Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Oct 1963, p. 4

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4@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 24, 1963 ' REPORT TO DURHAM : Banks Pulls Strings SIU Members Respond spoke, fied with the Banks version of the dispute. Why listen to the By RUSSELL C HONEY, MP jhis teeth 'Prince Hal" - 'AWA -- Veteran members only through clenched teeth. bla ce other ? day's. mare on Oe be or: |BRAINWASHED nel, Meanwhile 'in the House of SIU as the most orderly dem-|. Speaking to members of the\commons Prime Minister Pear- coltietin ever seen on Parlia-/SIU it was readily apparent)/con re-affirmed that the govern- ment Hill. Two thousand ¢ea-|that they had been coavinced,/ment would meet the challenge men, drawn from ports across|2imost beyond hope of redemp-|of Banks, In this move he had eastern Canada withdrew at|tion, that Hal Banks was thelthe support of organized labor 4.15 Monday afternoon with aj-|beginning and the end. which has been embarrassed most military precision, At that, While there were a few mem-jand damaged by 'the brand of| point they had been standing on|DeTS, such as one seaman from/trade unionism practiced by Hal, the front lawn of the Centre Windsor, with whom I spoke,|Banks and the SIU. Bleck for over four hours. who attended through fear of} It was obvious that SIU mem- The general good conduct of|Tetaliation from Banks, it wasipers would have to be re-edu- the seamen underlined the state-|ODVious that the great majority|cated, They would have to be ment of SIU President Hal|0f the delegation were there be-|shown the advantages of clean Banks thatthe last thing he| Cause of a conditioned reflex of/and democratic trade unionism. wanted at that point was "eg what Banks ordered them) 'They will have to be shown "trouble with the cops". to do that they cannot, with impunity, It also cndnined the dis-| The seamen had not read the |damage the cause of organized cipline exercised by Banks and|Norris Report . they had not! llabor and the national interest,'} his SIU officers over members|!ooked at the Trustee Act , |the Prime Minister said. of the union which he controls|they were not interested in the| -- challenge on gs by with an iron fist. facts. lat the government as r The men showed a total devo-| They were handed a mimeo- \Diefenbaker moved a no-confi- tion to Banks as he movedigraphed sheet issued by SiUjdence motion, reading that among them like a demi-god,/Headquarters describing the) this government, because of its expecting and receiving the|SIU version of the labor dispute|°"fusion, inconsistency and tribute that might be accorded/and containing a distorted and pusillanimous dawdling and de- to the divine chief of some re-|completely inaccurate version|!@YS in taking e'fective action mote eon Chain-smoking cig-jof the Trustee legislation. has encouraged chaos approach- arets which he grips between great lakes, the seaway, and in |several Canadian ports, thereby pooner disruption in shipping and the placing in jeopardy of essential trade in general, and in particular contracts for de- livery of wheat to foreign coun-| tries." ¢ CANADA BIGGER Township Wants County Assessor BROUGHAM -- Pickering; Councillor Hubert Wank said|co Township Council voted 4 to 3\that he felt there should be we meet it Pearson ra that they apply to the County of/means of controlling buildings] and free and responsible trade Ontario for a bylaw that the! that are being moved into the|ynionism in Canada, is bigger County Assessor be appointed| | Township, and from one part of} than Mr. Banks, and that a Ca- Assessment Commissioner forthe Township to another. Coun-/nadian government is not going the Township of Pickering, at alcillor Mowbray said that this}to be intimidated by the illegal meeting on Monday night. jproblem should be studied be-jaction and pressure of one w Supporting the motion were|cause he was not too sure how| Reeve Scott and Councillors effective the building bylaw was Milton Mowbray, Ross Deakinjin this respect. and Hubert Wank. Deputy] p Reeve Mrs. J. McPherson, gineer, Councillors Harvey Spang and} |Council jhas destroyed democratic gov-| ernment in his own union." If Mr. Diefenbaker had ex-! on moving the Consoli-|to be disappointe pL Greening, opposed the| igated puling Corporation| The Geek cnet NDP lead-| les Hall to James Mitchelller, T. C. Doug! " : R. i et et Geo-|Park in Bay Ridges. do not share ie ee that the peso Parga Pyeng He described the structure of|government has dawdled in the! chase gravel lands. on Conces-| jthe building, recommended| matter of dealing with the Nor- sion 5 in Uxbridge Township. ;Moving it in two sections, and) ris Report. I think that yp until The price. he said, was $54,000 said that it was a "marginal| now they have taken the wise and the area of the mine is 70 undertaking". course of examining and explor- Poulsson estimated the|ing every alternative in the acres. ain |hope that it may not be neces : to reat The Geologist strongly recom- jcost of building a new recreation) oy to take this very radical mended that the Township pur- |centre, similar ty the Sales and far-reaching step." Continu- chase gravel, since their own|Hall, at about $18,900. ling, Mr. Douglas urged the gov- a is diminished, at a od. | A bylaw was passed tolernment, "now, when all hope -- ee ph eg hwad- erect a "Yield" sign at Krosno/0! a private trusteeship is gone, ec se ea sige on dary is)and Liverpool in Bay Ridges./not to hesitate any longer but Mr. Hebert estimated that| Mrs. Mary Trembley was au-|to act decisively and, above all, there were two million tons of|*horized to be granted a licence|to act humanely in th interests gravel on the property -- a 20-|!9 operate a second hand: goods of the workens concerned. year supply at the rate of 100,-.St0re on Harwood avenue in} Speaking for the Social Credit 000 tons per year. Pickering Township, to be}Party (Thompson variety) H. A. The Reeve advised that the| known as "Ajax Auto Parts". |Olson said that his party would budget was spent for this year, | A subdivision plan in Lot 1,/not support the vote of no-confi- but that Council would consider|Concession 6, presented by Mr./dence. "If there ever was al the matter, since Mr. Hebert/A. McInnes at a previous Coun-|time when there was need for has an option on the land and/cil meeting, was turned down by/|full support of the government other prospective purchasers/Council on the recommendation|by Parliament it is now." are interested, of the Planning Board. | The mewest group in the These men were quite satis. i anarchy to develop on the| jonly conservatives Rural School Setup Revision Stressed KING CITY, Ont. (CP)--Edu- cation Minister W. G. Davis suggested Wednesday night that a revamping of rural school sys- tems may be necessary to give children from these areas equal opportunity for education. Small school sections could be consolidated into areas cover- ing all or part of a township, Mr. Davis told the annual con- vention of the York County Ele- mentary School Trustees eat ciation. He also suggested a study - whether it might be betr ad establish elementary school dis-| tricts coincident with high) school districts or even estab-| lish one board of education for| both elementary and secondary | schools. 'Removal Of Seaway Tolls | Silly - Admiral OTTAWA (CP)--Vice-Admiral E. R. Mainguy, president and '|general manager of the Great| Lakes Waterways fhe Great Association, said Wednesday that while it would be dnessay| tely silly" to advocate the re-| moval of all tolls from the St. Lawrence Seaway, no attempt| should be made to recover the} cost of the project through tolls. Vice - Admiral Mainguy was} here to meet Transport Minister Mcliraith and members of Par- liament with his association's view that wherever possible wa- | terway tolls should come down, | "and we should not establish] any principle that capital c be f off by these chaveus, a He told a press conference| that the original idea that the| jcovered through tolls was fe "jcomplete novelty." If this pri ply to any other type of trans-| portation route. as possible, favored entirely My free waterways, he said it] entire cost of the seaway be r ciple were accepted, it could ake While the association, so far| would be silly to suggest that all} ho/tolls be removed from the sea-| way. "What we want here is no|f further increase. " "TI feel," he said, "that the) 'oul Poulsson, Township En-|pected support from the smaller| economic advantages of greater | submitted a report tolopposition parties he was soon tonnage would offset any loss on! tolls. ll House, just that day accorded a seating arrangement which identified them as a separate group, also refused to suppor: the Conservative motion of no- confidence. Creditiste leader Real Caouette said that the mo- tion moved by Mr. Diefenbaker would'do nothing to assist a quick settlement of the di'ficul- ties, The formal division of + he House Tuesday evening showed supporting the nowonfidence motion. NDP, Social Credit and Creditiste party joined with the Liberals to defeat the motion 137 to 79. Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C, | CHIROPRAC TOR @ Rheumatism @ Migraine Headaches 100 King St. E. 728-5156 DEPENDA NEW 1964 RCA VICTOR NEW VISTA TV WITH SPACE AGE SEALED CIRCUITRY COMPARE gives you better performance, more dependability, costs less to maintain than sets using old-fashioned all hand-wiring. You want dependability so Vito. TV "wth "Space Deo Circuitry, it's more depend- able end --. less imain- olf bendaiied B emmy New Viste TV, Space Age Circuitry eliminates more then 200 hand-wired, hand- soldered connections that con come loose and short circuit. Now § .90 ONLY wir You Could Win $100 Ist PRIZE NOW ON DISPLAY! COMPARE COMPARE 1964 RCA VICTOR NEW VISTA @ Long-range New Vista Tuner : @ Transformer powered New Viste Chessis Low @ Picture Stabilizer Circuits oA Channel izer (Keyed AGC) Down @ High Level Contrast Control @ Automatic Scene Control! Circuits Payment @ "Space Age" Cooper Bonded Circuits Easy @ "Nuvistor" Tuner Tube @ "Dork Heater" Tubes and Silicon Rectifiers Weekly @ Bonded Safety Glass Budget @ Circuit Breakers @ Two specker "Golden Throat" Terms © All-range Tone Control Available TV WITH ANY MAKE -- ANYW: @ Victoriacraft Cabinetry ON ANY CHANNEL -- SEE THEM TODAY . Only $10.00 Down and $3.50 Weekly FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING New Budget Accounts Welcome... We Do Our Own Financing! BILITY! COMPARE POWER! VALUE! SECOND THIRD PRIZE PRIZE during DOWNTOWN OSHAWA "BOOM DAZE" SEE US FOR FULL PARTICULARS B.EGoodrich /Bg KING WEST 725-4543 WHY PAY MORE? |} ROCK BOTTOM PRICES DAY IN AND DAY OUT | VISIT US AND SEE WHY PEOPLE FROM ALL OVER ONTARIO DRIVE UP TO 250 MILES 'AND MORE TO SAVE AT CASHWAY LUMBER TOP QUALITY PLYWOOD PANELLING J RANDOM "VEED" MAHOGANY JUST OFF THE S.S. "MARIT MAERSK" FROM THE FAR EAST - 18,000 SHEETS DISTRIBUTED TO OUR 6 BIG YARDS! 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FIRST GRADE 9" x 9" VINYLFLEX 18" x 20" x7" 36" EACH $1.90 VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR SPRUCE PARTITION STUDS 2x4-- Colors TILE in lots of 1 to 9 cartons 8c per tile CLEARING CHAIN LINK FENCING In lots of 10 cortons or more IN SMALLER LOTS 94¢ $9.97 $11.77 9/10c PER TILE Other stock Vinyl Asbestos tile from 934¢ 7 30¢ BIFOLD 2'0" x 6'6" 2xXx4--8 Bde Frc: sess ANY QUALITY ae ARBORITE and FIRST GRADE FROM Some small sizes even lower. FORMICA ASPHALT 26: Other stock colors $6.45 Fg NO. mu aan ave "DOORS $7.88 5'0" $17.75 60" $21.35 A-1 QUALITY 210 LB. RED OR BROWN GRANITE SHINGLES "8, 70 :: "CANADA'S Quality DOOR ---- Fully PRE- FRAMED = = HM HH KK KK KH ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS $21.88 EACH (2'-6" x 6'6") Rugged. z. ber doors. 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ALL WELDED STEEL 8' x 6'6" GARAGE DOORS ~ Complete with all hardware $39.70

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