22--Offices, Stores, Storage! 26--Rooms . For Rent \27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale | oo THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 1, 1963 17 > FOR RENT Medico! or Dental office. Approximately 700 square feet. Close to downtown area. Parking available. Electric heated, For information call _ 725-5132 "Space For Rent 3,500 floor. sq. High ceiling. Loading: dock. Heat- ed. Suitable for storage or light. industry. Centrally lo- Approximately feet. Concrete ADELAIDE, 118 -- Furnished room in |$8. |AJAX -- warm, furnished bedroom near lshopping centre, Telephone Ajax 942- 3404 coted FOR FURTHER INFORMATION DIAL 725-0397 _ |r 23--Wanted Te Rent BUSINESS | EXECUTIVE ~ transf Oshawa. Couple only desires prior to November 12, five-or six-room unfurnished house, north, east or west,/FURNISHED front room, very central approximately $100. or $120.)Suit gentleman. monthly rental. Write Box 224, Oshawa) stainer only. Telephone 725-7401. Oshawa, Times. 24--Houses For Rent ORONO -- five-room house. For further information, phone Orono 281. TRICK STREET -- Four-room bungalow with bath, oi! heating supplied, one child accepted, $75. month. Shown by appoint- ment Saturday. Telephone 728-3038. SMALL four-room bungalow, suitable "for retired couple. Needs some fixing, Out- side conveniences. Immediate possession, | $45. Telephone 725-8597 FOUR-ROOM home, possession, boards, oil furnace. 723-3978. FARM FOR RENT Ideal for general farming. central. Small fully modernized house, steel barn, drive shed, apple orchard plus 60 acres for cul- tivation, balance heavily wooded valley with stream. PHONE Toronto HUdson 9-6046 25--Apartments MODERN apartment, two-bedroom, main floor, heated, $110. per month. Available November 4. Near Shopping Centre. After 6 p.m., 725-5085. THREE-ROOM apartment with private bath, suitable for business or re.ired couple. Heat, hydro, TV outlet and park- ing supplied, $65. month. Phone 728-7871. THREE-ROOM apartment, lights, heat and water, private entrance, bus serv- ice on Highway 2 at Courtice. Suit busi- ness couple. No dogs, please. Phone 773-305). TWO-BEDROOM apartment. Heated. im- mediate possession, at Maple Grove, $75 monthly. Phone 725-3445. ALBERT STREET, 1399 -- Three-foom unfurnished apartment. Parking space. Available November Apply above address. 2. ne for Senliomel. 725-0145. 4 ed for light housekeeping. Central. erred to working adult only, 7 _.'three-bedroom bungalow with breezeway Immediate|and garage, ' three-piece bath, built-in cup-'/Priced at $12,900 with reasonable down : | horses or NICELY furnished room on Dean Ave nue. Kitchen, laundry baad) nee able; clean and quiet. Phone 7: GUIDE REALTY LTD. -- REALTORS 16 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-1121 ANNOUNCES OPEN HOUSE PHAIR AVE. COURTICE SATURDAY, NOV. 2,. 1963 2-9 P.M. Directions -- East on King 'St. to Prestonvale Rd. 25! South one block to Phair Ave. and follow the signs. $ monthly -- with creaniash: Trejball, 3} |Mearns Avenue, T | |ville 623-2837, | |GIBBONS STREET -- Two furnished! rooms, suit gentlemen. One light house-| ping, one bedroom, in modern home, | |refrigerator, stove, parking. 725-5794. |LARGE | bright + room, "completely turnish-| One Tele- | clean, quiet private home, sata space.! week. Telephone 728-0260. ROOM TO RENT, suit one . or ----~|two friends, twin beds, use of kitchen. Before 1] a.m. or affer 8 p.m., dial Whitby 668-8432. é ee ATHOL STREET EAST 177 -- Warm, comfortable room. Suit gentieman. Tele-|_ phone 723-2172. Se ee Aa Rae FURNISHED room for gentleman, Johnston avenue. 725-8417. COMPLETELY furnished housekegping room. Suit lady or gentleman. Avail- able Immediately. 7 Telephone 725-4693. 217 MARY STREET -- North end, spacious well furnished bedroom, quiet home, . two bathrooms, parking, superior accommo- OPEN FOR INSPECTION THIS WEEKEND COMMENCING FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST, 1963 from 2 until 9 p.m. each day. 178 WINONA AVENUE HOUSE VACANT, AND MUST BE SOLD PRESTIGE LOCATION----3 Bedroom, réd brick Bungalow, with stone trim. Beautiful living room, brodaloomed, and natural fire- place. Attached garage, paved drive. A quality home you should see DO NOT HESITATE TO VISIT US THIS WEEK END to Bessborough Dr. North on Known os the $10. weekly. phone 725-5227. All conveniences. Ab. ~ATTACTIVELY ~ FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | |27--Real Estate For Sale 'MAPLE GROVE, \ very close to" Highway, LOCATION--Rossland Rd. W Bessborough to Winona, and follow the signs Ansley property. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS . 16 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH -- 723-1 121 combined with workshop. payment. Phone Geo. Bly'even, Realtor, 623-5300 : CUBERT Street, clean five-room, two- bedroom bungalow, modern kitchen, large dining room, 21-ft. living room, oll heat- ing, garage. $1500 down, Call L. §$. Snei- grove Co. Ltd., 723-9810. ACT NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE Build your Brick Bungalow ONLY $199 DOWN Lots available West, East and South Areas. SAVE $800 "Including Government Winter Works Bonus of $500 Call Bill Millar or Harry Bates THREE-ROOM furnished apartment "and, bath. Working couple only. possession. Telephone 728-6115. ARTHUR STREET -- Two-rooms, bath, ground floor, gh linea Heated. Immediate| Possession. elephone Whitby 668-2361 or 723-2925. SELF-contained three-room ap apartment, Private bath. immediate possession. $77.50 per month. Call W. Schatzmann, Realtor, 668-3338 Whitby. FURNISHED apartment, heated, s suit bus- iness couple, downtown location, immedi- ate possession. Apply Black's Men's Wear between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m BLOOR EAST, 131 -- Two-bedroom fur- nished apartment. Private bath and en- trance. Apply above address, RITSON ROAD SOUTH -- Centrally lo- cated, three-room apartment. Private en- trance. Available now. Adults preferred. Telephone 728-3898. BEATTY AVENUE, 235 -- Tworoom apartment with garage. Share bath. Tele- phone- 728-7035, Governor Mansions APARTMENTS 2. bedroom November suite available Ist. Telephone Days 725-2162 pereniogs: /26-GFee Regency Towers One| -- two bedroom aport- me stove, refrigerator, drapes. Laundry facilities, etc. CALL 728-1544 THE DIPLOMAT New luxurious apartments. Conrtolled entrance, modern lobby. Air conditioned halls with broadloom. Laundry room on each floor. Apply 340 Marland Apartment 111. .or Phone 728-4283. 26---Rooms For Rent KING STREET WEST, 460 -- Large bed- sifting room, nicely furnished, hot and cold water in room, fefrigerator, five minutes to Shopping Centre, Apply above HOUSEKEEPING room, built-in cup- boards. Close to. North General Motors,| bus. stop at door, prefer gentleman Parking, Telephone 728-6890, WHITBY CLASSIFIED DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a specialty. Mrs..Toms, 668-2372, RIDERS wanted to Toronto downtown. Leaving Whitby 6.45. Telephone 668-4928. PRIVATE tuition by yraduate of *he Uni- versity of Condon, England in Letin, En- glish, mathematics. Spec'al arrangements for adults. Telephone 668-3864 UNFURNISHED three room fiat, 513 Byron Street South. Private. bath, rang- ette, washing facilities, central heating, $70 monthly. 668-3866. BEOROOM sei, biond: chest, night table crib, continental bed, néw. 668-3495 between 4 p.m. and 6 SEPTIC tanks cleaned, ~ prompt service on cH#ils~ Walter Ward, 204 Chesnut Street West, Whitby. 668-2563. FOR RENT: Completely separate apart- ment, 3 bedrooms, dining room, large , living room. Private driveway. Adults ' preferred. Available December i. After 4 p.m. telephone 668-5413. FOR RENT: Three-room apartmeni, heat- ed, central. Telephone Whitby 668-3715. FOR RENT -- Furnished room, clean and bad op Private home, gentleman pre- ferred. 'Telephone 668-8649. FOR SALE -- Used TV's, $39.00 up. Chrome kitchen sets, unpainted furni- ture. Buy, sell or trade. What have you? Godid's Used Furniture, 215 Dundas Street East FOR SALE -- Blond finish, 21" " ola TV console, in good condition. Tele dresser, ike TELEPHONE 725-1186 W. T. Lamson Real Estate Limited phone 668-5733. ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY | Free Paved Drives To All Buyers through NOVEMBER 3rd., 1963 See These Exceptional Values This Weekend BUILT BY - ARMSTRONG & SONS M odernistic Designs With Ties Features--Consisting Of N orden Kitchens with Post Formed Tops vens Built In and Copper Tone Hood Fans Over Built-In Stove é tn Style - Two Storey -- or Split Level e) wn. Your Own "MANOR" M E xquisitely Decorated omes of Comfort and Elegance (at a price to suit your pocket). irrored Sliding Doors Over Vanity In Tiled Bathroom With Colored Fixtures liding Glass Doors To Porch: Sodded fronts and sides: Storms and Screens In Two Highly Recommended Residential Areas: "KINGSMERE GARDENS & HILLSDALE TERRACE" DOWN PAYMENTS FROM $1,310.00 AND N.H.A. FINANCING For Immediate Attention Call 728-6286 323 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. 107 ACRES, partly wooded with stream, springs and duck ponds. [PRIVATE SALE -- six-room house, low Pre down payment; also business property lbilities*for park estate, etc., \&@ mile oft;with two small stores. Apply 184 Simcoe |7A_ Highway. |Mairs, RR 1, stock 986-4492. IMMEDIATE ~~ POSSESSION, eight-room Insul brick house on 787 Gordon Street. Hot water heating, garage, large kitchen, jwith lots of cupboards. Phone 725-4117. LARGE Carls: Rossland Manor '$75. PER FOOT FRONTAGE Serviced - including underground hydro and telephone. EXCELLENT TERMS For Information RALPH S. JONES | 130 KING ST. EAST. 728-6246 "GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 $10,900--5 room brick 1% storey with 2 large bedrooms upstairs. 22 ft. living. room. Immaculate heme, convenient to downtdWn. Let us show you this, home tonight. Low down payment. Nestleton. Phone Bleck. $11,900--5 room bungalow with good sized living room, 2 bé@rooms and 4 pc. both on a large lot 62 x 121 ft. In the popular North West orea. $16,500 -- Semi-split brick and frame, with 7 large rooms, situated on a beautiful lot 79 x 100 ft. Living room 13 x 18, family dining room and 3 bedrooms. Room to eat in the kitchen. 4 pc. coloured bathroom... Selling below con- struction cost, This is a good home on a quiet street in the | North West area with won- derful neighbours $15,400--5 room brick bun- galow with garage and paved drive. Large rooms through- out. Gleaming hardwood and tile floors. TV tower, lovely back yard with lots of flow- ers, shrubs and a fish pond. Newly decorated, See it to- night. $10,900--Nine room. solid brick home in good rental area, close to downtown with poved drive and garage. Oil heating $2,200--Roselawn Ave. 2 lots with 100. ft. frontage each and selling at $2,200 each, $12,900--Country _living-- 11 room home on 3 acres of land close to schools, bus and store. Town water. Home has 4 kitchens and 4. meters for separate apartments. Just 16 miles from Oshawa with all good roads $17,900--AIl you could wish for in modern living--4 bed- rooms, 4 pc. tiled bath plus shower room in basement, electric heat, patio in back, attached garage with paved drive and finished recreation room panelled and with beautiful electric stone fire- place, Broadloom in living room and a view over the entire city. Make an appoint- ment and see for yourself, $16,500--Farm Lindsay area' with 200 acres and good nine room brick home with furnace, also barn and implement sheds. Close to school, siore and church, Will sell 100 acres which has a pond on it separately, $13,500 on Simcoe St, South --6 room brick bungalow on © large lot with private drive 3 bedrooms and 4 pc. bath with coloured fixtures. Large living room separate dining room. 2 finished rooms in basement. full in For particulars ~ call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m .to 9 p.m. Lloyd Corson Steve Englert Lucas Peacock Leon Manitius Roy Flintoff GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St 5: (1 SAVE lrene Brownn Steve Zurba Dick Young Tony Siblock Jean Peacock Walking distance -to JOHN F N, | South, side door. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED By having your new home built in Newcastle, ORCHARD HEIGHTS 'SUBDIVISION Only 20 Minutes drive to Oshawa. You saye around $3,000 on your new home, For more information ¢ - DeWITH Realtor Bowmanville, 14 Frank Street, OPEN HOUSE -- 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. 1054 Sommerville St. 5 Room Bungalow, 3 Bed- rooms, Kitchen and Living Room, all newly decorated, paved drive, large fenced in lot 74 x 102, Down poy- ment $3,000.00 and carries for $90.00 per month princi- pal_ond interest. HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE IAB VOTP OPEN HOUSE Beau Valley THIS WEEKEND Hours 3 Until 6 p.m. SCHOFIELD- AKER phone 723-2265 BOLAHOOD. BROTHERS JOHN A. J, BOLAHOOD LLOYD A. P. BOLAHOOD F.R.!. List With Us Then Call Your Mover $1,000 DOWN WHITBY Family mans home, 3 bed- rooms, modern spacious kit- chen, newly decorated, land- scaped gourds, close to schools and shopping. Excel- lent terms. Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo ot 728-5123 or 725- 2217. BUSINESS--"BUSINESS"' -- BUSINESS WE'MEAN BUSINESS ON THIS ONE Cities - oldest - established bottery-generator-starter auto upholstery service. All equip- PAUL RISTOW $3,000. DOWN Client wants three bedroom brick bungalow in nice area, moderately «priced, with $3,- 000 down, ASK FOR MARTIN 728-9714 or 728-7377 JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR REALTOR EXCEPTIONAL VALUE | A three bedroom, full range clay brick. bungolow with oversize kitchen needing a handyman's touch at the low price of $10,500 with $4,- 500 down and payments of $65 monthly, Immediate pos- session. TIRED OF COMMUTING says the owner. Reduce the price of our well kept brick bungalow to $12,900 and let me move to Toronto, Don't forget to mention three airy bedrooms, Sunset Heights lo- cation and large lot. Call to- day, MORE FOR LESS $1,500 down, Storey and a | HOUSE 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale in seven rooms, acres for garden. Asking $1,000 down with $7,800 full price. Fred Cook bee hliyy brick, Nestleton, good two-storey; small barn and two} THREE-BEDROOM brick -- bungalow, near GM south plant, $12,600. carries for $89. monthly, punciaal, interest. and taxes. Call 728-5222. Pi Call Marvin Nesbitt, 50-ACRE PLAYGROUND for nature lov- ing family, with wide 'creek and gy several pond sifes. Perfect salting 206 retreat cottage or hunting cabin, Roads open year round. Price $6000, terms and} - down payment arranged. Days call 725- 3568, after 5 call Whitby 668-8042 or Brooklin 655-3853. PRIVATE sale income property at 54 King Street West, Bowmanville. Proper-| 79. ty 44 ft, x 165 tf. two stores, two. six-room| apartment, Must be sold to settle estate, Call Bowmanville 623-5975 or 623-5938. CHOICE location in north close to schools, bus and shopping centres, Colonial style, split level, featuring. Large four-piece tiled bath finished recreation {room and -bar. Selling with living room, dining room, rec. room drapes included, 1200 sq. feet and asking reasonable price of $16,900. Phone 723-9102. three-bedroom home, dining room, four-piece bathroom with vanilty, ee area, wet eee t Oshawa «ing $17,000, Phone! T1405 or "apply 833 fe Street. COMMERCIAL five-room storey 'anda half, ba heating, downtown area ohly, $5,600, McAuley, Realtor, 28. Prince Street, Vaeesit or residence, Whitby 668-5765, RENE T EEC C SIMCOE STREET NORTH -- Seyen- room brick, two ane one-half storey,, all Perit gate oak and o floors, gg as Tox 124 : . commercial, $15,000. eee Tindall Real Estate. goed paivate "= Alex, $14,900, three bed- bed- r-piece bath rooms, two four: rooms, 23 ff. living room, fireplace, walk en tan block shops, schools, west are&\One vesTOR's L it asking price le dwelling, six rooms each, selt coniained '4 ae entrances and tuil town. Act fast for this one, Call Ossie nah 728-9714 or 728-7377, Joseph Bosco, |Realtor. One|BEAU. VALLEY -- Sbedroom, L-ahaped living + dining room, tamily sized kitchen, large clothes closets, ted recreation $10,500. | FULL ASKING price, four-bed- room dwelling with panelled living room, large dining room, compact kitchen, fea- tures full basement with .Jréed air oil heating, half acre lot, suitable for VLA, For appointment to see, call George' Koornneef, 723-2859, Joseph Bosco, Real- tor, 728. aud Pee a BROOKLIN $14,500 Brick veneer ranch type six half brick with large gar- age, wiring. Very clean. Full price $8,500 with one low monthly poyment. ATHABASCA BEAUTY. Watch your wife's eyes light up when she sees this home with natural stone front and attached garage, Hollywood style kitchen, broadloomed living room, three extra large bedrooms and five piece bath. A prestige home at $19,800. WARREN AVE. Two and a half storey well kept brick home with double garage. Hard to beat at $3,000 down and one mort- gagé at $80 monthly. Call Tom Huzar at 728-9474 or 728-5422 evenings. Financial Trade Bldg. 187 King St. E. ~ METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 AWAY FROM THE NOISE This exceptionally fine, five room home has only two bed- rooms but has a large living room and a dining room. Many extras such as hot wat- er heating with oil, private drive and garage, finished rec room etc. Ideally located on a quiet side srteet with no through traffic yet only 6 blocks from the four corners. Asking price only '$12,900. ment-vehicles-stock, | whole- sole country routes-major city accounts, $1,000.00 per month net-profit and loss statement. Doctor says owner must quit. Call Mr, "Jimmy" Love for all particulars at 728-5123 or 725-2045, GRIERSON ST. $12,900.00 Six room brick home with gavage. Situated on a well landscaped lot, 53 ft. x 122 ft. Down payment $2,000.00 and just one monthly pay- ment of $75.00. Act now. Call Mr, Iewin Cruikshonks ot 728-5205, or 728-5123. $12,100.00 FULL PRICE 2 bedrooms ond recreation room. Ideal for -- retiring couple or young couple just getting started. Only $2,500. down, Call Mr. Bill Johnston now ot 728-5123 or 728- 1066. SACRIFICE Genuine bargain, if | ever saw one. Five roomed brick bungalow, neat as a pin. Londscaped garage. $9,500. full price. Terms. Call Mr. Rankine at 728-5123. 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening } $$$ school, stores, etc, all: Phone 623-3950 Striking detached split Tappan range. from 10.a.m. to 10 p.m. $399 FULL DOWN PAYMENT - TO ONE N.H.A. Exciting Cqlifornia kitchen features built - in FULL PRICE WITH YOUR WINTER WORKS $500 BONUS ONLY $12,649 and $97 MONTHLY Includes interest, taxes and principal. Only 15 minutes west of King and Simdéoe. Ten fur- nished:3, 4 and 5 bedroom models on display CALL TORONTO COLLECT EM 4-3115 MR. McKINNON. FOR APPOINTMENT MORTGAGE level with 3 bedrooms, daily NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE Lovely 3 bedroom bungalow only 2 years old in a choice north west location. Public, Catholic, high schools and shopping centre within 5 minutes walking distance. Yours for only $3,000.00 down payment. HOME PLUS INCOME Immaculate six room rug brick home set on a large well landscaped lot with beautiful hedge and stone barbecue. Very profitably divided with 2 room upstairs apartment earning almost all of your monthly payment. Asking only $12,800 with $2500 down, ENQUIRE NOW REGARDING OUR WIDE SELECTION OF NEW HOMES. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Bob Johnston Dick Barriage Joe Maga Ken Hann ___ Jack Osberne SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 + A REAL DANDY bungalow located in one of the most residential sections, of Whit- by, close to 3 schools and church. 6 bright rooms-- broadioom in L.R., D.R., and hallways. Good size kitchen with separate eating area. Very modern 4 pe. bath with coloured fixtures and tiled walls, Fireplace in L.R. New- ly decorated inside and nicely landscaped grounds. List price $14,500, Call us soon. 2 MODEL HOMES IN BEAU VALLEY TO INSPECT CALL 723-2265 COMPLETE PRIVACY will be yours in this lovely bungalow located in the Ansley. De- yelopment. Extras include 2 fireplaces, broadioom through- out the 21 x 17 living room, large completed Recreation Room with walk-out basement to a very private patio. Lot size 62 x 140. A real good buy in a well built home in. © prestige aea. Give us a'call to-day. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION may be obtained on _ this brand new ultra modern 6 room ranch bungalow with 2 car garage, 20' living room, Hollywood kitchen, 3 extra good size bedooms, "4 pe. bath complete with' vanity, color- ed fixtures, tiled walls, ete. Location Beau Valley, 'down payment $5200.00 balance N.H.A. mortgage. Open 9 to 9--Sat. 9 to 5. Reg Aker 725-0201 Steve Macko 728-5868 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Pauline Bead 725-0239 Charles Chaytor 723-7996 Margoret F'all 723-1358 360 King St. W. new. furnace and new a rooms, oil heat, Twindow win- dows, oak and tile floors, high divided basement, two acres with trees on hill with view, ample water supply, just off paved highwoy, 15 min- utes to Oshawa. N.H.A. mortgage. Early possession. Lylia M. McBrien, Real Estate Broker Brooklin, 655-4971 PRIVATE SALE Enjoy rear yard summer breezes in the shade of large trees on a professional land- | scaped lot with flag stone rear patio and front walk at- tached garage with paved drive. The living room has a stone fireplace, picture win- dows' overlooking and opening onto the attached patio, Three large bedrooms with double closets, | bathroom with vanity, dining room with pitcure windows, compact family kitchen, large panell- ed recreation room in fin- ished basement. Close to churches, public, separate and high schools. Extras. Phone 725-3170 | PRIVATE SALE Large lakefront, all gas heat- ing, 3 piece bath, 3 large bedrooms, 'open fireplace, sandy beach, 50 ft. frontage. Ideal for @ large family. All cash required. Reasonable for quick sale, . Also Smaller cottage, gas heated, Income home, rents for $55 monthly, All cash to a $1500 mortgage. TELEPHONE AJAX 942-0205 "HARRY MILLEN Real Estate Broker OSHAWA 728-1679 DIVISION STREET $8,900. The perfect home for a retired couple or' small family. This mewly decor- ated two bedroom bungalow tiled bathroom, oil heating, has a modem kitchen, 4 pc. good garage and nice yard. To inspect. call Phyllis Jubb ot 723-3240. WARREN AVE. Six room storey and half brick home with full. dining room. Kitchen has eating area and lots of cupboards. One bedroom with 2 pc. wash- room on main floor and two bedrooms with 4 pc. bath on second floor. To inspect call __ Phyllis Jubb ot 723- 3240. $1400 DOWN _ OR BEST OFFER OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 2-8 P.M. Owner transferred. 1,200 sq. ft., 3 bedroom bungalow, 1 year old. Built in range and dishwasher, refrigerator, all drapes, storm doors and win- dows including basement. Rumpus and extra bedroom in basement. indry tubs. Landscaped, Carport. 2 year paid fire insurance, APPLY 900 Naroch Blvd. Bay Ridges Exit 401 at Liverpool South, Narock, one block east of Liverpool, : TELEPHONE BAY RIDGES Free Parkine 839-3729 pal room with stone fireplace. Private sale, Telephone 723-1739. YOU SAVE aimos! $2,000. right away when you buy this five-room, ° end bungalow. You continue saving, it is -- cheap to heat and taxes are under $250. Why pay rent? This~ bargain ¥ Bie wa and near schools and churches ---------|passes_ the door. Call Charles 7 halen Schofield-Aker Lid. Real Estate, 723-2265, evenings 723-7996. CEMENT BUILDING, 56 x 125 show room, tiving quarters, Suitable for any line of business. On highway In we lage with large lot. Priced to sell. Write Box 324, Oshawa Times. $9,900. IMMEDIATE poss possession, five room brick bungalow. North section, ex- cellent area. Call Douglas J. M, Bullied, Realior, 723-4391. - 28--Real Estate Wanted or bungalow v with basement, \< |HOUSE apartment, urgently required, preferably |King - Ritson area. Also home with' large \!ot or small acreage, near Highway No. 2, towards Bowmanville or Whitby. Call Charles Chaytor, Schofield-Aker Ltd., Real Estate, 360 King Street West. Telephone 723-2265, evenings 723-7996, ' |HOUSE with at least Va acre land. Suit- able for purchase under the VLA, in |Whitby area. Dial 668-4065; 29. utomobiles For Sale 1963 CHEVROLET | impala convertible, white with red interior, standard trans- |mission. 'Best offer. Telephone 725-1262. |1956 OLDSMOBILE, automatic, good éon- |dition, clean inside and out, many extPas, . pong best offer. Apply 35 Hall Streeh 728 -------------- a | 1955 CHEVROLET station w wagon, A-1 con- |dition; also 2 snow fires. 284 Oniewe | Bivd, South, telephone 725-9738. | 1958 | VOLKSWAGEN, original owner, new |paint job. Good condition. $595. Whitby | 668-8340, |1960 CHEVROLET, Biscayne, with all accessories, turquoise fintst. \Very reasonable. Telephone 723-9263. » 1952 CHEVROLET four-door, two tires. In very good condition. Apply Men Warren Avenue. boc's AUTO or and Custom, > 24 Prince Street. auto accesso ries, chrome Pio Hi speed equipment, from Volkswagen to Cadillac. 728-7781.° 1961 AUSTIN Cambridge, ae $900 -or |best offer. Owner deceased. Telephone | Bowmanville 623-3277, 1961 BEDFORD truck, good conditfon, jextra pair of snow fires, $500. Tele | grene. P cto aha 623-5654, After 6 pm, TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes ond Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. = BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN * MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA | (Just East of Wilson Road) * 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-0921 1959 Oldsmobile Super 88 2 door hardtop. New tires fully equipped, 'pellet shape. Reasonable for quick sale. TELEPHONE 725-3621 Dependable USED CARS 1963 FORD GALAXIE 500 Four door, V8, power equip- ped, low mileage. - 1963 FALCON DELUXE - Four door, big engine, Auto- matic, radio, trim package, Etc. Only 1400 miles, 1960 AUSTIN. SPRITE very clean, completely chectgs ed out, : Only $795 1957 M.G. HARDTOP Complete 'engine job. Sharp. "$795 1956 CHRYSLER FOUR DOOR power equipped, new. tires. Clean in and out. SMITH: SPORTS 353 King Street West phone 728-7341 OPEN EVENINGS two-door, Gg 4 --~ (Continued on Page 18) 7