Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Oct 1963, p. 4

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 23, 1963 Planning Board Need Stressed By Township BROUGHAM -- Poul Pouls- son, P, Eng., Township Engin- eer, was appointed Road Su- perintendent of the Township of Pickering at a Council meet- ing on Monday night. Mr. Poulsso takes control of the Road Department, along with his other engineering du- ties,:as of October 15. He is stationed at the engineering of- fices at the J. Sherman Scott Water Plant. Mr. Poulsson's annual salary is $8666.66, on part of which it is hoped that the Township will reeive a subsidy from the De-| partment of Highways. The Township is "I do not think that Plan-|Reeve, ack! are not very rea- ing Boards should be elected |listic. % representatives of the Town-| A motion was passed to ex- ship," said Councillor Ross Dea | press the opinion of Council kin, 'unless there is a large) that they favored the continu-; planning staff to act in an ad-| jance of, planning boards. visory capacity." 'DIRECTOR COMMENDED Mr. Deakin contended that os 5, A ill | A number of planning board unless Councils were willing to sitdenta wera prmeenten \9-year-old girl. ais ateney devote a great deal of their) time to planning matters, they did not have the ability to per-) form, Councillor Hubert Wank said: "I feel that the planning func- tion is not just a case of issu- g consents, but the fuction long-term panig. It will require larger 'Council for approval, with the history of the applications and all details attached, by Planning \Director J. H, Faulkner. Councillor Wank commended the planning director on their presentation. \TENDERS ACCEPTED The Tender of DX Oil Com- Bethany Man Gets 2 Years For Assault BOWMANVILLE -- A Bethany formatory for two years less aitempted fraud dismissed in \day definite and two years less Magistrate's court here yester- a day indeterminate in Magis-|day. trate's court here yesterday. Robert Keene and Robert Neal Kerr, 22 and married,|Higgs, both 37, were charged appeared here on Oct. 1 and/jointly with attempting to de-| ipleaded guilty to the indictable frawd Donald Harvey, Bowman-| offence of indecent assault on a/ville area ambulance driver, of He elected trial/$20 during the month of June. Higgs, represented by E. Wild- by magistrate. J, man, Bowmanville, has been. on Defence counsel was Clark, Cobourg, and the investi-|bail since Sept. gating officer Constable G./has been in custody. Evans OPP. Evidence was heard Oct. 8 Evidence was given by the and judgment reserved until this attending physician, Dr. S. al week. Kandel, Port Perry and the Chili's thother. 'Kere wea ne The court was told that Keene manded in custody until Oct.| 15. Then Dr. Cormack, Director when his sister was contacted of the Day Care Centre, Ontario|and said her brother had been' everal) |Attempted Fraud 'Counts Dismissed BOWMANVILLE -- Two To-jwas a disbarred jockey and man was committed to the Re- ronto men had a charge of at-|Higgs a former groom. Tape 17 and Keene! ing to-lure Mr. Harvey on and on to bigger bets and then take' him. Since there is doubt in my mind I must dismiss the charge on the evidence presented. Per- haps if the police had held off have committed fu rthe " WON'T CEASE FIRE UNITED NATIONS (AP)--AI- gerian and Moroccan represen- tatives told UN Secretary-Gen- eral U Thant Sunday there was jno chance of a cease-fire in their countries' Sahara border conflict under present circum- stances. Both demanded as a pre - condition that the other)j recordings of telephone conver- sations were introduced in court, The Crown stated the tapes indicated the two accused had told Mr, Harvey, a former Californian, that they were from California and that they could fix horse races. They supposed-! jly had him bet $20 on a horse, | which won and then told him the Toronto bookie would pay him later, They tried to get Mr. alittle longer these two would themselves! Harvey to bet a larger sum and he notified police, the court was| told. In giving judgment, Magis-/| trate R. B. Baxter admitted) "\that the case had given him | more trouble than any in his) career, | His Worship stated that up} withdraw from the disputed areas each claims, Aiiglicans Draw Up Unity Plan OAKVILLE. (CP)--The first substantial step toward unity among Anglican, United and Presbyterian churches in Can- ada should come in 1965, Most Rev. W. L. Wright, Anglican Archbishop of Algoma and Met- ropolitan of Ontario, said Tues- day. Archbishop Wright said a "tentative plan" for church un- ion will be submitted for ap- proval of the church's genera! 'synod in Vancouver in 1965. ™ The archbishop told some 436. clerical and iay delegaies at the two-day Ontario synod that the church in Canada has not kept pace with the Anglican com- munion in other parts of the world -- including Eng, 'and, where the church has a 'jplan for reunion with Metho== dists. on Archbishop Wright: said ther is a warm fellowship now in all. deliberations involving union at meetings of the Committee of Ten which meets regularly with United Church and Presbyterian ministers. "But that is not enough. Let us have some action. I see a new future unfolding. The cli**" mate is ideal between us." tr ah ~ HIT NO, 1 "BOWERY HIT NO. 2 "TARZAN HIT NO. 3 "20 OF THE SCREENS FUNNIEST STARS! Robert Duck, former Road Su- groups, and become more pre- pany, Oshawa, was accepted perintendent, in the Road De-|dominant. for supplying fuel oil {o the partment, "Planning Boards are further Sewer and Water Plants at 13.25 SHOULD PLANNING BOARDS removed from pressures elected) cents per gallon, Other tendeis BE ABOLISHED? representatives have to dealjwere Murphy Oil Co.,. 13.55 The Community Planning As-,with,"" said Reeve J. Sherman cents; Elias Rogers, 13.75 sociation of Canada asked Coun-/Scott. "And I think the question cents; and Halliday Fuels, 13.7 cil's opinion on dissolving pres- of time is important." cents, ent Planning Boards and hav-| "Personaily, 1 would not ,ike|-- ing their dutis taken over by|to see Planning Boards county Canada May Sell the local Municipal Council,/ed by local councils, nor cou Milto#@ Mow- County Council, or a committee council as. presently operated, ee ee OMe Dan Tobacco To French in custody in County Jail, Co- of: either Council." said Councillor J, H, Faulkner, Towns hip bray. Plarining Director, adyised/ning should be on a basis of: paris (Reuters) -- A Cana-/bourg, until Friday here yester- Council that the Planning Board larger territorial urNs and syme'dian tobacco mission arrived day. had similarly been requested|regional planning.' here from Rome Tuesday night) Arthur Kimmerly was charged fof its comments, anda reply! About County planning, Mr.|for a three-day stay during with vagrancy after trying to| has been forwarded in favor of Faulkner said that couty boun- which they will talk with force his way into the home 0' tH continuation of Planning daries were obsolete. France's state - controlled to-|Robert Stevens, Kingston road Boards. "For planning," the bacco manufacturers about sell-| west, the court was told. NOMINATIONS ON NOV. 29 Peco tothe French. led tha accel nad be Pickering Vote Set For Dec. 7 Hospital, Cobour ave a de-jin and out of Kingston s tailed Ssychiatie' vatert on the|times and that he should go until the previous evening he} accused. He was further re-/back there for his own safety|had been ready to convict and manded in custody until this)and the safety of others. jthat on reading over the evi-| week, ' Remarked His Worship, wq|dence again he had reversed} In his judgment, Magistrate| will recommend that the police!his --* big! b Sia because| R. B. Baxter stated that henot}, your parents to be in : ah was dou " Is ta as would recommend that Kerr be|court in Cobourg on Friday to '® their purpose, he sard. _|given psychiatric attention im-|take you home, After all, 1) 'Perhaps they were part of a | mediately in the reformatory. |don't think the people at large Reged pavce damaoaenk {should be responsible for' cart.| | ieee cnn oie ing you all over the country." eS Per haps - they were Just try-! ry: trician's helper was remanded BOYS" pega | eon "HOLD THAT _ HYPNOTIST" GOES TO INDIA" JOCK MAHONEY "Days of Thrills and Laughter". Exciting things happen every week at STEINBERG Fiona. sores ARAFT try my SPECIAL said Vienna, Athens and Tel Aviv. he had threatened to kick down} SPECIAL Paris is the last stop on the/the door if Mr. Stevens v 9: 'al mission's European tour before not give him a meal ay aed it returns to Canada Friday. for the night. The officer staied Earlier on Tuesday, the dele-that Kimmerly's attitude was that Mr. Stevens had _ plenty| DELICIOUS MACARONI AND CHEESE DINNER George Demeyer of the Ontario Reclamation Centre -last Satur- |tobacco selling committee, also\day morning and started home has visited Warsaw, Moscow,/toward Napanee, That evening BROUGHAM -- This is elec- tien year for Pickering Town- shfp, when the Council body and gation rounded out sales talks contesting the Reeveship. Den- with officials of the Italian state while he had nothing. --, ONTARIO GROWN CEE GRADE 16 DAY DINNER 10¢ 71,07. PKG. tobacco monopoly in Rome Before leaving Rome, Austin Stanton, a member of the mis- ald Hopkins, school teacher and resident of Bay, Ridges, may he should share it The officer went on to say that} SNOW ICE CASTLE "Tender-Red" the School Area Boards will bg seek the office o' Deputy Reeve. |* el@cted (or acclaimed) for the two year term of 1964 and 1965. At_a Council meeting on Mon-| John Williamson, also of Bay| Ridges, may run as candidate for Ward 3. Present Councillors have not sion and chief of the plant prod- ucts division of the trade. and commerce department, said the Canadians made contacts dur- HALL'S BEAUTY PARLOUR { STEAKS ICE AGED TO FLAVOUR CREAM ASSORTED FLAVOURS 1% SAVE 14¢ % GAL, SIZE PERFECTION, GUARANTEED TENDERNESS WV. "RED BRAND - TENDER BEE FOR HALLOWE'EN FUN TRIMMED PUMPKINS ROASTS an SHORT RIB STANDING RIB 49: 59: 39. 49 59: Ag. 95 ONTARIO GROWN FANCY, SWEET READY TO EAT - SKINLESS LEAF LETTUCE 2F0"25¢ ONTARIO GROWN NO.1 SMALL HOTHOUSE JACK SPRATT Mo: 1 QUALITY? READY TO EAT mite SIDE BACON ,COOKED HAMS TOMATOES 2rints29¢ ~ ONT, GROWN, SNOWHITE .BUY 2 GET ONE FREE 2.07. PKcs. CAULIFLOWER 2 tor 29¢ coimoues_ 3~ 53¢ October Cheese Festival CORNED BEEF 696 KRAFT STEINBERG 'S OWN - FRESHLY BAKED - FAMILY SIZE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. ing their Italian trip and hoped concrete results would materi- alize in the future. The mission reached Rome last weekend. TRUE...TURBULENT... TREMENDOUS! METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER PRESENTS THE NEW CREAM-O INSTANT COFFEE '2's 602. JAR HAPPY HENRI ORANGE 19 DRINK, === "4h Bakery Specials STEINBERG'S FI rf 4 SAVE 10¢ RAISIN PI 39 DONETTES "ttt. 95¢ JELLY ROLLS PLAM 33¢ Halloween Treats | l a BLES SAVE % ELLO 3: gba AG 2018.5 15 KING ST. E.,OSHAWA PHONE 723-7011 seit , FILMED IN ULTRA PANAVISION 70°+ TECHNICOLOR" - AN ARCOLA PICTURE ARMED LE OTE TS ERD SEE IT TODAY! DOORS OPEN AT 1 P.M. FEATURE; 1:30-4:45-8:00 "HELD OVER" Explains... PARENTS CAN'T! ! ent? STAGE» STEINBERG HALLOWE'EN KISSES 11s. ADVE wor, 29¢ DARE JELLY BEANS '. 29¢ ALLAN'S HALLOWE'EN BABY POPS "i 69¢ STEINBERG'S FRESH 35 oz. 12 02. PEANUTS ss. 49¢ 29¢ SPECIAL BAN-LON TOP, SEAMLESS NYLONS COMPARE AT $1.00 A PAIR 16 02. JAR 59¢ CHEESE SLICES ix: 1.09 ENGLISH COUNTRY GARDEN design DINNERWARE Ele $5.00 Order THIS WEEKS SAUCER BUY A PIECE A WEEK UNTIL YOUR SET IS 70100. CASH IN THE SPELL * 500 a PINKY ee me to MINUTE PUN GAME TIME SHOWN TO ADULT MALE BETHER ! SEE IT, DIS T CHEESE wHIZ CHIC 2LB. PKG. ooltie wi pernite Recommended os Adult Entertainment NOW BILTMORE SHOWING FEATURE TIMES -- 7:15 and 9:15 P.M. HIS MOST POWERFUL ROLE! Bide BRANDO} In the most explosive adventure of our time! eIt's NATIONAL ¢ FiISHandSEAFOOD "»°9 Week! %%°° HIGHLINER OR BOOTH - HADDOCK 3 FISH STICKS 3 8 07.$ PKGS. 1s. $ HIGHLINER - FROZEN | SIZES 18%--}1 \ 8% 1 ed. naming Nomination Day as will run for office for the next hour between 7 and 8 p.m., and fi Fi Y hs re gage , between 10 a.m. and ve ste 5 p.m., but both Councillors Hass was too early in the evening,} BOWMANVILLE -- Four Bow-) and 8 ing a disturbance and breaches election was not long enough\assault causing bodily harm "There is some sugzgestion| of Oshawa, and the investigat- time."' said Councillor Milton The assault charge against; ---- clamation," said Deputy Reeve charge $25 and costs. Illegal who have to do some battling, same fine was levied against campaigning." a fine of $25 and costs for ing for election, and there was creating a disturbance Pat Coucillor Hubert Wank $25 and costs. that he felt that a plebiscite; Working Boys' Camp north of Questions, he obseryed that the camp was run by Bart ered by a mill rate ove: the the boys and their girl friends! Third Concession. driving out in that vicinity and fr9m the people," the Councii-| 'They heard the music and There are quite a few making Mr. Cavan's assistant, drive SEATS CONTESTED resulted, erlig Township residents are in- Cavan called for assistance Clifford Laycox, of West been drinking and two part cre EHieT day night, bylaws were pass- 'announced whether or not they Friday, November 29, with nom- two years. inations received during the : ae election day, if an election is necessary on Saturday De- fn nations have previnnely Fined After been received between 6 and 7 vey Spang and W. J. Greening June Fracas expressed the thought that this} and a resolution was passed manville youths were fined in| that the hour be between 7 court here Tuesday for creat-| It was noted briefly that one of the Liquor Control Act. A week between nomination and fifth youth was convicted of for campaiging, but the dates!and illegal possession of liquor. were not changed. Defence counsel was T. Kelly that there was a falling o'f of ing officer, H. R. Cornell of the interest in a longer period of OPP, Bowmanville. ' Mowbray. John Rowe brought a fine of *For those who go in by ac-|$100 and costs and the liquor Mrs. McPherson, 'there is no possession of liquor cost Albert! question of time, but for those Goodwin $25 and costs, The! it doesn't give them much time! Pat Goodwin. to have meetings, and do other, Consuming under age brought Others felt that any serious|' Wade Summers and the same candidate is already campaign-|for Robert Arthur Whalen. For nothing stopping them from be- Goodwin, Albert Goodwin, Wha-| ginning ow. len and Summers will each pay | brought up the matter of ques- Constable H. R. Cornell testi-| tions on the ballot, and said fied that he was called to the| should be taken on the mater Bowmanville on Saturday eve-} of an Arena. ning, June 22. He explained should ask if the people would Cavan, Toronto, who had ar- be interested in an arena cov- ranged a picnic and dance for} whole Township, or by a mil! and wives. Tate paid only south of the 'The five accused had been "I do feel that it is a situa- had a flat tire,'"' testified the tion that Tequires @ decision officer. lor said. "The pecple are quire' went to the camp. There they capable of making this decision. demanded that Barry Harrop, use of facilities outside the them back to town in his truck.|™ Township. An argument began and a naif Rumors are drifting here and, "Rowe knocked Harrop to there that a number of Pick-| the ground and kicked him. Mr, teres sted in running for the from his boys and the intrud- Calincil seats. is ers took off. All of them had Rouge, a former Councillor for bottles of whisky were found Ward 5, may be interested in!on them." } SHOPPING SPREE _- GRAND PRIZE 675,000 PINKY STAMPS SPORTSMAN - PAN READY Tass cour ae roncwabe Se reat SHORTENING Couron EXPIRES OCTOBER 61965 21 3% creme 8 OC TOR RH $ dawn NECTAR 2= 3% $ TIDE. DETERGENT Ecole Ae. wolrucnase oF MARGARINE $ T2396 g | (Ge Saat ore GROUND CHUCK ae fat, 'are GREEN BEANS RUMP R AST or} | fay d an ms | ALS oie PANCAKE mix Hep 2 Ak g "COUPON EXPIRES OCTOBER 6.196 WITH THIS COUPON ar PURCHASE OF Shirley McLAINE couroN mrmats oC" Yues Edward G, MONTAND ROBINSON in the color production "MY GEISHA" WILLIAM HOLDEN -- LILLI PALMER in "The COUNTERFEIT TRAITOR" For Your Added Comfort - -- Heaters Now Installed: Bob CUMMINGS 37% no Ponca ie er, Couron Expms OOTOREH NS, TH Led antaanlo fim RAISIN TEA 33¢ BRECK wns: wee 59 ores rrnes orvegit tS = Mibllet OPEN THURS. AND FRI. TO 9 P.M. ROVGE BIULL _ Fovcnae x sHOPsY seca eh Hel/GLY AME 4 iCAN Ti CHURCH-Eldl OKADA-PAT HINGLE PLATA erm PHONE 723-2843 DUNDAS STREET SHOPPING PLAZA ISLAND RAT WHITBY e AJAX LAST DAY "LIST OF ADRIAN | MESSENGER" |

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