12_TWEHAWA TE, Tandy, abr 24,969 'Lord Home Will|""T RB" Colorful _ | Steels Weather| Insecticide Government Has Right ¥evr¥ld iy5 president _| Sca*2Sellitg_ Specialist. i NEW YORK (AP)--A federal Peerage Again grand jury Wednesday launched ; ae es LONDON (AP)--By shedding) Theodore Roosevelt has long|major European war over|sy anti-trust investigation of the Hits Papers LO become 1p WTR ins sce, nerese Maser teen taro enc tr us Mosooon U.S. steel industry, with em- a. <e earndad ene peo ahaa 1 biographers, and little|LEAGUE OF NATIONS ces. TORONTO (CP)--An insecti- papers Do sata hereditary mer en crammed rer He was the first to advocate sso age yore fields|Cide specialist Wednesday at-| Mark Feree, Scripps-Howard i CO ct gd gece 'ih all ired ingredi-\2, League of Nations. Under hopefull "2cked newspapers for allegedly|executive vice - president and OTTAWA (CP)--The govern- the three government trustees mittees to negotiate collective! Neyer again can he initiate|wiih all of the desired ingr "lim, the U.S. bullt the Panamaleyed 'the investigation, opeful| devoting caltiony ' eatealcreae: ae eet MAY Oct As & ghvemediare smapawered tp manage sndjagroements. ja new noble dynasty--such aslents, including drama, color,|Canai and his final act in office|that it would turn out to be rou-jheadlines to stories of human or as @ ship owner in any legal|control each of the maritime un-| 6, Remove or suspend any|his Scottish forebears did 500 triumphs and tragedy, Author|was to send the Great Whiteltine and not of a nature that|deaths believed to have resulted action against the Seafarers'|ions and do all things necessary|officer or employee of the union| years ago. H Fleet with 16 battleships around : .|from insecticide poisoning. b Noel Busch has latched on to might prove harassing to busi-|fro International, Union of Canadalor advisable for the return of|and appointment replacements.) Home's renunciation of his lorful subject in his new|*he world to proclaim U.S. 1 The s 'There has been no known recently for inciting an illegal strike. {the management and control of| In doing their work, the trus-/four English and Scottish titles this col po 2 su - in tory. |Power. ness in general. ubpoe- death oF disesan ta Canada dus _As a government, 'it can 'it-leach of the maritime unions to/tees may spend union money,|raised this question: book, Dendiete az his in| This is the first popular life naing of 10 big steel producersito pesticides where they haveltion, founda- vets the powers ast out i iBSiduly elected and responsible of-iborrow money, sell union prop. wee eee ae eto Sor Ghee" (George|of T.R. since Pringle's Pulitzer apparently took the industry by|been used as directed," Dr. G.| A r t of the Maritime Transportation Unions|ricers of such unions at the ear-|erty and execute in the name/down as prime minister could geo on "oi oe a a aan np ae S Couper ted the: annie! mant.thabdi -- JB cis iden an Trustees Act, taking over "'con-ljiest date consistent with thelof the union "all required needs.|he be given an earldom, which|J. McLeod Ltd.). TR's reputation was at ® low| Gm wall Street, steels ap-|iNs of the Canadian Manufactur-\York City, Froese ge hed trol and management" of thelnstional and public interests of/assurances receipts and other|is 'the traditional reward the) Busch effectively illustrates! 3 in0, Busch displays solid peared to have- weathered|*'s of Chemical Specialists As-|publishers': team in negotiations SIU 'by appointing three trus-lcanada." instruments" as long as they do|Queen gives retiring premiers? jonce again that T.R. was they eocch and painstaking care Tuesday's scare selling when|S0ciation here, with printers and other craft un- tees in whom full 'authority : . -.. «2 '\so within the constitution or by-| Constitutional authorities say|most colorful of all the U.S. for detail in tix readable book; . cet tary May Dr. Cooper, a member of thelions during the recent on er a gh geteaaion Teeny laws ot the. olen, tis Poseagen Act conten maemenns < wetar. Capieert: ie hg it is -not the best ag pe Bagh i taabli in|@ssociation's insecticide and/per strike. He resigned from vested. clude: : But they also have the power|year to give peers the right toladventurer and author. He was biography on T.R. it is a highly|heavy selling. Industry stocks pesticide division, said that on|The Times June 19. The Trusteeship Act, ab-| 1. Promotion of the establish-/1, qemand papers, books, rec-|disclaim their titles--makes itla sickly boy with poor eyesight, lable one and deserves widelrepoonded unanimously Wed-|the average there were only proved by Parliament, gives the|ment of advisory councils of/orqs or documents dealing with|clear he couldn't be given a new/but by sheer. courage and. Will) (asian nesday, although some gains|three or four deaths in Canadaland 50 per cent of victims were trustees massive powers 'o Tun|)seamen to help the trustees dOlthe unions. Failure to produce|peerage. -- F power he overcame these handi- ' tater LIB each year that could be related|children who would not know the SIU and four other Great|their job. such records renders offenders) An official of Debrett's Peer-\caps and became, the great istay's il dite was\', isecticide poisoning and|better. Lakes labor unions. _| 9. Promotion of joint advisory|liable to fines of $100 a day plus|age said today: champion of the strenuous life. Indians To Show cae te indicate Wall farce these resulted from misuse. Dr. Cooper said outlawing The government is @ shiP\-ouncils of seamen and ship|a jail sentence not exceeding) "Lord Home could never) TR. boxed and wrestled, taken st seat the grand jury in.|, However, he admitted that la-lpesticides would create new owner because the National! ners to develop good reiations|one year. again take up a hereditary title hiked and rode horseback; he it ToC daa|vestization' signal a new out belling insecticides clearly as|problems because they were no Harbors Board has contracts|.¢ cont those ordinarily associ-| The trustees can seek a court/He could, however, be given @lcouid also hold his own with Benefit O VANAGA) rea of hostility between busi-|P0ison would have no effect|cessary to the adequate produc- with the SIU for the crews of|.teq with collective bargain-|warrant to enter and -- ge ge eo is not. hered!-( um? eas ornate = REGINA (CP)--The National|ness and government. since few users read the labels'tion of food and plant fibres, NHB tugs in Montreal. The tug ing." necessary by force, "any plac nd ae game in Nor merica Council 'phans to help| In the spring of 1962, Presi-|j crews walked off their jobs with) ~" : : for any papers, books, records tary, however, dies when! africa and was unafraid to pen-|Indian Coun p Ip + Koanbay' Sucaperailc oo "T 3. Recommend changes in the ments.' its holder dies. ; etrate the wilds of Brazil, Ais|celebrate Canada's centennial indent Kennedy's i poten 2 uke ote agg constitution or by-laws of the oo one provision of the| But Home's line will continue.|for personal courage; he once|1967 with a program emphasiz- ministration forced a rollback i i i F al increase .junions to ensure "more effi- teeship Act, any persons|His son, 19-year-old Lord Dun-|snoke for an hour in a speech|ing the contributions Indiansjof a planned gener: saree oF oe a gta --_ cient, effective or direct conirol eg abatiuete or hinders the|glass, will become the 15tH Earl|qelivered one hour after he was|have made to the country. in steel prices. This pressure wa date i . j i i il' centennial com-|from Washington was blamed in of the union by the members." |trustees or their delegated rep- of Home when his father dies | not in the chest by a would-be The council's n an Re ggg. sg ioe 4. Exercise "all the powers|resentatives is guilty of an of- assassin. It is said that no|mittee met in Regina ahdjpart for a sharp stock market icet i =) i i mapped the program this week.| break that followed. Harbors Board under the pro |it tte rstitai f aod by-laws \camrection gangs able (0 8 Bins York Trust Churehitly pag saenoantals Indian storytellers are to work visions of the Canada Shipping|"er the constitution and by-laws conviction and is liable to a fine ion." i ° with writers commissioned by Act dea'ing with desertion or|°f such union. jnot exceeding $10,000 or to im combined the life of action with - : int --" me mega ream hee] Sets Up In test mia, hg ase Get ige come oe] PICTURE g absent without leave. CAN NA OFFICERS jceeding two years or to both! p met and T.R. didn't like Sir a Pe Oe ee een ee MAY MANAGE 5. Designate officers or union|fine and imprisonment. Winston.) ' | a 2 | ive potiticall Bin "wattunes FARMERS' MARKET Under the Trusteeship Act,|members as bargaining com-| Supermarkets TR, had_an active politicall" Bill Wuttunee of Calgary, FRAMING ® career in New York and suc-\head of the National Indian S. Africa Would TORONTO (CP)--York Trusticeeded to the 'presidency after|Council, said it is hoped to have M4 lin al R di rond 5 atinosgro sy gt a beng the assassination of President| under way by next fall a travel- SEE... | : EVERY FRIDAY M 7 rust houses to invade radi- , A i : sinad ; Bi g u '@ | Oo J ail Christ Eran veckion Weate of aucun McKinley. He displayed great|jing exhibition of Indian art and 2P.M. -9 P:M. daring and leadership in the|scuipture. 1 annouced| Spanish-American war. It didn't] Mr, Wuttunee sail dance fes- Walms ey * savings and loans, a Archbishop Says Wednesday plans to set uPitake him long as président to|tivals will be held in various & Maaill FRESH EGGS, VEGETABLES erits e ate branch offices in Toronto-area|realize America's.new role as alcentres and a dance troupe will g CAPE TOWN (Reuters) --|supermarkets. world power. He brought an|be chosen to. travel about the FRUIT and HONEY , : Archbishop Joost de Blank of} Chairman of York Trust is\end to the Japanese - Russian|country performing traditional 9 KING ST. £. -- OSHAWA OTTAWA (CP)--The question|Jean Baptiste Society and @/Cape Town said Wednesday|James B. Coyne, 52, former|war and later prevented alIndian dances. i ; j s i t| ist "in thi try would) chai he B - of-how best a radio station could|Mewspaper, expressing grea 'iChrist "in this country chairman of the Bank of Can contribute to solving bicultural|©°nce™ that if the BBG per-iquite likely have been arrested|ada, who quit two years ago : mitted the setting up of a NeWlunder the Suppression of Com-|after a publi with the Dief- problems was raised Wednesday/English - language station, it| munism 'Act cabaker government over so before the Board of Broadcast/would result in a lot of new wor-| he archbishop said in Seek,|tional financial policy. Governors. eee raged -- oy Polite of Bee: an agreement with The issue arose aS a group,| R CHANCE |the province ju rica, aw Groceterias Co. Ltd. to headed by Allan Waters who a Seton se he thougts that the recent World Anglicanjinstal branches next to the radio station CHUM in|the proposed station would have|Congrass had labelled racial|checkout counters of supermar- Pl gate ion tol@ better opportunity to explain|discrimination as sin. kets in the first such move in 'oronto, soug irae patie some of the difficulties between| He said this confirmed his|Canada. Six branches will be start a new aay mag Pe webec and the rest of Canada|conviction that such discrimina-|opened in Metropolitan Toronto AM radio station in Montreal. |7. it would be broadcasting in|tion was a "form of _blas-|shortly. jie pode gargs Bn el English. It was the English- ore _ So glee Bn i lation which| low pla grounds: that the Montreal mar- eer a ae fncack of what/their "souls in eternal peril." MAPLE CLEANERS ket is already saturated with ra-|rrench Canada was doing. | It was a major tragedy, hel} $04 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA dio stations, that the proposed) He said he had received no|added, that some who claimed|] Cesh & Carry -- 4 Wr. Service station won't offer anything €5-|pposition from Montreal's|to be Christians still called for tei: Pelee. ek bine pecially new in programming) French-language radio stations.|/'gradualism and a step-by-step and that any new station should) The BBG wil ts anration 4 " PHON £725.64 3 " Ber will announce jts|amelioration in inter-race rela-| 064. be either bilingual or French-| commendation later. tions.'? | ONE language. Mr. Waters said the new sta- tion would provide a 24-hour-a- day service of quality music and When the temperature's low, approval i ~~ . Bre . i z 4 . A news programming of a type F r] - yy A\ : runs high for our warm-up wear. Here's not now available in Montreal. / ; ' pamecont styles by UTEXS 4; iiss ahaa He said Montreal has a popu- : / : lation of some 1,200,000 English- (a2 and-play laminated outercoats with big wat gutwlay ste. staggering FUMASDAY, OCRPORR FI - eolourtul knitted collars, to quilted ski fourth' English ye 3 jackets which are reversible . . . to ern ee wonderfully warm and colourful FEATURES NEWS | ee ers. All Style Leaders. bs of be aigreeta special | spouse f _ " features would News cover- a -- age -- with of bilingual staft "Gh tl i 4 ' | ry EXACTLY AS = Evans os alowe n Masquerages i | news representative in Ottawa. y a ¢ y MELAS, ILLUSTRATED! Eventually he envisaged a four- A Se. city news network, embracing " Wa CHUM Toronto's news facili- ties, linking Quebec, Montreal, | Ottawa and Toronto. Initial capital investment in| the station would be some $485,- | 000. At first the staff would! number 22, mostly bilingual, | would would be under Fred | Sherratt, 33-year-old .manager| of radio station CKPT Peterbor-| ough, | Bernard Goulet, BBG perma- ea tg agg asked Mr. Waters Y 7 --~ whether in view of the propr~- 4 ere i / am. H tion of people of French or Ae, 4 / eee & A Quilted SKI JACKET in Montreal, it would be fair | A 0 Vitae f es by UTEX looks smart! Con be worn REVERSED to plain shade add another English station| ee +. wv " 13 et . «2 @lt nylon construction and warmly lined. "Hide-cway" which would result in there be-| * / hood with drawstring, sturdy zipper front, pes Ronn i ee French ; s : ' drawstring at waist. Black or electric blue. 12:95 Mr. Goulet said he had re-| ay) § : i| : or ceived some telephone calls : from important French-speak-| ing groups, including the St.! j : q Be iy ' RB ZIPPER-FRONT CARDIGANS in Hi Bulk Orlon .. . ultra-stylish with high neck and link chain Canal Freight Up B) see ' i : \ et neck, Gay two-coloor stripes near zipper. 735 Long sleeves, two pockets. Sizes 8 to 18. During August OTTAWA (CP) -- Freight) Hila in. thee transported through Canadian/ ee a > «ser the ee ee canals in August rose 20.2 per | dark" and "sparkle-velvet" -- cent to 9,387,936 tons from a : year earlier. the buréau of sta- trimmed costumes of flame-re- tistics re ported Wednesday, tardant rayon. 'Vinyl' masks Traffic on the Welland Canal rd id / increased by more than 1,000,- too! Big choice for "hobgoblins"' : ae OS toda Wille SL Lawrence ss beak SO, Window-boxed in sizes S-M-L, traffic was up 471,000 tons. Ves- i ¥ sel declined to 3,2 Hs from 4.338 while the registered| Styles are EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED net tonnage increased 11.6 per! e . --attractive, don't you think? cent to 7,783,402 tons. Freight cleared through the} { combined Canadian and United s C BIG, BOLD COLLAR States locks of the Sault Ste. in rich Stone effect--wool knitted for warmth--matching Marie mage totalled 12,810,908 i trim on two slash pockets. A gorgeous UTEX style in tons, up 10.2 per cent from a}. * "Ty . k Le | Th C di A A a | LD | year earlier, Trattic using the WO" EFICKS + These Gandies Are reat'! icon enim for worth wh } 42,648. ai 6 to 18. wTouage micved through the] MALLOWE'EN KISSES 3 3 "B.B" BATS and CAN- : Welland was up 26 per cent to} © -- popular toffee. In- DY CIGARETTES. -- 49- DUFFLE COAT Ei Bulk ORLON F 'LORD PENGUIN' fie ae a B Lamaeeee conn oie os cn Individually wrapped, is Wondertul Valuel Warmly lined HOOD is: zipper- ~ a <a a Soe oe : ght stag oa increased 14.8 per cent to 3,665,-| "LS. " Roy GIANT BAG. EACH .. if spistadpatias ka sdeciritstt-<c: -fatmonn APSR abd 4 sa coat ba oes Phat ere oe 388 tons. nylon tricot backed by foam lamination. Net self-collar, edges. Two Sangria aR Rema ona aca ape | & down the GIANT BAG OF JAW- LOLI-POPS -- Wrap- | Ti sturdy ripper front, storm cutts ine 13-5 pockets, Sizes 695 front, Sizes 6% | P TY | | iE SAL SEER tact tun] BREAKERS --Ever pop- i gt pl fh Ht Har Sams 66 8 re fee ee ae i tie oe ano, © | colors, GIANT BAG OF C i a ights. ; oi : | Trogon il rad : Jack Fraser stores open TILL 9 P.M.-- FRIDAY Malaysia, the official Antara) news agency reported Monday. aS iF PING CENTRE PHONE 725-8972 Indonesia broke trade relations| FREE 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE ee OSHAWA SHOP sineieeinatieaaiene sreapsinenerenscens RETO RUNOEE ug Settiang 9, "ghostly" costumes in colorful variety! Of flame-retardant rayon, complete with 'Vinyl' masks! with Malaysia last month as DELIVERY 723.2296 part of. its hostile policy to-| wards the mew federation. |