I A A AO ES SE AE A a 1 pa tS kaka J ° a 4-Armed Men Rob M ° Ai lift ; scone tne, tw bed a THE CRHAWA TIMES, Sotndey, October 36,1963 95 Vatican Approves assive Airlift, [cn 20s eos --* p Metro Businessman [cere aren lone Bast Ger no co or ra a tite| AMA FOUNDED ° 2, 1964, re- | dar Ch @ |, mmr crm mei Ba gts Estimates itt Skane) conmaan camer ud, cased Fob. 6b. etna Me? en ar ang men wearing --" masks sion from the Gommunist Hast, A cones 1 et Jan. 2,| Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. Ltd : . tied up the wife and son of FRED §. HOFFMAN army leaders had predicted for| But there were many sceptics,|/964, record Dec. 2. common 15 cents, Jan. 2, 1964,/) gyi VATICAN CITY (AP) -- The, The year would have eight|Samuel Bennett in their Tor- on akecar Germanyitte Ncanchtlattie airlift, It was|particularly' among he West Cogation Datutelal dies br record Nov. 22. HALL'S BEAUTY Vatican ecumenical coun ci l/months of 30 days each and fourjonto home Thursday and ran- (AP)--The massive airlitt of/designed to impress NATO Germans, Some Americans had oon A -- i s, Jan. 1, "| Scythes a nd Co. Ltd., common P ARLOUR yoted today to months of 31 for # total of 364|sacked the house in search of a/15,999 U.S. soldiers across the|Countries -- and the Russians --|@oubts, too. es 25 cents, Dec. 1, record Nov, 12. Catholic j coin collection. Atlantic has ended in resound-|with growing U.S. ability to Many Germans were con-| Chrysler Corporation L4d., G. H. Wood and Co. Lid. 15 KING ST. WA willing to accept a fixed date|days. The extra day each year : ing success. But a nagging|send large reinforcements over-|Vinced the Big Lift demonstra-|common 25 cents (U.S.), Dec.)./" oot nid $1376, Dec. ~ E..OSHA' for Easter and a new universal|--a day without a name would) They made off with about/ iB 0D io vo ncwered [seas quickly, tion was intended to condition|?, record Nov. 7. I pond Nee th ' PHONE 723-7011 calendar. be a world-wide holiday. $260. How -would Operation Big| Except for a handful of plane them for a not-too-distant with. * . 1b. The cardinals, patriarches,' When to celebrate Easter has} yr, Bennett had just left tol.itt have fared under war con (diversions due to fog, the air- drawal of sizable elements OPEN archbishops and bishops attend-/peen in dispute since the Sec-lvisit his brother when the menl|ditions? lift was virtually perfect from the 250,000 U.S. army gar-|| NOW ee ey Tre ot eet entuay. The Council of Niltorced their way into the house| 'The last of 235 air force trans- rison in Western Europe. CONTINENTAL 2,057 to 4, with one. null balloticaea in 325 established Easterland tied up Mrs. Bennett andiport planes deposited the rear|P CANNING PAYS [asaoes She Spence) Seeks Se (on 8 varighie Sixt comes Sn8-/her som Frankits, 21. guard of the 2nd Armored Divi-| Weeks of detailed piannng| .. LARGE MUSEUM || STEAM BATH perpetual" calndar,providinglne tat full moon after the ver, Feie® aleve they wer seek iion. at, Sembach ALT Bs] ot a ra Teac Reta caiees scam (si 26k Quado St Oshawe rs ' . ett's brother, not/Thu night. ir es exas. r- useum é ther Christian churches acceptinal equinox, the first day of] Kn. Kouta, Trova: twol 'The elapsed time from thelcraft 'roared off on' intricate|Toronto, pane Bas ae Ps it and providing it retains ajspring. re 4 weeks ago. The brother had dis-|takeoff of the first jet transport/schedules, the soldiers disem- seven-day week, including Sun-| 'That puts Easter at @ float-/oosed of his valuable coin col-|from Fort Hood, Tex., Tuesday|barked in. calm order in West LLL "~ ing date each year, sometime n F a rolled a vote of 2,058 to 9, with : lection before he died. until the touch down of the tail|Germany and France an ene null ballot, the council fath-|etween, March 22 and April 25.) "vr, Bennett, a semi-retired|end troop carrier in Germanyjoff to draw their ranks and TURD DANCE ers declared themselves favor-lpaster, is reckoned by many/Dusinessman, operat ed the|was 63 hours and 20 minutes. jother heavy equipment from @ elas able to fixing the date of Easter|pinlical scholars as April 9, in| Westdale Hotel in Hamilton un- This was 20 minutes less than/stockpiles. : DANCE PARTY on the same Sunday each year.|39 ap. A fixed Easter therefore|til early this year. the best time that air force and| As the division's tail coiled TONIGHT Vatican sources say thelniont be celebrated on the sec- BOB MINNS } & HIS ORCHESTRA Old Time - Modern ADMISSION--$1.00 church has no plans to 8°lond Sunday of April. ahead alone in changing the ca HIT NO. 1 HIT NO. 2 HIT NO. 3 --EEEEEE « lendar or fixing the Easter date. They say Roman Catholicism simply wants to show it has no ow feligtour objection toand ac!) | neg BOWERY "TARZAN pashindesnony eivil ataritien fo C2 gre Festival! A Fabulous BOYS GOES TO "p of Thrills ma S Spectacle of paren rar INDI A" ays The perpetual calendar most Marches, Music 59 Sates aways fall ca te same and Dancing! HYPNOTIST" JOCK MAHONEY and Laughter day of*the week, year after ' = -- year. Jan. 1 would always be a 4 a fii @ : Hilarious! | West of Wyoming! rang aong the seen ys S BIG HITS! fig i ay .»-TURBULENT. .. TREMENDOUS! HAROLD '§ "CANYON rotating among the seven days of the week. | J VETRO-OLOWN YER rm LLOYD'S RIVER" Province May Hike! | rr'seen im COLOR With GEORGE hoi! hoot oe) Autumn Dance | Fite ||| comtoy fi wonrcomeny government is almost certain to 4 "a BOUNTY a or aa bores pg ore "stig Phe es Te order a review of -- } sw tes short: < ny . ii esiblity of nearly doubling | EVERYONE WELCOME! . . . FILMED IN ULTRA PANAVISION 70°- TECHNICOLOR® - AN ARCOLA PICTURE m, a senior government offi- | we ee ea: A Ticket draw will be held for a popularity draw. SEE IT TODAY! BILT AORE 19 ma BIG FUN and ADVENTURE SHOW! } Thrilling and In The Killer Land Earlier this week the 1962 re- DOORS OPEN AT 1 P.M. port of the Ontario Hospital : , ° * Light snacks and refreshments ~i!l be served. FEATURE: 1:30-4:45-8:00 SUNDAY AT 1:30 ONLY! Services Commission showed the government had to shell out teil not covered by the $91,000, v v ,900,- tn pas'n premiums anda] | Peterborough | DNIPRO HALL leral government contribution ; Of $116 200,000, oad te Memorial Centre | MAR [ON dverage per diem Ein apne TIME 8:00 P.M. EDITH & BLOOR STS. " pitals in the province from $18 TUESDAY, NOV. 5 in 1960 to. $21.30 this year. Early in 1960 former premier 8:15 P.M. Leslie Frost vpwged the rate ot be chang aii tials ; ; Ey Ges years. Tile wes rest $3 Fd oe CA ey cok ee in the most important ; .00 $2.50 $2.00 Ff ; ; : : SS a oe | adventure of our time! barts. The three-year period is MAIL ORDER FORM ? nearly up. FOR TICKETS OR Speculation has it that the monthly rate of $2.10 for single||| PHONE 743-3561 £ a | aa | 'the: | Shel and $4.25 for famili . BACKACHE? | , 4 | Eastman COLOR iT COULD Bi i apr SANDRA CHURCH-Ehl OKADA-PAT HINGLE a CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER @ FREE ELECTRIC "IN als HEATERS @ Behe FIATURE TIMES -- : leeccccccccceccccccccccccccce | LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9.30 P.M, e+ Siamese UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP Sunday Service 11:00 A.M. ONE OF A SERIES OF LECTURES 1 HARD TIME MUSIC BY .>. : "LITTLE CAESAR ON COMPARATIVE RELIGION ~ -- DANCE AND THE CONSULS" "World Peace Through World Faith SAT. OCT. 26th Polish Hall. 219 Olive, Oshawa eR REDE 0 BRE RE a GUEST SPEAKER: -- MR. LLOYD GARDNER CHAIRMAN OF THE OSHAWA BAHA'I ASSEMBLY Th e eee School of Religion Classes 11 A.M. O.R.C. BUILDING--100 GIBB ST. | | 4 hd #. | 1 SNe fl | : BEST PICTURE ; | OF THE YEAR! "You never had to worry about retirement" | policy? Bob returned a coupon, similar to the OF ACADEMY : AWARDS Not this happy couple! Many years ago, Bob I ( i : invested in " pe ife parr A age income' one below, requesting further information on policy and now that he is 65, he will be re- this important Sun Life plan. This information presenting ceiving a cheque from Sun Life every month. led to the payments he and his wife will now And when Bob dies, his wife will receive two- receive. thirds of the amount each month as long as Chances are you too may look forward to "MISS RED FEATHER" se ieee esses Tee eee became interested in a retirement income obligation. Vote for the candidate of your choice. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE WHITBY Voting closes at 10:00 P.M. PHONE 725-4563 PHONE 725-4563 Mayor Gifford : @ W. R. Wolfe, District Supervisor -- Res. 723-2883 @ G. G. Amold, Whitby @ M. Kéuger, Oshawa Representative -- Res; 723-7900 Representative--Res, 668-4251 will crown this year's winner. A a ey a ey Sun Lite Assurance Company of Canada, 218, Sun Life Bullding, Montreal, Que, Would you please supply me, without any obligation, further Information on Sun Life's Retirement income Policy. DRESS - CASUAL SUN LIFE AGE 16-20 ASSURANCE COMPANY Starting Wed., Oct, 30 See You... OF CANADA Matinee 2 pm, Nite 8 p.m. Head Office: Montreal 1