THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tucsdey, October 29, 1963 17 TELEVISION LOG -- -- na ae CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto pie \ WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo : x AFTERBURNE rs BOWLING NEWS. WKBW-TV Channel 7~Buffalo WROC-TV Channe) 8--Rochester ' : : oo ~ GFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto CKVR-TV Charnel 3--Barrie i: th : ee Merton ere a, Aly - points, Lets took F F< ° 7 Sates Five Bees took 2 points. TUESDAY EVE. 6:00 A.M. <-tecra! Storm ' Te ; / NS . ' 'com wang -- Strikers 13 points, 1--Captain Andy 2--Captain Bob . eS Y A A / R 13; Alley. | $00 P.M. : | i Eacy Aces, 13; Ramblers, a #200. 4--Captain Kangaroo 41:30 P.M. Cats, 9; Five Bees, 7) Lets, 5. Ji--Family theatre 1 AM. -- =| SMicay Mouse Club Z / / , 200 Games -- Pauline Shaw 206 and 9--Kiddo 1--Romper Room 6--Father Knows Best a R i ities Sandra Labanovich 208. &--Early Show 9~Homemakers Health | 4--Leave It To Beaver * P+ MAINTAIN SURVEILLANCE Any girls interested in bowling, please "ea hassle Dare Lk batons | ene PaRMGy' ON YEWSKI-TWOSKI YOUR é 3s phone 920-5427, 4-Five O'clock show | 2--mike Douglas Show ba «ae las S SS AREA... VECTOR 065... - aera ar gh 9:15 A.M, N--Famiky Theatre GATE... ANGELS 85. 5:30 P.M. 9--Miss Helen 9--Kiddo : OVER, Scome Listen A While 9:30 A.M. 7 the early Sh 6--Come Listen iy esta) a rly Show 3 7--Jack LaLanne Show 3-Gu 6-3--Razze Dazzi 2-Ritleman $-Playtime With Bobby! {Five Gclock Show 539. vataciraed ase Ri ew ee noma eae q Donna, Hall' 27, Rhonda MeGrepor. It Ps tare ta ond" Wondpecker = ARENT ARY RECORDS! 1 | WHO AAADE PE) THINK an hy see 3 --Girl Talk Pn 2--Today -1963 +-Calendar oe oo KNOWS THE F EVERYTHING HAS BEEN. As RE { ORANGE LODOE LEAGUE 6:15 P.M, : 10:39 AM. scaing z : I IF THERES N'T ING TO WORRY wet Bile, compe Fea with @ 4--Headline News 11--Super Bingo live ahd Leetn } : High Triples -- Sam Plume 689 (241, §-2--Word For Word 3Nationts Business 7 y INN 225) ack Goodman 686 (243, =, od : >> : | (268, 227), Bob Ellis 636 4100 P.M, 7--General Hospital 2--Today, 1963 (22, 225), Don Wassell 618 (222, 204), 11-9-8-6-4-2--News; 6--Chez Helene 6:15 PM >. Weather; Sports 4-1 Love Lucy 4 ase Kay Holbrook 613 (212, 206) and George McGillivrary 607 (221, 203). Men's 200 -- L Jungle Jay Show 4--Headline News 11:00 A.M. ls 6--Glynis 3--Quiz re ha = 'ide 218, Bob Gard- 9--Morning Magazine ~« ler 246, George McBr' ner 207, Bill Talbot 205, A. K. Ferguson 203, Ladies 200: Di; 254, MOTOR CITY SPITFIRES -- Jelly Beans iy JANE ARDEN 6:45 P.M. 8-2--Concentration ; Dianne Durgan 4-The McCoys | Z--Jungle Jays Show Helen McBride 236, Joan Ellis 213 and 7:00 P.M. 6--Sports Folio wa 11:30 A.M. Sports 7--Seven Keys 8-2--Huntley Brinkley . ! WEDNE: nt 4--The Phil Silver's Show irl Talk | WA IDNESDAY Te LADIES 3--Hennesey ya hl sad blade * 7:00 P.M. Standings -- This week 2--Have Gun Will Travel y' 9--Best of Groucho n 6:30 P.M. ' -9-8-3-2---Niews; Weather 11--Family Theatre - 7--Price is Right 8-2--Huntley Brinkley | 6--Loretta Young and" Sports Huskinson , 9--The Littlest Hobo ie 6:4$ P.M. Too bad we don't print the Lemon T6---News, Weather, -- | AlperE J. Steed Show | 11_Eamily: Theatre sit : N 8---Peter Gunn ay d . 7:30 P.M. + Naran hon? 7-6--News, Weather, CROSS . Next we have Blackjacks %. 1i--The Flintstones 8-2~Your First Sports Slowpokes .11, Twisters 11, Whitecaps 9% Impression | 4--Zane Grey Theatre ee Hambones 8, Headpins 7 and Hopefuls 7. 7--~Tennessee Ernie Ford| 3--Candid Camera . 20 Games -- B. Slute 299, P. Bark é-Hhwsdd Glover | 2--Death Valley Days 3. Campus s 274, K. Schnalder 252, G. May 243, F, ite | 4--News and: Weather sae Rak 1. Skillful Greek- Hi Cwk 227, N Judge 116" N- Flee' 207" ene | 12:18 PM. | 9--Dick Vaa Dyk 5. Chief letter : oS H. Gardner' tee eS ee 3Petticoat Junction 9--Noonday Report | oe aa 9. Sierra ---- societies 6 [UM] 5] EE OWE % i ? 600 Triples -- Our high triple bowler 8:00 P.M. SReeker he House | Cprwindal Atal' del Sur 4. Spread . , --. at _ (rele geen On aye ae ae oe 9 1-:Spaciel Movie 12:30 P.M. 4--Chronicle 10.Smail grass to dry ' : PHOT : | I Nice bowling Blanche. g 7 &3--Patty Duke Show | 9--Kiddo Cartoons | 3--Phil Silvars Show weight: 5. Moslem s , Thelma Brown 670 (291), Shirley Pow 'Red Skelton Hour = | &2-- Truth or 7:45 P.M. Heb. title ers 647 (295), Barbara Martyn 630 (227, 4:30 P.M. a nae re 12.Mountain _ 6, To become Ax Gn tae Cr eae ee --77 Sunset Strip 6--Movie Matinee il . 8:00 P.M. nymph 602 (223, 218), = icHales Navy "Search for a Michael rove 4 13, Part of 7. Crucial yore :eague -- C. Lidster 9, D, $3--Ben Casey 12:45 P.M, --My Favorite Martian a bird's point glare Yesterday's Answer ay 96, E. Saunders 92, B. Roberts 82, ash | 7--Patty Duk : 1 D. '-Redigo 4-Guiding Light | aac ieed Ritor: Jediines wing 8, Robust " 37. The Muses mM. ee pS 9:00 P.M. ' 3--Movie 6:29 ® 2M. 14, Departed 9. Cut, as 39, Helps gehen Bone. Saw! 1:00 P.M. ME nati 15. Woods- grass pth Begg it pone de geet 11--One--With the Sonins | 9--Hockey Néght In Led by Mavis Taylor and Nancy Love fs Legal Lights emerged as winners of the arth ee Canada 11.0 2 ~4 \4--Petticoa* Junction | 2--December Bride 7--Price is Right tools 17. Taut lowes by 'hall HS TA pébore tee dep wns y Ball Hi's 17, Sabers 16, J &--Matinee 9:30 P.M. 7--Afternoon Show 63--Perry Mason \ 18. Mulberry cap 4 q ee 7 | 4--Glynis, Comedy Series 4 Birds 15, Hicks 12, Sally's 12, P 4--Meet The Millers | 19. Markets q . : J iio barker: th y's 12, Pea MICKEY MOUSE "1--Hennesey 9--Harry's Girls 3--Popeye | F s ) ' 's 10. 63-Front Page Challenge) 2~--Divorce Court i was tie m 20. Rabid seed hd the night's play Perry's knocked off +The Jock Benny Show 1:30 P.M. | '¢-2--Esplonage : 21, High card ' Que's'$ to 4 "Lagat Lights pod 3 10:00 P.M. | 11--Mid-day Matinee 7--Ben Casey . 2 to 1 and Hicks over Sally's 4 to 0. Ti--Route 66 | 9--Our House | 4--The Beverly Hillbillies . The high single game in the first seo eh te wien eae 4--As The World Turns } 4:30 PM. ton Lg teegy ed by Perry's with 1328 2--Andy jams ; ! J and 1 h bowled i--The Fugitive | 2:00 P.M. | 6-3--Festival Ball Hi's wih eee we " 63--News Magazine 9--1 Love Lucy 4--The Dick Ven Dyke in the select class it was Reg. Hickey, ow | She We | LE RETOUR DES OTAGES DE CARTIER, -- "JENA PAS CONFIANCE A CES of soft ball tame, returning and bow . 2--People Will Talk | A . ; es ee 1:90 PM, 'esd tat toe GY TAIGNOAGNY ET DAMAGAYA, RASSURE , FRANCAIS ARMES JUSQU'AUX ingvat ath bat 8h'. 63--Quest 9--The Millionaire 8-2--The Eleventh Hour B Y, Les INDIENS, y - 4 4 CONFIE TAGNOAGHY, A, 8-2--The Doctors 7--Channing j : : jarold Balle 741, ies n BRA ooh Soe 7--Day In Court 4--The Danny Kaye Show Y/ , as , y / Mann 748 (308), Toabalie ee' ab oy ar ews 63--Scariett Hill 85, Large : Mavis Taylor 737, Joan Rogers 719 (335) Weather and Sports | 4--House Party 10:00 PAM. | , ; s Ss . and Nancy Love 7i8, asia 11:18 P.M, 3:00 P.M. | 9-The Twiliget Zone 38. Folds over ' . \ UW "F ' ' In the high average race efter six %--Metro Final | 9--Here's Looking at You 11:00 Pam, 42, Shake- eo /, ' i weeks Lloyd Sabins still leads with 264) Vi int 8-2--Loretta' You | 1-9-8. - 4 . ' ' 4 i 'i fs oh Harold Ballem 256, Jim Hardie Re &--Viewpoin ore ng 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--Neews speare . 5 j \ h © AN | , TN Jay 242 and Ron Swarts 24 244, Ron 7--Qui Fi . mintaies fate' | neem | acne ae Het tl becewven : Lah |r ir et A as = i ~- Th th 27 ee : . 7-4--Late show . ne ol e 9--Metro Final 45, Like mint Y Y, Y c r 9) BP in) BIENVENUE AUX DIEUX Z Wy Dad; Hy by Lou Himes 222, Mavis Taylor 2%, 11190 PLM. 'ilk Deay Mi elaciad 46, Bereave ) ena > & f | D'AU-DELA DES MERS, : 1--TV Open Line 9--People in Conflict 11198 PA. 47. Minus : / ' t DIT DONNACONA, LE Satraeraes" | tetercartar" |ittaer tet 4 and: Pe emertees | cur oc a e18u 'on' ri ly Giant |--Spor' ings Rom, iy " (Le Be ' oy British Ci E of 4 L 5 * > = being used some Saran ee "non N--TV Open Line DOWN Y -"§NVIGNI SHA "31 3HL dO J3IHO "ANDVONDIVL S¥01dNOD pred siesta ha Brooking pant as 300 P.M. -- ree can . We trust monmspay -- | b-Hideaway-Furiime | s--Plere Berton Hour | 9. Challeng "34 'VAVDVWVG GNV ANDVONSIVL 'VNODVNNOG SAVS »,SV3S 3HL.GNOA H139L HL OL GAWYV SUV OHM [situation will be'Yemesied at anee 4Big Mac Show = | 7--Trallmaster | GeNigmtas 47 'SDVASOH SUFILUVD JO NUNLIY IHL 3d WOUd SGOD FHL OL BWOOTEM, NAWHONSYA 3SFHL ASNUL LON O9 I T--Rocket Ship 63--Cisco Kid * 3--Sam Benedict garden 10-29 ~~ Your Greater Oshawa Community Chest NEEDS Your Support rove as tomes one $261,800 1S NEEDED 2. (ce CHUCKLE TE-THIS ISTH IT'S TH'-UGHS-- SHE'S IN LOVE O'THET HAWG, IS WHY! = HAPPIEST TIME O'TH'Y'AR. SADDEST TIME O'TH' DOGPATCH BUT NOT BEIN'A HOOMIN BEAN, SHE. : 'THE HORSES STRAIN TO PULL THE PASSENGERS +>» HELPED BY ALL OF THE WAGON FROM THE FO' DOGPATCH FEMALES" YAR FO' US PRIZES" . ; FEMALE. CAIN'T RUN IN TH' SADIE. HAWKINS GRASPING QUICKBAND:: SADIE HAWKINS DAY IS THE LONE RANGER "AA-A-AN® ( ONCE ' ati A-A-A-AH! (Adaan! } sy AAA-AAW'LL SAy! ' Siero MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult of the @ Member Oshawa & District Real Estate Board -- sy © Ting Pontures Syndicate, tne. 1961 Wark righte reserved. MUGGS AND SKEETER OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 50 MILL JULIET JONES I DIDN'T re) . aE al | | eres ee | ae bit | ,, DOORS - SASH ~ and ROOFING FREE DELIVERY "If it's LUMBER, eall our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST.