a ignts and electromagnetic Colls.|jthan the players, cneering gooa; Proprietors © 6m plain that Urg e 5 pe ak er THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 30, 1963 7! e is The machines are American,|runs and groaning when the/many of the players are little Pin-Ba acnines Ee ore a nat ur are ected ty Oeee tan Bowery bugs br Standard, was "excided trom|sderng the cts but reached ne cate 8! Ast ' cating their reputations a T R | facilities pa or eS tak rmdir oe gd pel wai' spending little on beer. But hve 0 hesoive crown." was dissolved for the election . cago age gion Pha j ee re eee & Cee '4 Speaker Macnaughton prom-|last April, risks that make experienced|HELPS BUSINESS tive necessity if bars want to P te ; wee Ss aris North Americans nervous--jig-| News of a new machine s0on|stay in business. ress ispu ised to try to reach a "right| Mr, Rodgers, part-time cor- gling, banging and thumping thejgets around. The fortunate bar! 1+ +. pin-ball fever cools, oe iil and just decision" in a matter|respondent for The Standard, jy ramework in a savage, oath-/owner can be Pag agpn te other machines will follow. The| OTTAWA (CP) -- Spea 2 hog Sy 8 aA en shialtaa erage deegg en i ocl -- Wine, womenmeaning simply "the thinguma-)bets are placed. Winners mere ¥|laden effort to keep the ball immediate boost in cus! latest attraction along the Bou-|Alan Macnaughton was pressed/cern." I le hop p by e mentary PARIS (CP) 44 ig." th chines - have in-|accumulate free games or extra) bouncing off the neon-lit stancii-/4s the masters and their fans levard St. Michel is a simulated|Tuesday in the C to re-|to é the case and aiso|Press Gallery. He has been re- and politics still dominate thejjig, e ma balls. |ions, They seem to be doing anjtroop in to test their skill and driving test complete with gears|solve the year-long efforts ofthe principle involved in it. |porting parliamentary debates passions of male Parisians but)spired an urban cult that pro- STYLE IS FRENCH tagonized twist. conquer the machine's individ: | akes lights and traffic indi-|Raymond Spencer 'Rodgers to| Mr, Fisher said a number of|from a courtesy seat in the dip- "those machines" from Chicago|mises to be almost as fever- 'As many as four players can) "I've been watching these|yal quirks. horbacoigg Stale sieckbecthip: in the Purlteeusbors 'Oak te. tebe terharueed GaN are fast becoming a fourth pre-lishly popular as the outdoor bi-) As many as fol each other,|guys for two months," said an; "One must know one's maz-| : : vierotncang coding ee Hy action and require an indica-| His application was rejected occupation. _ jeycle races. In og in hyleach paying 20 centimes forjenvious New Yorker, "'and I\chine," a top-class player ex- CANADA LEADS Douglas Fisher (NDP -- Portition of the status of the case(on the ground that his part- te eetmworn ewe eee Aig orgnmoenge ge 4 three balls. But the addicts pre-|don't see how they get awayjplained. "They are very ey Canada leads the world in/Arthur) asked for a "'quick res-|before doing so. He did not say|time occupation did not meet pin-ball machine--as complex|of exper' : fer to duel with the machines/with it. like women. Some are 8 of the situation|what action was contemplated.|the requirements of the gallery it. st si ths. ; . " HIP Is t to|production of nickel, is secondjolution" Oe aan pa ara a Uinlike gece bandits --lalone,. pitting their human re-| 'Every time I try it the 'tilt rag galego Pe tertiin aluminum and zine. and|whereby Mr, Rodgers, corres-| Late last year the Commons|constitution that @ member be i i i i i lights right away." j ivi i -la full-time correspondent, and Left-Bank bars. fl eo a es ve perl pir ll ye Ty : Fc ed Gsachators are more Y vical alone." ifourth in copper and jead. pondent for the St. Catharines|privileges committee began con Sometimes called '"'le truc,""tary payoff, a! ' ¥ : Canada's. Finest Health Insurance Opportunity Again Offered To every Resident of Ontario palth insurance plan COMPREHENSIVE MEDICAL-SURGICAL PROTECTION REGARDLESS OF AGE OR PAST OR PRESENT HEALTH mnt Pays Your Doctor--From The Very First Visit HOW CAN WE DO IT? his health insurance opportunity is based on the In June, 1962, Medicall was introduced to Ontarie GENERAL PRACTITIONER OR SPECIALIST Sroww in the oun oleuncel on Osaetg cutis cont tnies ab banc: aac aan group in this case consists of all Ontario residents who join during the specified enrollment period. __ surgical insurance. P. ays Your Surgeon--F or All Operations Because of the size of the group, benefits are most © Over 12,000 individual claims are being Basen 4 comprehensive and rates are kept to an absolute _ settled each month--ample proof of the acceptance of Medicall, me d ic ca WI LL PAY IN FU LL YOU CONTROL YOUR POLICY'S FUTURE Continental Guarantees--Y our policy will never be cancelled or your benefits or premiums THE CURRENTLY APPROVED FEES NORMALLY CHARGED BY changed because of the amount or number of claims you collect. Continental cannot cancel ANY policy unless it cancels ALL policies issued under this special Ontario Plan. | ONTARIO DOCTORS. THE FOLLOWING DETAILS ILLUSTRATE You Have the Right to Cancel--Not only can you cancel your policy at any time but, THE WIDE COVERAGE AND THE BROAD RANGE OF PAYMENTS: after you receive your policy and you are not 100% satisfied in every way, you may return it Based on 100% of the Ontario Medical Association's Schedule of Fees, 1962 within 10 days and your first month's premium will be immediately refunded. Hi DOCTOR'S BILLS--For home, office and hospital--from the very fl DIAGNOSIS--Including x-ray and laboratory expense to a limit of 2. PAST CONDITIONS--Coverage for past conditions (for which first visit--general practitioner or specialist--without limit on the $50.00. No limit on necessary x-ray for fractures and dislocations, you have had treatment or advice PRIOR to the date of your policy) number of visits. begins six months after policy's effective date. Wi SURGICAL OPERATIONS--as a result of sickness or accident, Me MATERNITY--Covered after planin force for 8 months, miscarriage including anaesthetist's fees. Here are some examples of payments : ; " ae are ic a " made for operations performed by a general practitioner, assistant after 3 months. Both husband and wife must enroll, Bi TONSILS AND ee iat aaa six month waiting period peti Jig Ml PSY CHIATRY--Up to $25.00 for the first visit--$10.00 for each % £0" Femoval of tonsils and adenoids, ' Surgeon & Asst. Anaesthetist = When operation ts subsequent visit (one per week). ' Wrist Fracture sseeree+$ 47.50 .sereeeee. $15.00 Performed by a Cor, Mi MEDICALL DOES NOT COVER routine medical examinations Appendix..ccesesesess 100.00 ....eeeee5 25.00 Certified Anaesthe- Mi YOU ARE FULLY COVERED for both new and past conditions. or "check-ups"; preventive medicine such as vaccinations; expenses Gall Bladder seeeeesee+ 163.00 .ssseeeee4 35.00 st, payment will be 1. NEW CONDITIONS--Coverage begins immediately on the paid by Workmen's Compensation or other Government authority; Thyr0id secvevoscccess 205.00..eee.e000 45.00 ist's scheduled rate, ~ effective date of the policy. effects of War, 1. Man or woman 2. Man or woman 3. One adult (any age) 4. Both parents (any age) 16 to 49 years of age 50 years of age or over and dependent children and dependent children under 19 years of age. under 19 years of age, MONTHLY RATES pain miSs ee $12.00 monthly $16.00 monthly Each person enrolling must make Each person enrolling must make Only one enrollment form Only one enrollment form | out a separate enrollment form. outa separate enrollment form, necessary for each family. necessary for each family. ARE ALL YOU PA y! FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, MEDICALL PREMIUMS ARE PAYABLE MONTHLY A MESSAGE TO SELF-EMPLOYED PERSONS ATTENTION SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS AO ARE LIMIT, WO PHYSICAL ¢ niin AO HEALTH QUESTIONS. Medicall is of particular interest to professional people Owners of small businesses, spolmoape Uf o-- Ma hd Enrollment ends midnight, November 5th, 1963 Sandie chy nanos ae poop te, att palo the lel ob cre osve ea te in Your protection begins on November 15th, 1963 One of the four plans detailed above will cover your : .- 0 A separate enrollment is required for each member, i : requirements. No company address or association is Policies and monthly ayment cards can be sent to you j necessary, or your employee as desired, -- Here's All You Do To Join: DO IT NOW! BRS ' Mail this enrollement form to Medicall, Continental Casualty Co., 160 Bloor St. E., Toronto 5, Ont. 1 4 J DO IT NOW! Mall this enrollement form to Medicall, Continental Casualty Co., 160 Bloor St. E,, Taronto §, Ont. ge | ENROLLMENT FORM FOR = 8 ; (Check OnePlan Only) -- wepicatt PLAN WITH CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANYS, 1, Fill out enrollment blank and a i attach cheque or money order ENROLLMENT FORM FOR we : for first month's premium. ' WITH CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY 5 G 2. Give them to your own insure ENCLOSED 15 $5.50 POLICY OWNER'S od: ance agent or broker or any oi) LAST NAME sO eA LT) Continental agent-- ENCLOSED IS $6.50 FIRST NAME AND : 30 miooueinitian «Lt { {| {| [| [ J J Te Or mail tor ¢ ENCLOSED IS $12.00 MEDICALL, "ec Continental Casualty Company, ENCLOSED IS $15.00 160 Bloor Street East, lunderstund thet my eoveroge Toronte 5, Ontario, will begin November 15,1963, (CheckOnePlanOnly) weoicatt PLAN Give extra enroll- ment blank to your husband, wife or friend » QO ENCLOSED IS $5.50 whekepial deelune ' POLICY OWNER'S rity iH 20 usrane CLT TTT H ENCLOSED IS $6.50 1 FIRST NAME AN 30 mopeinmia [1 1111)1111/$ ENCLOSED IS $12.00 "WAICIN CAI CARE OF (i applicable) MAIL IN CARE OF (if applicable) O ENCLOSED IS $15.00 funderstand that my coverage 'will begin November 15,1963, tity PROVINCE e "STREET ADDRESS STREET ADDRES: CITY PROVINCE No more information needed. Enclose cheque or ert Continental will send you your money order fér first WONT | DAY Lua hort O ie DEPENDENT Medicall health insurance plan month's premium pay- | | 0 jcuioren before effective date of Novem- able to Continental | SIGNATURE ber 15th, 1963. Casualty Company. F DEPENDENT CHILDREN Enclose cheque or CT A a PT broee money order for first MONTH pay YEAR month's premium pay- j able to Continental | SIGNATURE Casualty Company. FEMALE o ee ee ee ee eee ee ee eee a» net Lewes Se ee a ae ee Ae Bt