mC Ba Me Re ae Bn Sap ag eg ly gO ee ) / <_@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, ee 1, 1963 Pickering Approves" Conservation Sale for two taxi licences in Picker- ing Township, appeared for a second time before Council, wit had asked for Chief R, T. Parker's report on the subject. No written report was submit- ted. "The Township' has reached the point where they cannot operate on verbal agreements," said Councillor Hubert Wank. = BROUGHAM -- Edgar James, sa former Deputy Reeve of the "Township of Pickering, and a ~wmember of the Advisory Com- ittee of the Central Lake On- rio Conservation Authority, 'asked Council at their meeting "on Monday night, for approval eof the purchase of a 123 acre) "parcel of land on Lots 18-19, 'on. 3, Township of Whitby, ' OTTAWA--Russell C. Honey, MP for Durham County, re- icently was elected Chairman of the Standing Committee on Agri- culture, a 60-man committee composed of 29 Liberals; 23 Consérvatives, and five Social thing, but when contruction has |not started, why permit it?" | Planning Director J. H. Faulk-\Credit and Crediste Members ner explained the reason for the of Parliament. |particular height in the bylaw. mr Honey's nomination as isaying that it was so one bdild-\Chairman was moved by Al" ling did not overshadow another|pert Bechard, MP' for .Bona- jbuilding, so that an accessory! venture, and was seconded by -- j:uilding does not have ayy. |primary use; and also, he add- 4.44. led, it has an aesthetic value. Forest, MP for His election was Stan- un- 'opposed. The Vice-Chairman is | ittee Honey Elected Chairman Agriculture Co review of one operation of tne! 2 : Board of Canadian Grain) 50 Object To re raenine ge .. tng Ca-| , |nadian Wheat Board. The :om-) s.. . D irittee has the authority to} Pickering _ summon witnesses and exam. ine them under oath in regard) to all. matters within its com-| Hwy 2B law petence. * y Notice was served at the BROUGHAM -- The major -- re that ies part of a recent Pickering committee would soon Inquire Township Council meeting into the price spreads between) the amount received for feed|/W#S spent on studying bylaw grain by producers in the No. 2572, known as the High Prairie Provinces rag? Pas way No. 2 Bylaw which zones price paid by livestock feeders|the Township south of the Third in Eastern Canada and British\Concession with the exception Columbia. of Bay Ridges. An Ontario Municipal Board hearing will be conducted in the near fu- |ture, prior to final approval. ' SELF-SERVE LIQUOR | Fifty objections to the bylaw,|make some with the recommendations of the Planning Board, were con- sidered. Many of the letters of protest objected to zoning generally,| and stated that the owners of properties should be permitted to do what they liked with them _-- than be rigidly restrict- ed. One general protest was that of owners of small registered lots who were not permitted to build because they did not come) up to the required size. The pro. test was that there was no use for these lots on which taxes were being paid, and that there was no possibility of selling them for this reason. REGINA (CP)-- Regina resi- dents will soon be able to buy be Rae my for the one regis- Reeve Scott. A int is con- templated. ' "I think we should zone so people can see what the long range intention is, instead of having to come to Planning Board to see what they can do with their properties," said Councillor Mowbray, "it should be settled right here and now." Council did not agree on three of the recommendations of the Planning Board, and they will be returned to that body for reconsideration, after which the notes on the objections will be forwarded to the OMB prior "Tt seems to me we mustito the hearing. "known as the Gibson property. &- It is 16 miles from Bowman- "ville. Mr. James said that at one time the property had been used for a fishing club, and two dams had been erected on the stream that flows through the valley of the property. Development would be in dem- onstration farming, in reforesta- ~tion, improvement of wild life "habitat, and part of the area would be equipped for tourists, with picnic tables, nature trails, fish ponds, and other such Con- servation projects. The cost of the property is liquor super - market style, A new self-serve liquor store -- ithe second of its type in Can- jada -- permits custogers to browse through the shelves to make their selections instead of filling out forms from a liquor} list. A similar store in New) Westminster, B.C., opéned more than a year ago. : | Mr. Faulkner explained that|patrick Asselin, MP for Rich- -- Mr. Bentley, who operated|n. 'particulag bylaw which mond-Wolfe. : |taxis in Pickering Township for! made the 15-foot requirement) The committee will consider 14 years prior to three yearsinaq not yet been approved by|matters relating to agriculture ago, related that Chief Parker'in, oOMp and so the matter! ---- had sent him to Council to say|ooguid not yet be taken to the that it was in order to receive! committee of Adjustment which is the physical reason for the licence, "I do feel that this request|the Committee of Adjustment. Reeve Scott complained thaticomes to a specific use that is} No action was taken on this) the taxi bylaw perhaps needed'proposed for that property,)request at the meeting. Mr. For- revising, and was not quite/which we may not want gen-|sythe will not be able to secure clear about the procedure for erally throughout the Town-ja building permit for a garage C zs the issuance of licences. ship." . of His required height until the) ro og ern ae, Mr. Bentley will not be re- He explained Xhat the zoning zoning bylaw is approved and a couiintites is ox sented 46 be the quired to appear before Council bylaw is a gener&itype of zon-|Committee of Adjustment sonst _ sina pela at again, but he awaits a report|ing, and tha. it must be ap-/makes a favorable decision for) ~~ A | from 'Chief Parker. preciated that a general bylaw|him, or unless favorable action) | cannot see, regulate, or allow gs taken by €ouncil at a later) $50,000 {BUILDING TOO HIGH for specific circumstances, 'date. Reeve J. Sherman Scott aseer-| Thomas Forsyth appealed to tained from Mr, James that 748|!Council fo build a cement block residents of Pickering Township|private garage on his property tesided in this authority boun-|in Concession 1. He wanted it dary. * 118 feet high to accommodate "= Mr. James said that endorse-|heavy equipment, and the ment from the various munici-/zoning bylaw limits the height to ""palities concerned was neces-)15 feet. eegpary beforé approval from the! Considerable discussion took "7 inister could be obtained. Fi-|piace around the Council table nancing could be arranged over |about this three-foot infraction ~"q three-year period, of which) «J jt js as easy as this to "othe first year could be taken/ cet 1g feet as 15 feet, what is eare of by the Authority, whichithe point of having it in the could finance it to that extent. !pyiaw?" asked Councillor Mil- Council endorsed the project ton Mowbray. . By Soeoution "When someone mistakenly AWAITS REPORT put up a building out of line Harold Bentley, who applied with the bylaw it is a different Revision Court | Chairman Quits BROUGHAM -- The Court of jhe is employed, Mgving from * Revision wil] sit, commencing|the township. on November 18, to hear ap- * peals against the 1963 assess- oe "ments, Appeals are minor in} A ft ath 4 ' their protests compared with|,"5 22 @ ermath to a recent last year's heavy influx of the|/ ts Board ee as s |township, aS _ farmers in the township. by delegatiofs, a motion was Pickerin- Township Council | submitted to Yguncil that if the 'a learned on Monday night ofj|question of an"arena was placed | | WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STUDIO NOW Is The Time To Enroll For -PIANO-ACCORDION LESSONS | Private or Group Lessons Availabld\ RENTAL INSTRUMENTS AVAILABLE FOR BEGINNERS ! RUSSELL HONEY, MP referred to it by the House of NOW IT'S EASY to Play « Musical Instrument WILSON & LEE LTD. | 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE 725-4706 ZELLER'S ELSI. NNOUNCeS The special appearance at our (Coty Counter of SMART WOMEN .... have their carpets ond uphol- stery cleaned 'The Safe Way' DURACLEAN 728-8518 282 King W 728-9581 professional CLEANING -------- Coty Beauty Consultant THURS., FRI. & SAT. OCT. 31, NOV. 1, NOV, 2 the resignation of the Chairman of the Court of Revision, V.'H.'that it be specific as. to cost, Westney. a former Reeve andjand that a report of the Arena Warden who has been active in|Committee be kept in view. 'municipal matters for many) The Arena Committee report- ~we Years. ed an. estimated minimum cost "" Similarly W. F. Comery, af about $160,000, and that the solicitor who sat on the court|financing be levied over the for the past year, has resigned/South part of the township. hi. office. REPORT ON SCHOOL New members will be appoint |CHILDREN ~ed to replace these men. Pickering Township had 4,494 Announcement was m a de|children attending school in that John M. Mansell, of Clare-|1963, according to the inspec mont, will resign as a member|tor's report submitted to coun- +f the Planning Board as of thejcil.. A total of 621 boys and end of this year, due to the in-|girls were in Grade 1; 388 in dustry, Sarco of Canada, where!Grade 8. \ on the election ballot this year, Madame Bianchi will be pleased to assist you with your make up problems and will answer your questions on fragrance and personal beauty care. Courtesy of ory perfumes and cosmetics THE ESSENCE OF BEAUTY THAT IS FRANCE eRe Ot a Lap ts : When it comes to whisky...!'m a Specialist , ~~ fares enable everyone to see Canada from a scenic dome. 2881 miles of train travel for $435 Boi e ( ) é Read how Canadian Pacific FARESAVER PLAN makes train travel incredibly inexpensive 7 days a week--even on The Canadian It offers gdveggure, fun, relaxation and rest. The Canadian travels daily between Montreal/Toronto and Vancouver, Check the fares below and plan a'trip. 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