JANN LANDERS / In Human Sut Dear Readers: The following, letter was forwarded to me by Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan, of the Morning News in Karachi, Pakistan. I am printing it be- cause it demonstrates so point- " \edly the universality of man's lyour column today in the Kar- achi Morning News and the let- ter that struck me was written East Echoes West fering : rassing, not only for me, but for the person who makes the error, Like the American David classroom 30 high-pitched. When I make: a contrived effort to speak in a lower voice I become tense! and my voice becomes even higher, Could you please send me the address of the American David, people are not quite as fine as they sound on_ paper. work for you, too. 'Dear Ann Landers: tive, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 31, 1963 j women -- attrac- for the excitement of an affair, Rationalizes her husband takes her for granted, The years are slipping away--she needs more affec- tion, A middle-aged man, also married, and in their social crowd, confides that he -has cold and unfriendly. His I hope you noticed my advice Y to Weg Miverican David. willl ice not G tide ee, would get a divorce. How wn- fortunate that they didn't meet _ I justin yeans ! wrote a letter to you describ; i" ling my problem. Before sealingling around, the Romeo becomes After a few months' of sneak- the envelope I re-read it and tired of her and suggests they'd was dumbfounded. Why? Be- better 6 "for awhile" that/is wise. So the lady gets the brushoff, plus heartache and miliation. familiar ring of my letter. I know now my affair was just .|like the others -- cheap end meaningless, Perhaps this jetter will awaken some other middle- aged women who feel the need for excitement--My Name is Dear Legion: Thanks for a frank and humble letter. I- can fadd nothing. like it--in your column. cause I suddenly realized I have' read dozens of letters exactly 30 DAYS OVERSEAS MAPLE CLEANERS 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA @ Fine Furniture -- Broadioom @ Custom Made Draperies @ Bamboo.and Ready Made Drapes @ Personalized Decorating Service SUACE 1927 (OCT. Ist -- MAR. Ist) $312.00 ROUND TRIP AT FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) PHONE 728-6201 Cash & = 4 Hn Service Free Pick-Up and *Y, PHONE 725-0643 e by a W-year-old boy named Da-/Miss Landers? Since we have| Strange how each of us has a Reliab ~ the same problem perhaps welblind spot and thinks "I am dif- You see, I am 17 years old,jcould help each other. Sin-|ferent; the rules don't apply to 96 KING EAST and my name is David, also. I cerely yours--Another David | me." : have .the same problem the) Dear David: Thank you for! Here is the same tired story: American David wrote about. i In fact, his description of him- self fits me exactly, I know how he feels when peo- ple mistake him on 'the tele- 9 FURNITURE -- INTERIORS DOWNTOWN OSHAWA phone for his sister or his mother, It is horribly embar- YOUNG PEOPLE If you went a coreer in business --get all the High School you can get--then take Specialized HAPPY, BIRTHDAY, JESSICA Mr. F, Postma, Brockville, and Mrs. J. Andringa, Three years old today is ar ---- and her Ps brother, Michael, was.one year Business Training at the jast July. They are the chil- Franeker, Holland. dren of Mr. and Mrs. William --Ireland Studio | Oshawa San. sk reneanice ot | Business College FOR RENT You 'Get 'idividucl iat You get individual instruction You. receive 1 Gil Bess modern modern typewriters and adding machines and equi K machines of all makes: Under- |) ee aainins on hodlton, wood, Smith Corona, Royal, |} both standard and portable dels. Special d rates. with a. future Prrr--rr--r You may choose from Eight Day s Walmsley & Magill | School Career-Designed Courses. You receive the benefits of our 26 Office Equipment. Ltd. 9 KING SY. EAST years of experience in Business 725-3506 HOUSEHOLD HINT Wallpaper will be washable if you paint it first with sizing, then with clear shellac, Ronald W. 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