van and Storage, 'nished apartment. Private bath and en- ktd., 477 Bloor West. trance. Apply above address. 23--Wanted To Rent 26--Rooms For Rent MEATED garage wanted. Telephone 728-/ KiNG STREET WEST, 460 -- Large bed- 9456 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. |sitting- room, nicely forniste: al ane ole needs hous r apart-icold water in room, refrigerator, five eo heaiiee eioren. coe venry' and minotes to Shopping Centre. Apply above two months, Please 728-1133. | HOU = WANTED immediately, three - je--bus stop at door, prefer. oy Sans. be! egael cogent omar aaa Parking. Telephone 728-6890. pl Se eT OR 7 child re-| ADELAIDE, 118 -- Furnished room in RELIABLE "temily with one seni 'on or Clean, quiet private home, parking space. Muisee. 'November 30, To be transferred| 8. week. Telephone 720-0260. _ from Peterborough. Write Box 226, Osh-|AjAX,-- warm, furnished bedroom near awa Times. beg ing centre, T Alax 942-3404 BUSINESS EXECUTIVE transferred te Oshawa. Couple only desires to rent|comfortable room. Suit gentleman. prior to November sa grog six- room| phone 723-2172. unfurnished house, north, east or wes LARGE b nero Suitable 120. right "room, furnished. Suita ganeniy ern weite Bon 224 "ounawa| fr pensioner or business lady. Apply 674 Tene ane Shakespeare Avenue. Telephone 728-9394 |OLIVE AVENUE, 573 -- Small bright 24--Houses For Rent room. Day worker preferred. Telephone] room, built-in gentleman. Tele- -- | 723-1832. ORONO -- five-room house. | For further! eURWISHED room for genllemen, information, phone Orono --..| Johnston avenue. 725-8417 THREE- bedroom home. Suit couple or] <SmpiETELY furnished ~~ housekeeping small family. Hebel + raphe wishes | room, 'oom. Suit lady or gentleman. Avail- to room and board wi jabie Immediately. Telephone 725-4693 Telephone 723-4156. pia or "house, oll heat,| | NICELY furnished | room for. dady or girl, 7 500 sf rd optional. Rossland and Simcoe heavy duty wiring, we rh district. Bus stop a door. Tele- nei lg |phone 725-1032 TWO ROOMS, completely furnished for. light housekeeping, including stove, re- frigerator and television. Central. One \Tek two. working adults only. $15 weekly T 725-5227. 217 small baby. Apply 451 Bloor East. bath, oi) heating supplied, one . child Pi $75. month. Shown by appoint- 25 A rtme MARY STREET -- North end, spacious} pa nts |well furnished bedroom, quiet home, two MODERN apartment, two-bedroom, main jbathrooms, parking, oe accommo- floor, heated, $110. per month. for 4, Near After 6 p.m. 725-5085. |monthly with THREE-ROOM apartment with private|Mearns . Avenve, bath, suitable for business or re. red) ville 623-2837. couple. Heat, hydro, TV. outlet and Park @inBONS STREET -- ing supplied, $65. month. Phone 728-7871. |e.) suit gentlemen. One light house- FHREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, pr keeping, one bedroom, in modern home, vate bath. 'Immediate possession. $65 refrigerator, stove, parking. 725-5794. monthly. Apply 7 Bond East, Apt. Ce LARGE bright room, | completely | furnish- TWO-BEDROOM apartment. Heated. Im-'ed for light housekeeping. Central. One mediate ee by ie Grove, $75. ! working adult only, $10. weekly. Tele- monthly,. Phone 725- phone 725-5227. THREE-ROOM liad aparinnet Private| FURNISHED front room, bath, refrigerator, range and TV outlet, Suit gentleman. All conveniences. parking, near north General Motors. stainer only. Telephone 725-7401. Adults only. Dial 728-9197. ; -- Ena A a tree! North, 8 a jive-room | "ATTACTIVELY | ®oariment,. nk ee FURNISHED ROOMS including private bath. Pri- vate entrance. Hot water. Available in private home. Apply above! address. eee Bee THREE-ROOM Leake aby ch agagar ee Call between 5 and 7 p.m. furnished. Clean and warm. arking, | heavy duty wire. Atlts, abstainers.| 82 PARK RD. N. liable | | i o = e 728-867 | THREE-BEDROOM apartment, close to schools, churches and shoving area. Se po pind bo |27--Real Estate For Sale BARGAIN! A real family, two-storey treet South, three-room un-| home with four-bedrooms, 1'%2 baths, din- eptcnes, gy apartment, * private|ing room, carport, large area for re- le pre-;creation room. This home is centrally fortes, $88 monn, Telephone 7239063." |located near St. Gregory's. Call. Earle a os ar {Allen 725-7782. iM apartment, str: Haas ROOM ar pakiment. sire central.,107 ACRES, parily wooded with trout ly located. Refrigerator, stove supplied. stream, springs and duck ponds, Possi- Absteiners. After 6 p.m. or Saturdays|Dilities for park estate,-etc., '4 mile off 725-5676. |7A Highway. Low down payment. N. Mairs, RR 1, Phone Black- ARTHUR Y STREET -- Th - Two-rooms, bath, |stock 986-4492. en =" PAUL RISTOW possession. Telephone Whitby 668-2361 | REALTOR or 723-2925. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE RITSON ROAD SOUTH -- Centrally io cated, three-ropm. apartment. Private en- trance. Available now. Adults | A three bedroom, full range clay brick bungalow with oversize kitchen needing a Telephone 728-3898. BEATTY AVENUE Two-room apartment with garage. Share bath, Tele-| phone. 728-7035. | handyman's touch at the low "price of $10,500 with $4- 500 down and payments of $65 monthly, Immediate pos- session. TIRED OF COMMUTING says the owner. Reduce the price of our well kept brick bungalow to $12,900 and let me move to Toronto. Don't forget fo mention three airy bedrooms, Sunset Heights lo- cation and large lot. Call to- day. MORE FOR LESS ~ $1,500 down. Storey and a half brick with large gar- age, new furnace and new wiring. Very clean. Full price $8,500 With on¥ low monthly payment. ATHABASCA BEAUTY Watch your wife's eyes light up when she' sees this home with natural stone front and attached garage, Hollywood style kitchen, broadioomed living room, three extra large bedrooms and five piece bath. A prestige home at $19,800. WARREN AVE, Two and If storey well kept brick hom with double garage. Hard to beot at $3,000 down and one mort- goge at $80 monthly. Call Tom Huzor at 728-9474 or 728-5422 evenings. Financial Trade Bidg: 187 King Ss. E. in <7 $25, breakfast. Trejball, 3 Telephone Bowman- Centre. | "Two furnished "very central. Ab- Nestleton. Regency Towers One -- two bedroom apart- ment, stove, _ refrigerator, drapes. Laundry facilities, etc. CALL 728-1544 -THE DIPLOMAT New fuxurigus apartments. Conrtolled entrance, modern lobby. Air conditioned halls ith broadiqam. Laundry room on each fibbr. Apply 340 Marland A oe 111. or 3. Phone 728- WHITBY CLASSIFIED DRESSMAKING: 'Suits, coats, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Toms, 668-2372. dresses, Fitting a specialty. Mrs. | PRIVATE tuition by yraduate of *he Uri versity of London, England in Letin, E \- glish, al arr Yor adults, Telephone 663-3864. 190M for five gentlemen in comfortable sme. Close to downtown area. 117 Euclid Stree", 668-8512. BEDROOM set, biond: chest, dresser,| 1 table crib, continental bed, like . 668-3498 between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.| sapric tanks cleaned, prompt service on, calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chesnut Street West, ity. 668-2563. FOR RENT: Completely separate apart- ment, 3 bedrooms, dining room, large Adults After' living room. Private driveway. preferred. Available December 1. 4 p.m, telephone 668-5413. FOR RENT: Three-room apartment, heat- od, Contin Telephone Whitby 668-3715. 4 'ENT -- Furnished room, clean a uke Private, home, gentiemen pre- Telephone 668-8649. @ast end location, high quality with low bedroom |boards. Close to North General- Mofors,|° ing. garage. $1500 down, Call L. S$. Snel- grove Co. Ltd., 7238iv. 100-ACRE FARM. Will trade for small- er property. Black loam land. Six-room frame house. Large barn. Creek, near Saintfield. Port Perry 985-2985, KASSHABOG LAKE; furnished cottage, laghs Sand beach, Best offer over $3800. McKellar, Lakefield ache raigare sale income property at King Street West, Bowmanville. Pay ty 44 ft, x 165 tf. two stores, two six-room apartment. Must be sold to settle estate. Call Bowmanville 623-5975 or 623-5938, |EWOICE jocation In north west area, close to schools, bus and shopping centres. Colonial style, split levs! featuring. Large four-piece tiled bath finished recreation room and bar. Seiling with living room, dining room, rec. room drapes included. 1200 sq. feet and asking: reasonable. price af $16,900: Phone 723-9102. MODERN, ; three-bedroom m home, dining room, . four-piece: bathroom with vanity, residential area, north-west. Oshawa. One mortgage, asing $17,000. Phone 728-6850) or apply 833 Glenbrae Sireet. OPEN BONUS $240 DOWN TO yen 6%4% 'N.H.A. MTGE NEW NHA Bungalows -- stone fronts, clay brick (no semis) hood and electric clock --~ sodded front and fear large lots -- Carries $99 monthly interest, principal and toxes, $240 down -- 3 bedroom $13,290. $290 down--3 bedroom and garage, $14,540. $792 down --. 4 bedroom, split 1% baths. $14,940. Located in Whitby--All_ ser- price at. only. $14,775, payments with good mortgage. Please contact rela peg tre daytime at Schofleld- Ltd., Realtors; 723-2265, evenings Easy rae PRIVATE SALE Large lakefront, all gas heat- ing, 3 piece bath, 3 large bedrooms, open __ fireplace, sandy beach, 50 ft. frontage. Ideal for a large family. All cash required, Reasonable for quick 'sale, Also Smaller cottage, gas heated. Income home, rents for $55 monthly, All cash to a $1500 mortgage. acres tor garden. Asking with bn nd full a Fred Cook Reaitor. Call jestieton © 986-4894. Nesbitt, N PRIVATE SALE -- si down payment; . also South, side door. business with two small stores. Apply 184 Simcoe house, low utes to BROOKLIN $14,500 Brick veneer ranch type six rooms, oil heat, Twindow win- dows, oak and tile floors, high divided basement, acres with trees on hill with view, ample water supply, just off paved highway, 15 min- Oshawa. two N.H.A, akan euadaua near GM south plant, $12,600. carries for $89. zoned commer: flexible. Tindall Real Estate. T 25-0429 brick bungalow, monthly, principal, taxes. Call 728-5222. interest and COMMERCIAL five-room storey and a half, olf heating, downtown $5,600. Street, 668-5765. area only. Realtor, 28 residence, W. McAuley, Prince 723-2512 or Whitby: SIMCOE STREET NORTH room brick, two an" If Got ci conveniences, oak and ti » lot 76x) 9 124 ft, cial, $15,000, terms 1957 BUICK automatic, A-1 condition. Phone before 6 p.m. 728-3444, 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, |Condition, $695. Whitby 1963 CHEVROLET rope 409 = cubic inch engine, ith radio, 0 oa fan st i paalreee A po. ; new, $65 each. en f OIL furnace, "Chi forced sir, excellent condition. ay "Apel 24 lie sau Street, : four: Telephone 725-2604 after 6 p.m. dition, 50 miles per gallon, good second car. Best car. Best offer 723-7381. crane NES BN EN SO en-|1962 CORVAIR Monza, automatic, fully sone Private. . Telephone Ajax = CHEVROLET Mpa two-door hard- 'ad! 1961 PRINZ NSU, private sale, good con- Ps WASHER wringer, room divider » gin nt ogg ge Rooiy ne Wil Road South. FOR Fog lt 1 pr. wall-to-wall CS Saati Sao a hat a asa ahs suite, wainut, 8 pieces, breil condition, Reasonable. Tolephons : ~<* invesTOR'S opportunity, inity, $9,900. full asking price for double dwelling, six! jg, rooms each, sel: comained with private entrances and tull basement, ciose 'o Jp town, Act fast for this one, Call Ossie) -- Martin, 728-9714 or 728-7377, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. . top Beautiful saddle, tan finish, Like new. Best offer. 723-7970. 1961 PONTIAC, tw "hardtop gear shift, radio, whitewalls, like new. Must sell, accept trade. 728-5179, 1983 CADILLAC $395; $895. 369 Drew, 725-8132. mortgage, Early p Lylia M. McBrien Real Estate Broker Brooklin, 655-4971 HOUSE Kingsmere Gardens King Street E. to Missionary _ College, south two blocks to Model. Homes on Gatineau Street 1P.M. 'TIL6 P.M. Built by Hogenboom Construction Sold by JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR TELEPHONE 728-737 TELEPHONE AJAX 942-0205 in West Hill. Only a few available at the prices. Coll Gerry Hill AM 7-9712., Monderhill Real Estote Ltd. BROWNING STREET Apple Hill District immaculate three bedroom bungalow in this desirable location, close to all schools. Family size kitchen, large living room with new broadloom, this home is complete in every detail including aluminum storms nad screens, large landscaped lot, paved drive. Listed'at only $13,900 with terms. Call Wes. Elloitt ot 723-1133, evenings 728-0581. CARL OLSEN, REALTOR 299: KING ST. WEST 723-1133 ACT NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE Build your Brick Bungalow ONLY $199 DOWN Lots available West, East and South Areas. SAVE $800 Including Government Winter Works Bonus of $500. Call Bill Millar or Harry Bates TELEPHONE 725-1186 W. T. Lamson Real Estate Limited $1,000 down -- - lawn, etc, All 'this 195, balance on mortgage. "CHOICE" -is the alow, large living family size dining drive, hot heating, close to Central ond Holy Cross walking distance town. See Asking only $12, water well DOWNSVIEW Electrically heated Blok Construction, lot electric ports, ded, storms doors, awa. If you didn't time this week. LOTS 63' x 114' -- lot street, all $4,000, choice Downsview Park, lots in suburbs, ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY ! Free Paved Drives To All Buyers through NOVEMBER 3rd., 1963 See These Exceptional Values This Weekend BUILT BY - ARMSTRONG & SONS es Designs With A mazing Features--Consisting Of N orden Kitchens with Post Formed Tops O vens Built In and Copper Tone Hood Fans Over Built-In Stove ie Style - Two Storey -- or Split Level A omes of Comfort and Elegance (at a price to suit your pocket). wn Your Own "MANOR" irrored Sliding Doors Over Vanity In Tiled Bathroom With Colored Fixtures M E xquisitely Decorated liding Glass Doors To Porch: Sodded fronts and sides: Storms and Screens In Two Highly Recommended Residential Areas: "IKKINGSMERE GARDENS & HILLSDALE TERRACE" DOWN PAYMENTS FROM $1,310.00 AND N.H.A. FINANCING For Immediate Attention Call 728-6286 323 KING STREET-WEST OSHAWA Dick Barriage Ken Hann PRINTING Well established stock and machi age. Mony extras A REAL MONEY M double cabins. and cottage for owner, shed and work shop. 7 ROOM--2 STOR residential district. LOWELL AVENUE brick bungalow in to school and bus. overlooking a creek ed area. Custom ago. 7 room split pe. show you today. ft. Full price $2,8 nace and large ki lots of cupboards. After 5 p.m. Zurbo Brown Peacock Leon Manitius Tony Siblock Roy Flintoff Steve Englert Lloyd Corson Dick Young Lucas Peacock Steve Irene Jean S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 MELROSE STREET on C.M.H.C. approval, 6 room bungalow, screens, vanity in ceramic til- ed bathroom, hooded exhaust fan' in kitchen, sodded front QUEBEC STREET this 5 room 2 bedroom bung- reation room, garage, paved landscaped, this one $3,600 down Payment -- balance on one mortgage. now under construction with 7 models to choose ftom, complete with walk-out base- ments, attached garages, car- completely lamp and screens, N.H.A, mortgages in the finest subdivision in Osh- these models on the weekend be sure to drop around some- services ond many more to choose from. Open Evenings Till Nine Dial 728-4678 Jack Osborne Bob Johnston GUIDE REALTY. 723-1121 BUSINESS new Heidelberg Press, have particulars call today. $19,500. North West Area -- Split level with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, wood kitchen with built-in stove and oven, attached gor- This home is located on a Street of beautiful homes and is worth your inspection, THE RIGHT PARTY -- 4 at Oshawa on the Lake, Very comfortable. 5 room insulated HOME -- Excellent location close to bus and school, few blocks from downtown, Quiet able area. Hol'ywood kitchen ond 3 large bedrooms, Close EXECUTIVE HOME -- Situa- ted on a beautiful property, present owner just 4 years attached garage and paved drive. 3 generous bedrooms, 4 tiled beth and 2 pc. powder room. Living room has stone fireplace. Let us this fine home GLIDDON AVENUE -- Just recently listed a 2% storey brick with 3 bedrooms and lorge kitchen. Gorage and Boone drive. Full price $11,- BANFF AVENUE --~ Excel- lent building lot 50 x 110 BRUCE STREET -- 2 storey brick with privote basement with oil fur- dining room, Full 10;- 500, ull price $10; For full particulars call 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S, possession large storms, for $14,- 1 NGHLA. word for room ond room, rec- with oil Collegiate Schools, to down- today. 900 with PARK homes by 10 homes sod- post, storm get to see -- paved Prepaid, lots. in 10 acre Joe Maga including All nes. We large Holly- included. AKER FOR 3 singles also tool EY BRICK -- 5 room this desir- and wood- built for level with CEMENT BUILDING, show room, living quarters, Suitable for any fine of business, On highway in vil- lage with large lot. Priced to sell. Write BEAU VALLEY -- 3-bedroom -shaped| living - dining room, family, siz sized naene jarge clothes closets, panelled recreation room with stone fireplace. Private sale. T 723-1 36 x 125 feet, Box 324, Oshawa Times. IMMEDIATE possession, five- room brick bungalow. North section, ex- cellent area. Call Douglas J. M. Builied, 723-4391. Realtor, BOLAHOOD BROTHERS JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LLOYD A. P. BOLAHOOD, F.R.I. LIST WITH US THEN CALL YOUR MOVER GRIERSON ST. $12,900 room brick home with garage. Situated on a well landscaped lot, 53' x 122'. Down payment $2,000 and just one monthly payment of $75. Act now. Call Mr. Irwin Cruikshanks ot 728-5123 or 728-5205. SACRIFICE Genuine bargain, if | ever sow one. Five roomed brick neot as a pin. Landscaped, garage. $9,500 full price. Terms. Mr. Charles Rankine ot 728- 5123. Six Business WE MEAN BUSINESS ON THIS ONE Cities-Oldest-Established Bot- tery-Generator-Starter Auto Upholstery service. All equip- ment-vehicles-stock, | whole- sole country routes, Major city accounts. $1.000 per month net profit and loss statement. Doctor says own- er must quit. Call Mr. "Jim- my" Love for all particulars ot 728-5123 or 725-2045. BUILDER SAYS "SELL" 6 large room brick and stone, new jalow in north- west section, attached gar- age, 12 x 24 feet, natural stone © fireplace, completely decorated, over 1,300 sq. ft. of living spoce, basement plumbed in extra 2 pc. bath. Large lot, worth over $20,- 000. Now selling for only $18,500. with aopproximate- ly $4,000 down, Call Mr. Jack woe ot 728-5123 or 723-3398 Bolahood Brothers Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening 29.--Automobiles For Sale 1961 CHEVROLET Biscayne 4-door sedan, 6 cylinder, standard transmission, radio, washers, two-tone, twenty-four thousand miles, excellent condition. Phone 723-9245. 190 CARAVELLE "sports coupe, radio, heater, 2 tops, winterized. Must be. sold within week, Make offer. Telephone! 725-3073. $ ALL CASH $_ For clean cars or trucks we deal up or down, Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 1963 PONTIAC PARISIENNE HARDTOP Fully equipped, V-8 Consol, bucket seats. 5,000 miles, »$3295. PHONE 725-7292 After 4 P.M. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM ran.. B.-A, Lo pis in Road and King 723-4733 and °723- 7712 00. drive, tchen has Separate KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality, 1955 CHEVROLET, best offer. Can be seen at 312 Annapolis Avenue. 1956 PONTIAC é-cylinder, standard. Good condition. ._ Telephone 728-7156. 1955 CHEVROLET sedan. Good shape, 6 hy ai Standard, $325. 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian, 6-cylinder power steering, radio, etc. Excellent condition, $2100. or nearest offer. 723-1288. 1957 CHEVROLET Ve-ton pick ats truck, $600. After 6 p.m. _telephone 187. 1961 "CORVAIR "Monza, white xi red In- terior, bucket seats, automatic, Telephone 1958 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio. No reasonable offer refused. 142 Albert Street after 5. ONE-OWNER 1962 CORVATR, 'Maroon, four condition. Placa laadad Pt GUNS! 32 special Winchester, "#4 model, , one-year-old, new, * Savage Fox doit, beg ia V&s|good condition, 41 sence heater a 0 Therm wih mt cond Heats five xcellent 1958 Oldsmobile ton, Also 200 gallon oll tank. 725-6057. tires and TIRES (two), 650 ee aw bagege snow" wheels for $25. See at 166 Oshawa Bivd, an . RANGE, Admiral, heavy electele \nee, 30", four burner, vty las Guonest a ch CHEVROLET. Best offer. Telephone) street, SPACE A HEATER "Bus Therm with aulo-e matic on' Heats five rooms. Ex . Also 200 gation oll tank. IDEAL for cottage, enamel finish coal space heater with 25 ft. of vent pipe." Telephone Whitby 660-4 668-4984, FOUR piece crib set, good condition, ie cluding crib, child's dresser, chest of. drawers, night _ Matched, natural finish. Whitby, 668-3769, HI-LO trailer at scat price; also 2 Traveirite tent trailers at cost price, hone 725-4920. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, ai estimates. Parts, attachments, hoses. Guaranteed rebullt ma- chines. 'Rentals. Wallace Vacuum, Service, Call anytime 728-0591. door, fully $1750. After 6 p.m. Telephone 728-6973. 19%3 CHEVROLET impala convertible, white with red interior, mission. Best offer. Telephone 725-1262. 1956 OLDSMOBILE, automatic, good con- dition, clean. inside and out, many extras. $250 or best offer. Apply 35 Hall Street, | 728-5386. 1955 CHEVROLET station w wagon, , A-l con dition; also 2 snow tires, 284 Oshawa Bivd. South, telephone 725-9738, 1957 VOLKSWAGEN, completely _ over- hauled, new paint job. Will give guaran- tee. Price $560. Apply Zolton and Nick's Fina Garage, 160 Simcoe South, 728-0051. 1954 NASH Aribasaador, apxcellent condi tion, $175. Telephone 7: 1957 CHEVROLET wei four - door sedan, radio, white wails. Must be seen|- to be appreciated. Best offer. 728-7806. hardtop, V-8, automatic, offer. Telephone 728-2260. radio. Best 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, original owner, new paint job. Good condition. $595. Whitby 668-8340, 1955 FORD fair body, standard trans) 1957 CHEVROLET Bel-Air four - door! sso, HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appliances. Name brands at biggest d where. We carry Restonic and Beverly- mattress furniture lines. Your authorized: GE dealer, Contact Honest Cal's on 424 King Street, West, our new home Avalon vance Hall, T lephone 728-9191. TYPEWRITERS, adders, sales, service,' rentals and supplies. All machines nr anteed. -Cook's Office "oe Richmond Street East. TELEVISION tower special 40-. struc. ture, including all channel antenna, in-' stalled and guaranteed by experts witty 10 years experience, $50. Trio Television... Telephone 728-6781, ; WE buy, 'sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have. The City' Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street) South and 31 Bond Street East, 723-1671, 4 TV TOWERS i @ 7 tower struc ture with all channel antenna installed,' Oshawa TV Supply Ltd, 361 Gibbons' Street. 728-8180. BUYING or selling furniture or appil- ances. Call Emer, Hampton 263 gil 263-2695, ;| SKATES, el ane used, Pay and ex good condition, $200 cash or best offer. . Tele- phone 728-4526. 1960 CHEVROLET, Biscayne, two-door, with all. accessories, turquoise finish. Very reasonable. Telephone 723-9: _ town, Open' Lar, ais, rh orl Cycle, 204 Bond MISS A. HALL, 50 Adelaide © 1, Osh. awa, Ontario. if Ba) will on at the ¢ dvertising Department of 1952 CHEVROLET four-door, tires. In very good condition. hey a Warren Avenue. 1962 CHEVY i, convertible, while with red interior, one owner, private sale, im- maculate, Cali after six, 723-2747. DOC'S AUTO SPEED and Custom, 24 Prince Street. One stop auto accesso ries, chrome goodies, speed equipment, from Volkswagen to Cadillac, meTHN bas 5 and 'November 2. The Oshawa Times Classified Adver- tising Department 9 om. '5 p.m. Monday. PEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, duplix' drag ges best offer. Owner Bowmanville 623-3277. 1961 BEDFORD truck, good condition, extra pair of snow tires, $500. deceased. 623-3480. 1961 AUSTIN Cambridge, radio. $900 or Telephone} S¢! ele- phone Bowmanville 623-5654. After 6 p.m. Cators, chequewriters, three hundred new and used, We buys, sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office Equip ment, 137 Brock South' Whitby. GO HUNTING with hunting supplies Dominion Tiret Guns, ammunition, ing, etc. Best prices in town. Try Do. minion Tire Store, 48 Bond West. / 9 cubic ft. 1955 "PLYMOUTH 4-door in fair condition for $95. Telephone 723-1624. rf aa gg $95, good condition, ater 1961 AUSTIN 850 station wagon. Vi clean, low mileage. After'5 p.m. Hampton 263-2364, ery Very economical. 725-1684, cen aomaaoal Pract 18 hp Evinrude 1988 BUICK hardtop, Power equipped, whitewalls, . extra snow tires, winterized, must sell, private, 668-5152. automatic, radio, beryag ard Bronte. ler, $950. Pepe si : sell, good used. furniture and, lappliances, One location only. care |Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. 1959 OL E 88, 'Ss Car, automatic, one owner, new tires, rea good used car. Telephone 725-5415, excellent condition, Telephone 7: cellent mechanical condition, good bod: price $495.- Bill Whitby 668-5871. 4-door, automatic, good tires, very good) jmechanically, newly painted. Best offer. | Financing can be arranged.' 723-9591. |1958 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, first class!" condition, 35,000 miles, Used as second car. Telephone 725-3744, 1948 CHEVROLET, A-1 motor, good tires, |good body, $85. Telephone 723-9919. 15 | Fairbanks Street. 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, avto- matic, power steering, radio, beck belts, 23-2828. 1990 CHEVROLET, four door sedan, ex ly and tires, original 49,000 miles. Asking Whittick Motors Ltd EXCEPTIONALLY good 1957 Chevrolet, j|STEEL sash, used, Various sizes, some with glass and some without glass, $5 $5 10° $10 each. 0 each. Telephone Whitby 668-8571, ANO, upright, in good condifion. ORY, Wilson Road South. TYPEWRITERS, one Portable, one stan- dard, also electric standard typewriter, Electric adding machine, scale, meat slicer, very reasonable. Terms. * MATCHED set of diamond wedding. rings original price boda Aube take $125 or best offer. Appraised. 728-3539 LADY'S biack seal coat perfect condi- Ll re navy blue overcoat, weight, men's fall ae pay tinings: Reasonable COAT, arts red pile eae tas x, Good condition. aoe | 1960 « CHEVROLET, 2-door standard trans- |mission. Reasonable. Telephone Whitby, (280. -- both in good SAM Ril Toltonone 723-2886. % ag vais GUN, 303 British rifle, and or cart, $40. H. Stapleton, Newtonville. : | 1961 CORVAIR sedan In good. condition, with all the accessories, Phone Port Perry 985-7185 after 6 p.m, 1955 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, standard, good ae After 6 p.m. call Brooklin 655- PRIVATE SALE: Complete iornhiore for two bedrooms, living room Including fire- refrigerator, table and te cool- ing chest, 2 gal. Thermos, gal, size, bridge table, four Bp dl Jaa pans, toys and many other | Any- Fae CHEVROLET, good condition, radio, {new battery, $350. Telephone 723-3306. |1955 BUICK, in good condition, two-door hardtop whitewall tires. Radio and back |speaker, $350 cash. also 1958 Triumph;=-- | motor B be 500 twin. Good tires, $195 cash, lephone 728-8364 or 733 items. thing you are wanting tall and ask. Tele Phone 725-3621. " RANGE, one year old, deluxe, 30", in bre agli Best offer. Telephone [seca rh aft Tappan, model, ty, 8 ft. refrigerator, De Street. 1957 PONTIAC two-door, 1954 Chevrolet sedan, also 1955 Oldsmobile, hardtop, ali automatic. Call after $ p.m. Whitby 668-8031. 1963 CHEVROLET Belair 6 - ovine lephone 72: sedan, stick shift, $2650. Tel 4437 after 6 p.m. du Kanes Bry, 19591 model. implic' he er with clock. Also girl's feanage dresses, ote almost new. Telephone 725-8902. 8. F. GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, Bat teries, Kelvinator __ refrigerators, vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. ANTIQUE GUN WANTED Tel Oshawa 725-8183. 1962 CORVAIR, 2-door, 700 ser blue and white, automatic, radio, sgat belts, 2-speed wipers and \ eglpiad back up lights. Telephone 728-970: SECTIONAL kitchen cupboards, two two tops, 'one bottom, also kitchen set, four a ay and brown. All in good 1956 CHEVROLET sain wagon, V8, Son Good condition. Telephone} ne: Apply 107 Brock Street ers |TABLE SAW, Beaver, 8-inch, two 2i-inch 1957 PONTIAC | station wagon, 2-door, good condition. $500 or best offer. Teles ---- phone 725-4333, 31---Automobile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE table, sewl end table. 728-8850. ee FURNACES, oil, gas, space heaters, three - piece baths, $45; sinks, $4; laun- dry tubs. Pressure systems, --, mo- tors, trailers, Christmas trees. H. Chinn, corner 'Park k Road and Hiltside DINING ro -- 1 suite, mahogany, bi buffet, and SERVICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220; Wentworth East. 725-1181, chairs, excellent pte $150. Tele, phone 728-5205. ¢ What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture and appliances. For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or cali at the store 16% Bond W. pct ee hers lt SFR MAE ACT OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, Ling -- Street, ery cars for wreck- ing. 725- .62 or 723-4245, BUYING OR SELLING TED .CAMPIN MOTORS -- 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 call 728-0569 725-3867 725-4330 725-8568 725-4362 725-3454 728-5581 723-2537 723-7183 725-4330 VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-0921 32--Articles for Sale REFRIGERATOR Frigidaire, F cubic foot. Two chenille egg cing pink, for twin beds. Telephone 7: 25-6168. DRAPES, two pair beige backgr« background, for large picture window, $35. Danish modern a built-in tables, brocade, $85; match- ing. lamps, $15; white cotton rug, 13' x 1, $25. After 5 p.m. 728-8837, TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and. Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St, Winter Wreaths now available' MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK 723-2633 LAST CALL EVERYTHING Must Go This Week 15 FT, BOAT completely i , 40 H.P. electric paring BiB or nearest offer. 14 FT. FIBRE GLASS BOAT Reg, $895. .. NOW $565. Entire stock reduced below cost. OSHAWA Marine & Service 1180 Simcoe N., Oshawa 728-0031 (Continued on Page 18) ak