Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Nov 1963, p. 14

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se core Sc is aE iE i il cE i ei IF " 'YQ 'THE COHAWA TIMES, Eoturdey, November 2, 1963 mit some public discussion, Mr. ~ WEEK'S NEWS IN REVIEW | Saigon Coup Climax sn "3 é of the late humorist Cow Prices Dip |Gerdom Asks Fareed onl reget fo, | A St k Experts For _ [te ststoment tat George Heer| BY THE CANADIAN PRESS | 920% qq ary, Henle V d h ; t ft Stockvards See Raion diane OTTAWA. (CP) -- Shar ty » was active on all classes afidjodd sales to 16.50; medium 14-|tion is key AF ligase ue Bagels thas pen i rele a eel ee tea Nations with complete. nd death statistics Montreal -- Prof. John Culli.jonly about 35° per cent formet Conservative trade min-/ New York -- Elsa Maxwell,|g9, British actor in the Budget Help TORONTO (CP) -- Trading|good 22-24; good cows 15-16 with including royal KEEP sTaxwnecs grades at the Ontario public/15; canners and cutters 10-13.50; |tions and individuals to offer and "we would like to sée himlAmerican: of & heart ailment |p ton, a protege and close world's popillation. * ds this week. good heavy bologna bulls 18-/budget suggestions before Jan.|} ok someday." go were Dasliy steady on|18.50 with odd tops to 19; comt/31 was issued 'Thursday night ------ : '@) e 10 e S good and choice grades of|mon and medium 14-17.50, by Finance Minister Gordon. | waayrcanmt New Zoaisnd - By JIM PEACOCK Cuuolen Pree beat Welter Coup tn South Viet Nam fighting in Morocco space ship aloft : Violetice wag reported from , whose regime has been criticism for suppres- its. Unconfirmed reports said id been ousted and bis brother Ngo Dinh ed Heavv fighting was reported efound Diem's palace. U.S. officials in Washngtor éalled it a coup of "real pro ns." A tebel radio broadcast said the armed forces had seized conttol of Saigon and Cholon. 3t éalied on Diem and Nhu to @urrender peacefully or be Killed. FRESH BATTLE King Hassan Il of Moroso Prerident Alimed Ben of Algéfia met in Mai i y and by Wednesday wight had negotiated a cease« fifé--to go into effect at mid- night Friday nighi--in their 1 conflict which began 8. Bat on Friday, as the two Waders returned home ex- @PESSing satisfaction with the s agreement, Hassan veported Algerians had at- tacked the Moroccan town of wig, killing men, women children, civilians and military. Hassan orderéd his troods to withdraw, sayitig Morocco 'would abide by the ceasé-fite . ment and not fight back. he stressed that Figuig had at no tifie figured in the border dispute. SPACE SHIP UP Less thati a week after So- viet Premier Khrushchev said the USS.R, was abandoning thé face with the U.S. to put @ien on "he nidon, the Soviet Union annhouficed it has si A Hew space Ship. , ca'led I, was in orbit and could mafidetivte in all diree- tions. A few houfs later, Khrush- @hév said in a speéch that he would iook with greater 'warmth on spate co-operation With the United States if inter- ational tensions eased. "Kt was with. considerable Siacest that we studied Pres- : Kenmedy's proposals for project in a manned 6 the moon," he said. eé would have nothing < : ahd Amenca ifig sich a project." Moscow radio des*ibed the g@nmanned. space ship, which contains controls enabling it to move in such a manner it @oiild be moved a'ongside an- Other éGfaft in space, as an "important step for farther @tady and exploration of the otemos." GOVERNMENT SURVIVES The miiority Liberal" gov @mament survived three hon ice votes in the House @ mons in Ottawa. : JUSTICE MINISTER CHEVRIER HAROLD C. BANKS An opposition offensive against the govertiiérit'é de- fence policies, and especially against the agreement with the U.S, {0 acquire nuclear warheads for Canadian forces, fizzled ott Tuesday night. A motion brought by the Credi- tistes was béaten 210 to 27. Then a Conservative motion lost 155 to 85. On Wednesday, the Con- servatives tried to kill key tax proposals in the government's economi¢ progfam, bit this test of confidencé was béaten 1% to 78. BANKS CHARGED Justice "Minister Chevrier told the Conimons Thursday that President Hal C, Banks of the Independent Seafarers' International Union of Canada has been charged with crim- inal conspiracy in connection with a briital beating of a waterffont foe six years ago. Other charges were being considered, he said, both against Banks and the SIU, for an iegal walkout last week over the govérnment's imposition of a trusteeship over five maritime wridiis, in- cluding the SIU, in an effort f6 halt Great Lakes labor violence. Meanwhile, reports that SIU membérs had walked off Ca- nadian ships in U.S. and Ca- nadian lake ports proved un- founded. The goverfiment's three trustees wére feported Thurs- day to have taken control of the spending of funds by all five unions involved in the: trusteeship. In Chicago, 4 gtain workers union local was ordered té pay $26,500 in fines for refusal té load a Canadian fréighter manned by members of the Canadian Maritime Union (CLO), an SIU rival. @2 KILLED It was opening night for an ice shOw in Indianapolis Thursday night and 6,000 per- 80S were in the arena Watch- ing the finale when a ex- plosion rocked the building. Concrete slabs ag large as pianos were hurled through the crowd and bodies flew on to the ice. Sixty-two persons were killed and 385 injured. orld briefs: Three miners trapped deep inside a flooded miné at Broistedt, West Ger- many, for eight days were brought to the surface Friday through @ rescue shaft and all were reported well. : . . Three Africans were hanged Friday in Pretoria, South Africa, the first executions for sabotage under newly-amended South African law. . . , Meanwhile, . 10 persons atcused by the South Afri¢an government of plotting vielent revolution were ordered to stafid frial Nov. 12, although a judge ear- lier had quashed similar charges against them, saying the government failed to give sufficient details of the charge. . . . President Ken- _nedy said Thursday the U.S. plans to keep intact its six fighting divisions in West Ger- many "as long as thete ig a need for them." , . . The U.S. arrested four a. includ- ing two memb of the So viet Union's United Nations Mission, aceuséd them of bée- ing involved in a Russian spy- ing operation in New Jersey, held two--one an Ameri¢an, the other a Russiari--for trial and 6fderéed the other two, along with a third methber of the Soviet's UN mission, to leave the country, . . . Cotti- munist China said Friday the Chinese Air Force had shot down a U.S.-made U-2 high- altitude reconndaissaneée plane, belonging to Nationalist China, when it intruded over the Hua Tung near Shatighai. A special session of the leg: fslature that sat after the shortest speéch from the throne in Oftario history adopted after two days of de- bate a bill that will enabie On- tario municipalities to obtain a share of Parliament's $400,- 000,000 municipal development and loan fund Intermittent' showers: acrés# the province late in the week failed to ease a efitical drought situation that hag en- dangered milk supplies, this season's and next year's crops and turned once lusn pasture lands into parched fields, Weather officials said Aes pérately heeded steady--arid heavy--rain is not in sight. An Ontario Siipremé Cotift trial of ffatid and. céfspiraéy charges against Mrs, Bridget O'Haré, widowed owner. of O*H&re Construction Com- pany, and 'Tracy Swaftnian, 60, a former. department of highways engineer, was sus- pended until Dec. 2 in Hailey. bury after a jity was tnable to reach a verdict. Suspension of 2 Fora of Canada Oakville employees will be settled by arbitration following the decision to 4 800 members of the United Auto- mobile Workers of America (CLE) 16 énd a four-day stitike _. protested the siispéti- slaughter steers, heifers and yearlings and lower on common and medium grades. : Cow ptices were lower and bull prices were steady, Re- placement cattle were steady. Veal éalf prices were firm to higher on choice grades with lower grades no tter than steady. Hog prices were lower and lamb prices were higher. Cattle receipts were estimated at about 10,000 head, about 500 head less than last week and a little more fhan 800 fewer than the samie week in 1962. Western cattle réceipts totalled 205 heads compared with 227 jhead last week, Western stock calf , receipts numbered 1,116 head as Compared to 884 head Replacement cattle: Good to 30; medium 22-25; common 19-22; boners 14-18. He told the Commons he will stockers 24-26 with Sales tole sending the in 26.75; common and meditimling to seat atte ee stockers and stock calves 18-23\nadian Labor corer tg Reg with good steer Stock Calves uplgian Fedetation of Agric ture, Canadian Chamber of Comi- Calves: Choice vealers 31-34/merce, manufacturers, export: with odd sales to 37; good 26-30; ers and others. Annual submissions by these and by ary 'interested groups Hogs: Grade A 24.25-25.85; |indivicuals should be made be- heavy sows 15,90-16.35 with lightifore Jan. 31 to get on the rec. basis. lambs closing at 20; bucks dis- counted at $1 per hundred- wieght; sheep 3-10 according to quality; some feeder lambs at 19 per hundredweight. last week. There were nine cat- tle and 153 calves received from Montreal atid 18 cattle and 25 calves récéived from country polfits in Nova Scotia, There were no slaughter cattle shipped East nor exports off the market to the United States, Slaughter cattle: Choice steers sold at $24-25 with fancy feédlot steers to 25.80 and odd Single and small lots to 26; 00d 293-24; meditim 20-22.50; common 15-19; Choice heifers 23-24 with some sales to 24.50; g00d 21.50-22.50; medium 18-21; commion 14-17; choice fed yearl- ifigs 24-26 with odd tops 7h) sows gaining a $2 premium; |ord ahead of decisions involved stags 13.50 on a dressed weight|in the next budget. Hé spoke during detailed scru- Sheep and lamb: Lambs 15:/tiny of amendments to the In- 20 per hundredweight with. good ve Tax Act, . Early submissions would, per +<UR o alte Dax DANCE PARTY BOB MINNS & His ORCHESTRA fs aVIUOR ¥ Pg » (CP)=Northern New Zealand farmer W, G. ealf skins to telling him that the Bs from the skins had fallen $1 short of paying the freight on them and would he please pay up, The letter arrived in an un- stamped envelope on which Mr. --" had to pay double pos- ge. 18 HIGH FIGURE Canada's per capita gross na- tional product at $2,009 is topped only by that- of the United States at $2,791, DANCE TONIGHT Old Time - Modern ADMISSION--$1.00 KINSMEN BRING THIS SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE PASS To the FRIDAY, NOV. 8th KINSMEN SUPER CAR -BINGO- AT THE PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE Over $8 '00 in Prizes including 5 1964 Ford DeLuxe Sedon or Game. $1,900 Big Sriowball (57 nos.). $1400 Smoll $2,000 Gash. $1,000 Hi-Le TODAY and SUNDAY "THE OLD DARK HOUSE"--Plus "13 FRIGHTENED GIRLS" in Color SUNDAY SHOW STARTS All The Warmth of Young Romance! SPENCER'S MOUNTAIN 1 COLOR ~ With - HENRY FONDA MAUREEN O'HARA OPEN 1:30 P.M. MONDAY " Wonderful Wacky and Wild! "ISLAND OF LOVE" iN COLOR * With « ROBERT PRESTON TONY RANDALL BILTMORE '9 _ = Snowball (52 nos.) Plus $600 regula? gemes. $450 FREE DOOR PRIZES Don't forget to buy the economy pack for value end sove money. KINSMEN wpecial games. UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO ATTEND THE Sunday Service 11:00 A.M. SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER: OR. JOHN RICH, M.D., Ph.D., B.S., D.P.M, @ CHAIRMAN GF THE U. of T. COMMITTEE ON CHILD PSCHIATRY @ LECTURER AT QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY @ CONSULTANT TO THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF REFORM INSTITUTIONS ADDRESS: "POLITICS AND PERSONALITY" @ MUSIC BY THE FOLKSINGERS @ School Of Religion Classes 11 A.M. O.R.C. BUILDING--100 GIBB ST. O'NEILL C OLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM AGE 16 -- 20 See You... é¢When you're a builder, you have to be pro- gressive and practical. So I build what people want to buys I can see the day when most homes built will be Medallion all-electric homes with électri¢ heat. There are thousands now and more being built every day.99 66! talk to all kinds of people who are buying new homes. I find they prefer Medallion all- électri¢ homes, and the biggest reason for their preferetice is electric heating. They like electric heating because it provides more for their dollar.99 + AN i ey + f WALT DISNEY ,.. 20000 Leagues «ft <& FEATURE DAILY AT 2:10 4:30--6:55---9. BEST PICTURE OF THE YEARI AY PLAYING NIGHT 8 P.M. PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT ONLY! NIGHT 1.25 | ADULTS .. $1.50 75e |CHILDREN .. 75e SOnNY -- NO PASSES = DOORS OPEN 1 - 7 P.M. 6¢Flameless electric heating, you see, is safe and is the cleanest, quietest, most comfortable heating system. There's not a good wife in the World who doesn't like cleanliness and I don't know of any law that says heating 'systems should be noisy.99

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