18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 31, 1963 oman Of British Dies Hard In Africa a WILLIAM. FARNSWORTH LANTYRE, Nyasaland (AP)--the Union Jack may be coming down over stretches of. Africa, but ome symbol! of British colonialism still waxes strong--the early morning cup of tea. Those hollow - eyed foreign diplomats and trade commis- sioners who furtively stifle yawns at the conference tables of emerging African governments. have not been pos | on expense ac- counts. It's the ritual, pre- dawn drumming on the doors of their hotel rooms that leaves diplomats in British Africa bleary-eyed. Promptly at 6 a.m. comes thunderous tattoo. The sleepy visitor, fearing that at least the hote] must be on REPAIR KNEE ST, LOUIS (AP) -- Surgeons repaired a damaged ligament in John David Crow's right knee Wednesday, but the St. Louis Cardinal star back will be out for the rest of the National Football League season. The Cardinals announced they have put Crow, St. Louis' top ground- gainer last season, on the inac- tive list for the remainder of the year. Crow's knee, injured earlier in the season, was dam- aged again during the Cards' 21-7 victory over Washington Sunday. fire, staggers to unbolt the door. He is swept aside by a white-clad, be-fezzed steward, whose white teeth flash im a smile as he announces: "Morning, bwana, tea." He dumps the metal tray on the bedside table with a Merve - rending crash and sweeps out, CAN'T BE STOPPED The shattered guest creeps back under the blankets, gazes at the teapot with jaundiced eye and drops off for two more hours' sleep-- while the cup that cheers grows cold. Wearing dark glasses and toying with a breakfast of black coffee and a roll, the foreign visitor decides to put an end to the imdecent early morning ritual, At the reception desk he finds a little book with the legend "Morning tea times." In bold capitals beside his room number he writes: "'No morning tea." That night he composes himself for sleep, a smug smile on his face. Peace un- til at least 8 a.m., he thinks. | But as the local chanticleers | loosen up their vocal chords | for reveille, the slumbering foreigner is blasted out of bed by an unholy tatoo on his door. This time he knows the hotel is not on fire, so he pulls | the blanket over his head and | tries: to sleep. But the tea tray crashes on the table | inches from his ear. Lifting a corner of the blanket he sees the broad back of the African steward vanishing through the door. The man turns and smiles-- "Morning, bwana, your tea. I couldn't wake you so I came through the window." This time the guest gives verbal instructions: "I said no morning tea, please, No, I don't want coffee instead, or orange juice or anything--just let me sleep." That night the visitor locks the door, barricades the win- dows, plugs the keyhole and disconnects the telephone. Next morning the pounding on the door resumes. The guest takes no notice and when the din abates, sinks into sleep. Two hours jater, refreshed, he emerges trium- phantly from his room--and steps into a tray of cold tea outside his door. Greenland May Get Danish Living Style GODTHAAB, Greenland (Reu-|stressed that there were more ters)--Denmark has launched ajthan enough jobs to be done on development program aimed at|the 1.000,000-square-mile island, turning its former Arctic col-jwhere the longest stretch of ony, Greenland, into-a self-sup-|tarred road at present is a six- porting island with a living stan-|mile airstrip. at the Socndre dard as high as that of Denmark|Stroemfjord airfield. itself, Superficially, there was little In seeking an economic basis|to show for the amount of for the project, the Danish ad-|money Denmark put into Green- ministration pinned its mamjland since the new "'develop-| hope on fishing the rich waters| ment" policy was evolved by between Greenland and New-ithe government in 1953. Spokes- foundland, with tourism a pos-|men for the administration ex- sibility and yet - undiscoverediplained that the high cost of mineral wealth a long - shot/working in the Arctic is largely Kept as a closed colony for responsible. Greeniand has no trees, Eve- years, when the govemment's|ery piece of timber used for main objective was to spend as little as possible on it, the big Arctic island now is a part of Denmark itself. It was incorpor- | ated in the country by coastitu- tional amendment in 1953. Last year Denmark invested nearly $25,000,000 in the world's biggest island. Most of the money went providing bases for iftdustries and improving harbors and roads. New schools are being built or planned. Danish administrators For personal use or for Company use there ore definite advantages when you lease a new... No Insurance costs... for full details. PHONE 723-4634 everything on one or two year leese items . . 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Our quality linings are engineered to give long mileage and resistance to weer, Smooth fast stops. Bring your cor in today for « com- plete 4-wheel relin- ing job BRAKE SPECIAL Put your car in tip-top shape for Fall and Winter driving. Here's What We Do... © Pullfront wheel © Inspect Linings and Drums ® Adjust Brakes © Supply FREE Fluid FOR ONLY FOR THE FINEST, FASTEST vin, AUTOMATIC CAR WASH We heve the most modern equipment in Canada. ipment thet will see your cor take on @ brand in look. Try us todey! Equi new, sparkling clea SHELL-HANDY ANDY ONE STOP AUTO SERVICE CENTRE LTD. 520 KING WEST (at Stevenson Rd.) most cars 7.95 COMPLETE 4.95 most cars -- @ BOOKS OF CAR WASH TICKETS AVAILABLE @ YEARLY CAR WASH CONTRACTS AVAILABLE OPEN: 8:30 A.M. ye 6 PM. FRIDAY cin 9 P.M. PHONE 728-9421 bullding, for making fish cases, or for any other purpose has to be imported. have opened in the Greenland towns, ness, canning fish and shrimps to sei'- ing toothpaste, is still handled by the. Greenland trade depart- ment. MONTREAL (C Cry -- covered ra While a few private businessesjurore than 100 fe ag hraone was larger|found in an abandoned shaft in most busi-;a downtown commercial build-jended Sept. 30: 1963, $1,670,082,/have unearthed two old from deep-freezing andjing. The discovery was made/86 cents a Pied 1962, $1,597,-'coins. One coin, a half sing 74 $42. The : by John A. Macaulay, time sculler with Brentwood col- hege in Victoria and the Van- leouver Rowing Club. ie aN aust dust.) NET EARNINGS .; PORT T WALLACE, NB N.8. iy wewank eveling the ae i 1 a one-/972, 82 cents. | Worieen babom 4 } Dome Mines Ltd., 9 months|the Shevenecedie a be English is dated 1 other, Siseoe Mines Ltd., 9 months florin, is dated 1964,.'The canal : ended Sept. 30: 1963, $547,673\system was started about 1826 The Perfect Gift for CHRISTMAS Truly | The Gift That Lasts Forever! MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW Groland Photography 723-3680 (no comparable figure). and first used in 1861. PEPSI-COLA COMPANY MAKES CLEAN- \ TASTING TEEM--THAT'S WHY IT'S SOGOOD! Gerald McBoing-Boing, strange as It may seem, makes sounds, not words, to tell about Teem! Bottled In Oshawa By... SMITH BEVERAGES LTD., 750 Farewell Ave., Oshawa Suit yourself With or without, Dow's always right. It's brewed to suit your taste, taste- tested by men like you--men who trust their taste and know their ale. That's why Dow always measures up to your taste expectations; always gives you the smooth, mellow, full-bodied taste you want in an ale, 'ky b?, Ow the brew taste-tested by men like you BREWERY (ONTARIO) LIMi TED, 1\ORONTO