Gi yi ee. Se gin Ratan ge gn gael ge iy alag oi & WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Pffice: 111 Dundas St. West. | CLINIC ON NOV. 4 ; Manager: John Gault Tel. 668-3703 2 The conti ian Red --Cross St eer cere: aes \cal shortage of blood in the a. . Mark's United Church will be the scene of the activity with) clinie hours running from 2 pm. to 4.30_p.m, and from 6.30 to 9 p.m. It is hoped at least 300 donors will register at the} clinic, At the present time, the need for blood .in the area is) critical. | Blood and 'blood by-products) jare used in hospitals: in acci-| dent cases; to control hemorr-' Need For Blood Said 'Critical' Blood Donor service will set up/sery; in an emergency clinic in Whitby} |Nov. 4 to help releave the criti-) tHanels Explained To Garden Club den Club, Mrs. hage; to combat shock; in sur- child birth; and to assist in burn cases. i fungus for their designs. | i WHITBY BOWLING NEWS ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST) MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE | Standings after October 38, | /1963: | Ups and Downs 7, 18; Pals 5, 16; Strikers 2, 16; Kor- ner Pins 2, 15; Hopefuls 7, 15;| Dodgers 5,. 13; Crackers 0, 10;| Hurricanes 0, 9. Triples over 550 Ladies: N. McCarroll 584 | Men: T. Stevens 738, T, Pierik) 1695, T. Kapuscinski 654, J. Mc- Carroll 639; F. Leblanc 625, A.| John D. Millar, president of |Goverde 605, M. Kolsteren 503, the Quarter-Century Club of . vitae 7 H. Forbes 567, Ontario, Missing when photo | Singles over 200 NEW MEMBERS RECEIVED IN CLUB Oscar Moore, president of the local branch of the Quarter- Century Club; Ward Bick, and Claude Ives. Front row (left to right): Dr. Walter H Weber, chief resident psychi- atrist, Alex MacGregor, and pins and letters of anprecia- tion from the Honorable Mathew Dymond, MD, MPP, were presented to the seven persons honored at the ban- quet. Back row (left to right): James Sheedy, Hugh Todd, Seveh new members of the Ontario Hospital's Quarter- Century Club were received into the ranks of the orzan ization at the annual member- ship banquet held at the Hos pital Wednesday night. Ciub Rain Dampens Spirit Of Area Halloween 'It's the same wagons over and over again," he said. "'We go out, call the fire department and put them out. "Then the officer is called away to another case and they haul the wagons back out onto) the road and set fire to them again 218, Car- 225, The first rain in 40 days camejthe sidewalk while her young as a mixed blessing last night -- page Page ay ' ; : : ut the kids were happy angie wi whos east sig cause it was Hallowe'en. i hart egy gh sig as Later' on in thé evening the 2 ? =; adult parties began to break up a gla search of a trick and the one-a-year-brand trans- vestite, the King Farouk, the But the rain was also a pre-\; fF kK or the Mae West. ventative. Town police in ail syiashed slowly home. area departments reported "an Many of these were just as extremely quiet night soggy on the inside as on the The Ontario Provincial Police outside, but they were hidden : did not completely agree with'), costume, and it was Hal . the "quiet night." By 4 a.m. igwe'en this morning they had investi-' The real damages and. losses gated close to 15 "pranks" in caused by revellers will take various areas throughout the/days to estimate, police believe. ee ; At 4 a.m. this morning, only; Most of these, it was jJearned. the obvious -- the fires -- were | were wagons carefully | catalogued. ; + placed on ges or beside) "Come back around eight or) \ liighways. The towns further to|so, after it gets light out," one "the north, Brooklin and Clare-|OPP Officer suggested. 'That's) _ ee mont were the scenes of the when the reports will come roll-. From Whitby, members pres- most subverse activity. ing in." ent-were: Mrs. Gilbert Drewers,| But Hallowe'en was a literal Despite weather conditions Mrs. R. A. Smith; Mrs. Gor- ' washout for the kids in' Whitby.'and the revelry of the night, no|\don McLean, Ms, William) jy | Any time after dusk, strag-jaccidents were reported by the Pellow, Mrs. Adefard Morin 30 Auto prodsbtinn . this ; ' oe Mjtes and were never ser-| gling little bands of moppets, OPP. and Mrs, Earl Wa ples. dbo They added|was estimated at 176,031, com- dressed in their satan suits and ; : ageful ; : | oe satiavane _" ot i at oe pr Pages 2 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ear} Ward, 105,@0ther goal in the second- and|pared with 181,418 last week with umbrellas and some with|'burning wagons" were de- Mary street west, fave return- four more in the third to win/and: 163,029 in the correspond-| polyethylene candy bags--could |stroyed ed from a three-week holiday./8°0E away. be seen slogging their way from' But the fact that 15 calls They attended the world series) vy oe gc ae Gat wo doe, were received by the OPP con-|in New York City, then visitea/Mar peers the winners lg Many of them were accom-|cerning these "pranks" is mis-i0 Philadelphia, Atlantic City, ea 7 yee er eee oe panied by an all-suffering moth-\leading, according to the offi-Washington. On their return | Qt % Mrave 0 er who stood patiently outside on|cer. trip they visited in Montreal |'®Ur-Point night. : ; and Ottawa. "WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY Mr. ana Stanley H By LOUIS GRESNIER \Parry, are spending a i0-day|, TW° games were on tap for vacation. gid hunting trip in Monday, Oct. 28 in the Midget Redbridge' Snd will also be league. Bantam _ All-Stars guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gor-/Saueezed out a 6-5 decision over don Parry. Lions Club and the Bands: | , men clobbered COF to the tune Mr. and Mrs. Fred Storm and/of 7-1 Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Beed are} Reason paced the All-Stars | leaving today for « six months|victory with three goals, Sin- PEI aye agg Re Southern vacation at Daytona/gles went to Horrack, Keenan) coos; J "acd h ye | Beach, Florida, : and Gibson, Vipond added two| pace ud liad aid acies assists to the point total, |Lounge at 8 p.m. Oct. 28. | er oe ee Brown, with a goal and two, President Mrs, Donald Wilson; \celebrated their assists and Bremner with a zoa|0Pened the meeting with aj jand assist paced the losers, |Warm welcome to old and new 'anniversary, Wednesday, Oct In the other tilt, Duncan anq|members., 30. For the ee Mr. and Roland powered the Bandsmen| Reports were heard from all Mrs, Maynard will be entertain-|t, their lopsided win with three}conveners and recommenda- ed to dinner: in Toronto. points each. Duncan had twoltions from iiie executive to the Darlene, daughter of Mr, and,894/s and an assist, while Ro-|general membership were ex' be- was taken were Harold Mace' {[,adies: N. McCatroll and Viola Mills 205; F. Schatzman 211, M. --Oshawa Times Photo |ter 206 | ee, aievens MeL. 2h: Kapuscinski 273, A. Goverde| 252, F .LeBlanc 242, Til HOCKEY NEWS Pierik 239, 234, 222; J. McCar-| 2 _ jroll 238, 204; B. Goverde 238, B.| WHITBY MERCANTILE | Kusluski 227, B. Edwards 226,) HOCKEY LEAGUE |Father Coates 221, M. Kolsteren| By DON TEBBLE 217, 213; H. Forbes 211, 207; | The Leagtie opened its 15- - a game schedule Sunday after-/ LADIES' CANDY BOWLING noon in the Whitby Arena with' Points: Allsorts 0, Gumdrops| Arena Sunoco squeezing by last\4; Humbugs 3, Jelly Beans 1;/ year's champion, Duino's Gar-'Life Savers 1, Lollipops 4;) age, 8-6, and Fleming's Shell|Maple Buds 3 and Peppermints) walloping. Ottenbrite's Men's)0. Wear 9-3 Points for day and to date:| The Sunoco - Duino's game|Allsorts 6-i8: was a seesaw battle. Both|Humbugs 3-21; Jelly Beans 1-6; teams scored single goals in Bit i was Hail : the first period, and two each' -- ass 7 B HavOWe Sh, in the second stanza a Sunoco whipped in three fast US. Auto Output | WHITBY oes in ~ third period for a 6-3 lead. Duino's put on a de-/ M4 PERSONALS ae hy and tied the game} To Hit 798,242 . Wo | anne (AP) --Anngind Pickering Women's Institute) The Sunocomen 'set a goal-a--News, a trade publication, pre- celebrated its 55th anniversary, minute pace to pull the game/dicted Thursday the auto ! Tuesday, Oct, 29. Guests at-/out. lindustry's car output for 'Octo- tending were from Claremont,. Bob Cherry sparked the win-|ber would hit 798,242 gaps, the \Altona, Brougham, Greenbank,|ners Port Perry, Shirley, Myrtle,|assist. Brooklin, Ajax. ; Al MacDonald was the top| was set in March, 1955. marksman for the Jiosers. He The trade newspaper safd| In the second game, Fiemings mped to a 4-0 lead in the first|777 vehicles produced. week | To date in 1963, auto makers ajhave turned .out an estimated n 06,196,992 cars, compared with f. assists for 85,676,676 at this stage last year.) penance ne | Inter-League Curling Tilts 'Scheduled Mrs. dames May et south, ith wedding Pin} 6 |585, B. Pascoe 542, M. Farqu- {were the Humbugs with Cap- Gumdrops 4-14; | |Life Savers 1-7; Lollipops 4-18; | ---- } with three goals and anjmost ever built in a singlejrectory meeting room with 13|L. J. jmonth. The old mark of 794,168|membens present. | # trick, and|preliminary figures made Oc-| \October the biggest car-truck} month in history also, with 937;-| jing week of 1962. |M Maple Buds 3-18 and Pe mints 0-14. A member of the Whitby Gar- James Craw-|: forth, was the speaker at the}: October meeting, when she gave]; a@ talk on the making of small): 'decorative wall panels, using) ~ dried seed heads, grasses and|~ One or two of these panels,| Only 30 minutes are required|used in place of pictures, are|~ a Triples over 500: Wiles 692,| S.. Labanovich 620, B. Peleshok| 615, S. Dilling 603, G. Sandford 00, M. Brooks 592, D. Gough to donate blood at the Whitby/hoth lovely and. interesting, This includes the time need- to begin with a piece of hard ed for registration, tests, and/furigus, cut in half, and the cut Any person between the|Grasses, fine stems, and seed ages of 18 and 65 years may|pods of amenable' shapes, are Three-quarters of a pint ofjuse, are glued in place to cre- blood, or one twentieth of thejate saueaiees in the creator's and this is replaced by the| Mrs. Crawforth explained her body within 24 hours. jmethod of drying this varied takes only four to five minutes|worked out the design and fas- and no discomfort is experi-|tened the material to the panel. jcompleted in one operation, due i, the need to set part of the thoroughly before goin gon to he next, it is a good project jresult an article of beauty, unique and certainly most dec- Following Mrs. Crawforth's talk, pictures of flowers were} =, \9: S. Paterson. These pictures phd a 504 and B. Stur- were taken in various pre 275, S, Labanovich 265, 206; G.|Were very beautiful and much| Wiles 256, 223, 213; D. Gough/enioyed. 226, M. Farquhar 226, .K Loysti@s, judged by Mrs. R. Van-| 212, F. Moore 216, S. Dilling 209,|Horng and Mrs. Jas. Suther- Winners of the first section) Winners: | Class 1. Vase of Hardy Mums. | A. Hewis, K. Loyst, A. Labano-| Wilkinson, Mrs. S$. Burns vich, L, Farndale and G .Mar-| Class 2. Rose HT, 1 bloom. Bowlers are remjnded that!/Mrs. T. Kelly. they may bank games in this) Class 3. Rose, Grandiflora. day's bowling these banked/Mrs. J. N. Wilkinson. games may be used. Any bowl-.y-Class 4. Rose, Floribunda. | N,| this must "make arrangements| Wilkinson, Mrs. T. Kelly | at County Bowl regarding time.| ---- 3. Tuberous Begonia, 1) t |bloom. Mrs, A. Wigston, Mrs.| scores so that if you can't come bowling sometime those banked| Class 6. Arrangement suitable| : appreciated|for a man's room. Mrs, E. Dill-| by you and your t i Lév's all be good team mates|Crawforth, | banked} Red Cross Clinic, Mrs. Crawforth showed how refreshment. ;side glued to a wood panel. donate blood. dried and when fully ready for average body content is taken) mind. The actual dohation itself|plant material, and told'how she enced, |While this work could not be plant material and let it dry t pper-'for a hobby, having as its final orative. har 540, J. King 524, D. Moore|s'°W" bY the President, Mrs.| Singles over 200: R. Peleshok|P0th public and private, and) 244, G. Sandford 243, M. Bnooks| In the competitive show. class-| 203; and D. Moore 200. lland, the following* were the tain M. Duncan and team mates|Mrs. A, Wigston, Mrs. J, N shall. Mrs. A. Wigston, Mrs. S. Burns,| league and if they must miss a)Mrs. S. Burns, Mrs, 0, Moore, | er wishing to take advantage of|Mrs. S. Burns, Mrs. J. Your team mates count on your O. Moore, games are really eam mates./ing, Mrs. 0. Moore, Miss Elaine} and have a set of games in reserve just in case/flowers and leaves. Mrs. | we can't get out some Wednes-|VanHorne, Mrs. S. Burns, Miss} j)day afternoon for bowling. |Marion Crawforth. CWL Readies Fo : Adoption Program | St. John the Evangelist CWL, Christmas jexecutive meeting was held|place at |Tuesday evening at the new! Spiritual ty which wil'. '>' Vecember m:. tig. Director Father Austin, thanked CWL members for helping with the President Mrs. Desmond|'Open House and Tea" -- Newman was in the chair, Mre.|the new rectory. j P, Kaiser corresponding secre-- Mrs. D. Newman ~thanked tary reported that 22 letters|Mrs. Patrick McDaniel for con- were written this past month \tacting the members for the re- It was mentioned that there/treat for married women to be are now 169 paid up members/held the first weekend of De-| of which 34 new members. |cembgr. : | In the absetce of Mrs. T.| TWe following conveners also| Finnigan, spiritual convener,|submitted reports -- Mrs, Den- rs. G, Carter reported that/nis O'Hagan, Citizenship, Mrs. 100 holy cards were given to the! William Allan, education, Mrs. first Communicants. |R. S. Mackey, telephone, Mrs. Mrs. S. Bronishewski, Mager. hai Jack, radio, TV and film convener, reported that five|and Mrs. Peter Scott, press cor- visits were made to Oshawa/respondent, General Hospital with 25 pa-|---------- cy Class 7. Arrangement of fruit,} for} __|Day celebrations. RAISES GIANT PO Ninety-three years old and still going strong, George Whitelaw, 206 Gilbert street, grew these two giant spuds in his back garden, The potatoes weighing almost two pounds each, grew in the patch which Mr. Whitelaw plowed, planted and harvested by hand. They are shown in comparison with a normal potato. --OshawayTimes Photo West. Complacent Minister States Dr, Kenneth H. Prior, BSA, LLD, a field secretary of the Board of World Mission of the United Church of Canada was the guest speaker at St. Mark's United Church on Sunday morn- ing. Dr, Prior formerly served the church as agricultural mission- ary in Angola and Nigeria, For a number of years he was prin- cipal of Currie Institute, a train- ing centre for boys. In his message, Dr, Prior em- phasized the importance and relevance of Christian missions for a modern world, and chal- lenged the complacency and callousness of western Chris- tians in the face of the hunger, illiteracy, poverty, exploitation and disease of other peoples. He appealed for a stronger presentation of the diverse mini- stries of the Christian Gospel in its evangelistic and social aspects, and underlined the jneed for the personal concern land participation of» individual Christians in the task, of avorid mission. Next Sunday St. Mark's will celebrate the 137th anniversary; of the establishment of the con- gregation. Rev. John Leng, DD, minister of St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa, will be the guest minister and Mr. Allan Clark of Greenwood wil! be guest soloist, BOYS MAKE OFFER ROMFORD (CP)-- An Essex boys' band has written to Nikita Khrushchev offering to play in Moscow during the next May PLAN PROMOTION GLASGOW (CP) -- Holiday towns along the Clyde plan to "Costa 5 By collective advertis- convener, mentioned that sever-ling, they hope to woo holiday- tients visited. A total of 25 mass-of-the-month cards and four baby cards were sent out! during October. lpromote the area a Mrs. R. Hughes, Girl Guide|Ciyde." By collective V.O.N. NEEDS -$500 Please send your donations. Victorian Order of Nurses, al new Brownie members need|makers away from Spain and : Whitby second-hand uniforms. Anyone|Mediterranean countries. | Tied up in a social whirl? Keep your guestswarm ! Feed your fire nothing but 'blue coal'--the coal that is blue ° colour marked so you can be sure of safe, dependable, low-cost heating. It's a warm experience. \ ) Lander Coal Co. Ltd, 43 King St. W. Phone 725-3551 Oshawa, Ontario Sawdons' (Whitby) Ltd. 244 Brock St. S. Phone 668-3524 Whitby, Ont. able to aid please contact Mrs.|------ Morley Bradford, 668-8666. Mrs, Fred Parrott reminded everyone present of the forth- coming "Adoption Program" Tuesday Nov. 5. All ladies are invited to attend and CWL members are urged to bring a friend. Immaculate Conception CWL, Port Perry, is invited fo this program. ss Mrs. G. Carter and commit- fee are working on the CWL W Mrs. Harold H. Collins ceje.|!and potted one marker and as-|Plained before votin gtook place. brated her fifth birthday Tues-|Sisted on two others. _,.,, Members were asked to bring Prior to the game, the kids/friends or acquaintances to the day, Oct. 29. Guests atteading| ao a her party were: Billy, Leslie.|were shown a 20-minute movie|Club on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 4 and Nov. 5 when explan- ~scuGoG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery At PHONE 668-43 CUB HAS TOP AWARDS Under a series of stars able award within the associa- ¢ One-Stop 'DECORATING * badges, and ribbons sits John ny Foster, 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Foster, 110 Wainut street, Whitby. Johnny has been a Cub three years and has captured every | conceiv- BROCK WHITBY tion. Next week he will grad- uate to a full-fledged Boy Scout. He is a member of the | St. Mark's United Fourth Whitby, Troupe : --Oshawa Times Photo Evening Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturdaygatinee at 1:30 @ Wallpaper' and Murals @ Custom Draperies ®@ Broadioom and Rugs @ C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes @ Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre 107 Byron St. $., Whitby Phone 668-5862 Ann and Susan Hayés, Sharon! featuring Gordie Howe on "How lation of or instruction Junior B game on Monday . ; Oshawa, Port Perr . WI. To Give y, Bowman such a fine job in instructing courage more curlers to. enter) held its October meeting at the| games in the Bantam loop Mon- |Section full use of the Men's| | country of. ACWW." Several was inadvertently omitted, | Will be inquired into by the! Pickering Institute Tuesday,|0@ class. ed paper on, the ie Cus ated County Women of' thejhostess, Mrs. W. Pellow, Mrs, 141 PINE STR organizations in 36 ° different;be held at the home of Mrs . /Brear, Debbié'DeGeorg'o, Don-|'0 Score Goals". Each boy. also received free| wil] be given. £ Scheduled curling begins Nov. jnight HATS OFF . fo Fred Ing ville and Whitby has been. set é : up for this year and it is hoped Donation To the Pewee beginners in the fun- g |damentals of hockey . ... to Ron out-of-town bonspiels, | Whitby VON Sandford and Pat Brown, who| The president invited all pres-| ' are helping ~. . to Murray Stub. 8 y the Men's Lounge and a letter from the Men's Sectjin was home 'of. Mrs. R. A. Smith, 909/day . . . to the Dunnies for the ie Ladies' Bayview avenue, Wednesday, 'free passes for the kids. -- --|Lounge at ail times. | 'dent Mrs, Earl Ward in charge OMISSION Mixed Curling 'begins Wed-| Nine members answered. the Anderson High School Com-/Nov. 11. The possibility of | ' , lable ice time for the f ion} Hitatters of business were dealt|memcement in Monday's paper. 8 ar thee jwith. A donation will be made z Mr. Winacott received the|¢xecutive. Pics" caaaiaed attended Gibson trophy as the most out-)---- Oct: 29 | I apologise to Mr. Winacott| Mrs, Smith, convener of Pub-|@nd to Mr. Gibson, who donat- subject |"ACWW, What is It.' She gave|Ward. A social time followed World, its accomplishments and|W. Walsh and Mrs. R. A atms, citing the fact that more|Smith, countries were its members. |W. Pellow, 206 Euclid street A contest, . conducted by/The topic will be "Home ~ nie Smith and Dwayne Ashby. E passes to the Dunlop-St. Mikes 11. -Inter-Club curling between and his group, who are doing |that this be fun and will en Archer, Mike Keenan, Sandy p ent to view the new furniture in Whitby Women's Institute pins, who refereed two rough read extending to Oct. 23 ct 7.30 p.m. with Presi-) -- F i renal : nesday, Nov. 7 and Sunday, awl cal Nene a tember In the list 0° prizewinners at) the name of Edward Winacott|°f @ Business Girls' League to Victorian Order of. Nurses, it the anniversary celebration at/Standing athlete in a graduat- ilic Relations, read an illustrat-\°d and presented the award. | a brief history of the Associ-|with refreshments served by |than 600,000 women from 144|' The November meeting will (Mrs, King, was won by Mrs. ALSO -- Cartoon Featurette "FILBERT"' Co-Sterring--WM. SCHALLERT - JOANNA BARNES : x . . -- OPENING -- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4th Helen's Beauty Salon (moving from 108 Colborne St. E. Whitby) FOR APPOINTMENT DIAL 668-2405 HELEN STEVENS, Prop. EET, WHITBY | i | / ae hats 2 MANOR ST. DAVIDS SAUTERNE! Manor St, Davids sauterne is a white table wine aged in Bright's wine cellars, and made from a blend of special grapes grown in the Niagara Peninsula. Brights FINE canaoun WINES SINCE 1874 HISSLAS ¢