Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Oct 1963, p. 17

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1 es THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 22, 1963 2.4 29--Automobiles For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale >? Seemeeee cad SAVE ES 27--Real Estate for Sale |MODERN eighi-room house, two bath: two poset en- trances. Garage. Nicely lai ped uf largé lot. Quiet aréa, north of Ajax. Suit- able for one of fwo families, close to school. Telephone Hampton 263-2602 from 12 to 1 noon or after 8 p.m., evenings. 28--Real Estate Wented We Wal Sell Your Home or take it in trade on a new home to be built or in ex- Sats (27--Rec! Estate Fer Sale _127---Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale oe wih, Rov f-réom bungalow,| THR BDROOM modern, landscaped|SIX-ROOM brick, two storey se0 DOWN: five Hos with A Saw a es fe egg rh, ideal for children, 'ac|bath, ol! Heated, garage. [thre large Bedrooms, very close 16, coed cog ge BB Ino "s17.000, "parity furnished if, aésired.\Apply 320 Gliddon Avenue. racelata: eeraition. Full price $12,900. | ville 623-2869. Apply between 9 $0 oe oe yea WALK to GM, four-room modern clap For appointment. to see call George/@ROOKLIN -- $500 down, 3% acres. Sund vance | board with Koornneet, 723-2859 or Joseph B0sc0,|Hayse, small barn and fen house .Closé Mion | aluminum windows | and doors, Realtor, 7287377. to No, 7 Highway. Balance $10,000. Telé- et ctage yp Pig Bison Magee ok Maga ak Gh ian ames hae |phoné 655-4631. payment of covers principal, interes' Dow! BROILER FARM. On lakefront, east of] and taxes, this now. R. Viekery|gaiow, two rooms to be finished, on half Médern home, 45 acres, two|$1500. DOWN, 3bedroom Realtor 728-9571. acre of land, on townline south, close to 2s----Apartments Eetate ta = 166m, heated, ufifur monthly. Apply 27---Ree three-piece i $1500 down, self-contained apartment, nished, suit couple, $65. 396 Pine Street, 725-5363. R-ROOM, self-contained, one rtment, new stové afd re- ee Téléphone 725-4569. VA\ After 5.30 p.m. telephone 728-1903. ae 1955 CHEVROLET, transmission, radio, tires perfect. $425. Telephone 1963 MERCURY Monterey, 8800 down or trade, Balance 36 months. Apply 205 linder, standard) OUPLEX. Just off Mary. Séparate body services. Refrigerator and stove each junit. A+ condition. Fully rented. Low with down payment. Telephone 725-1168. ! ARTHUR STR ET -- Two rooms, bath, possession. Telephone Whitby 668-2361, r 720-2915. ELOin "STREET -- Tworoom wrich apartment. Céntraily located, Tele-/SACRIFICE! 99,500. full price for this | THREE-ROOM apartment, stove and re- frigerator, TV outlet, suit couple, ab- Stainers, No pets, pléase. $55 monthly, Telephone 725-4871. } FOUR-RGOM apariiient, two bedrooms, refrigerator afid Stove. For information. | 75 9997. Abt. 3, 299 Moritrave Avenue. | GLEAN, considerate young man fo share apartment with another gentieman. Non- Smoker and abstainer, Christian afmos- phere. Telephone 723-2591. THREE-RGOM unfurnished apariment.|fuiiy equipped, own hunting grounds, | Néat hospital. Apply 62 Abefdéen Street. MONTRAVE Avenue, 219, Apt. 5. Two bedroom apartment, range, refrigerator and drapes. $100 monthly. Apply dbove addréss. 26----Rooms For Rent BOND Street East, furnishéd room in a bachélor's apartment, for young géntle man, downtown, near Motors. Telephone 725-6135. RITSON ROAD SOUTH, 134 -- One large) furnished roorti fo share, sult twé géniie) men. FURNISHED room. Apply 92 Street or telephone 725-2198. SIMCOE WORTH Furnished foofn Share bath. Quiét. Close to hospital. Tele Phone 725-0575. ROOMS, $3., $5, and. $8 per week, Queen's Hotel, North, Telephone 723-7312 OSHAWA motel, heated rooms, TV show ers, féasohable fates. Telephone 723-976). HAROLD Street, furnished room, very quiet, Telephone 723-4728 CENTRAL -- Phone 725-5774. To Singie furnished fooms, one with light house keepifig privileges, stove, ceffigerater. Suitable for géntiemen. Off street park ing. General Nassau per night, $10 47 Simooe LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, suit la dies ofily. Hospital area. Private entrance Telephone 728-1914. TWO LARGE furnished rooms, retrigera- tor, singlé beds, private bath, for fwo gentlemen Only. Apply 66 Park Road South. FURNISHED room, suit lady or gentle-| man. Near hospital and North General Motors. Télephone 723-1300. } BOND Street East, furnished foom for gentiéman. Five mifutes to four cofnets.| North General Motors and office. 723-3356. ROOM for two gentiemen, "fwo Single beds, $6 each weekly. Telephone 778-4104 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 27--Real Estate For Sale &ROOM insu! briék home for sale, 787 Gordon Street, hot water héating,! 97.500. cash, 725-4117. L. §, SNELGROVE CO. LTD. REALTORS 723-9810 -- 725-8761 43 Park Rd. South ESTATE SALE One of the most complete Properties ever offered for sale, spacious and modern 2 year old 5 toom 3 bedroom bungalow, new garoge, swim- ming pool with'all equipment, washer and dryer, broad- loom, drapes, kitchen stove, aluminum storms and screens TV tower, stone flower plan- ter, fenced yard with 8 young dwarf fruit trees, power mow- er, rotor tiller; all this ond more con be yours with $2,000. down and one open mortgage for the balance, located near Ajax. INVESTMENT PROPERTY | King St. E. store and 3 apart- ments, fully occupied ahd showing a nice return, large lot with parking area and garage, asking $19,000. with terms. Zoned R-4. $1,500 DOWN Cubert St. very clean and modern 5 r60m, 2 bedroom bungélow, modern kitchen, large bright dining room, 21 ft. living foom, nice lot with private drive and garage, waiting your inspection $1,000 DOWN One year old, bedroom brick bungalow with attoched gor- age, ¢lean and meédern, N.H.A. resale, one mort- gage for the bolonce; first come first serve. APARTMENT LAND Nearly 4 acres with solid stone bungalow, nité location close to seporate ahd pub- lic schools, a rare opportun- ity we now offer for sale. Zoned R-4. BOWMANVILLE Dupléx, 2 sélf contoined apartments, both occupied, located on: King St. E. Full price $12,900, with $1,500. lown, Call L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd., 723-9810 or 725-8761 WHITBY | CLASSIFIED | GENTLEMAN requires housekeeping' room or small apartment in Whitby, some Storage room and parking space. H Smith, Brooklin. FOR RENT -- Basement apartment with Separate entrance. Heavy duty wiring,| stove, $60.00 monthly. Adults only. Tele phone 688-4880. | FOR RENT: 3-room apartment, suitable, for two. Conveniences. Telephone Whitby! (668-5189 i DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a speciatty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. | SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt servic on! calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment.| Private entrante, private bath, derking,| central. Available flow. Singie person preferred. 868-4071 after 6 or 701 Dundas| Street West | HOURS of family fun are ahead when! you own a boat. Té find real value and wide selection turn to Classification 32 in today's Classified section, Your whole family will be glad you did . ** MISS CAROL RADCLIFFE, 127 Pai- ace Street, Whitby. If you will calli at The Classified Advertising De- partment of The Oshawa Times, you will receive @ FREE pair of re) Served tickets to the senationai BIG) SHOW, the lee Capades of 1964 at the Maple Leaf Garten', Toronto,| between November 5 until November! " Please contact Times Classi ment 8 . unt! § BM. until Friday te claim ficketa, | rivate, heated. Immediate| Broiler houses, fully sutemiatic. Willirec roém, in Bowmafville. house On frade; 132,000 birds|throughouf. Large lot, $11,$00. cons 3 or annually. $15,000. down. Kowal Real'prict, Kowal Real Estate, fu! Immaculate PRIVATE SALE -- 1 home, Bowmanville! double garage. Good lécation. Teleptione |725-3001. brick Two-storey three bédrooms. Lar yard, five-toom brick buhgalow. Oi! heat, ga-| ragé, neat as 4 pin. Good férms. Call! Mr. Rankine 728-5723, Bolahood Broth ers, Realtors. PRIVATE SALE -- Orie lot, 200 ff. x 78 ft., with aif services, vefy scenic view, neat school and golf course. Phone 2 WHITBY HOMES Do you need 5 or 6 bed- rooms? This 10-year old bet- ter built home on Cochrane Street may be just what you aré looking for, Large treed lot 125' x 136'--patio--2- car garage. Close to down- town, ¢hurches 'and schools, Listed at less than cost for quick sale. OWNER _ TRANSFERRED. Here is a bargain. Further north on Cochrane. Two-year old welléplanned six room home with o 2-car gorage. Large landscaped lot. Low down payment to One C.M. H.C. mortgage. FAIRVIEW DRIVE--Vacont lot for sale, 85' x 150'. See | -- 100-aére, eighhroom house, good hunting, fishing, Highway 62, FARM sh, | from Maynooth. 01 4!/ bu three miles 623-2175, eee HUNTING CAMP for salé, siéeps iight,| south of Whitney, $800, Telephone Brnok. | lin 655-4991 SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 POLLARD SUBDIVISION--4 year old room bungalow with garagé situated On a large lot 160 x 120. Close to High and Public Schools. Just listed and priced to sell at only $12,700.00. Call us to- day to inspect. 2 MODEL HOMES IN BEAU VALLEY TO INSPECT CALL 723-2265 WHITBY--For the connois- seur! This split level is not everybody's cup of tea. Lofty living room is expensively tiled. Two main bedrooms of which one is extra large, third bedroom is small. A Latin-American, | continental flavor beckons only thé truly discriminating Beautifully this for location. PATRICK G. McDANIEL REALTOR | WHITBY PH, 668-2311 | scomice ee JOHN F. DeWITH| of cost. Priced thousands be- | Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. | low actual cost. Will only be | Phone 623-3950 | shown to those really inter- ested and able to own this | ELLIOTT STREET, Oshawa, rather revélutionary and uni- 6 Roomed brick home, all | modern conveniences. Price | que beauty. Offered at only $8,900. Down $1900. $22,500. SPREAD: GUT: There's LORINDALE DRIVE, Oshawa, 6 Roomed, new, brick ranch | room to spare most every- where in this huge hearty bungalow with carport. Many | home. You'll love to live in extras Asking $15,900. Terms arranged this fine grea -- convenient 5 Roomed bungalow in to everything. 10 spacious Whitby, Nice clean home. All Fooms, five On the main floor consisting of L.R, 22 x 14, modern conveniénces. Asking $12,500. Easy terms. family size D.R. 16 x 13, a lovely den for father, huge family ro6m and on extra large fully modernized kit- erect yg BP ial 'he: ith i » electric y ' '00 sien Wir supboarde: gorere Price only $9,500. Terms. 5 Roomed brick bungalow with attached garage on 2 | Upstairs - 5 master size bed- acres with large stream, rooms - all with deép closéts - 3 baths, 2 pc. on main shade trees. Price and terms orranged. floor, 3 pc. and 4 pc: on 2nd floor. Extras include fire- PONTYPOOL, <7 Roomed brick home: with furnace. place in L.R., broadioom cov- Only $1,000 'down, ers the floors downstairs, up- stairs, and stairways. Truly a senior executive home. To in- 8 Roomed brick home, Bow- manville, modern conven- iences. Only $1500 down. spect coll Bill McFeeters daytime 723-2265, evenings 2 Bedroom bungalow with all modern conveniences on 2 725-1726. ocres. Prite $8,500. Terms. Open 9 to 9 = Sat. 9 to 5. Donald Mountjoy 623-3950 REG. AKER .. 725-0201 STEVE MACKO . . 728-5868 Idso Wiersma Orono 1649 Guy Leblonc 623-3715 BILL MecFEETERS 725-1726 PAULINE BEAL . 725-0239 John M. Sandy 725-8010 CHARLES CHAYTOR 723-7996 MARAGET HALL 723-1358 360 King St. W. Free Parking $500.00 WINTER WORKS BONUS From $190.00 to $1,000. down, to one N.H.A. mortgage. Houses range in prices from $13,390.00. These detached homes feoture stone fronts, large L shaped living and dining room, extra two piece washroom, 3 and.4 bedrooms, All services paid for by the builder, CALL OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS STREET EAST WHITBY 668-5853 2% ACRE and HOME With thick cedar bush, streamlet and excellent garden soil all within 5 minutes drive of downtown Oshawa. Cosy open fireplace large living room, family size kitchen and two nicely decorated bedrooms. Heated basement is divided into additional bedroom space or recreation room as desired. This is the only area of the home you may want to spend a few hundred dollars on to give mofe ufility and finish. Single attached garage and protective breezeway complete this fine compact suburban home. Taxés only $240.00 The children won't have to beg for a pony here! Full price $14,900 with at least $6,000 down, GORDON OSBORNE INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE DIAL 668-5431 -- 668-5081 HORBRULEE HUNT LEE Consisting of 100 acres hardwood with small private lake, A-1 deer conutry, also good duck 4nd partridge shooting. The lake is creek and spring fed with bro6dk and speckled trout.-A-] for re- stocking. Camé sleeps 8 to 10, is insulated, oi! heated, fully equipped including spring-filled mattresses. Accessible All Year Round. Hound Dog trained for hunting deer, bear and con, fully guar- onteed. For Further Details Write H. N. STOREY 60, WILLIAM STREET NORTH LINDSAY, ONTARIO EXECUTIVE HOME REDUCED This ithmaculate three bedroorn horne is built in an exclusive area featuring a 36' rec room, attached garage, This home is taste- fully decorated, ond landscaped, lot size 75' x 180'. Owner tronsferred and very anxious. Ask for Audrey Moore, Evenings 668-4088. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS STREET EAST WHITBY 668-5853 2612 King St. East $500 WINTER WORKS SD. HYMAN. | I so SEVENTH FAIRWAY No - we can't Sell you the seventh -- but we will sell you the lot right be- side it, This is a large -- 74 ft. lot, ideal for a ranch style home. We'll include the house at the same price of only $8,100 terms. WILSON REALTOR 725-6588 BONUS DOWN TO ONE 6% % NHA MTGE. NEW.NHA Bungalows--stone fronts, clay brick (no semis) hood and electric clock -- sodded front and rear large lots--carries $99 monthly - interest,. principal and taxes. $240 down -- 3 bedroom $13,290. $612 down -- 3 bedroom and garage, $14,540. $792 down --- 4 bedroom, split 1% baths. $14,940. Located in Whitby--All ser- vices in and paid for by build- er--Models for viewing in West Hill. Only a few avail- able at the prices Call Gerry Hill AM 7-9712. Manderhill Real Estate Ltd. REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 KING ST. WEST 728-6286 BUILDERS' LOTS Located in one of Oshawa's best areas. Fully serviced with builders' terms, ask for Doug Gower. FOUR BEDROOMS New two storey home with carport, two washrooms, built in stové and oven, asking only $15,700.00 Gall Tom Torrent FIVE ACRES Located in the north east section of Oshawa, city water on property, for more details cal Howard McCabe. $11,900 Full. price for this five room brick bungalow will consider any reasonable offer, must be sold, call Les Hall, N.H.A. RESALE Exceptionally clean home, only five yeors old, cofries for $96.00 4 month with one open mortagge, call Glen MacKinnon, DUPLEX LOT Located on Sommerville Street approved by N.H.A., water and sewer both available, cali Bob Stevenson. YES, WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN THIS FIELD, CALL US NOW FOR MORE PARTICU- METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST E. DIAL 7284678 QUEBEC STREET "CHOICE" is the word for this 5 room 2 bedroom bun- galow, large living room and family size dining room, re- creation room, garage, paved drive, hot water with oi] heat- ing, well landscaped, close to Central Collegiate and Holy Cross Schools, walking dist- ance to downtown. See this one today. Asking only $12,- 900.00 with $3600.00 down payment balance on one moftgoge. FAIRLEIGH AVENUE $13,800.00 Central to Churches, s¢hools and Shop- ping -- 5% rooms -- this home is only 22 years old --tbrick veneer large hollywood kitchen -- large living room -- 3 good sized bedrooms. BUILDING LOTS 63' x 114' -- poved street -- all service paid -- east end, 120' x 150' -- Simcoe St. North very scenic priced very reasonable -- call now 316' frontage -- zoned co*h mercial and industrial. North end on Simcoe St. N. -- call for full particulars. ONLY A FEW. CHOICE LOTS LEFT FOR 'THIS YEARS IN DOWNSVIEW --~ CHOOSE YOUR LOT AND GET YOUR NEW HOME STARTED NOW. NEW HOMES Call to inspect our various models of homes in Downs- view Park, Golfview Heights, Bella Visto Gordens, Green- wood Heights. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE | DIAL 728-4678 Dick Barriage Joe Maga Ken Hann Jock Osborne johnston KEITH PETERS Realtor 728-7328 103 King Street East IDEAL HOME FOR CHILDREN ~ Spacious lot with trees 75' x 200', 5 room bungalow,' en- closed breezeway and attach- . ed garage, fireplace in living room with built-in bookcase in eithér side, recreation room and «. mee "i 'ab ment, Pickering 1 owrt ui.e. Call Bou Johnson 728-2548. EULALIE STREET Close to town, taxes $184. for this 2 storey brick home, 4 bedrooms, garage, oi! heat- ing. For further information Call Rolonde Tierney 725- 5207. ROSSLAND RD. AREA Two bedrooms With closets, large living foom,' modern kitchen, finished rec. room. Don't miss this smart brick bungalow with a patio, asking only $12,900, Property clear consider low down payment. Phone Bill Ratcliffe 655-3917. DREW ST, $12,800. -- 1% storey clay brick home, 7 rooms, 4 pce. and 2-pce, bath, low taxes, garage. Call Earle Allen 725- 7782. SIX ROOM BUNGALOW With large jot, oil furnace, 4 pce. tiled bath in Village. Asking only $9,500. with low down payment. For more intormation contact Joe Craw- ford 623-3672, A RURAL BARGAIN 4 bedroom, 2 storey home, 10 miles from Oshawa on one acre lot, good well, asking $8,500. low down payment. Call Ronald Hetherinton to see this property 623-3637. 27 ROOMS -- TOME OPPORTUNITY 5 kitchens, 5 bathrooms, good condition throughout, situated on a lot 180 x 210 ft. Close ta school and shopping. 728- 7328, GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 JUST LISTED ---- 3 bedroom bungalow on Elizabeth Cresc. with attached garage and lovely view. Cathedral ceiling in living room afd dining room, 4 pc. tiled bath with vanity and coloured fixtures. High basement with good facilities for recreation room. BRICK TRI-PLEX on Simcoe St. North. Separate entrances, double garage and extra large lot. Substantial down payment required CENTRAL PARK SOUTH -- 2'«storey stone and frame home with attached garage, 3 larger than average bed- rooms, living room has natural stone fireplace and family size kitchen, 4 pc. tiled bath up and 2 pc. washroom on main floor, Aluminum storms and screens. This is on excellent family home in a good loca- en 2 STOREY BRICK home in excellent location close to bus and school and convenient to downtown. $2,000. down pay- meni required, EXCELLENT BUILDING LOT on Elizabeth Cresc. 75 x 244 ft. 20 ft. well with lots of water. Lot has been approved by N.H.A, for $12,300. mortgage... Immediate posses- sion. Full price $3,150. MUST BE SOLD--Ideal loca- tion tor any kind of business. Lot size 60 x 190 ft. On King St. West with 9 room, 3 family home. Commercial eonins. NORTH WEST AREA -- 5 room brick bungalow in this desirable area. Hollywood kit- chen snd 3 good sized bed- rooms, Full price $12,900, BUSINESS-OPPORTUNITY -- 5 modern 2 bedroom house- keeping cabins on a sandy beoch ot Wasaga 'Beach. Property 128 by 660 ft. with room for -expansion.- Good fishing and safe swimming for children. Full price $16,- 500. TRI-LEVEL HOME on Fern- hill Blvd. -- 4 bedrooms, good arrangement of rooms, fenced yard and close to schools, bus and shopping. 5%% mortgage. Full price $17,500. PINE POINT on Lake Scugog -- Fully furnished cottage in excellent condition in @ rest- ful setting overlooking the lake. 4 rooms and large sun- room. Be ready for full season at the lake by acquiring your cottage this fall, FULL PRICE $17,900. This home has all you could wish for in modern living, 4 bed- rooms, 4 pc. bath plus shower room in basement. Eectric heat, patio in back, attached garage with paved drive. Finished recreation room, ponelicd and with beautiful stone electric fireplace Broad- loom in living room and best of alla view over the whole of. the city. Make an oppoint- ment and see for yourself, For full particulars call; 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Dick Young Tony Siblock Jean Peacock lrene Brown Lloyd Corson Steve Zurbo Steve Englert GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Recltors, 16 Simeoe St. §. 'Lucas Peacock Léon Monitius Roy Flintoff eee : $12,900.00, Whitby © school afd city bus. 725-0303, Joseph Bosco, Call Realtor. ike Perry 'pin Drive,- Whitby change on a different type of home, etplace -- the on the ready-to-bu: daily looking in To pig a buyer i = home ee ly ir offer town's al Mark Ciassitied Seotion of the Oshawa Times. Cash, in 1998 PONTIAC, two-door, take over payments. Can with terms to suit buyer. Telephone days 72-1911; evenings 725-5125. 1962 MOTOR bike, 280 cc, $270. Apply 1815 Lakeside, 725-7149. We have cash customers waiting for homes. Coll now os we need Homes Urgently. ~ Beautifully Kept $1500. Immediate Possession. We are proud to list the address of this property 320 Glidden CALL BILL MILLAR Telephone 725-1'186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd. Two Storey Brick Home COCHRANE ST. $16,975. 6 Room Brick Bungalow with jarage. Nicely landscaped. Buble and Seperate schools close. PICKERING BEACH $4,000 CASH 4 bedroom home, forced air, Excellent value. LOT BYRON ST. S. $3,500. 74' x 145', Excellent duplex site. Full price $10,000. terms available good money maker. Must sell to clear estate. WARREN "J. MOWAT 668-260 | gos fired heating. Full bath, + CHESTNUT ST. TRIPLEX 1956 CHEVROLET, A-i Condition, suto- matic, 4-door, tutone blue with white top. 728-4797 ir 6 p.m. 1957 CHEVROLET Deluxe, automatic, radio, new tires, By angen Best offer, T A 1956 OLDSMOBILE 88 automatic, mech- anically perfect, needs body work. Tele phone 728-9240. JOSEPH BOSCO REALTORS PHONE 728-7377 29--Automobiles For 'Sale 1960 PONTIAC Laurentian Coach, six- cylinder, standard, white walis, one owner. Excellent condition. Best offer. Telephone 725-7823. a, 1955 PONTIAC, needs some work, $100. Telephone 723-3117. 1927 ANTIQUE Chevrolet coupe. Tele phone between 5 and 8 p.m. 728-4116. 1961 AUSTIN Healey Sprite, 9,94 actual miles. Immaculate condition. White with red interior, One owner. Full price $895. 199 PONTIAC Parisienne, One owner. A-1 condition, Best offer after 6 p.m. Telephone 728-1747. 1959 PONTIAC, Laurentian, radio, wind- shield washers, original miles. A-1 condition, Best offer.. Apply 98 Sher- wood Avenue. 1959 CHEVROLET, Belair, coach, stand- ard shiff. Clean throughout, low mileage, new tires. Finance if necessary. Private. 715-2879. ite PONTIAC '#door, six Sylinder, avie- Seen day or evenings. Don Down Shell| Matic, $350 or best offer. 'ord, 2- door, sedan, Continental, new tires. Best ee ROR TA ee. Aeply Sat Shae Ga i962 CHEVY 11, convertible, white with fed interior, one owner, private sale, im- maculate. Call after six, 7232747. 1955 INTERNATIONAL tandem dump, few motor. 1953 GMC panel, good con- Gition, 725-2156. 1957 CHEVROLET Bei Air, 4-door sedan. 1961 Pontiac convertible, Parisienne. One 1959 BEDFORD panei trick, A-1 condi- tion. Telephone 728-4976. |1962 GOMPACT Buick convertible, V-6, istandard transmission. Good condition, | $2,195. Telephone 723-7994, 1961 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2-door hard- top, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, A-! ition. After 5 p.m. 728-8643 a Pautihe." Gee Bhd "EM te ei id , rv one 5 6 cylinder, fully bo ge Apply after 6 a p.m., 203 Roxborough Avenue. > m= ip--ethienimepessormcenn | SUE iT Pa' ilgage, $1,495 1 1963 PONTIAC Strato Chief, 6 cylinder, |onter, Romy a2 Cloim Sirect West, ape, manual shift, many extras, $2,395. Tele- _------ en nn phone 728-9310 after 4 1955 PONTIAC, 2-door hardtop, automatic 1958 VAUXHALL, very clean, mechanl-lhoust. sav, Cul Yaseen ee | A "| hausf. . 2 . ily good. $375' or best offer. 7: 6. ng eiolah Bh a Bai Bl chinal Md wicar |1961 M@A 1600, red, excellent conditfon, V-8,| tow aa good condition, good tires.) 1955 CHEVROLET station wagon, javfomatic, excellent condition. Telephone) 449.3050, 778-9286. Bg | |i957 CHEVROLET, "hardtop, sd66r de-\snin, s1.000. or 'Dest offer". Telephone luxe, radio, dint back-up lights,| 728.0729, heel discs, windshield ashers, eth CO OT) YT Pee pr ggreser pec emmew and white, $795. In very good condition' |1959 CHEVROLET sedan, excellent trans- | 798-5279, portation, one owner car, Apply 369 Drew | iets | Street. T 725-8132 1958 FORD '2 ton pick Up, WiG@ Box, Od | body, A-1 mechanically. Would consider|!958 BUICK, 2-door hardtop, new tires, trade. Phone 725-320 wed black A-1 condition throughout. - emda teh | @ 728-2261. 1961 PEUGEOT 403 lack «sedan, one) a se arr ars) yon PT 7h owner. Excellent condition. After §,30/1953, CHEVROLET, radio, $125. 1955 p.m. 728-1335, bere radio, $225. Telephone Whitby | = an nnn --eennes | 668-8526. 1954 NASH Ambassador, good condition. | - ms Bést offer over $200. Phone 728-2297, |1961 FORD 6-Cylinder, low mileage, 4 1950 MERCURY hard top, black with | 7 5090. owner. $1,595 or best cash offer. \stripe. Best offer. Byrn U Sat an PET PT South, Whitby, before 5.20." *'"**'l1960 PONTIAC six, door standard, radio, < Leechs ----_______. | whitewalls, positive traction, réar speak: Pad bl ol a Seed shape./er, excellent condition. 725-1871. liom. a . is " Bye Te pe pot ih Bit Shona' 72083619" | 1955 FORD, fair body, good mechanical sinaMiett re or tlh Lertensl condition. $200 cash or best offer. Tele 1959 OLDSMOBILE 88, housewite's car,|phone 728-4526. : OP autahahe: | Phone. sistitiialanaa ore mets /, pulemats, Weehar, SS ose CHRVROLET, standard, irenaiie BOLAHOOD BROTHERS JOHN A, J, BOLAHOOD LIST WITH US THEN CALL YOUR MOVER SIMCOE STREET RESTAURANT Well 'equipped, seats 20, large floor space, rental $100. monthly, Good turn- over, Price. for business ond fixtures only $5,500. Terms. For further particulars, call Mr, Rankine at 728-5123. $600. DOWN $9,300. FULL PRICE NIPIGON STREET 2 bedroom home easily con- verted to 3 bedrooms. New aluminum siding. Hot woter oil heat, garage, large kit- chen, Murry for this bargain. Cal Ed Drumm right now at 728-5123. BUSINESS ONLY $2,000. DOWN One of Oshawa's best known corners. Real good money maker. Owner doesn't have to work anymore, Call Jimmy Love ot 728-5123. WANT TO LIVE IN THE COUNTRY? DOWN $700 DOWN Almost new 5 room. brick bungalow, suitable for retired couple, very modern, fully equipped with forced air oil furnace. Rusco aluminum storms and screens, woter softener, 120' drilled weil, plenty of good drinking wa- ter, 4 pc. tiled bathroom, a steal for $8,300. Taxes only $89 Yearly. Call the listing man Mr. Horner at 728-5123 CENTRAL $11,900. Six room two. storey brick home. Oil heating, new 4 pc. colored bath, large iktchen and dining room, fenced lot, low taxes, on. ideal family home. Monthly payments only $70. Coll Irwin Cruik- shanks ot 728-5123, LA SALLE $12,100. FULL PRICE Brick bungalow with finished 500, down. Situated close to King Street. Coll Bill John- ston to inspect, at 728-5123. 101. SIMCOE STREET NORTH OPEN EVERY EVENING LLOYD A. P. BOLAHOOD F.R.1. RESTAURANT -- VARIETY) - rec room and bar. Only $2,-, BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 28--Real Estate Wanted acre or more. y 26Ve King East. 725-6588. TEN TO TWENTY acres, sc ton, Courtice, Bowmanville, for dence only. Private sale, 725-2987. is the messages you'll daily, casH buyer wants country horne, one D. W. Wilson Realtor, scenic, close to Oshawa. Area preferred East Darling- resi- IT'S FUN to read "Personals" in the Oshawa Times Classified Section. Don't mis there FLASH BOLAHOOD BROTHERS JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD NEEDS -- LISTINGS Heavy odvertising uses up listings 'FAST'. With our combined force of salesmen we have "BUYERS" waiting for many kinds of Properties, Vacent Lands, Homes, In- vestment. FOR ACTION ICALL MR. "JIMMY LOVE 728-5123 LIST WITH US THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 728-5123 LLOYD A. P. BOLAHOOD F.R.I. Bai cor OW Freee: 2 Gah 8 ve (te 6 cylinder, excellent condition. Tele- | Aasnbtclnamtaniennvartanep mse tummmranmsy Tue Og 1953 PONTIAC, two-door, body cones | ly shaved, (lowered), hes floor shift, bucket seats and 283 engine. Call 725-3613. 1960 AUSTIN Healey 3000, red, good con- jdition, Between 7 - 9 p.m., 793 Bess- |Boc's AUTO SPEED and Custorn, 24| muh 725547 rE 7 ne = end Oe |Prince Street. One stop auto Sao g a Rory eg prin Byges rrr) ries, chrome goodies, speed equiament,| Y «., Shee i ltrom Volkswagen to Cadillac. 728-7781, | Telephone after 6 ect ie td ieee |1989 RAMBLER American, good condi-|'962 CORVAIR, four - door automatic, tion, cheap for cash. " ling |T@dio, whitewalls, etc. A-1 throughout, lire Apply 317 Celine privately owned, $1750: Phone 728-6973, Piecanedineoenmaarenseon | S| 1955 CHEVROLET, door, in excellent! -- -- nantes condition. Motor completely overhavied|1960 BUICK La Sabre four-door hardtop, recently. 1180 Simcoe North, Telephone|%400 miles, radio, power steering, power 728-0031. brakes, automatic, whitewalls. Like lies PONTIAC aaioer "IW Tai SeaNTTOR new. $2100, Telephone 728-3852. joor ir * es ae Te |$125, 1180. Simcoe" North. felepheng| 1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan, 0 [rabon. lena, tt va | nnn errnnes | WHIPO Walls, scs, n |1960 Boned: Bari, Boor hardtop, V4) -- automatic, low mileage, new tires,|o rer eT Were | er ee |brakes, exhaust. No repair needed. Priced| 1988 PONTIAC stationwagah, é-cylinder |to sell, Port Perry 985-2316, \Wit Secaoe Srace Teun: Air | i Ris vceniiasleniceccsigitih acce| rade. Te' |1987 CHEVROLET deluxe, 4door sedan,| me ch lr chalet |radio, whitewalls. Must be seen 16 be| lappreciated. Best offer, 728-7806. | }1953 FORD sedan, good running order,|1952 CHEVROLET parts. Apply B05 eer Good tires, two snow tires on rims| Palmerston Avenue, Whitby. Included. $165 cash Telephone 725-1778, | i955 "CADILLAC sedan, good condition, 1950 MERCURY '2 ton truck. Cheap for/radio. $400 or make offer. Telephone quick sale. Call 728-7245, Bowmanville 623-7043, Al REPAIE ~~ |1957 VOLKSWAGEN, biack, good condi. EAE SUR | ames 1985 CHEVROLET 6 cylinder, bive and PARTS AND SERVICE cellent "bod All Foreign Make Cars white. coach, very clean, excellent body. ~ STATHAM |Must be seen to be appreciated. After 5, B.-A, SERVICE | telephone 723-9475. 1959 CHEVROLET, ?door Biscayne, 6, Ritson Road and Kini __ 723-4733 ond 723-7712 tr block heater, $2600. Telephone 723-2585. 1956 BUICK convertibe, automatic, fully Powered. $600 cash. Telephone 726-2980. standard, beige, whitewalls, radio, win- terized, excellent condition. Make offer. BUYING OR SELLING - TED CAMPIN SPOT CASH PAID FOR MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens Re off, Gust East of Wilson Road) ____ 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 DODD MOTOR SALES 1963. FORD 314 PARK RD, SOUTH __ 723-9421 SOOXL CONVERTIBLE Fully equipped. Red with $ ALL CASH $ white top, black leather in- For clean cars we deal up or terior. Call after 6 p.m. down. Leins paid off, 725-6823 NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST, N., WHITBY ok, eae SALES-and SERVICE _New Telephone 668-3331 JAKE & BILL'S TILDEN GARAGE CAR AND TRUCK GENERAL REPAIR and RENTALS AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE (All Makes and Models) 449 Ritson Rd. S. CALL 625-6553 Oshawa 728-0921 14 Albert St KELLY DISNEY | USED CARS LTD. ~~ 100 CARS WANTED __ 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "'Ted" WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" Liens poid off Trade up or down TED CAMPIN MOTORS Always top quality, 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Pontiac - Buick Ltd. ~Coodwill Used Trucks 1960 G.M.C. $1795 Cab and Chassis 960 Series, 175 inch whee! bose, 8.25 x 20 tires; near new. Two speed rear axle. This unit in new truck 1955 G.M.C. $695 Cab ond Chassis 970 Series, 157-inch wheel base, 9.00 x 20 reor and 8.25 x 20 front tires. Two speed réar axle with five- speed transmission. H: DICK Pontiac-Buick Ltd. 1006 BROCK STREET SOUTH WHITBY 668-4911 and 668-5846 At NICOLS In WHITBY as little as $10 DOWN 146 Brock St. North Whitby -- 668-3331 1963 FORD GALAXIE SUPER SPORTS Showroom condition, very low | me Save $1,000. mn 1961 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN Four door, six cylinder, auto- motic, radio and low mile- Was $2298. Now $2074 1959 OLDSMOBILE FOUR DOOR Fully equipped, two tone coral and beige. Was $1695. Now $1474 1959 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR Six cylinder, standard shift, This is _o real beauty. Was $1495. 1958 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR Six cylinder, new motor and tires. Was $1295. Now $1274: _ ' -_ ' we eee or} oe a er a anudd yarre savin? ey | 1aen vere) i098 Ty * } eoomie renee stags : cod a a > eg vier ae i the see 1AVae ead oarte Now $1074": 1957 BUICK FOUR DOOR HARDTOP Fully equipped. Must be seen to be siege Was $1195. mane wawe M ave Now $974. 1957 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR Was $1095. Now $874°~ 1957 FORD Two door, two tone, auto- matic and radio, Was $1595. Now $874. 1956 OLDSMOBILE FOUR DOOR SEDAN Priced right for quick sale. Only $474: 1955 CHEVROLET Original 50,000 miles. This car looks ond runs like a new one. Will accept best rea- sonable offer. Station Wagons 1959 FOUR DOOR » 1957 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR DELUXE Was $1295. 1957 PONTIAC Two door, six cylinder, auto~ motic Was $1195. Now $1074? Only $8742" Ardak «3 teow aiteve "'N "98a yy om] » aune ~ anud" 1956 FORD soon annnd FOUR DOOR Loks ond runs just like o new Was $895. Now $674 1959 VAUXHALL a Oe | ny) Priced below .°" market price. Only. $674 Economy Cars 1960 VAUXHALL Brg se say Only $894 1961 AUSTIN A real black beauty. Only $794: 1958 VOLKSWAGEN: "* DELUXE 4 am4 seer One local owner. Only $794°°": | 1959 VAUXHALL FOUR DOOR SEDAN With bucket seats. Only $694 1960 FORD TWO DOOR SEDAN Has radio ond wheel dises. Was $1395. Now $888 FOUR DOOR SEDAN FOUR DOOR SEDAN 1950 ROVER Now only $75 This car originally sald for $5,000 NICOLS Motor Sales Ltd. 146 Brock St. North Just North of 4 Corners Across Street from Royal. Hotel Whitby -- 668-3331 1955 Meteor only $175 1954 Pontiac only $125 (Continued on Page 18)

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