Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Oct 1963, p. 3

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' Plan Meeting -- Of Coaches jpOWMANVILLE aa i 3 page > for - srg wi a meeting of coaches\day ,Oct. 25, at the Lions Com- and managers of Minor hockey munity Centre, 8.30 p.m. teams on Thursday, Oct. 24, at) Come and dance to the latest * Lions Community Centre has hit records. : -30 p.m., at which time t rules and regulations and the FIGURE SKATING ' various teams will be drawn up.|_ The lo! dogged Deoaroeeet = Anyone interested in coaching| tire) Skating Club ate eerie ' ovine cmd se is invited figure skating lessons to 'anyone| e " : ea asine ng. interested in taking professional The minor teams will start/lessons. holding their first practice ses-! Classes will be held on Thurs- sions on Saturday, Nov. 2. |days from 4.00 to 7.00 p.m., COACHES CLINIC junder the leadership of Miss} In conjunction with the Barbara Anne Smith. P '| Phe plete | The first lesson and registra- oe ae ate we |tions will be held on Nov. 7, at Jim 'Crombie *|Bowmanville Arena. Mr. Crombie attended the Ca- BEGINNERS SKATING . nadian Amateur Hockey Leader-| The Recreation Department in LINDA SLACK, MCVI ship Institute held at Royal Mili-|co-operation with the Memorial : : tary College in Kingston last/Arena Management committee m August. The Institute was onejhave completed arrangements of five being held across Can-|to hold its beginners skating ada, the institutes were co-spon-|sessions for children seven sored by the Federal Depart-/years of age and under on Mon- ment of National Health and|days from 3.00 to 5.00 p.m., Welfare, under the terms of the Starting Monday, Nov. 4. 'Fitness and Amateur Sports Act.| Parents are cordially gpl ee On Saturday morning, Oct. 26,(°° attend and assist their child) at 11.00 a.m. Mr. Crombie wili/With his skating. There is no} conduct a practical demonstva- *@ditional charge for adults ac-| tion at the Bowmanville Arena ©o™Panying children. for the coaches. The next Teen Town Dance is : ; " OBITUARIES Church Has _ WILLIAM JOmN STILLMAN | New Name Memorial service for William | John Stillman, who died Mon-| Harmor™* Road Baptist day, Oct. 21, at Hillsdale Manor, Church is the new name of the in his 89th year, was held at Bloor Street Baptist Church. the Armstrong Funeral Chapel, Wednesday night a meeting of Wednesday, Oct. 23, at 2 p.m.|the congregation met at the new Rev. Dr. John Leng, minister/parsonage and approved the of St. Andrew's United Church,'change of name. conducted the service. Inter-) This change of name grew ment at Oshawa Union Ceme- out of the congregation moving m8 _las July to he Harmony Road #) The pallbearers, all nephews) public School from the baseline of Mr. Stillman, were Albert!<chool on Bloor street east Stillman, Ray Phillips, Trevor] Aico when the' Chi de Dodd, Scott Elmhurst, Ray). 4) pet i lurch builds Scott' and Bruce 'Scott. "jon the lot purchased for them . by First Baptist Church, the} ANDREW DRUZIK . new home will also be on Har- The death of Andrew Druzik, mony road. Various names have} 225 Conant street, occurred sud-|/been suggested over the interval] denly at his home, Tuesday, | of four. months but due to the| Oct. 22. He was in his 60th year.|location on Harmony road, and| Born in the east Ukraine, he|the actual meaning of the word! came to Oshawa in 1928. Mr.|harmony, an attribute which all/ Druzik served with the Cana-|of Christ's followers are to| dian army in Holland and Ger-|seek after, the name of Har many during the Second World mony Road Baptist Church was} ar. finally chosen, | He had been a member of the a Brotherhood of Carpen- b ers and Joiners of America,| ; | Local 397, since 1950, More than| Unde" our new name. Various 20 of his fellow union members| ™°" of the congregation wil held a special funeral ritual for ead in: bb RERVICE, OF. NOCHE him at the Gerrow Funeral |/2"4 a special men's. choir has Chapel Wednesday evening. Mr. | been organized to lead us in Druizk iast worked on construc.|5°"2: All are welcome at these tion of the new County Court/ Services of Sunday School at} FIFTEEN YOUNG OSH- tel DONNA SMITH, DCI SHARON MYERS, OCVI SYLVIA SZIKSZAY, SUE WINTER, OCVI being held in the auditorium urday night. at McLaughlin Collegiate and Feather. of the 1963 Greater Community Chest. testants will face the judg2s ylouse. 9.45 and Church at 11.00 as we) AWA women are in the field Oshawa bye survived by a sister in|2eat and learn from the Word! for the title of Miss Red Chosen last Saturday, the con- the Get Together Club Dance Vocational Institute this Sat- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 24,1963 2 By BRENDA LARGE OTTAWA (€P)--Many Cana- dian women are overlooking the opportunities and rewards of a career in the biological sci- ences. a This is the conclusion reached in a study of women in the field of biology by the federal labor department women's bureau. The 1961 census listed only 269 women employed in occupa- tions relating to biology. This includes both professionai scien- tists and technicians, but not women in the teaching field. The biological sciences in- clude such vared studies as medicine, pharmacy, agricul- *Iture, forestry, pest control, '|wildlife management, food and nutrition and space travel. One reason given for the com- *|paratively small number of -|women in biological study is that for many the long period of preparation required for sci- lentific work is likely to be in- |terrupted by marriage and \family responsibilities. FAVOR PASS COURSES | Also, many women tend to javoid honors courses in favor lof three - year pass degree lcourses and are not sufficiently prepared for specialized biolo- |gical work. Further, the labor ldepartment report suggests , |there is a lack of general in- «\formation about careers in the field. 4 | Among the many careers |open to women are science edit- tling of specialized periodicals, technical laboratory work, SOPHIE TARATUTA, OCCI TONI MARIE ESPOSITO, DCI teaching at the high school and Be: university levels, and science library positions. But women ; |thinking of entering any of |these professions would have to be prepared for thorough and sometimes 'lengthy academic work, that initial difficulties in a ca- by the field's later challenges and rewards. "We must present a_ well- rounded picture showing the ad. QUEBEC (CP) -- Premier Lesage Wednesday attacked j "interference" by the united Re States government and labor/: ot jjunions in Canadia affairs. ' ~ 4|\There is a "very strog feeling ' jjacross Canada that it 15 time 5 ee |for the Americans to 34 trying to run our affairs in Canada," DONNA WAITE, he told reporters. Mr. Lesage (Employed) said he had made a similar statement during a television in- terview in Philadelphia Mon- --Oshawa Times Photos |day. ine, and a cou-|of God. An extra ser- in, P. Druz, in Oshawa. }vice is to be held November 10 The funeral will be held from|When_the First Anniversary of y, Oct. 25, at 10 a.m. Rev.| Arter the business meeting NEIL ALEXANDER DAVIDSON 2" Lindon street. It has been Davidson occurred after a\V2tious church groups are using o,.aaian Press Corr P General Hospital this morning.|their meetings. An open house AY AAD Mr. Davidson resided at 486 Mil. followed the evening with the la-/Zealand ge ssi for} ton avenue and was in his 64th\lowed the evening with the la-/Preparing a brisk campaiy yearm dies of the Church providing He was the son of the late refreshments. Ne st bellsland will elect 52 MPs, com- By Jaw, an election mu eld at least every three years) Harry and Jenny Davidson and | was born in Port Perry. In 1926 ° he married the former Lorna MIAMI. Fla. (AP)--A ti-| its full term Mae Goheen at Bracebridge, | MIAMI, Fla. Sven Bee Oe , Mr. Davidson is survived by Castro action group announced] In the general election of | his wife, one daughter, Mrs. D.|Wednesday its commandos in-/1960, the National pariy cap-| Mrs. Frank Lobraico (Florence)|\The announcement was madejfailed to elect any members. of Toronto, Mrs. A. Goheen {rom Panama by a band known! !n the seven byelections since (Kathleen) of Timmins and a 25 ©®mmando Mambises|1960, there has been no change brother, William of Toronto, (which had made three recent\in party standings in the House funeral service in the chapel on % to sie owatzrn te GREENWOOD ENTRIES = officiating 'clergyman 'will be than half the seats. Rev. J. K. Moffatt of Simcoe Street United Church and. in- FRIDAY, Oct. 25 jyet been announced. But ai-Worth as @ party chief. ready it seems plain that Na- 112; Bandolero, Walsh X112; Bobby Pin, tina] terment will be in Union Ceme- 5 i FIRST RACE -- " land Maiden" tery, Oshawa. $5000 Ceiming inauaa in to puree |$1900 for two-year-olds. 1 mile. MRS. MARY ELLEN Dek's Levy, Bohenko (A) 118 (NELLY) BRADLEY Round Chance, Rasmussen 118 " North Sky, Terry 115 The death of Mrs. Mary Ellen Woodcote Park, Robinson 118 Walsh X109. entry (Nelly) Bradley, 344 Colborne roman Heritage, Smith 115 and up 7 Furs. street east occurred at the Arm Crest, No Boy 118 pen Panther, Walsh ans iy 2 ' Kimlyn, Gordon 115 ilage Squire, Rasmussen | Oshawa General Hospital Wed- pignt Chiet, No Boy 118 indies Line, Fitzsimmons n2 | > ; j ( i i Cut Steel, ittfach nesday, Oct. 23 after a short ill- "et pp ok aa Leo's Yingel, Leblanc 114 | ness. ai kaiontr ais Ima Mistake, Stauffer 117 Th With Admiration, McComb (A) 118 PH adopt pd ack e former Mary Ellen Hoar, mr. Flirt, No Boy (B) 118 yg a ee ala aR she was born in Baggotville,| Aiso Eligible: Snow Beav, No Boy (B)\\") C2nadian, No Boy Ont., Sept. 9, 1879, a daughter| 11. | SIXTH RACE -- "Canadian Co-oper- of the late James and Jessie/A'R Henderson and J, J. Dunn entry. /age Association" Allowance. Purse $2700 G. Stirling and V. Burtch and G th $ a. She married the late|Robertson entry Siutn lear nection 1s. ug | oe eee ery in Whit-| sccand @ace -- "Dennison $750 Mountain Glineer, No Boy (A) 116 |Gibbons street, is reported to be lar vote .without ever winning|-- iy, . 2, 5 Claiming (Foaled in Canada) Purse $2300 solitude Trail, No Boy 114 jresting comfortably a the Osh- a Seat. It has been buoyed up| Mrs, Bradley was.a resident of for two-year-olds. 7 Furs. Cut Flower, No Boy (A) 106 awa General i j Smart Flyer, Bohenko 119 Leton, McComb 107 . hie aan Oshawa and district for almost Holy Cow, Walsh XX104 AcEl Peco Ranch and Windfields Farm Suffering injuries 60 years. She was a member Speedy Lament, Remillard 119 entry of the Seventh Day Adventist General John, Walsh X109 | Kendalwood Church. cat Or aoAdl i QUINELLA BETTING : l ' . ' | @ Gerrow Funeral Ch the Church's organization is to ae iets were aber vin xe a one NY Zealand Readies 8 Greek Orthodox Church,|suest preacher. ' P. Zaparyniuk will celebrate the} and approving of the new name a = Mass. Interment will be in Osh-|there was a short dedication V ection awa Union Cemetery. lservice of the New Parsonage, s ----|Board it had a wealth 0!/wi) remain a problem." |happy experience to back its de-| yrs. Blackburn never taught 5,000 Visit Car Museum the general election called for|tent i Holyoake himself gives many) pared with only 24 trom the/people an impression of vanity jand complacency which is not) _ yy nae entirely justified. He is not a|Chamber of Commerce visitors/seyen years. for the last 20 years, Mrs./An ' estimated $75 damage compellingly popu lar leader, |and convention committee learn-| |but the soundness of most of/ed his record is widely acknowl- DAMAGE BOATS land the present Parliament has|South Island. FOUR MAORI SEATS The other four seats in the Pat side cuba attacked and "'se-|tured 46 seats and the Labor| House nice ie ~~ _ Shei | se-| 5 seau fad jelectorates coverin ne whole He also leaves three sisters, ¢™ment boats used to pursuejof Representatives. The Sociai/ members are elected by the NEW LEADER Mrs. Verna Thomas of Oakville efugees escaping the country./Credit and other minor parties! native inhabitants, ed at a recent meeting | more people are visiting Osh- awa for conventions and tourist 'hor, on the other hand, is) meeting showed that 108,748 peo-| National, Labor and Social fighting the election under a/ple have visited Darlington Pro- Credit have expressed the in- new leader in place of its elder|vincial Park and more than| ee bilge Walter!5,000 have toured the Canadian y , 5 n : Seats, as they did at the 'ast Nash, who has retired to the) Automotive Museum Mr. Davidson is resting at the aids on Cuba. | New Zealand has a single jicotion In addition, a group back benches. The new leader,|opened in July. Gerrow Funeral Chapel for. the under the name Liberal plans 62 - year - been associated with groups or| with several times a month organizations concerned with|during its formative years, liquor laws or alcohol educa-/Mts. Blackburn still is in for jtention of tion, she says, "I may be in for|a busy time, a old Arnold H. Nord- : It was also learned that sev-| more/meyer, a one-time Presbyterian tf : bchidis eral signs have been erected in minister, is a most incisive de-|and around Oshawa, to direct Full party policias have not bater but has yet to prove his words of soldce and encourage- visitors to points of interest. For|ment for her replacement. She | insi side Osh-/58Y peers te a Cn lpeare she spent on the hoard/-,, weren't easy, they were reward:|. siting A-Mrs, R. E. Fisher and Hellenic Stabel|Will run largely on its record |Phrases" like nationalization|of informative brochures, and|!"8- |with investigation reports, po- Under 59-year-old Prime Min-jagainst private enterprise. Buti/has answered 507 letters of in-|, Mrs. Russenholt has been Aallice reports and any other in- |member of the board since it|formation they feel necessary. Nordmeyer says the election|iawa, the Chamber of party,|Will not be fought on "glib|merce has distributed thousands] the/so far he has failed to produce! quiry. Formation of a regional tour-|was formed and has had a ¢ late its traditional socialist\ist council was discussed by/rect hand in -- ihe lib-| philosophy, He has placed main representatives from Peel, Hal-/eral the liquor laws of the prov-/ emphasis on incentives to in- ton. York and Ontario counties/ince. | MONTREAL (CP)--Mrs. Ger- production, which is\at a recent meeting hosted by| The major victory of herjmaine Lescarbeau, 61, was sen- almost exactly the standard Na-|the Oshawa Chamber of Com-|seven years, she feels, has|tenced Wednesday to life im- been ridding the province of the|prisonment on a charge of non- habit of people out for an eve-|capital murder arising from the ning having to hide bottles un- der the table in order to have a drink with their entertain.) ment, MY LOWER AGE The problem of drinking among minors; she feels, has/ not been solved. She thinks a/ referendum asking to lower the age at which a person is con- | FIFTH RACE -- "Imperial" sasoo ister Keith J. le he ) Claiming Purse $2100 for three-year-olds government has hardly put a any distinctive Labor line to re- foot wrong during the iast jtional party policy. |merce. A temporary executive | Social Credit has fought all/has been appointed and applica- jseats at the last three general|tion has been made for a pro- ivincial grant. A second meeting 123 table percentage of the popu-|is planned for November. In Accident capturing a respec- STARTS WITH HOPE OTTAWA (CP)--External Af- 'fairs Minister Martin said Wed- \nesday that the United Nations |begins its 19th year in an at- {mosphere of hope and opportu- after| by the recent visit of the Ca- in a traffic/nadian accident at Gibbons and Floyd/Robert Thompson, who made |streets Wednesday night. Boneham was taken to| and. But it is doubtful his tour will make much impact on the | good impression Breule, Stadnyk 117 SEVENTH RACE -- "Queen Lea" $4500| Mrs, l ee city AND Woman Sits On DISTRICT The Oshawa Fire Department reported one fire call to a grass fire on Dean avenue. Wednes- f day. Three routine ambulance l Ls The death of Neil Alexander °°CUPied for one month now and By J. C. GRAHAM jchamber legislature, so only,three years. It has weathered|calls and one accident call were|appointed a woman member to|lation to ease this' problem. rd agg ts facilities to advantage for dent tine House of Representatives al sharp -- without Fr ponad made. lengthy ess at the Oshawa/! : 4 d -- New/involved. Since the last election|posing unpalatable remedies Ne ee are|the South Island has. lost stilljand the country is enjoying a another seat owing to a persis-|period of prosperity and show- the|ing a healthy expansion in its Inorth, and this time the North economy, Liquor Board WINNIPEG (CP)--When the|sidered responsible probably provincial government recently|will be the first step in legis- the Manitoba Liquor Licensing) pyt she adds, "I think it cision. __|school although qualified as she While Uberta Blackburn will/immediately stepped into the Women Needed In Biology Courses vantages and disadvantages of a come in biology, or ro unfair to our young peop! says Miss Royce. ae PATIENCE IS ASSET "But the negative attitude that women just aren't capable of the lengthy study and sus- tained interest biology demands is the sort of thinking which robs society of women's brains." Women biologists' can often be more successful than men, says the report. Skill with their hands and careful attention to detail make them well suited for intricate study of . insects and plant research. Male biologists interviewed by the department admitted women possess "a goodly amount of patience" which helps them carry out involved reseatch projects. The report says that although it is often difficult for a woman to reconcile research work with family responsibilities, some as- pects. of ological research lend themselves well to part- time work, work at home or short-term commitments. It stresses the importance of interesting more students in the study of biology and cites the rapid growth of science fairs across the country as useful in encouraging more: young women to enter the field. Preliminary Adjourned BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- An 11-year-old murder charge was adjourned until Nov. 13 at a pre- liminary hearing held here yes- terday. Harold A. Deneau, 28, a for- ;| Marion V. Royce, director of|mer Burketon area farm work- {|the women's bureau, stresses/er, was charged with murder in 1952 but was later found unfit reer in biology are outweighed|to stand trial and committed to Ontario Hospital at Pene tanguishene. Deneaux was charged after the body of Sydney James Goff, : 36, RR 3, Burketon was found HITS INTERFERENCE partly covered by straw on March 16, 1952. Deneaux was arrested after the body was discovered. The accused was found sleeping in a farmhouse about a mile from the Goff farm. Dr. D. A. Boyd of the hospital yesterday testified Deneau was now fit to stand trial. Crown Attorney John A. Pringle of Belleville, said Deneau is charged with capital murder. Dr. Hans Lucke, pathologist, told the hearing Goff died of severe brain injuries. Court was told a blunt instru- raed could have caused Goff's death, $350 Damage . In Collision An estimated $350 damage was caused in a two-car colli- sion at the intersection of Bloor and Cromwell avenue Wednesday. A vehicle driven by James be the only woman member,|giove-making industry and was - Sno' 22 of 63 Wayne she has a fine example to fol-/an active member of the Glove asset, was involved in @ cresh llow, that of retiring Mrs. E. S.|Workers' Union in the province.|with a car driven by Martin Oshawa |Russenholt, stepping down after) Actively interested in politics|y soutter, 21, of Peteroarieat. Dark and vivacious, Mrs.|Blackburn was umnsuccessfullwas done to the left front fend- Blackburn is office manager of|Progressive Conservative can-jer, headlight and bumper o} |the Peikoff Medical Clinic injdidate for Logan constituency|the Snow car and an estimated Winnipeg and a graduate of|in the last provincial election. ' $275 damage was suffered by Winnipeg Normal School. | While the board now meets/the Soutter vehicle. Constable R. And, because she has never|only once a month compared|Cramp investigated. rough time being the only| The board deals with as many woman. I don't know." las 20 applications at each meet- ling and the members get to But Mrs. Russenholt hasicngw each holder of a licence in the province. Between meetings, the mem- ers are required to become miliar with the records of applicants, complete s that though the seven), ist Time In Canada 15 YEAR 2nd MORTGAGES CORONATION INVESTMENT. co. LTD. The foremost Canadian Public Co. 'n the field now introduces term 15 YEAR--OPEN-- Second f Borrow what iff WOMAN GETS LIFE death of a woman last year fol- lowing an abortion. you on the security © of ir home-- Repay in small monthly payments over 10 to 15 years, 723-2265, (after hours - 728-3376 SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 360 KING ST. WEST FRONT-END jnity that would not have seemed }possible a year ago. He made the statement in a message to/§ {UN Secretary-Genera! U Thant| British railway production in|on the occasion of United Na- Mrs. Bradley leaves two sis- pull Pine, Walsh X108 Padre's Scamp, No Boy 112 fused to divulge the nature of 1960 included 122 electric and|tions Day today. id diesel-electric} Edward Glazier, | BUILD TRAINS $ KNOW? ing. Special Weekly She was predeceased by her Claimi bo | . ing Purse $2100 for three-year-olds nH 2 | husband Mar. 17, 1954 and is\_ THIRD RACE -- "Dunbar" s200|end up 7 Furs. ig hospital after being struck ' if |Claiming Purse $1900 for three year olds|Hill, No Boy 117 | ca ive' j THis survived by a daughter, Mrs.\ang up 1 mile. Barracho JJ, No Boy 117 l eaakelt srigge fection Roy Godfrey (Elsie), of Oshawa.|wighest Reward, Hale 118 Red Sail, Walsh X118 TASKE, 48, OF 90 x ernnill' Dour) She was predeceased by a son,|Lively Music, No Boy 123 poe Fine erszawnens 118 pies Dr. i 4 Last. Morning, No Boy 118 :. |Mrs. Melville, Feb. 23, 1963. Allbhai King, Stauufer 120 Touch > Magic, Harrison 104 | ters, Mrs. Agnes Moe, of Seat- Final Award, Leblanc 123 pgs bbe ake Pra pad his patient's injuries-this morn- 1,027 diesel an tle, Wash., and Mrs. Elizabeth|Saizritlt, Wick 118. | : Bryant, of Pickering. She was Real Stuff, No Boy 118 BIGHTH RACE -- "Maidement" $3500) -- predeceased by a sister, Mar-|, Penepopie, Gordon 120 Teiimuene ; "i |Navy Grand, No Boy 115 eet ag Phy 1Ohes garet, in 1922. There are six|yineyard, Walsh X11 Chane Cover, No Boy 116 surviving brothers, Robert) Aso eligible: Our Jonnie, Potts 118:|Secgal" yfatzsimmons 116 Hoar, of Toronto, and William' Stee! Peritox, Terry 123; Split the Loot, Corporal Bingo, Walsh X106 Richard, James, David and *'t2simmons 120. Field Trial, Harrison 116 Thithy a ch Warferd, Parsons XXX105 George Hoar, all of Whitby. A) -rourtn race Rosecamp". $2500| soysambu, Uyeyama 116 500 brother, Aubrey, predeceased Claiming Purse $1900. tor three-year-olds! Crystal Fire, Leblanc 113 Mrs. Bradley in 1912. There ate|aiy sown Cyew, Eniod 112 Post Time 1.30 p.m. clear and fast 12 grandchildren and 13 great-|Bonnie Bird, Leblanc 109 | cot > To Members Of CHAMBERS FOOD CLUB SPECIALISTS | DIXON'S OH:-FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA\OVER ® i@e e@ Carpet Laying e e HIMA 24-HOUR SERVICE a er 4 DID YOU 2 ALL CARS on That Our Services JOHN BEAN Includes: Carpet Sales and Service "Visualiner" Rugs and Furniture Cleaning Fringing - Binding - Serging and §) Dying Mothproofing - Sizing | Wal| to Wall Carpet Cleaning €! in your Home or Office | @ Re-Upholstering FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 728-4681-2-3 NU-WAY RUG | SPECIAL Free Pick-Up and 313 ALBERT ST. TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King St. W. grandchildren. Sees thy Fitzsimmons 118 | "| ; | Noble Boy 2nd, N 17 i NEED AN | The memorial service will be|Wno Goee, Parsons (00' xox10 held in the Armstrong Funeral|Musical Hit, McComb '109 OIL FURNACE Chapel, Saturday, Oct. 26, at 372? gosct Potts "vy 1? oy 2 p.m. Elder Percy Manuel wil!! our Fool, N conduct the service. Interment, Lady Nieu. 'Gordon. 106. PERRY will be in Oshawa Union Ceme- Frosty Day. No Boy 115 at eo iMalucina, Gordon 118 IGHT - ' tery. Alse Gligible: itulyarse, Ne Boy 4A)' hs 123-3443 H | OSHAWA LTD. 174 MARY Sf. -- OSHAWA 534 RITSON RD. S. ALIGNMENT ENERAL TIRE OF OSHAWA 95 PHONE 728-6221 for eppointment Delivery Service 728-6221 |

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