i; corresponding secretary,|held at the president's home onjread the minutes. Mrs. Nor-|School. Miss anna Wallace BANANAS IMPORTANT : Mrs. Norman Laughlin. November 6 at 8 p.m. Norman Adair, gave the veal a at the North School. Bananas make up 45 per cent Ban Pr ed I ll | lected: press, Mrs. oe een drapes for the new &th| It was announced the Grade ibbean re; of Hondu : quet ecedes Insta ation |sTH OSHAWA MOTHERS' AUX.) Mrs. St. Andrews declared all/Fitches; uniforms, Mrs.-D D.|Rover Den at Camp Samac, |! Mothers Tea and Open House|"* ofade mothers of Miss Wal: i i FS sor rene | The 8th Oshawa Sea Scout|meetings over to Mr. Osborne,'Dove; sewing, Mrs, John Rob- November 6. Mothers' Auxiliary held its an-\curate of Christ Memorialiertson; social, Mrs. Mathew|wedneoday Neveuiber ane Mrs. R. Heard was then in-} a Pe ses --* 9 ra oe Lodge and its!in the Hillcroft street, Scout|Day, chairman of the nominatin| Mrs. Keith Burns. |Hall at 2.30 p.m. jsubject "Family Life'. Mrs. STOP TT dia a ksi pee oe eae ace |Heard in her address stressed |president, was . : St, Andrew, thanked the Rev. {many "poults What: banquet for the officers and bi we should think about, then put PET COMPANY 282 King W 728-958) & THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 30, 1963 TTS R TPS AUXILI ARIE S k UN i] G 0 i The following coiveners were| It was decided to donate bam-|SUTe!'s Teport. Refreshments were served by|0f the export trade of the Car- Of S ] R b k h Offi (Sea Scouts) offices vacant and turmed the|Barton; visiting, Mrs. Robert! -yany articles were tumed in|*! the Highway School will be/!@ce's room. ; nual meeting Monday _night|Church. He called on Mrs, Roy|Sutton, Mrs. Giles Goulding,|Christ Memorial Church Parish|ttoduced as guest speaker. Her! in the IOOF hail preceded by a \Hall. Mrs. David St. Andrews,/committee to present the new| The re-elected president, Mrs.! Meeting closed with Scout Mo-| ve as parents A ncus-GRAYDON CAR : Club, Sister Dorothy Smith pre-| The meeting opened with all) The following officers wi ; ' thers': Promise and Mispah. | members, with Sister Elspeth) sented Sister Elda Howard with repeating the scout mothers' |installed by Me. pe eel ith Osborne for his services. | Refreshments were served bY| ome action forth. She pointed Dolmage, District Deputy Pres-\a gift, on becoming a Past prayer. |Mrs. Roy Day and Mrs. Stanley, The president appointed the| the. Vis Stoqpe F atta) with Brig number of things that hap- 7, howe Diaities West, Noble Grand. The president welcomed two|Gales acting as flagbearers: [following patrol leaders -- Mrs.|Robertson, Patrol Jeader. lpen in many homes that with peak Fil agg a ns or At the close of the meeting, |visitors The Reverend John Os-| President, Mrs. David St,|. E. Elder, Mrs. John Robert- COURTICE H AND §__|a little thought could be handled convened by Sister Elsie Keays /2ll retired to the banquet hall, borne and Mrs. Osborne. Parana vice-president, ride eae gy Megas Fi Ante Mrs.| The regular meeting at the easily to make for a happier and committee. lwhere light refreshments were! After the regular business, all/Reginald Coombes; recording re . ee school was opened by the presi- "Family Life'. aa' tablas iserved by Sister Ann Coakwell, annual reports were read. Ajsecretary, Mrs. Robert Ross;|Morrison and Mrs. Smith. dent, Mrs. Harold Graham. Room count was won by Miss! |as convener and her committee.'very sudeassful year has ended.|treasurer, Mrs. Michael Kados-| An executive meeting will beiMrs, Charles Archer, secretary,/Marion Palmer at the Highway! Be prepared with safe first aid that brings fast relief... keep your medicine cabinet stocked with %. were decorated called to order with Sister Elda Howard, NG, presiding, assist- ed by Sister Elsie McKee, VG. A large number of Sisters and Brothers from various Rebekah lodges were present, A guard of honor, under direction of Sister Irene Willis, formed an arch, with pretty snapdragons, under which the following guests were received and welcomed. Sister Elspeth Dolmage, DDP of District 7 by Sister Mabel Parsons; Sister Grace Love, DDP of Dist. East No. 8 by Sister Lillian French;. Bro. Earl Geer, DDGM of Oshawa Dist. 41, hy Bro. Orville Ma- Gee; Bro, Harvey Attwood, Grand Guardian of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, by Bro. Cyril French. Sister Mabel Disney, PP of Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, by Sister Emily Booth; Sister Lorraine Hewat, President of Department Association of On- tario, LAPM, by Sister Lena) MacFarlane; Sister Tena Rob- erts, PDDP, by Sister Marie Elliott, Installing Staff, by Sis-| ter Gladys Stoneburg. Sister Elda Howard, NG, ex- tended a hearty welcome. The VG reported on the sick and shut-in members and wish- ed a speedy recovery to 'those who were still ill. The regular reports were re- 7 ceived and dealt with. C ] B d The highlight of the evening ontinenta e Ss was the installation of officers é Comp! with heedboerd for the term of 1963-64, efficient-| box springs and 'legs, ly conducted by Sister Elspeth ' Dolmage, DDP of Oshawa and LOOK WHAT District West No. 7 and her JUNGLE installing staff. BARGAIN, The officers for the ensuing term are as follows: Noble Grand, Sister Elsie McKee; Vice Grand, Sister Francis Cornelius; recording secretary, Sister Victoria MaGee; finan- cial secretary, Sister Lliewella Pine; treasurer, Sister Marie Elliott; warden, Sister Dorothy Haley; conductor, Sister Alice Henry; inside guardian, Sister Edna Franklin; outside guard-| ian, Sister Amy Moore; chap- lain, Sister Margaret Gray; RSNG, Sister Dorothy Smith; LONG, Sister. Elsie Keays; RSNG, Sister May Wood; LSNG Sister Lillian Pennington; JPNG| Sister Elda Howard; musician,| Sister Gladys Morgan; color bearer, Sister Sybil Coldrick. | | | WILSON FURNITURE'S iP EDICT? SMOOTH-TOP MATTRESSES Hundreds of coils -- Lovely tickings. SE EOUR GRAB BAG ASSORTED PILE IN THE JUNGLE. Tom-Tom Drums Announce Mighty Big Jungle SMOOTH-TOP Sale at Wilson Furniture. Now you can fix huts for few scalps. Bring whole tribe to Wilson Furniture , mattresses, Jungle. You make 'um good deal. Trading starts at 10 A.M. Thursday (before sun is high). Listen to Tom-Toms, they beat bargains, come on down, with Valued from 39.95 to 59.95. TOM- TOM SPECIAL 'woman and beardiess kids, Free sparkling water (cokes) free rubber clouds (balloons). BABY BARGAINS 8.88 Me CHAIRS ! CHAIRS! CHAIRS! HOSTESS CHAIRS, RECLINER CHAIRS, PLATFORM ROCKERS, SWIVEL ROCKERS, OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, ' All Slashed In Price From GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS See our large selection of Gift Items LAMPS, TABLES, PICTURES, MIR- RORS, SMOKERS, STACKSTOOLS, HASSOCKS, MAGAZINE RACKS, FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS. JUNGLE PRICES LARGE SAVINGS CHROME HIGH CHAIRS .... CHESTERFIELD Serta With Mattress. 1 only - 2 Pee. Suite. Durable Frieze upholstery,. Foom Cushi Sold for 289.00. NEVER BEFORE OFFERED AT THIS '199 Roaring Jungle Special USE YOUR CREDIT, Low, Low Down Payments EASY TERMS SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES 21.88 19.88 COMMITTEES BABY CARRIAGES Trustees -- Sisters Jeanette Bowman, Estelle Sim, Thelma) Clearout from Perrin. Finance: Sisters Estelle sim, | FULL SIZE CRIBS white or ing Stephens, Gladys Stone. natural. Cash and Carry . . Property: Sisters Dorothy Haley, Elda Howard, Dorothea) Pierson. Membership: Sisters Liewella| . J Pine, Marie Elliott, Lillian| French, MacFarlane, Jenny) Perry. Benevolent: Sisters Florence, } Johnston, Betty Taylor, Alice| 4 Watson, Sally Bryans, May Skea. CP and T: Sister Delma Hutch-/ JUNGLE NO PLACE FOR DEALERS FREE Delivery with Horseless Carriage FREE STORAGE ) UNPAINTED FURNITURE DIRECT FROM THE JUNGLE ison, Irene Willis, Edna Huband. | Press reporter: Sister Hazel Waring; assistant reporter, Sis-| ter Victoria MaGee. | Degree captain: Sister Irene Willis; assistant degree captain, Sister Victoria MaGee. Soloist: Sister Lillian Penning- ton. Covenant: Sisters Gray, Thel-| ma Gow, Mabel Parsons, Each distinguished guest ex- pressed pleasure at being pres- ent and offered best wishes for . 12-Year-Old Marvel ' Plays Violin, Piano SELKIRK, Man. isn't often you find a 12-year-old girl equally proficient at playing piano and violin. It's even-less| ' often the same girl also is a qualified music teacher giving lessons to pupils only a year or two younger than she. But this is all old hat to Caroline Rose Gadiel. She has been a triple-threat performer) since she was 10 and has been playing the piano since she was} . : It all started when Caroline,| as a tot, used to watch her) mother giving piano lessons.} Noticing the child's interest, | Mrs. Gadiel began teaching her ' simple pieces. This year she had the thrill of seeing her) daughter pass her piano per-) formance exams at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Tor- onto. She is scheduled to write her harmony and history exams|- in February. Mrs, Gadiel emphasizes that Caroline has. never been "pushed." The girl practises only a half-hour a day on each instrument and her mother de- scribes her as a normal, happy child who just happens to' be} able to learn to play music easily. } Caroline's teaching ability. is) indicated by the fact her four violin students and one taking piano have all had consistently first-class marks. This doesn't necessarily mean Caroline will eventually become a concert artist. Her mother says she hopes the girl, will choose a career as a scientist or a social worker. | (CP) -- It}; complete with filled mattresses, rail and ladder. JUNGLE SALE 57.00 SMOOTH-TOP QUILTED, BETTER QUALITY MATTRESSES BEDROOM Hundreds of coils taped edges and airvents, sold for $69.50 JUNGLE SALE 33.88 Beoutiful Lilac 3 pce. BEDROOM SUITE Mr. and Mrs. tilt-back mirror, chest and bookcase bed slightly damage: com- pore with $249. su... 147.00 spring- guard Dresser large 5-PIECE CHROME KITCHEN SETS A beautiful array of lovely colors and pat- terns, latest smart de- signs, reol big reduc- tions. es PRICED AS LOW AS 34.73 16 PCE. "GOLDEN LORY" STARTER SET heat proof - trimmed in 22 Kt. gold ONLY AT WILSON'S ALL 16 Pieces BUYING A BRIDGE SET FOR CHRISTMAS? SEE OUR DISPLAY, famous names like Samsonite and Cooey, FRoM 22.50 ELEPHANTASTIC BARGAIN! 2-PIECE DAVENPORT SUITE Sofabed sleeps two, Storage com- partment, matching chair. Was $169. Unbelieve- able. JUNGLE 68°' SPECIAL ....:. Jungle Spectacular! 3-PIECE SECTIONAL SUITE Beautiful frieze upholstery, corner table bar, very popular choice. ALL 3 PIECES ETE LAE LEI, Here's A Buy! 2-PCE. FRIEZE CHESTERFIELD SUITE "Foam Cushions" smart style, was $189. 3 Only While They Last. JUNGLE SPECIAL DESKS 12.99 BOOKCASES 1.99 DRAWERS ............ 14.99 .. 18.99 LARGE 4 DRAWER DESK ... KITCHEN and DINETTE SUITES Large Size 36" x 60" Table, with inlay 6 harmonizing, sturdy chairs was 99.95 wn 9-88 THEY LAST HEADBOARDS For Continental Beds 10 ONLY, assorted styles and colors. Values to 16.95 So >>> SS SS Jungle * Special 20 CHURCH ST. House of Braemore! GORGEOUS MODERN CONTEMPORARY SKIRT SUITE Quilted back. 'Foam Cushions" Foam Bolsters, Here's Quality Was $329. s] @ 7 JUNGLE CLEAROUT ... Cannibal Special! (Our Profits are Eaten up on this one) 2-PCE. MODERN CHESTERFIELD SUITE Hard Wearing Upholstery, 'Foam Cushions" Store Sample Sold for $107 $189, Specatcular Jungle Amazon Savings! 2 PIECE ITALIAN PROVINC'AL CHESTERFIELD SUITE Beautiful Brocade Upholstery, foam cushions, Seat and Back. 1 Only -- No "$43 peats. JUNGLE UY er eae : Walnut Finished 3 Pce. 'BEDROOM SUITE Solid construction, large dresser with bevelled mirror, double book- case bed, spacious matching chest Compare with s] 1 7 WHAT A VALUE! STUDENTS DESKS drawer and shelves JUNGLE SALE 12.99 Lovely French Provincial BEDROOM SUITE white and gold double dresser with framed mir- ror bookcase bed and roomy chest of drawers, roan e168 ears 6' x 9 LINOLEUM BORDERLESS bright, cheerful patterns HURRY -- THESE WILL GO FAS JUNGLE BONUS 2.99 FLOOR COVERING woll-to-wall, per foot 23c¢ PLATFORM ROCKERS Nylon frieze covers, you'll buy these now for Xmas. 38.95 $189. JUNGLE SPECTACULAR . CLM? urniture Jungle 723-3211