shine, with emphasis on ro mance in January, May and June; on travel in 'ate Decem- ber and the late May-late Au- gust period and -- if you are careful to avoid tension and friction in January and March --smooth sailing in domestic circles throughout the vear. A child born on this day will cellent period for making long. range plans and for finding means to increase your earn- ings. The period between now and late February, which should be so helpful to occupationa! interests, will also be good for finances. Next good period along these lines: September, 1964, Avoid speculation in March and April. be extremely aggressive and During the forthcoming 12)/will have to curb a strong ten- months you should find great}dency: to dominate--which 'could: happiness in persvae] reiation- " THEOSHAWA: TIM SNE THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW With the moon in Pisces until evening, the earlier part of the day should find most persons in sympathetic, congenial mooi, and it would be a good period in which to seek advice and favors if needed, also to ac- complish a great deal through | Fs Honored On Golden Wedding The couple have six children, five of which are stili Uving; three daughters, Beatrice (Mrs. Fred Hynes); Dody (Mrs. John Smith); Janie (Mrs. Norman Langdon, Toronto); three sons, Evan William Newell and Richard Napoleon Newell both Mr. and Mrs. William Newell, Huron street, were the honored guests at a family dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Eastdale avenue, recently. The occasion was the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Newell. Both Mr. and Mrs. Newell were born and raised in King- ston. The former Margaret Norris, daughter of the late Mr. and Ms. Marshall Norris, was united in marriage to William Newell, in Kingston Baptist Church by the Reverend Boyd, on October 13, 1913. Mr. and Mrs, Newell moved to Oshawa in 1926, where they have lived of Oshawa; and the late Earl Francis Newell. They have 17 grandchildren and five great- grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Newell were presented with a purse of money from the family and received] % numerous other gifts. The cou- ple also received messages of congratulations from His Excel- lency, The Governor General and Madame Vanier, and from Prime Minister Lester B. Pear-| ¢ ever since. Mr. Newell retired from General Motors in 1957. son. ~|lomatic than usual. , most natives of Scorpio, you are either most diplomatic or not tactful at all, but face it: inj. quiet efforts, Aggressive action won't yield much until after 8 p.m. when the moon will hav entered Aries, : FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, the next four months promises much in the way of job gain if you will be a little more dip- As with any job, as well as' in other make him intensely disliked. You Can Learn SHORTHAND Spheres of life, you will find some persons you dislike but, if you would attain the success that can be yours, you 'must learn to handle such situations, _ |since all associates can be help. \ful. Be especially alert to this in _|November, when you cou'd have in WEEKS 700,000 Students have stepped into well-paid jobs WITH UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES MISSION CIRCLE '(First Baptist) The October meeting of the Kate Mission Circle, First Bap- tist Church was held at the home of Mrs. Frank McLellan, Tooley's Mills. Mrs. Mabel Joyce, presided. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs, Alvin Hatfield. This was followed by the busi- ness, At an executive meeting,| After the closing prayer, a : pris ages yd ia ister [presentation of a small remem- den in India" |brance gift was made to our Reports from the treasurer,|H0stess, who leaves on Friday | wit | Hise. Chasien Dering and tour, Rae og he wiprialthe meeting with Hymn 502 fol-|October 29, in Newtonville, was ; 'anew Wi |Diary" presented on behalf oflowed by the Lord's Prayer.|announced. The bazaar at SS eset peoateas. onnaley show" the Circle by Miss Edna Green-/The minutes were read by| November 21, at 7.00 p.m. The Baptist Women's Day of|{ield. |Mrs. Norman Gibson and the| The next meeting will be Prayer will be held in the eve-|_ A social time followed with! treasurer's report given by November 14, at Miss Made-| ning this year, November 4 at| Mrs. Lorne Craig's group in| Mrs. Donald Thompson. Mrs.|ine Tooley's home. Cecil Adams was in charge of Refreshments were served at 8.00 p.m. in the church. Alljcharge. | COURTICE UNITED CHURCH | the devotional period. The Scrip-|'2® cose of the meeting. Baptist Circles in Oshawa will have a representative to partici- tare reading, Ephesians 5:8-17,| |was read by 'Mrs. Robert The message of the evening was given by Mrs. Mabel Joyce. She gave an outline of the mis-] 7 sionary retreat held at McMas-' ter University, Hamilton. Inter- esting speakers heard were Miss Jessie Rosser, India, Miss Alice Clark from Bolivia and Mrs. Emlyn Davies of Toronto, who spoke on some of the Bap- tist work in Australia where she and her husband had visited. if not careful This would be a pity since mid-No. vember promises to be an ex- ~ MERRY MERILYNNE This. delightful little lady, of Port Perry. Great-gfand- Dianne Merilynne, is just past parents. are Mrs. S. Seater of My ani "Mic ton, Belleville;. Mrs. D. Mar- David Moore, Dunkirk avenue, tin, Windsor and Mr. H. F. and granddaughter of Mr. and sy of Peterborough, On- Mrs. O, A. Alton, Oshawa, | and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Moore --Aldsworth Photography | president, MARRIED 50 YEARS --Oshawa Times Photo ABC SHORTHAND NO STRANGE SYMBOLS NO MACHINES -- USES ABC's TYPING AVAILABLE 120 WORDS PER MINUTE v CARPET COMPANY 282 King W 728-958) professional ANN LANDERS Long Separation Cools Romance Dear Ann Landers: My, Dear Ann Landers: My hus- daughter's boy friend will be/band is about as close to per- leaving soon for the service. He/fect as a man can be. I'm a very is 23 and Penny is 20. They've|jucky woman. His only fault, been dating two months. HelAnn, is that he has a habit of wants to give her an engage-|writing cheques when he has no --_ ring ene . og a gmoney in the bank. jTaves and Mrs. McLellan. _ 7 enny Says she loves him and) ajimost every week I get al Mrs. i inter- is willing to wait. I hate to see/telephone call from a business eating Mehlighte nat ert Trent any young girl tie herself up for|tirm and somebody says, 'Your| Valley Association which met in two years. Penny has always/husband's cheque was returned Peterborough recently been a sensible person and she|to ys today marked 'insufficient|-- ee " will not aecept the ring unless! fynds', ERS eM " Pwould hate to wreck my}, 1 Teply, "There must be al The Perfect Gift for I' would hate to wreck MY| mistake at the bank. Please CHRISTMAS Z DAY OR EVENING CLASSES L Wh. SET YOUR OWN PACE SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS NEW CLASSES VissNOW FORMING PAY FOR RESULTS, NOT FOR TIME pate in the program. ucw The worship was led by Mrs. The ame ae of the " McLellan, who chose "Thanks to A ler. Mrs. Cecil Adams : God" as her theme. The hymn(Kumall Unit was held recently, FO* ee Let's Think FREE NATIONAL "Now Thank We All Our God"|at the home of Mrs. Donaidjread the theme, "Let's | PLACEMENT SERVICE was sung. Prayer was led by|!4ompson with 10 ladies pres-|It gig Mrs. Donald Thomp-| Mrs. Alvin Hatfield, Mrs. David|°?* tine toe cba ec | lenin pig ss gia | Mrs. Lloyd Courtice opened The Regional meeting on} £L They all agree ii's Ks ty : 2 Yes, it's TRUE! Over 700,000. successful SPEEDWRITING pe i students have proved that in ONLY 8 WEEKS you can step CHOCOLATE &, into the Glamour Position of your choice. Now you can do as 1 they did Ok uae tae the ABC shorthand you a ae ts lify in UR SPAI IME for a big-pay secretarial or daughter's life by giving her| ord the che Sibson bs _-- : ai ; | que through again. oe fs stenographic position. And, best of all, you SAVE HUNDREDS ved eGvion. Toaage eb me eny:|i'm sure it will clear." Then I For Deliciousness OF DOLLARS. rCE BOUND > a "Iscurry around and borrow and Energy! Dear Bound: It's foolish for| Money from a friend or a rela-| a girl to sit around waiting for slag gieits va Maga a of two years after two months of MY "US : MBE courtship, The maddening part of. it all By dating others both Penny|is that my husband never both- and her boy friend will give|ers to subtract from the balance themselves a fair shake. If it's)when he writes a cheque. Yet really love they'll have no trou-|he is always shocked to hear| - ble picking up the threads when|he is overdrawn.. How can he} he comes home. |possibly know what his balance! Dear Ann Landers: I am a/is when he doesn't do the arith-| high school junior who lives in| metic? | a small town in Nebraska. All| Any suggestions? I'm 'beside! my life I have heard that coun-|myself--MRS. I. S. F. { ' » try kids are dumb and city 'ids! Dear Mrs.: Offer to. relive| Peat" seis i ed hice Ou husband of the nuisance of 7 jwriting cheques and paying from the sticks" illustrate tne/pitis. I¢ he refuses, direct all agit |those telephone calls to him and cll, a few weeks ago I wentiiet him scurry around covering sate to New York with my family|the clinkers. After a few such Photography to attend my grandfather's fu-lexperiences he'll probably hand/ 723-3680 neral. For the first time I got +o over the job--with pleasure. i ioiasisiidaiaeaiieedid know my New York and New Write 120 Words Per Minute. Age No Obstacle--LOWEST COST. Famous SPEEDWRITING shorthand. No symbols; no machine; uses ABC's Easy to lears and use (even for those who failed symbol shorthand). Fast preparation for o better position. Naturally used in leading offices and Civil Service, The very low cost will surprise you. Typing available. CLASSES START ON MONDAY Act Now!--Don't Be Left Out Enrollment Is Definitely Limited THE Canadian School of Business ie 128-7081 St. North For delicious Hot Choco- late just heat... and for LECOFF'S SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 P.M. added pleasure beat with mixer before serving. Forever! MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW "4 an ; Tdeak Cary Limited QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCT Oshawa, Ontario et Your STORE or at Your DOOR king size duMAURIER Jersey cousins. These kids are all about my age and they have lived in big cities all their lives. One of the girls did not know that milk comes from cows. She said she always thought milk was manufactured. . _ When I told her I used to milk cows when we lived on the farm 'i she said, "I once heard some- thing about that but I couldn't figure out how a cow could sit on_ those little bottles." Please, Ann Landers, print this letter for all the small town kids who: think their city cou- sins know so much more than they do. Since that trip I'm feeling a whole lot smarter, | --NEBRASKA BRAIN. Dear Brain: Someone very wise once said, "We are all ig- norant--on different subjects." I'd hate to tell you how old ~ I was before I learned that a hen could lay eggs without the ~ help of a rooster. And I was born and raised in Towa! Queen's Scout Tells . Of Trip To Greece A pot luck supper held at the home of the president, Mrs.{ Harold Sliter, preceded the an. «nual meeting of the 11th Osh- awa Scout Mothers Auxiliary. A - record number of members at- » tended. After the reports for the past » year were given Mr. Glenn ~ Shortt, scoutmaster, of the B 'Troop installed the officers for 1963-64. These are as follows: president, Mrs. Harold Sliter; * vice - president, Mrs. Horace «. Brown; secretary, Mrs. Ronald * Brown; treasurer, Mrs. Samuel Leonard. Mrs. Everett Coedy introduc- ed the guest speaker, George Lakas, Queen's Scout, who had attended the World Jamboree in Greece this year. He gave a very interesting talk on his trip, _ and through his slides, his au- ». dience were able to visit the ~Jamboree, Athens, Corfu and ». other places of interest, Mrs. Arthur Joynt' thanked George «on behalf of all present. ~ Glenn Shortt showed slides he - had taken while on a canoe trip .. with the. troop at Algonquin o Park in August. After the Scout Mizpah tea and cake helped celebrate the -» 8th anniversary of the Auxiliary. 4 WOMEN ENLIST + The Royal Canadian Air Force women's division reached -enlistment of 17,038 before 'dis- banding in August, 1946, | AL NO CX COSE «vin Kine see « Same highest grade aged Virginia tobacco, but pleasure. # Same distinctive red and silver packages of 20 and 25-cigarettes. ROBERT GOULET, Star of Stage, Screen, Television, Columbia Records. King Size and Regular Size now available in packages of <0 and 25. &