THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 23, 1963 25 T E L E V I S I ON a L O G : Teoma SANG LEY] SPHERES SUDDIN EXCITEMENT ABOARD THE AIRCRAFT CARRIER, SW/LOK," Rerchatic By E FUDD. PICKS UPA BLIP WHICH IS ; 1S ONE OF OUR Ir? PLANES CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel plage - beta uP } f NOT ROW WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-I'V Channel 4--Buffalo TE BOGEY TF |e ay , Harvards Not _ WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester D / Mt BE ay : a An : CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto | CKVR-TV Charnel 3--Barrie we iP y | \) . Joke ymore "og ' ' a MOOSE JAW, Sask. (CP)--It* ' The Match Game f : | ' , weer P. Mg licen Any" +--Trallmaster % Y : e : started as a joke, but seven vet+ 1i--Family Theatre 4--Captain Kangaroo =| ¢3--Mr._ Fier ; j 4 . Oh eran air force instructors were . --Kiddo 9:00 A.M, 2--Captain Bob _ : \ : an instant success in perform: re lar shee T--Romper Room 4:0 PM. | : ing aerobatics in piston-driven™ 63-Razzle Dazzle S--eomemakers Heeln | s--mickay Mouse Club } jaa OF tak Donec az LGOT Harvard training planes, 4--Five O'clock. Show 4--Popeye's Playhouse | 6~--Father Knows Best i Aas FAR INTERCE The joke began last year* 5:30 P.M. 2--Mike Douglas Show | 4--Leave It To Beaver ANOTHER ROUTING Gare pies w M 'aw Exhibition of:" yearly. Show "fs AM rr yveeeaay evi -------- ficials asked the RCAF to send ian Woedy Woodpecker | 9--Miss Helen pore das a Harvard formation over the" 2--Rifleman 9:30 AM. icPaniliy: Thedtre ; exhibition during a performance" 6:00 P.M, 9--Playtime With Bobby! 9_Kiddo of one of the air force's Red $-Biiko us 7--Jack LaLanne Show | s-Early Show ae hy --y Knight aerial aces, a ear lm, ' ' gf we "" " hs S<Nation's Business 10:00 A.M, pearl Dearie : 5 4 Okay," said an enterprising» 2--Today, 1963 1l--Eddie Allen Show 4--Five O'clock Snow b j officer, "let's: do an imitation': 6:15 P.M. 7~Girl Talk 2--Huckleberry Hound \44 : b . of the Golden Hawks" (the. sNews, Sports ta-gey Wien 5:20 PM, 4 ( E , Ay "y Ce |RCAF's jet aerobatic team). ~* 6:30 P.M. nim 5 "TCgarly show iP 'B vA \ S \\Y | They practised the routines 11-9-8-3-2--News; Weather. 11--Super Bingo 6--Music Hop a ; , y , SSSA [224 thrilled 29,000 spectators at, and Sports 8-2--Word For Word 2--Rifleman e 6h: x Dt a " ; S \ the exhibition. A reporter. 7--Day In Court . eo P . \ . 6:45 P.M. 6--Chez Helene 6:00 P.M. H J 7 Z 4 dubbed them the Goldilocks. ~~ l--Family Theatre 4--I Love Lucy 9--Bilko % ( 1 an A 8-2--Huntley Brinkley 11:00 A.M. 6--The Observer js i a 2 BOM face wth ene sone gauccese= | i , 3--Tombstone Territory / \> , p % : it 7:00 P.M; 3--Morning Magazine 2 Today, 1963 pA ae 8 iy, - 4 Ley \ es tour of air force shows this yeag, , He yg 7---Price 1s Right 6:15 P.M, . bes : = Wy" ina ie tw ] which included the Canadiane 7-6--News, Weather, Loretta Young aenewe: Sones ry / -- wa) [I MICKEY MOUSE National Exhi' n i : Sports ist liad apo ty 6:30 P.M. 1 Exhibition in Toronto; 4--Zane Grey Theatre | 11:30 A.M. 11-9-8-4-3-2--News; Weather : Hawks, however, They worked, 7:30 P.M, 7--Seven Keys 1--Family Theatre y . 6-Girl Talk &*--Huntley Brinkley have shows of six and 14 min 8-2--The Virginian 7:00 P.M, 7--Ozzie and Harriet 12:00 NOON 9--Sports Hot Seat 4--Chronicle 8-2--Your First | Sports ACROSS 5. Welt- 26. Bright- BECAME OFFICIAL + 3-Phil Silvers Show Impression 4--Bat Masterson . Fraud defined ly Air force headquarters no-, 7:45 P.M. } i Bi . Store 6. Circle colored ' --" ae. Fixtt yale aati ie fa , To excal- of light bird c = aE 1 ait wv Nom ol i ioe dered the group to drop the: 8:00 P.M. | 12:15 P.M. 9--Sports Flash Back vate, as coal bad scan 21. Fam Nj D" Gus ¢ IT'S MORTY'S_ HE GOT IT,HE'S p : name Goldilocks in favor of 11--Michael Shayne 4--Speaker of the House | 7_The Flintstones . Robust sain' be- : S , c 8D: obatic bison Headquarters also> 7--Patty Duke 9--Kiddo Cartoons 4--PassWor . Like a win; . Tree moun- restricte: rformances to acs, 63-Red River Jamboree 8-2--Truth or | 2--87th Precinct Excess of e 14. Good friend tain ay bg c 200 P.M. onsequences 8:00 P.M cha a8 1a ne. The act has drawn rave no- 9---Hockey Night In 6--Movie Matinee Hockey Gain . n VAP tices fro essio: Canada | 4--Search for Tomorrow! 9 CFL Football To become 20, Negative stands Yesterday's Answer m professional pilots : 12:45 P.M. ' 't hard to find 63--Perry Mason i } 63--The Lucy Show 36, Loose aren ' i" - ; edy Seri 4--Guiding Light i Breach 21. To project grain . ¥ é f 4 - hong ea} 4 | feet oe ' Behold! 22. Unwinds 31, Harmonizes outer The pilots, with 24,600 flying nap iaiad 200 P.M. | 1--Desilu Playhou . Seed . Owi 34, Reach armeht , a soihiuad clly 1:00 N--Desilu Playhouse ee 24, Owing & : re their manoeuvres with prést 5 vert | Y ; cision. * ae 7dy three Sone . Devour covering 35. Look after whales subhefas 'i : M The team is the only: 4--The Beverly' Hillbillies, 7 A¢ternoon Show 9:00 PLM, . Demand, ag r% . 9:30 P.M, 4--Meet the Millers Yadhiwny Ween" payment. 4 |2 f . | ea ! _ No longer was the group satis... io Bn a MON 1s Rice ee ol ae aon CROSSWORD i Z : ) / fied to imitate the Golden 2--Death Valley Days =| §.2--Missing Links 6:45 _ P.M. A 2 . é ' } out their own routines and now:. 9--Dick Van Dyk 4--Pete and Gladys ws utes. 6--Provincial Affairs 9--Noonday Report | 7-6--News, Weather 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford 3--pr. Kildare ) |ticed their success, too, It ore. 7:30 P. a i es T VRE BEEN BOTHEKE Le S/ Moose Jaw RCAF Harvard Aer=: 9--My Favorite Martian 12:30 P.M. 6--Candid Camera . One 8. Dangers tween a '2 LAAN ~ CAI b: x = e ABIES Ay credited air force shows. --s 8:30 P.M. 7--Father Knows Best |1]--OHA Junior "A" chances 15. Little child peaks Nisiele} PPA 7--Price is Right | 7--Donna Reed old vote 39. Cereal and spectators, and the reasons Movie hours among them, execute- 11--Medic 8-2--Dr. Kild. . Upright 5 across 38. Herd of Satoh 9--December Bride | ¢3--The Serial" Pre 38. Bend . 8--Matinee re toh e 45: . known aerobatic group using: Y, o* 8 aS We Mg ON ep BF, piston-driven aircraft and the" 6-3--Festival j SHR iveree Court | 63--Grindle . Buffalo A oe 8 SWihyy P | <--<-------- |Second World War- vintage: 4-The Dick Van Dyke 1:30 P.M, | 4--Perry Mason Bill---- ° planes are a familiar and nog-* Show |1l--Mid-day Matinee 9:30 P.M. . Small talgic sight to many. babe Sao gua : ; 10:00. P.M. 4-As The World Turns Pee eee sleigh " 11--The? P.M. "Show | seis Also the slow flying speed en- 8-2--The Eleventh Hour 2:00 P.M. GaoPare ; ables the pilots to give spec Phanat 9--1 Love Lucy | 63--Parade measure i 3 sia i CARS Gaeay Kaye Show) 8--Home Cooking | 10:00 P.M, Foot digit Day In Court 10:30 P.M. | 6-4-3--Password 9--The Twilight Zone 2--People Will Talk Wesel tata | othe 'Millonaire | 9--The 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News | g-Home Cooking | Weather, Sports 7--Day In Court | 10:30 P.M, 1:15 P.M. | 63--Scarlett Hill 111--This Week in Football road 9--Metro Final | 4+House Party | 9--Redigo . Biblical 6--Viewpoint | #=7he Dacters | 7Butfalo Bills Football name 11:20 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 11:00 P.M. . Finishes J-4--Late Show | 9--Here's Looking At You 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News, , Jumble 1i--Sport of Kings 8-2--Loretta Young | Sports E-Night "Metro 1 ove Ter Day 1:15 PM. i 6-3--Take Thirty Kcnioie Binal DOWN 11:30 PLM, 4--To Tell The Truth | @ Viewpoint . Stain N--TV Open Line | 3:30 P.M. | 11:20 P.M. . Impeded 9--Plerre Berton Hour 1--Randy Dandy |i1--Sport of Kings . Cuckoos 8-2--Tonight Show | 9--People in Conflict a . - : OEIC - 8 ; : . a A less Habe rgd of the d iE NOMME (ESI SS ° -'4/\ \show in contras' scream preg Method Z : NEMPIRE : MG Pte Gates Se 7--Sid Caesar Show . A firearm ETJE FONDE uv EMPIRE ¥ * y y All the pilots are instructors aire tencoc - Ascend POUR LA FRANCE, DIT Y Vy " Yo ify Yj, \at the Moose Jaw base. They resents CARTIER AV DEPART. : 4 14, are Fit. Lt. Murray Nellson, 33, : Ny nN w \Toronto; Fit. Lt. Bernie Mc- 1 |Comiskey, 30, and Fit. Lt. Al E |Kacinskas, 30, both of Calgary;- Vafed. ' Fit, Lt. Denis Lambert, 27, : wie Montreal; Fit. Lt. Mike Mat- = --_-x-- tof ae thews, 29, Sussex, England; Fit= LES NAVIRES SE DIRIGENT VERS LE NORD ; gt ' |Lt. Bob Dobson, 27, Moose Jaw,.. : ba H jand Fit. Lt. M of ET APPROCHENT DELILE D'ANTICOSTI =: : ee -- 7 |St. George, ont. wig AVEC BEAUCOUP DE DIFFICULTE. MAY DISBAND ? 1 7-4--Late Show . Encoun- 6--Nightcap | 8-2--You Don't Say 6--Night Metro zi ; Fit. Lt. Barney Hopkins, 3--Sam Benedict | 7---Who Do You Trust tered "'suN.Livdad of Tobermory, Ont. pinasait Bi 63--Friendly Giant ats) PM. > SAYS ../3NVUd "ALWAI4dId HONW HLA HOVau te 4,30 t A bilge 4-Edge ot Night "oresture showcase NOLLVONNOS 3HL © MSOOLLNY 30 GNV1S1 3HL UvaN wi3YOHS SH eeeran of Same hours fying, 1 y--Rockel SHIP 4:00 P.M. $-Plarre Barton hoor ALIS SIHL JWVN Iv IWOD ONY GUYMHLUON O9 SAIHSBHL © ESAW BM "SAO 'LUOMHI BBHLONVe lteam manager and air show 4-Big Mac Show 9--Hideaway-Funtime 2--Suspicion : commentator. Ten technicians» _-- the seven Harvards in top" ishape. . See Them! Test Drive One... You're Sure invyigther the team will operatp ] * PONTIAC » To Be As Pleased About Them As We Are! Hererd re eheled 1 ey re * BUICK cas |year, The team has no * ACADIAN 7 The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. Be; et ha spin Ota 4--The Nurses . Departed 3--Thriller . Country LES CANADIENS * G.M.C. TRUCKS 266 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA 723-4634 |i the 1964 air season, "After all, we're not in com- petition with . the Golden: We tiat pg Fit. Lt. Neilsons. TONTO, LEAD THE WAY! THE TRAIL "We just fly one-quarter as fast DIAL*2i1; ANDASK ? owe 1 eae A0n Oe A Next DAY, AS THE NOW OPEN wear fro kus PROM Cures THROUGH A BOG OF and four times as well." . FOR "INFORMATION Jami. BUT | GOT A KID IN NOME, WAGON ROLLS WESTWARD: ++ | | BEING RECOBN/ZED/ gr) py yl e re HELL NEVER REMOVE | J; | is a manoeuvre by the twin- Tf formation segment. The two pi+: Ha LOOKS Lik WITHOUT t lots bring their planes out of" rae Mask?) G4 (G y a loop and throw open the thro - ; 4 € yj f tle, approaching each other at™ we ss! . a closing speed of 500 m.p.h." We ; i ioe 4 They pass at a distance ranging ihe : Y from two to 15 feet. a So DAN bie : : MoS : "We don't consider it a good i ' pass unless we can hear the J _ |'schoonk' of the other plane as it goes by," said Fit, Lt. Dole son. 1a SALLY'S SALLIES > a NATURALLY!7 YOU SHOULD'VE DIALED 21-02-851-1221 77 NO! THE WAY WROTE IT, IT'S 212-596-8437 7 "Dib YOU EVER WONDER WHAT LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER THANKS FOR DINNER... THE CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS WERE DELICIOUS! REALLY I DIDN'T THINK THE DUMPLINGS WERE 'AS LIGHT AND FLUFFY, AS USUAL! ER DONALD DUCK pS MUGCS AND SKE NE AE EE RESULTS COUNT! ~~ aos MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult @ Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board : JULIET JONES ii OAGWOOS-:7] [Wi WERE You CRVING > y DAIGY'S CRYING -- YOU HAVE FOOD, \ eo DCOWN ANO SE8 WATER AND agra A NICE WARM BED ) ¥ CLUE on, ONDER BOWMANVILLD ~ SCARBORO " Curtains, Drapes, Blankets, Rugs OSHAWA'S ONLY y UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 $0 MILL