i . deve Mobi Rab RL a et between Galt and 'Wooustock;mifiiites and 34 seconds tw pull was rescheduled for Nov. 1 fol-lout the win. \ lowing the ice-machine break-| Norm Sibbick, with two, and Welland and Guelph, while the|°¥"- Kor oe a ata meeting) NHL Referee St aff j 'ord a member of the Ford Adds Four Workers fitness and amateur sports di- automotive family, made his of- 'er to the directors in a surprise | MONTREAL (CP)--The 'Na- jtional Hockey League an- se = es. Be Detroit Lions rectorate, an offshoot of the Sold To Ford move Oct. 15. He has b res-| . lb. een pres-| health and welfare department, ident,of the Lions since 9a. : Friday four referes have been added to the officiat- youngsters to, take part, qq The film was produced by the Figure Skating i ing new entries, were played at scoring a 5-3 win. By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Ontario Hockey Associa-|top teams from_ last f tion Senior A League, which for/when Chatham Maroons andjson in the OHA as Kitch the last few years has Windsor Bulldogs decided toj/Waterloo Dutchmen, started Ross Dryden, Jim Murchie and 2 In other, scheduled for Woodstock, |SET TWO GAMES Bap. Bishop 'scored. for, buxes| - EStruction was cancelled due to a break-| Only two weekend games are|While Bob Brown scored twice g ig . v It featured Canadian Olympic sila chine. vels to Galt and Sunday Wel-|Howell once for Regals. »po: Film i F or 6 Mi ma The hometown Burloaks|land plays at Oakyille. Welland got two-goal perform- Fanie std Otto Setines and py 10 'NAMES DATES DETROIT (AP) -- Wi'li WINNIP: ; fi I #2 while Oakville Dukes provided a thrilling contest for Bruce Beattie and Vance Miller/The first in a series of instruc. Wendy Griner. De- pammnissioner of tke Ce the. Not. in the Ampoticat and Guelph Regals' home Gpaee fy 2,500 fans as Dukes rallied with|While Bobby Hall and Dave},; 1.) sports films was pre- : |troit Lions for $6,000,000 was ac-|nadian. Football League, Friday|Centrai Professional Hockey The OHA, which lost its two|gain the victory. Ken Chesney and Bill Mc- mlered Friday night on the eve) cepted Friday by the Nationaljannounced dates and times for)Leagues. Regals, who played last sea-/@0wan scored foe; Port Col-/of the Canadian Figure Skating) NEW. YORK (AP)--The Aque-(dirctors, Final approval ig re-jern conference semi-final play-|land Lake, Ken MacLeod of down in the ice-making ma-|scheduled. Tonight Guelph tra-/--Seven seconds apart--and Ron swamped Port Colborne Sailors| ;The Oakville - Guelph game|ances from Chester Warchol, NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP)\;agian wom $alp eetmiedl OV or ve a ae ee lat « ; Srey ine ee ee a H | ' uy «# De-|Haltter, commissioner 0 e Ca- le } American an four-goals. in the third period to| Early picked up singles. ' DOUBLE'S BIG AGAIN Football League club's board of|the two-game, total-point west-| They are Dave Smith of Kirk- borne. on i re Association's 50th anniversaryiquct daily double soared past|quired from the 144 stockhold-|off betwen Calgary Stampeders|Timmins, Bruce Hvod of Milton, haoe convention here. / the $1,000 mark for the secondijers of the it F i : Slan i one 'precariously on theljoin the International League,|spectacularly by taking a 3-0 SEVENTH LARGEST Health Minister Judy La-jtime this week and the fifth pany. some berane ege The ret gathe Will be lored eee ween rink of extinction, got off to alhas been plagued in the past|lead in the first three minutes} India is the seventh largest!Marsh said she hopes the film--jtime of the New York season} The Lions' 13 tirector, voted|in Calgary Saturday, Nov. 9| Fredericton - _-- Pag -- on two!with cancellations and team seg i re er pesos -- a hea ge np color feature on|Friday when Kitty Quick andjunanimously to recommend that|starting at 2:30 p.m. MST andla town in gr ge po to y night. g 3- into per-|frontier 9, miles long and ajhow igure-skate--and others|Kxposure combined for a/stockholders accapt Ford's pro- the second in Regina Monda ft: jy Queen Two games, involving spank- posal. The stockholders are to'Nov. 11 at 8 pm. CST. aie ae "aegnee dropouts. Friday night's cancelled gameliod, erupted for three in threejcoastline of 3,535 miles, to follow on a wide variety ofi$1,686.40 return. years later. MEDICALL BRINGS "GROUP-RATE" HEALTH INSURANCE Canada's Finest * Health Insurance Opportunity Again Offered To Every Resident of Ontario WITH ABSOLUTELY NO AGE LIMIT AND REGARDLESS OF PAST OR PRESENT HEALTH EVEN IF YOU ARE AILING NOW! Pays -- Doctor-From The Very First Visit GENERAL PRACTITIONER OR SPECIALIST Pays Your Surgeon-For All Operations HOW CAN WE DO IT? In June, 1962, Medicall was introduced to Ontario residents. Now, more than 100,000 people enjoy the broad range of bene- fits of this low-cost medical-surgical insurance. Over 12,000 individual claims are being speedily settled each month--ample proof of the need and acceptance of Medicall. "al This health insurance opportunity is based on the same princi- ples as regular group insurance. The group in this case consists of all Ontario residents who join during the specified enrollment period. Because of the size of the group, benefits are most eomprehensive and rates are kept to an absolute minimum. bd Bh Here Are The Facts COMPLETE COVERAGE--This plan pays for home, office and hospital visits--from the very first visit--and Jr surgeons' fees. The - payment schedule is designed to cover the full amount of fees charged by most Ontario doctors. Details of the many additional benefits are listed op the opposite page. CHOOSE YOUR OWN DOCTOR--Yov may choose any doctor --~general practitioner or epecialist---anywhere in Nesth America, Claims axe paid to you er directly te your doctor, PARENTS MAY BE ENROLLED BY THEIR CHILDREN --Because everyone is eligible--regardless of age--sons or daughters may wish to enroll their parents or other dependents who usually are not eligible for health insurance. This procedure is legal and acceptable, THERE'S NO AGE LIMIT--Unlike nearly all other health in- _gurance plang, there is no age limit to prevent anyone from becoming or remaining @ member. NO SALESMAN WILL CALL~AIl the information you need and we need is on these two pages. Simply mail the coupon with your first: month's premium and you are automatically insured! NO HEALTH QUESTIONS ASKED--This plan is available to you without 8 single health queetion asked. No one can be refused! PROMPT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS--The absence of health or age considerations lets us send you payment in most eases by return majl-~there's no "red tape." YOU CONTROL YOUR POLICY'S FUTURE Continental Guerantees--Your pelicy will never be cancelled or. your benefits or premiums changed because of the'amount or number of claims you collect, Coxtinental cannot eancel ANY policy unless it cancels ALL, policies issued under this special CONTINENTAL CASUALTY bef COMPANY You Have the Right to Cancel--Not only ean you cancel your poliey at any time but, after you receive your policy and you are not 100% satisfied in every way, you may return it within 10 days and your first month's premium will be immediately refunded. HEAD OFFICE FOR CANADA: 160 BLOOR STREET E., TORONTO MEMBER OF THE CONTINENTAL: NATIONAL INSURANCE GROUP 'te