CRIPPLED CHILDREN PARENT COUNCIL EXPRESSES GRATITUDE The Oshawa and District Cere- bral Palsy Parent Council for Crippled Children recently pre- sented a framed, illuminat- ed address to Mr. and Mrs. Harold McNeill in recognition and gratitude for their help and guidance with the council since its inception. The address is inscribed "Beati- tudes for the Friends of the Cerebral Palsied .. . BLES-. SED are you who take time to listen to C. P. speech; for you know that if we persevere we can be understood; BLESSED are you that walk with us in public places and ignore the stares of strangers; for in ANN LANDERS Date With Belinda Odd Fund-Raiser Dear Aon Landers: Our daughter Belinda who is 16 be longs to a club. There are 25 members, all high school girls betwen 15 and 18 years of age. They do some interesting things and raise money for good causes: My husband and I al- ways was a worth- while group. Last night our daughter told us that they are planning a raf- fle, The tickets will sell for 25 cents apiece. The first prize is a date .with Belinda--all ex- penses paid. My husband was absolutely horrified. He said no daughter of his is going to sell her time like a you-know-what. Frankly, I thought it was a rather ingenious idea and saw) nothing wrong with it. : | Belinda was terribly disap- pointed. She thought it was a high honor to have been se- lected as the "prize." We have decided to leave it up to you. Is it immoral as my husband says? Or is he being square and old-fashioned as my daughter says?--TWO AGAINST ONE Dear Mother: Sorry, dear but I just evened tht odds. Novel? yes. but speaking strictly as a mother I wouldn't want my daughter raffled off as is she| were a kewpie doll at a tent show. Since the girls seem to be so full of novel ideas, let them think of something else. Dear Ann Landers: A few days ago one of the women in the office mentioned that she had a fairly expensive handbag which she had carried only a "few times. She recently married and her husband doesn't like the bag. She asked if I could use it and I suggested that she bring it in and I'd see. This morning she brought the bag in and I liked it. I thanked her warmly for her generosity and told her I appreciated her thinking of me. She then said, "T didn't mean it as a gift. I -had in mind selling it to you." We were both terribly embar- rassed and I told her I didn't wish to buy it. All my life I've been giving away clothes. I wouldn't dream of selling anything to a friend. Will you please tell. me 1f I am stupid or if she is just too com- mercial to be considered a friend? Thank you.--BAGLESS Dear Bagless: Generally speaking it's a bum idea to sell used articles to a friend. Rarely do both parties feel they made a good deal. In this instance the girl should have made it clear from the outset that she wented to sell the bag. Her failure to do this put you in a difficult position anc it didn't do much for the friendship. UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES |rotten to the core, and not the} your companionship we find havens of relaxation; BLES-. SED are you who never bid us 'hurry up' and more blessed, you that do not snatch our tasks from our hands to do them for us; for often we need time rather than help; BLES- SED are you who: stand be- side us as we enter new and untried ventures; for our fail- ures will be outweighed by the. times when we surprise our- selves and you; BLESSED are you who ask our help; for our_ greatest need is to be needed; BLESSED are you, when py all these things, you since the little state was cre- ated id years ago. This was 'his last concert of a three-week tour. @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, October 26, 1963 B And PW Hold Night Of Cards The annual Night of Cards was held by the Business and Proféssional Women's Club, Monday, October 21, at Simcoe Hall. ty The prizes. were artistically wrapped and a number donated by Mrs. Ivor Davies. The winters were Miss Erna Goldring, Miss Roberta Mumby, Miss Vera. Moyse, Mrs. Bertha Evans, Mrs. W. Waddell, Mrs. J, Moody, Mrs. M. Dickinson, Mrs. A. W: Rundle, Mrs. M. Mo gan, Mrs. S. L. Osbome, Mrs. J. R. Frost, Mrs. W. Bone, Mrs. F. Canzi, Mrs. Emily Du- cette, Mrs. Cliff Gartshore, Mrs. C, Daigle, Mrs. Le Roy Kellar, Mrs. A. Price, Mrs. Donna Ab- rams, Mrs. J. Daniels, Mrs. R. _\C. Henry, Mrs. J. B. Stone, Mrs. Olive Neil, Mrs. A. Dilworth, Mrs, N. Michael, Mrs. Clarence. Keith. Mrs. Audrey Cummins and SPEAKING ABOUT TRAVEL Christmas In The Tropics ... Enchanting! CHEER ARTIST MOSCOW (AP)--Ivri Gitlis, an Israeli violinist, was ap- }'2uded so long and so loud in the Moscow Conservatory Thursday night that he had to play eight encores to quiet the audience, Gitlis was the first Israeli to play in Russia as part of a cultural exchange program The Perfect Gift for CHRISTMAS aaa her committee were responsbile for all arrangements. : Gift That Lasts Forever! MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT To Mexico City, Texeo and Acapulco, all . . MRS. MARGARET HENRY: : Travel C I PET ANY 282 King W 728-9581 No Matter Where You Want To Go... or How... Call - DON AL TRAVEL SERVICE Whitby -- Oshewe -- lin 300 DUNDAS ST, EAST, WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 DAYS| LEFT! YOU HAVE ONLY T0 SAVE assure us that the thing which makes us individuals is not in our peculiar muscles, nor in our wounded nervous systems, but in the God-given self that no infirmity can confine; Re- joice, and be exceeding glad; and know that you give us re- assurances that could not be spoken in words; for you deal with us as Christ dealt with the slow and peculiar." Mrs. Ralph Campbell, secretary, left, and Mrs. David Gray, president, are seen presenting the address to Mr. and Mrs. McNeill, who also received flowers. --Oshawa Times Photo '989° | Sf 0 Dear Ann Landers: I was very much interested in the let- ter signed, 'Keeper of the loset Keys.'"': This woman wanted to know if she should tell her grown children that their father who had been dead 15 years was really a scoundrel, fine man she had taught them} to believe he was. | The reason? Well, she was| having an affair with some joker who promised to marry her '"'when he retires" in 1966. Her children did not approve of her travelling with this man since they are not yet married. Her attitude was, '"Why should) they criticize me when I pro- tected their father's reputation for sO many years? I'm an angel compared with what he was." | I have some news for the fool-| ish woman. Discrediting her dead husband in the eyes of his children won't make her look one bit better. And further- more, this guy won't marry her in 1966 or 1976 either.--WISER NOW. ing. I hope 'Keeper' sees your} letter, She should throw. those keys in the lake and. forget where that door is. Dear Now: Thanks. for win-» ' Certain Consumer's Gas allowances will cease as of October This is your last chance to save... and save BIG, $HOP SAVE! LECOFF' SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH 31st, 1963. With this support withdrawn, the price of this to-day for full particulars. special offer will return to its original 817.00. ... .. Phone k . ALL FOR If You Are Not Now Using Gas, take advantage of this special offer . . « e FORCED AIR FURNACE Includes 5 Hots, 2 Cold-Air Ducts plus 2 Hot Outlets in Basensent ¢ THOR GAS DRYER or BEACH GAS RANGE Choose which you require e RENTAL WATER HEATER A Regular Value Of 817.00....... Plus Benefit by edditional savings of $10 annually on the NEW 3-STAR GAS R ATE. NO DOWN PAYMENT -- Only 2.90 Weekly -- Payable on your Gos Bild OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 P.M. Corner Of Cetina | : & Athol Sts. | : LTD. 728-9441 SIMCOE STREET UCW (Astra Unit) Mrs. Norman Eddy opened her home for. a work night for the Hallowe'en Bazaar sponsor- ed by the Astfa Unit, Simcoe Street UCW. The bazaar is to be held late in October. Under the direction of Mrs. Robert Hés3 several members of the group worked on gay and un- usual Christmas novities. Mrs. Robert Currie, conven- er of the sewing group, had several colorful aprons and other different novelties turned in. ' The knitting has been under the direction of Mrs. Murray Davidson. Many fine hand knit articles will be for sale. Mrs. Douglas Courtney is in charge of the driftwood and artificial flower display. Mrs. Allan Canning discuss- ed arrangements for the tea room. Mrs, Eddy served refresh- ments at the conclusion of a very busy evening. 1 4 w! 2 SIZE AL NO CXTTA COST ernxing si = Same highest grade aged Virginia tobacco, but more of it. ®* Same exclusive "Millecel" super filter for truly milder smoking pleasure, ® Same.distinctive red and silver packages of 20 and 25:-cigarettes. king si ROBERT GOULET, Star of Stage, Screen, Television, Columbia Records. King Size and Regular Size now available in packages of 20 and 25