BREAKS PRECEDENT ABBOTS BROMLEY, Eng- land (CP) -- Fifteen-year-old Susan Powell, member of a Staffordshire family connected | for 430 years with the tradi- tional horn dance, broke prece- dent by becoming the only girl ever by becoming the only girl which dates back to pagan times. As part of the ceremony, | Susan wore reindeer antlers, weighing about 25 pounds. | itewas my~ weakness, not his. Today I am sad and sorry. My "Vincent" is 22 years old and he can't decide what neck- tie to wear in the morning, He barely got out of high school and he stayed in college three weeks and then came home-- like Vincent, who couldn't stay at camp. My son has no friends, either boys or girls. Ali he wants to do is hang around with me and the other widows in my crowd, He is an overgrown baby and I am to blame, Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.-- Vincent Number Two's Mother Dear Mothers: Getting it off your chest doesn't do much for : your son. This boy needs pro- We are forever.being dunned/|fessional help and I hope you by bill collectors. We can't af-| will see that he gets it. ford a really nice vacation or), Confidential to Should I or a new car, but we seem to have|Shouldn't 17: You should not. money for everything and any-|Tell him to take a long walk thing a door-to-door salesmanjon @ short dock. has to sell, We borrowed money from my family five years ago to make a down-payment on our home. This debt has not been repaid and I feel rotten about it be- cause I know my folks could use the money. My wife is a good mother and a pleasant person but I'm tired both physically and mentally with this disorganized, frustrat- ing way of life. What's the an- swer?--Down in the Dumps Dear Down: Tell your wife the noble experiment is over and now you will handle the money and give her an allow- ance. Plan a budget and stick to it. And please don't fail to inelude a monthly payment to THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 23, 1963 ANN LANDERS Warmth, Love, Sharing Caught -- Not Taught Dear Ann Landers: I am a boy 17 years old who has never. had a sérious conversation with either of my parents. It seems incredible that people can live under. the same roof for so many years and never experi- ence an exchange of ideas, but I swear it's the truth. My parents are both profes- sional people, socially prom- inent and well-respected in the community. They are good speakers and in demand as lec- turers. But they don't know how to talk to their own son, I have tried to get my parents to talk to me but I've failed. They are polite, they clothe, feed and instruct me but they " |haven't the faintest idea of how | |I feel about anything. My best friend's father never saw Grade 9. He works in an automobile factory. His mother is a dressmaker. Yet there is fun and laughter and real con- versation in their home, They are all friends, What is wrong : B \in our house?--High Wall pion ' Dear High Wall: ne word--| no communication, The time to) CATCH! AL ANYONE -- -- 2 | start talking to children is the moment they are born. Parents * She will not make the are Mr. and Mrs. Ronald | who don't think their youngsters your parents. ers or Yankees but she Bovaird, Louisborough, Nova have any ideas worth listening} hesk Aaai'U jut heat ifs "willing to try. This young Scotia, and she is a great- |to find one day that their chil-| just had to write| eeharmer is Gwen May Jonah, granddaughter of Mrs. Allis- | |dren are strangers. |to tell you how right you are. | two, daughter of Mr. and ter Sherwood, also of Louis-| Educated parents are not|I was like Vincent's mother--I| Bis. Donald Jonah, Taunton, borough. Inecessarily successful parents.|wouldn't let my son out of my| pa. No course in college teaches|sight. I kept telling myself that! warmth, love and how to give'!my son needed me, but I know UNITS, GROUPS | ' AUXILIARIES IKRESGE | and share, Such feelings are caught--not taught, Dear Ann Landers: My. prob- lem is a wife who is a spender. I work two jobs and make ex- cellent money. I turn everything over to her and she gives me $5 a week, OCTOBER SALE Oct. 23rd to Oct. 26th Do you needa LOAN UNTIL PAYDAY ? $50 FOR 2 WEEKS COSTS ONLY 47: HOUSEHOLD HINT A little colorless nail polish will form a temporary, shoelace tip. Just apply, twist end and allow to dry. $50 to $5000 BOYS' DUFFLE COATS Boy's Laminated nylon duffle coats with Sherpa collar, full zip- per front, 2 slash pock- ets,. storm cuffs quilted Royon LADIES' CARDIGAN Texturized Classic Style cardigans with long sleeves, Frst i LADIES' LADIES' SEAMLESS FINANCE MITEL a lity 400 need- denier nylons. te Run at welt. Clove. Spork, Pee con Glace and O'Spice colours Bags opie. Sizes 8, to 11, ECIAL Quis BS: SAVE Sic LINEN TABLECLOTHS Assorted woven border pot- terns, Size 52 x 52', Various colored stripes, including multi stripes. SPECIAL 1.37 SAVE 61c¢ Rayon Celosuede* half slips with elastic waist with dainty loce trim around bottom of slip. White, pink, blue, equa, red ge hi block soe Sizes S-M-L. 2 ior 88: | SAVE 10¢ KRESGE'S ° ° Fifty-Fifty Yarn 50% Wool, 50% Nylon 3 Ply yarn, shrink ond stretch resistont. | oz. size balls in assorted colors, SAVE 20c¢ 100% CRIMP SET NYLON YARN 3 Ply yarn non-shrink resistant. 1 oz. size balls in assorted colors. 27° SAVE 25s SPECIAL STOP Ansus- Geavoon CARPET Com 282 King W 728-9581 BROADLOOM TILE Black, Brown, Lustre Red, Drake Blue and White. Sizes 14 to 20. "=. 99 SAVE 89 17 SIMCOE ST, N. 725-6541 Loden, rere Teal Blue. Sizes 26-3. no 777 SAVE 2.21 Open daily to. 5:30 p.m, Saturday to 12:00 noon Wednesday to 8:00 p.m. Other evenings by appointment 19 OFFICES IN ONTARIO Her grandparents --tIreland Studio LADIES' ORLON isTH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. | * The 19th Ladies Auxiliary held| its October meeting with Mrs.) James White presiding. It was | decided to take orders for taffy | @pples for Hallowe'en as a fund) lasing project. ~ we special guest, Mrs Edward Simmons was invited to preside for the election of officers. . Newly elected officers are as} lows: president, Mrs. James | ; vice - president, Mrs | Frank Lawrence; socnetary,| | Mrs. Basil treasurer, | reporter, . illiam | | Re, These officers will be) installed at a later date, ' It was decided to have choco-| date cake and pop for the cubs) on Hallowe'en. » It was decided to pay the way) the president, Mrs. James te, and one other member! the convention to be held in Burne, November 2, | The social part of the evening | with a pot luck supper | ied by the members. Bacon; 4 CEDARDALE UCW The October meeting of the) '*Manited Church Women of Cedar- | United Church was held at home of Mrs. C. L. Gunter) 'recently. Mrs, William "Henning| ided. Mrs. Albert Singer! ducted the devotional ser- vice using Prayer as her) theme , Mrs. Alfred Barassin was wel-| 'The minutes were read by Mrs. @. F Norton. The financial re- was given by Mrs. Russell) fsley and Mrs. R. N. Hall 'ead the correspondence. Several members are attend-| dng the Regional UCW. conter-| ence being held in Newtonville! United Church on Tuesda y,| Wetober 29. The Reverend Dun-| White, field secretary for| tian Education for the Bay 'of Quinte will be the speaker in the afternoon. Mrs. Kay Prior,| Missionary for Nigeria will be the evening speaker. H | | Plans were finalized for the| Gali bazaar on November 6 and Wickets distributed for the tea '| oom. © Mrs. A A, Singer told of her re-| zent visit to Europe and Eng-| . where she visited the re-| it cathedral in Cologne, Ger- » and churches in France, lam, Holland, Switzerland 'the cathedral in Coventry, Even. Colorful pictures were which were interesting oee entertaining. = Mrs. J. F. Norton read ex-| $ekpts from an article about| cemetery in Lorraine, ice, an American Memor-| 1 Cemetery, comprising 13%) ches, where four thousand wisitors on a Sunday, visit this! ef kept cemetery and 1 where soldiers from both wars are buried. © Befreshments were served by, il assisted by Mrs, R.| % CALVARY BAPTIST WMS a4 of the members met) be morning for sewing| after lunch more members| thered for the regular after- | meeting. - Mrs. Niven Aitken led the pong service. The scripture les- fl was Ephesians 5, verses one| mn were made for the pack: | of a gd boxes for Sead pag roa Greening, Phila-| ony U.S.A., spoke, taking bee. topic "Commit thy ways z pp wee a of the work she and the Reverend had , Closing with the read-| 4 of two poems "The Weav- and ' 'He Maketh No Mis-| kes", Mré, Reuben Northey ies Fender EATN TRUE-TRIM BEEF | 12 KING E. -- 723-3633 HARVEST SALE! QUALITY MEATS at LOWEST PRICES!! agg srenlat: BEEF ours: = 59: (CUT & WRAPPED FREE) WING AND T-BONE STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK BONELESS ROUND STEAK ROAST LEAN, SLICED BREAKFAST BACON 7G: < 59° Peamealed BACK BACON @ End Cuts by the piece .......... Ib. 69c @ Centre Cuts and Slices CUT-UP-CHICKEN!! e@ LEGS AND BREASTS 2 lbs. 85¢ eWINGS.. eNECKS 4|bs. 1.00 4 lbs. 25¢ See What $1.00 Will Buy! LB. LB, SHOULDER LAMB LB. CHICKEN WINGS LB. RIB STEW BEEF LB. VEAL PATTIES LB. LB. ny of the aboye for only 3 2 4 3 3 2 2 A Fresh Catt BOLOGNA (BY THE PIECE) CHOPS SLICED SIDE PORK SHOULDER PORK vince Lean, Sliced COOKED HAM Lamb J Legs 2 or whole ............. Ib. 69 Loin & Rib Chops tomemome meme) Ib. Shoulder Chops tcexcunaa Ib, 79¢ 69e 29¢ Ib, 89c MEATY SPARE RIBS Ib. 49 Sauerkraut rae Bevery QUICK TW STRAINED WEET POTATOES STRAINED GREEN BEA ON AF EN \ fe Packed in glass to help preserve freshness of "leftovers" | Yes, now Gerber Strained and Junior Foods are packed in | Wide-Top jars with re-usable Quick-Twist caps, to help keep | your baby's food fresh even if served rhore than once. | | When refrigerating unused portions, caps reclose tightly | to protect flavour and help prevent discoloration... thus reducing "leftover" waste. What's more, these tight- fitting covers also protect precious food values by reducing exposure to air. Other advantages of Gerber in glass: you can see what you buy. The Wide-Top jars make it easy to sp6on out baby's food down to the last morsel. The large-size jars of Junior Foods are designed to meet a toddler's growing appetite. | babaibent Gerber Baby Foods are | "custom-cooked" according to their |"own requirements because cooking times and temperatures vary with different foods. "C also contributes to the | exceptionally fine flavours, | true-to-nature colours and unusual smoothness of Gerber Baby Foods. 2 lbs. 29° Babies are our business... FREE HAMS! MRS. STOKMAN 6 Phillip Mayrey Ave., Oshewe MRS, B. SHARRARD Kendolwood D; Box 28 Oshowe e MRS, J. GARLAND 223 Court $., Oshowe our only business! MRS. N. E. WIRSCHING Gerber Baby Foods wiacara FALLS, CANADA 130 Roxborough Ave., Oshowe MRS L. TROMLEY 282 King £., Oshewe Se mge Hillee Men's Polo Shirts Combed Cotton shirt with 2 but- ton placket neck opening, Conti- nental sleeves with 2 button cuff and Perma Stays in Collar. Plain colors and stripes, sizes S-M-L, SPECIAL 3. 41 SAVE Sle Assorted fabrics to choose from:- Wool, Rayon and Nylon, Wool ond Nylon, 100% Nylon, Texture to suit every need. Plain hose or stripe in top. SPECIAL SAVE 16¢ SLIPPERETTES Pile Lined inner sole and plastic leatherette sole, Assorted colours. Sizes S-M-L-XL 99° SPECIAL Pr. . ry) SAVE 60¢ LADIES' ANKLETTES 100% Stretch Nylon anklettes with turn-down cuff and English Rib toe. One size fits 8Y2 to 11. Whte ond Assorted Rainbow of colours, SPECIAL, Poir . SAVE 16¢ LADIES' BRIEFS Rayon Celasuede* briefs with elastic waist, double gusset and assorted trims on front. Assorted lace, cuff and elastic legs, White, ink, blue and aqua. Sizes. S-M-' PECIAL $ AY *Reg. Can. Selanese Tr. Mk. LADIES'. HALF SLIPS Rayon Celasuede* half slips with elastic waist and assorted trim across front bottom, White, pink, blue, aqua, red and black, Sizes S-M-L- SPECIAL 2 For . SAVE 15¢ *Reg, Can. Selanese Tr. Mk. LADIES' LYCRA GIRDLES Embroidered Nylon over Panel in front, 4 garters with ribbon backing and Satin Panel in back Szes S-M-L White only. *2.99 Sotin SPECIAL SAVE 99¢ JR. BOYS' PYJAMAS Prnted Flannelette pyjamas. Top with long sleeves, collar and lapels and fastened down front with 3 buttons. Pants with elastic ot waist. Assorted Skier ond Football design in blue and willow. Sizes 2-6. TOMGIAL nescence ees 6 SAVE 33¢ LADIES' LYCRA PANTIE GIRDLE Embroidered Nylon over Satin Pane} in front, 4 detachable gor- ters and Satin Panel in back. ayn Gusset, Sizes S-M-L. White SPecraL GIRLS' PYJAMAS Printed Flannelette pyjames. Top | with long sleeves, self collar fast- ened down front with 4 buttons, Pants with elastic at woist. Pnk and blue. Sizes s-6, $ LADIES' DUSTERS Quilted Lounging Duster with 2 pockets. Beautiful ceeds Lh SS Soni and around Quality. Individually GIRLS' Lins Printed Corduroy slims with lining, pocket, Assorted: Prints. . Sizes Elastic waist back end one side 7-14, SPECIAL GIRLS' SKI PANTS Stretchy Aspen ski ponts with zipper, with 1 button closing at side and detachable instep straps. Sizes 8-14 SPECIAL SAVE $1.10 GIRLS' QUILTED SKI JACKETS Nylon quilted jackets with draw- string convertib! hood, knitted cuffs, 2 slash pockets and zipper closing drawstring waist. Red Cope Royal and we Sizes SPECIAL 'SAvi Sia GIRLS' QUILTED SKI JACKETS Nylon quilted dockets with drow- string roll hood, slash pockets, down front. Red eke black lining, knitted cuffs and zipper closing Royal with copen_linng, pss with copen lining. Sizes $14, SPECIAL .... vn it SAVE $1.45 Brylcreem Special! 1 only Large and 1 only Regulor tube of Brylcreem in one carton a carton of two 88° SPECIAL SAVE 40¢ BEAVER MIXED NUTS 14 oz. 87 SPECIAL ' SAVE 126 BEAVER CASHEWS e SPECIAL 87 "SAVE ite 1 Ib, of Fudge only 69¢ PLUS 14 Ib. for le NOXZEMA Cover Girl Make-Up Choose from the compact, loud or matte. SPECIAL each SAV Consumer Special Woxzema Skin Cream SPECIAL Roast Turkey Dinner Jello with Whipped Topping ond Bev: E 22¢ BAKED MACARONI & CHEESE DINNER Jello with Whipped Topping and Beverage ALL FOR FRIDAY ONLY GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH with Jello ond Bever- 39° PLASTIC FRAMED PICTURES Many assorted scenes, fruitg and Religious pictures 'om. SPECIAL 4 For 1%" OAK FRAMES Assorted designs as follows: 12 x 16, 16 x 20", 8 x 10", and 10 x 4" le SPECIAL Each Apes SAVE 21¢° age ALL FOR .... IRONING PAD AND COVER SET With Silicone cover 83° SPECIAL .. eave. SAVE 46¢ BRASS MAGAZINE RACK with wooden handle. $9 BOCA aks as ca a SAVE $1.32 FOOTSTOOL or HASSOCK Oblong shape size 10 x 16 x 21". » brown, coral, blue and *1,99 SAVE 45 DECORATOR TOSS CUSHIONS Size 18 x 18". Caper Cord cushion' with matching centre button. Ri Marigold, Honey Dew, Pistacho and Arctic Blue, le 3-PCE. PATCH MAT 3 pieces sewn together with over- stitch around edges. Foam. Rul eid backing. Approx. size 18 x AVE 156 @ CLEAR GLASSBAKE OVENWARE e Your Complete Baking Requirements 5-OZ. CUSTARD. CUP 9" PIE PLATE 10" PIE PLATE 10 x 5" LOAF PAN . sue 8 x 8" SQUARE CAKE PAN 2¥2 QUART OBLONG UTILITY PAN ... 8-0Z. MEASURING CUP . 1 QUART PARTITIONED VEGETABLE DISH | nosey. SPECIAL T7é 5 eres terete SPECIAL 87c¢ SPECIAL 10¢ .. SPECIAL 37¢ .w». SPECIAL 47¢ ..+.. SPECIAL 67¢ . SPECIAL 27¢ SPECIAL 77c¢ 1 QUART OVAL SHAPE COVERED se SPECIAL 77c 1¥2 QUART ROUND COVERED CASSEROLE .... 2 QUART ROUND COVERED CASSEROLE SPECIAL 87c SPECIAL 99c SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE