Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Oct 1963, p. 17

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.17--Mele Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted |25--Apartments 27--Reol Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Priday, October 25, 1963 17 SACRIPT car re full. price for. this!six-RO0M brick, two storey, |FOR SALE or rent, in Caesarea main if te CARPENTER experianced on tremina.|MAN remlred, fox Farm, Implement, Di ae NUE Staricha heated imation ALS, GNOTE terrain, beniniet tne. ck 'bungalow. "OI heat, Boat, a healed, "gerage. "#1500" down. road, sbedroom home. "Apply "Mr-/27--Real Estate For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale 428. complete 4 MR IC ORBILY Se dae Se Contact Mr. 428 wepsunting records. Must be. able to type,|possession. 'Telephone Whitby" 668-2061, oF ered. 'deal for retired couple. Bowman-|(20e, sta Wanstiac Metanned Grotnate leer ee ere tee rece} +, 5 ORSRLY, 36 Main 8 alec 194 Dodge, reconditioned ; have nization ability, Initative and|723-2925. AUSiD Pests Cla aiaac rowed, ETT Oo ROOM insul brick home for sale//LARGE 'LOT, exceptionally Uxbri you good 'body, custom Fadl $175. ! TAXI DRIVERS tention with custom forms, $100. UPPER DUF DUPLEX, centrally located. Bus-/BALOWIN STREET, very clean, faste- 75, Gordon Street, hot water heating.|three-bedroom hag Se att "ee meee ae eee ee hd se STUNTS aay a a ee a eg + lett ft, 7, picts nlc ne ¥ Preferably between 25-40 ox 210, Oshawa. Times. Ee sper near public school and 22 en High. |ngar school and golf course, Phone $7,900. ye eet ee Clese te Gm, soutn plant. Asking, $12,700 Top: gomnings. CANVASSER -- Established, paving, comment Partly veer epg ood re Bp gel or appoint _ 'it Calon aren. ares. Call Douglas J. i. Builled, Rrur" Weinboreer, renee ; requires canvasser. Clean cut 8nd!Avaiiable November 1. Centrally located.| ment fo, see call Ossie A hia ee ta tes "ire . Bosco, Realtor, 726- MERCURY TAXI frbnos. Pease call West Hil 22H rap Foal eMail Rane places, double gerege, basement fn Tl Tl partment, 8 am. unill pam. R for retail delivery, full time/CLEAN, considerate young man fo share| DELUXE jalow, five aed fire-\Call 728-8378. until Friday, to claim tickets. 725-4771 Ba vApoiyR. '3. Rel and Sonus Blot |sparkment ath etter Nar pc, ewan. since cee, Xeelgeay VALLEY -- paom_taes| PRIVATE SALE | We Wi Se Fry, iim Street Store. smoker and abstainer 'atmot-land Cadillac. Streets, ta Survey ving dning room, fom ted etch : e. 3 R. E, Ltd., large clothes closets, panelled recreation) d Your Home B i | Lacing EMPLOYMENT [Seren wate ne ---- -- [iim Soe) te tle ae | tte tn te na nw | eee lY j = jai In ex- ; MAN adress -- il SCHOFIELD AKER bred ae ns mote oth Prepald| 4 pica Bg wih. faorens pt ge different type " 17-18 years of age wishing IMMEDIATE THREE-ROOM apartment, north end . Tiger ae rear patio and front walk. of home. Two Storey Brick Home 4 able with small child, ed h cash customers to make career of selling . Prien autonce: Telephone 773-4452. Attached garage with pav We |. have Hospitalization sbedroom epariment, tur ' 723-2265 i drive, The living room has a waiting for homes. Call now $1500. DOWN Paid Vocation ool nishede sutiae tor ene. or two" piri: B 0 L A H 0 0 D stone fireplace, picture win- as we need Homes Urgently. i ing PI . . jephone % TMENT--2! d looking and Immediate Possession. peg oti Sewing Machine "== pc ab tg ing onto the anoched perio, | JOSEPH BOSCO Vinsycts teecse APPLY z 26--Rooms For Rent East End. Extras include two three bedrooms with double We are proud to list the Mechanic FURNISHED bedroom, suitable for) 3 pc. bathrooms, TV gerial, B R @) closets, bathroom with vanity, REALTORS ; , , i dini with pice address of this property Agnew Surpass fam Set East nen | 9aroge. Now, rented os two | JOHN A. 2. BOLAHOOD: | SIn'Singies" comport fory | PHONE 728-7377 Must have thorough khowl- furnished, centrally loceted,| ; itchen, | nelled re- i Shoe Store edge of Singer machines, cleon' Aieiy eter atter six. 1a Arthur Sirest,| each. $13,500 with $2,000 | LLOYD A. P. BOLAHOOD, F.R.I pete miata or finished 320 Glidden Simcoe Street South gauges, and fixtures, Please jraRoe "urniahed Bedroom -- nui down. LIST WITH US -- | Basement: Close te churches ; CALL : of kitchen, washing facilities. HEN CALL YOUR MOVER : 4 ina OLD %, hater apply coral sol lady. Coll 728-6927. 2 MODEL HOMES - public, separate ond high | A R( BILL MILLAR S900. Yolophane Claremore 649-5910, '. IN BEAU VALLEY schools, 'Extras: MEN'S WEAR Canadian BEDROOM in apartment" wull refined TO INSPECT $10,800 Telephone 725-1186 _| iss? MERCURY -twoasor : ; oe. Vice : 723-2265 FULL PRICE # : moi aa real F ardion, auto, STORE Automotive Trim |Péiing argue sissme. Ne CALL 723-22 "ak oe es Phone 725-3170 L OTS | W. T. LAMSON mut and radia, very god, motor, $35 156 King Street West, 725-3557, REQUIRES : FURNISHED bedroom, two blocks north) ence to everything offered in one N.H.A. mortgage' with Real Estate Ltd. 1957 BELAIR Chevrolet sedan, automatic, 274 MacKenzie Ave. jpn ay Tose gone" §| this 7 room tri-level home on low monthly payments. Fam- fully, gepped, ne new tres, battery Cal FURNISHED light housekeeping room,| Fernhill Blyd. Outsid ye- ily size kitchen and living YOUNG MAN | /AX 942-4160 RRR ear] sly rh rm.teree, | ven gimaemesan tee: | GUIDE REALTY : PRIVATE SALE |"is¢iBR-NSU imcoe Stree! rees, insi a i fie OSHAWA MOTEL, heated "rooms, TV We oeny aon double clo- day. Call Mr. Roy Yeo at 723-1121 Rossland Manor WHITBY PRIVATE SALE For Full Time Position |18--Male or Female showers, sets, two bathrooms, and a 728-5123 or 725-2217. na good c dition, 50. miles Wills tieting ose. education «| Help Wanted 723-9761. high dry basement. Owner 4 BEDROOMS GLIDDEN AVENUE -- Just |$75. PER FOOT FRONTAGE $16 300 to the gol. Ideal for house- ' i i ife or student to use f. = ere DREW STREET -- Furnished clean bed- but A 1 h wi for and phone number to [TEACHERS required to do supply teach-|room and kitchen with refrigerator end| doesn't want to leave bu listed a 2% storey brick wit i i os H id city drivi ing for regular teachers in case of ill-|range. Quiet. Please phone 725-0003, must sell owing to see $11,900 FULL PRICE. 3 bedrooms and large kitch- ag oP mig ATTRACTIVE ity +s BOX 209 ness, absence due to other reasons. AP|aaporp steal, furnished rooms werny| stances. A gem at $16,800. DOWNTOWN AREA en, Garage and private drive. -- owe Bar Re ab per |plicants apply to Box 396, Oshawa. | AROLD. Street, furnishi " ry) If this is your kind of home Siniated on 6 Woke g080, Full price $11,900. EXCELLENT TERMS COTTAGE 'STYLE DIAL O53 7381 |ATTENTION! Senior high school stu- day. : . - OSHAWA TIMES Bite 48 cwaekivt just working: Nes abalone gl call us to-day All large rooms, oil heat, yar- INEXPENSIVE LIVING can be a: saa 3 BEDROOM hours per evening. Pleasant work. Appli-| 511" .7'At 00 tree est, . IMMEDIATE POSSESSION-- |. age. This vacant home can be yours in this 6 room insul BRICK HOME es cant must have use of a car. Write Box 7+ brick bungalow with yours immediately. Ask for Seek: en' 'Banting AGenis: ; pM Blndsda li aonten ee ae "hea tae lar; breezeway and 2 car Ed Drumm to show you this Full basement with furnace. RALPH Ss, JONES ; MAN A gga aon? ge Gs Privileges. Parking, 723-1438, garage. LOCATED ON GLEN- home of value. Try your dewn Taxes only $125. Garage. In -- 's pie a i | | | } ity pass you without an_ interview.|ROOM, suitable for nurses, willing to| CAIRN AVE. IN BROOKSIDE payment, 728-5123 or 725- Priced at $6,900. 130 KING ST. EAST = he ra void. bck fire: ' | Telephone Mr. Jackson at 728-1352. share, housekeeping privileges, close to ACRES. L-shaped living and 9345. : . oe saci s eliad eral a ; REQUIRED 20--R d Board Abe #7 Colborne treet'Eat "| dining room, combination | 60 DOWN WINONA AVENUE << Bidh 728-6246 Riri "toon cmp ted j--Room and Boa: SIMCOE NORTH -- Furnished ream.| kitchen and breakfast nook and stone bungalow' in one bathroom and broadloomed ARTHUR STREET, 332 -- Room and| shore bath, Quiet, Close to hospital, tele:| 21' x 13'--3 large bedrooms, $11,500 FULL PRICE of Oshawa's finest residential a 4 ; i a 1 ; Rey : hall. Extras include photo- ror form implement distribu- bed," good. board. 280, S18") phone 725-0575. Master bedroom with 2 pc. 4 years old, 3 bedroom brick district. Large living room, ide : itty noture graphic darkroom and high der ko tdidls combléte eet of on, two| ROOMS, $3., $5., and $8. per night, $10.) bath ensuite. Very modern bungalow. One mortgage for broadloomed and wit , OPEN HOUSE Board: faneed ia ieee Zehies ' coos fo Mans Maggy Bg Mie Roara og rs totel, 67 'Simese} large 4 pc. bath with vanity. balance. Call Mr. Charles al fireplace. Good sized kit- accounting records. Must be \East. orth. Telephone 723-7312. Full deep dry basement. Rankine at 728-5123. chen, 3 bedrooms and 4 pc. PHONE 668-4862 able to type, have organizo- | ROOM AND BOARD for quiet gentieman. Square footdge of home ap- tiled bathroom. Attached gar- |willing to share room. Home privileges, ATTRACTIVELY proximately 1540 feet. If you. | RESTAURANT, age and paved drive. Early 91 BURKE ST. tion ability; initiative, and be kK. Telephone 728-3466. 1 familiar with custom forms. loom ane SRR ry "gentiemen, will FURNISHED ROOMS are looking for o good home SNACK BAR SeeeNY' Two storey six room brick, $500 WINTER WORKS WELLMAN i! é ; a prestige area, look no ' adam drive, con- a a Teas] CaN Sieg hae | mom but IVE UE ACA, | | calle sneton | FeeeCtoa' er Noh GM | Sani To everthing' 812 BONUS $100 weekly to start. State [beds laundry done, lunches packed.) Cou po 5 and 7 1 have an excellent selection full. particulars in first let- ak men aeons et 82 sua nae a New: of small businesses. Proven and erste gi a phot 900. MOTORS LTD. i y » ™, en 9 to 9--Sat. 9 to 5. money makers, Call me now. room. Forced air oil heating. d put. Rasletahees vaulted: ROOM AND BOARD for one or two" sii 728-8671 0p Mr. Charles Rankine at | Full price $8,900. 632 FINUCANE j neon AND - Pinte Beal? 938-0239. | 728-5123. INDUSTRIAL LAND -- 9% AT BADER SINCE 1947 (00M AND BOARD for single man. Pauline Beal - Lae y Write Box 210 Gutt rorhe "Lunch packed. Shi wor: |27--Real Estate for Sale Chaites Chaoytor 723-7996 STEVENSON RD. NORTH acres as, to pba ent pet Pape gy arene DOWN mg iO om 6%4% =Top Quality nlbaluiadba cael itnled old bak "12 ACRES, Township of Pickering, for) M t Hall 723-1358 tre--Excellent location wi eight room bric dey OSHAWA TIMES [ROOM AND BOARD for _ gentlemen: |sele, on good 'rood, $40, terms, PO fag Akar : 725-0201 N.H.A. RESALE ; all facilities. Must be sold. gorage, macadam drive sé NEW MHA Shiledlnew - t Pri Single beds or share. Close to south|Box 382, Oshawa. Phone 655-4742. Stave. Macke 728-5868 3 bedrooms, "large _ living Price has been: reduced to piece and 2 piece bath $19, fronts, clay brick (no semis) --Lowest Prices oes Pediars and Duplate. Ti |THREE - bedroom modern landscaped room and dining room. Plenty $15,000. 900. hood and electric clock -- Writt " Life | Ie cltdie. PEC eee eee 360 King St. W. of cupboards in kitchen. Yes . sodded front and rear large --Written Guarantee | nsurance 21--Room & Board Wanted (Apply 'res ¢ dooat AE a sk Free Parking it has finished recreation -| IF YOU ARE HANDY we WILL SEE YOU AT THESE lots--carries. $99 monthly penchant stn nw dReatoronbenat saat \Saturday, Sunday. 833 Glenbrae Street, room, Call Mr, Bill Johnston have an unfinished bungalow interest, principal and taxes. M [eee Ronis wanted 76. Genter, North Oshawa vicinity. Call 728-6850. now, at 728-5123 or 728- with attached garage. Locat- OUTSTANDING VALUES $046 downs 3 kame BIG SALE anager Jant surroundings, board preferred. Osh-| 1066. ed on Courtice Rd. North. $13,290. ee ee ee ee Ce Call for full details. Friday 7 to 9:30 p.m. $612 down -- 3 bedroom and 4 Times. LA SALLE AVE. Are you a Life Manager now | "2 By ) Lo tdi . garai ae $14,540. or - ang Manager or | 22-_ Offices, Stores, Storage FOR A MILLION LLAR $12,100 ey . Saturday after 2 p.m. $79 down -- 4 bedroom, 1962 ary tua an Agent ready to monoge | WieeHouse space for rent; 3000 feel, : ; ' A % , 2 bedrooms and recreation leneni Is, dence hall split 2 ths. '4 and build a big successful [eagle FT ae A lB - View, see this brick bungalow on Grandview South overlooking room. Ideal for retiring couple coe ail satioment including RY Located in Whitby--All ser- One owner. Executive driven. agency? month. Apply Mackie's Van and Storage,| the city. This lovely three bedroom home has mony extras, built or young couple just getting a3 bedroom home with gar- vices in and paid for by build~ Reduced $2195 |Ltd., 477 Bloor West. | in TV, electric stove and fridge, broadloom, drapes, etc. Also has started. Only $2,500 down, acres of lond. A real money er--Models_ for viewing in TOP SALARY |sroRe FOR thon - aon 6 walkout basement, attached gorage with electric door, extra Call Mr. Bill Johnston now, age and modern kitchen. 35 REALTOR West Hill. Only a few avail- 1962 CHEVROLET a ; parking, R. Vickery, 728-9571; evenings| large lot 75 by 200 ft. Asking only $14,900, with $3,000 down. at 728-5123 or 728-1066, maker for a family endeavour a able at the prices. No limit on our deal. High= | 725-6342. ee aw Sensing call 725-3412 Via or a partnership. 728-9571 - 46 KING W. Call Gerry Hill AM 7-9712, HARDTOP est commissions and override nema steed \. COMMERCIAL -- This pro- Manderhill Real Estate Ltd. One owner new car condi- paid to our agents. $ 1 2,500 : : is tion. We have over 5,000 clients , FOR RENT : CARL OLSEN, REALTOR Modern three bedroom perty, [nseee eg? ed Reduced $2395 : to antarvi d sell additi Medical or Dental office. "Ranch Bungalow': with Poa hea) pid x 115 Ran METCALF '0 interview and sel] addition- A imately 700 jare : is location now and put in ; al Life Insurance. feet, Close to'dowrtown area, 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 range all lortamened pty your offer. Full price $9,- O p F N 1961 CHEVROLET ki iloble. Electri w f fale Tell us about yourself, All re- -- Sees rent rig x 330', Large living room: 18' sie Real Estate Limited HARDTOP plies strictly confidential, All 725 3 x 14' ond good fomily sized TAUNTON RD. EAST -- 3 40 King St. East One owner. 24,000 miles letters will be answered. 25-5132 : Irwin and forced air oil heating. BELLA VISTA |THREE- or four-room apartment wanted Cruikshanks at 728-5123 or Extra room in basement. 1961] PONTIAC mediate Tel 725-3013. Pw beh i nearing completion ready to : TWO- OR THREE- room furnished apart- MODERN living in this spotless home. move into in 2 weeks os low 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. LAURENTIAN eneeiee RENT by, at UE cl a this well established business choice of.3 different, models, 1 A i kitchen. Oil heating, toxes room insul cottage on a ra- Dial 728-4678 Spotless. BOX 125 23--Wanted To Rent NOW Being Built In Bowma nville i -- a as for vine lot with good basement H C3 U SE Reduced $2095 OSHAWA TIMES jin Dr, Robt, Thornton school area. Im- TTS 728-5205. There is a lot of inexpensive Wee ee oe EXPERIENCED ment wanted by couple with one child. RETAIL OUTLET: ASKING PRICE $42,500 for os $1,444.00 down ond your 385 JANE ST. om oon waa SALESMAN Bezel Sunset Terrace | = piasomce | Banat ata: | Se ceTae | se Room spit Lev! | Reduced $1895 WANTE Oxi . is a h ith 2 REQUIRED = Pt Ea rae | fhe stothe ai Sained | ini Bee conn end | tersale Aw auth rey | cp S09! Down | 1961 RAMBLER ce [WANTED Greetoann i etign| SU BDIVISION=LIBERTY ST NORTH Lunch Room. Well located several trucks. Substantial 13% storey home close to orries tor led. le with two calld South patronizing the working man, down payment required. both schools, churches and oa One owner. Auto-Matic Six Permanent position, solary, lwest ares predacred. 'Telochone 720-90 and also a lovely 3 bedroom NEAR HOSPITAL--4 bed bus, this home must be sold, Living pps Hy Bias Par Top Value. bonus, profit sharing, pension, | WANTED -- two or three clean rooms apartment with a very large aria . drive by and have-a look ot room x 9, ister i9 Reduced $1745 A , |with refrigerator, st he ; H ; i f room family home with 2 ; room 14 x 12, two bedrooms ee group ond wey ung. working couple, mais pascal No Pioneering _- All Services In serene. se saa idee bathragms. Living room with the area then give us a call. 10 x 10 and 11 x 9, Kit- Requirements: Age 22 to 35, [WANTED -- House "in 00d rFesidentiel plenty. of parking space. hese Sing an ~ Sa wed Goats te Tb : x 9, or room'34. x | 1960 ENVOY ' < 4 istrict in or near Oshawa. esire Nov. len ovely ree lo an " rt an attac! garage. STATION WAGON neot appearance, previous 1 rein : ] Hee 3 Owner will hold paper - until , A ' selling cueance. \Reve foros small children Tsp 100 sq paid. Call Mr. Bill Horner at patio, Within walking dist- built in Rossland Manor aFicighed in frost white and . | A 4 } i from $17,900.00 We want on aggressive, in- |CLASS 25 -- 728-5123 for an inspection, roti of schools and down isturggghles 1200 : square ry HARRY MILLEN 3 Sew Sinn wie walls, dustrious young mon willing IN APARTMENT house, seit-contained, 3 BEDROOM HOMES no obligation. me of living area, all under- 1 throughout. to apply himself and pro- stove, three-piece bathroom, closets, fur.) DOWN $700 DOWN DRIVE PAST this attractive on eS ee Ot REAL ESTATE Reduced $825 gress, with one of the world's |nished if desired. Launar: » parking, h t 314 Golf Street and your choice on the lot of your largest manufacturers, Apply |reasonable. Apply 23 Gio Street" Aperk HAIR STYLING SHOP ave a a Bes Praga vsti choice, 1958 CHEVROLET- by phone for appointment to |Meat l. Simcoe Street entrance. AND BARBER SHOP Large gracious living room OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE 728-1679 W. FERTILE HEATED GARAGE wanted. Teleghione FROM $1 4300 =$1 ,650 DOWN Yes sir, only $700 and $50 and dining room with French DIAL 728-4678 vgn F| RESTONE |WANEAIE Gr wenearéom aberiment in monthly, extremely y grodern doors and natural fireplace. Jock Cilieinn" Sik laasin 28--Real Estate Wanted pony and white walls, clean Oshawa, immediately. Telephone 728-2162 equipment. Locate: Garage and beautifully te- CAS@ buyer wants count le hil é Balance E JHLA. ms hoice shoppi | . traced garden. Many extra Dick Borriage Joe Maga [acre or more, D. W. Wilton. Realfor, Sone tae te ks ream, Se e Sasy N Ter a ey an P ineladed, \t you Ken H 26V2 King East, 725-4508, Reduced $875 STORES young couple with two children. 725-2602. : : prey? gp . gn pout ore fine home centrally PRIVATE party, pay cash for 2- 5 acres 1957 PONTI AC Si;-Houses For Row Ready for Christmas Occupancy price is right. Call Mr. Bill | located don't overlook this twa." No real estate. please, 1250/28" 190° KING: ST. E.__ |sivenea sat Horner at 728-5123, one. Early possession. HARDTOP vi M bri rome Bargai hee 2 Central etn Al g EE od ; $3,900 For full particulars call OPEN WANTED pinay two bok ili d oa 725-6566 ne mean W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. LUNCH ROOM 723-1121 ; Five room bungalow in cen- Reduced $795 |snone: oeoy house and garage. Tele- $2,000 down, stools and Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. : tral location, or 1% i storey home for genuine "3 BEDROOM.~| 177 CHURCH ST., BOWMANVILLE -- 623-3393 | Po2th, fully equipped, comer | rene Brown Loyd Coren HOUSE pe fe 1957 OLDSMOBILE WHITBY BUNGALOW Office. This is a money mak- Steve Zurba teve Engler : Cali Henry Stinson er, for more information call Dick Young Lucas Peacock 723-1133 One yeti Fully Equipped. Finished _ recreation room, Mr. Bill Horner at 728-5123, Tony Siblock Leon Manitius This Weekend Event "725-0243 t As A Pin CLASSIFIED Sindy, eggs aon. 7 p F N H C) UJ S E BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. Jean Peacock _-- Roy Flintoff ree Reduced $975 OEE od tainted Fa ace habe whbe * 158 : 101 Simcoe Street North GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Salesman On Duty CARL OLSEN 1956 CHEVROLET you own a boat. on value a QUEEN Sr. Open Every Evening Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. 2 p.m. Until 8:30 p.m. : REALTOR STATION WAGON turn 22 PORT PERRY ° ; ransmiss "Sle tmty wibe sad et i: 95 --Aarements In DOWN SV | EW SAVE $$$ A BEAUTIFUL HOME |29--Automobiles For Sale| "top Value Fralors Elocirle tongss, specs teeters | BASEMENT AT ARTMENT gam | | "OR SELLIN Reduced $695 BUYING "OR SELLING east. district, unfurnished 7 rtiall . ' * Frigldsires; new and used furniture. Weta 6h Business" peopl "only. Tele By having your new home built in Newcastle, $1 4,900 TED CAMPIN ee p ARK ORCHARD HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION | stevenson Rood south | MOTORS. a Soe phone ground floor, heavy duty, bullt-In cup- Body and Mechanically A-1 607 KING ST.---OSHAWA : Condition, reasonably priced. Tele-|boards, new Sandran, bosement." Tele. Walking distance to school, stores, etc at Cartier 668-4091, lena Paws alking distance to school, stores, etc. C on gg il gol is to contact any FURNISHED 5 apavtihenty Rested, salt bos: Only 20 Minutes drive to Oshawa. Opposite eget Shopping Gust Fost of Wilson Road) Reduced $475 Green J, Please telephone 655-2033 Brook-|ate possession' "Apply Gncnis named: THIS WEEKEND You save around $3,000 on your new home. entre. i. es. 725. vg hry hale For more information call: Directions: Turn off Stevenson VOLVO $$ SAVE NOW $ $ Wear between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Road right on Cartier, drive SALES ond SERVICE RES ST FOR RENT -- Furnished room with two|FOUR-ROOM, unfurnished apartment, piece bathroom, in quiet home, Private elstove, refrigerator, drapes. ' ' JAKE & BILL'S Srniaane oat se gees end ee tase a,| STARTING FRIDAY AT 4:00 P.M. JOHN F. DeWITH to end of block. rahe This attractive brick home ENERAL REPAIR and Specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. [RIMCOR NORTH. close to. four corners 2:00 P.M. TO DUSK ON WEEKEND Realtor features Fieldstone front, | AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 1964 RAMBLERS SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service on|apertment, refrigerator, stove, three- ilt-i I 449 Ritson Rd. S. f ee Waite, Conse, Chestnut Streetiplece bath. Private entrance. 725-1922. | See the new slectceally heated homes by Blok Con- | Bowmanville, 14 Frank Street, | Phone 623-3950 prplnaestien Prib iy Oshawa 728-0921 : $2389 FOR RENT: Farm and buildings In Alax struction completed and under construction, also : : Pontesion in" hovemsor' Pros Sandes| THE DIPLOMAT ultra-medern architecturally designed home by Han- "LIBERTY GARDENS cae, fesse german off SPOT CASH : ee FOR RENT: Four room epariment prt} NOW,,|Uuxurious partments. | sink Construction on Ravine Iot. batt vail, Races bea PAID FOR KEN. MURRAY -- ED WELLMAN vate bathroom. Available Immediately.| Onftolled entrance, modern Ultra-Modern Homes MIDS SOE, Begetous: BRK Good clean cars. Trade up Pa $90 monthly. Central, Telephone 668-5958 bang ae conditioned halls See this design controlled subdivision and you too Built To Your Own Specifications rooms with walk in closets. or down, Liens paid off. after 9 p.m. ph riag ai rnd 340. | Will join the move to Downsview Park, Oshawa's fast- $1,300 D DODD MOTOR SALES WELLMAN soonieg Threepcr ba w "> Bm Marland Apartment Til, or | @St growing subdivision for medium priced homes. Many Plans to Choose from ' é mwn 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 7 me 728-4283, Directions, Adelaide St. fast to' Juliana Drive (just west of Move to This Prestige District without Delay 6% AiR Dieses GENERAL REPAIRS MOTORS LTD. - % NH.A. : FREE Regen ue STORAGE gency Towers "EXCLUSIVE AGENT Built & Developed by WALTER SCHLEISS | w. T. LAMSON ALL MAKES OF CARS 100 Nonquon Rd. with spring tune-up One -- two bedroom apart. EXCLUSIVE AGENT Real Estate All Foreign Make Cars 728-7351 meet DE RENTAL "|. ropes, Lnovdy cee | Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Ltd. KEITH PETERS, REALTOR 6 Nite Sites tow STATHAM SALES AND SERVICE Telephone 725-1186 iteat: Read onal K i WHITBY 668-2226 Call 728-1544 | 40 KINGST.E. DIAL 728-4678 728-7328 <n TESATS end TE Ta | Wmatinned om Page 1)

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