HITBY and DISTRICT | ratao one season ios ee Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Rae Hopkins THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 18, 1983 § ) Tel. 668-3703 Maroons Edge K MART PLAZA PROGRESSING IN ADVANCE OF SCHEDULE work is beginning. Dominion Stores are erecting a 21,000 square foot supermarket in the new shopping plaza. K Mart, an S. S. Kresge Com- pany subsidiary, is erecting a 75,000 square foot first class merchandising centre (photo Construction of Whitby Township's first large scale hopping plaza is progressing well ahead of schedule. Stee! framework is installed for the Dominion Stores supermarket (photo at left) and masonry e . Dunnies 3-2 By CLIFF GORDON | The second period was a! Neil McNeil Maroons last|knock 'em down drag'em out, '|night handed the Whitby Dun-|affair. Neither team budged an/ ' llops their third straight pre-sea-|inch. Reeson in the Whitby cage eg antic ax ty ead th ma some te ave tf _ |Dunnies 3-2 in a game played! | ter, ane soma, dy tote ey sha it 'appointing crowd. One thing,| r | |however, was evident that the) time ~ figuring ge Rpts po grabbing, clutching and holding! #92, "t nk * % er end; tactics of the Maroons did noth-|® Rind sn a -- pe ged ing to enhance the game, or that M eting tail ae 3 'ela "eg was the opinion of this writer. [Dunnies' cavenkle yie! | The Dunnies played hard but! ; byte had a little tough luck when the|_ The ,third period started off (4 |Maroons coached by an ex-Dun-| . jnies player of the good old Sr.) + | ® idays, Frank Bonaile, scored tol perhaps Fd a i lames fast goals in the final period. | For the winning Maroons it|'? hold good. No sooner had the) lwas Stan Allen, Gord Cunning- jham and Neil Clairmont each) wits one tally. The latter being) jthe scorer of the game winner| on a pass from Brent Imlach, Allan scored on a three-way} passing play with Cunningham! and Faiser at 11.07. The score json of the Toronto Maple Leafs'|"ad ag ne Detag E yy pte ge meng ralirer oe lat 11.41 with Cunningham the| a | For the losing gents under the| rigger man. The Dunnies, not! |watchful eye of Manager Ivanitg be dismayed at this sudden. «mg |Davie and Coach Jim Cherry itluprising from the school lads {\was'a pair of Waynes who show. UP@S!08 i fe | é jcame back with a tally of their 4 Mayhew, | ~ ed the way. Wayne n Wayne Cheeseman was the 4 |paying his first game for the] Dunnies, scored the initial goal| narisman on a well laid over| pass from rookie Danny Sand-| *\of the game and Wayne Cheese- man, a product of Oshawa ford. We all but ex | ° ; pected to see} '\tally. hockey scored the other/, two.all tie as a result of this| | The penalties were something|® inat had little effect on the out-| [bee of the game as oniy one +|goal was scored while the Opp0S-/trom Imlach (his dad Punch jing team was short handed.|was watching, too) and that was That was the first goal of thelr, ball game. | : *) game and was registered by the) 7 ' \local favorites. Other than thi! nae deebenn bse all goals were scored while: both s si 4 jsee the Dunnies drop this one. if ian at full Sora jy|They tried hard and deserved le Dunnies scored the only|4 better fate. However, if they | goal of the first frame as May- | ; jare to lose these squeekers, it hew, a big: raw-boned defencelis better to lose them now, than _\lad from Smith Falls, hit the| shi gisrare sheet at 6.39 on a passlwe anid befors the crut tiny ta ||trom Bob Everett. This was the|tiey mt te eens ne ta '\first good play of 'the night by : : a i : |to add to the game. We feel that either team. The lead held good there could have b 1! jfor the balance of the period 45| penalties handed coreg hire ey _|both teams appeared as if they ference or helditie that were 'et Pehla gy afraid to openizo. Perhaps we are a little of pis Percidci tated ja homer, but that is the way!) ronto, an Eastern Construc: | : |we saw the game from the Press| tion Company worker, said {Ler third birthday October 16.)box ... Don't forget the next yesterday he expects the two |For the occasion a birthday|home game for the Dunnies will! giant markets will be ready fo/Patty was arranged. |be Monday, Oct. 21 when the! i | Lakeshore Goodyears wi an early 1964 opening. Keith King, 119 Brock street| visitors, rovdyears will bo tie north, is celebrating his birth-| _|day today. Friends of. Mr., oal. { But lady luck did not shine the way we felt it should. Clair- mont scored at 16.07 on a pass at right) and a group of serv- ent Clayton Ellsworth, of To- ice stores, approximately 15, will be erected in the plaza iilling the plaza area with 90,000 yards of land fill began in August this year and build- ing construction started Sept. 13. Construction Superintend- SUMMARY Oshawa Times. Photo FIRST PERIOD Florist Will Seek Town Council Seat Dean Baker, 30-year-old down- town florist; whose interest is in municipal politics will make a bid for a seat among the town fathers come the December 2 muncipa] election. 4 Mr. Baker, who operates Flowers by Dean, is a firm be- liever that every municipal council should have at least one merchant among its ranks. i The youthful businessman came, to Whitby from Napanee §} 4 in 1958 and for a few years worked for the Beaver Lumber Company. A year and a half ago, after successfully complet- ing his course at the Toronto 7 School of Floral Design he open- #4 ed his store on Brock street gy south. ' As he has no children, Mr. Baker says he feels he has time to devote to council and because of his firm conviction that every council should have a merchant on it, he is making his first, bid for a seat. Mr. Baker's wife, % DEAN BAKER in Napanee in 1958, is a mem- Whitby Lions Club, a member \of the Board of Stewards of St. Barbers Hold =: United Church and one/|season game, manager Ivan jof the promoters of a forth-/Davie of the Whitby Dunlops| "Shop Whitby Cam-\jr. B hockey club, announced | coming paign"'. He has "more than just « Haircut wanting to see it grow. Now," ug, South, + \Evangelist CWL members as-\and son, Shawn, of Creemore)refreshments. f |\October 15, for the annual meet-|Maria street. t. , \ing of District Scouts Committee| : - the former|per of the teaching staff of Tris King, whom he married/Kathieen Rowe Public School. Mr. Baker is a director of the passing interest in the town --jnies team. : 1, Whitby: Mayhew (Everett) 6.39 Penalties -- Qheldon 5.31, Clairmont! 7.45, O'Shea 7.45, Marshall 10.43, Gale! |King wish him many happy re-| 'turns of the day, (11,59, Cassidy 15.28, Peters, 19.52 Mrs. Bruce Mahaffy, 705, SECOND PERIOD WHITBY PERSONALS \Clarence drive, was entertained| Storing: None : re jat_her home at a surprise|s in Govlel 40e Prpery ae enna | acai, Faas Heme oA Sein, naplcan Cae 8. St ahowar tn amis I le ha Seta [Stoney Creek were Thanksgiv-\Get Acquainted Social" this| ollemine Mine a yg te THIRD PERIOD 'ing' guests of her mother, Mrs. jevening. Card games will be in|tvestine, Mrs. B. LaHaye,| Neil McNeil: Allan . (Cunningham, Fraiser) |Mrs. Grant Goldrick and Mrs, De 2. RK AS: Reece. scent aaree et is. Ls M. TH Onn Caneiin. 'Mrs, Maalty . Neil McNeil: Cunningham (Allan, White) was presented with lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs Robert Donald|The . hostesses served tasty . 07 11.47] Mrs. 13.15 Clairmont | |. Whitby: Cheeseman (Sandford) |. Neil McNeil: (imiach) 16.07 Penalties -- Beverley 3.40, Cassidy | weekend cents ses and, Mr. and Mrs. A. Morin were} -- 707 Thanksgiving dinner guests of) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woods of! a ee Oshawa. : Thanksgiving weekend guests | -------- | They were: Mrs. J. A. Duffhues, |. | Miss Duffhues, Mrs. A. Miller,|2t the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Moyer, 353 Fairview Mrs. G, McCarl, Mrs. J King.) ,.. ra yee ] ic Mrs C. Parise, Mrs. F. Roset. drive, were Mr. and Mrs. Eric tani and Mrs G.. Carter. Russelo and children Tom and Jane of Leamington. Sandra, daughter of Mr and |Mrs. Donald McKinlay celebrat- led her eighth birthday last Sat- jurday. Guests attending her| jparty were: Linnie Goemans, | |Judy Myles, Michael Payne, |Robert Creighton, Ricky Rob- jerts, Joey Primeau, Shawn Don- ald and her brothers Brian and Grant. 'Dunnies Sign. Five Veterans ; By CLIFF GORDON On the eve of their third pre- The following St. John the |sisted Mrs, H. C. Munro, gen-|were Thanksgiving leral convener, in serving din-|guests at the home of Mr iner in the parish hall Tuesday, Mrs. Donald McKinlay, One-Stop DECORATING SHOP iW Peter Smits | HAIR STYLING |] @ Wallpaper and Murels FOR MEN | © Custom Draperies |] @ Broadioom and Rugs 102 BYRON ST, S. WHITBY [il © C.1.L. Paints and Varnishes NOW |] @ Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points Frank and Peter || 2000 & SOUTER Decor Centre To give you quicker, more 107 Byron St. S., Whitby efficient service than ever! Phone 668-5862 Laurie, daughter of Mr. and! Mrs. H. D. Moyer celebrated | SCUGOG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Daiiy PHONE 668-4341 the signing of five of last year's! 'holdovers from the Jr..A Dun-| FIGHTING WORDS: ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE , FALL REBATE December Va" of snow by hig ervice will rebate you F TIRES Weather Ottice) en't receive : tterstey Tire s 00 PER PAIR 0 ugh Melton If we hav Tth, 1963, A $5. (Decision governed DUNLOP SILENT TRACTION SNOW TIRES @ 15-day Money Back Guarantee @ Grip On Any Snow Surface @ Silent Running On Pavement aud ante e LIMITED TIME OFFER OFFER EXPIRES Silent T 29th "Silent Traction" | | Silent Traction" "oi" | aed Tubeless Black | converte alack 56 ar PER PAIR LESS 5.00--- PAIR haven't received 4" of snow by verification thro r---- LESS 5.00 if. we haven't received 14" of snow by if we The five include, 17-year-old Price Li Whitby barbers voted this week to keep the price of a haircut down. A meeting of the Whitby Bar- bers Association was held to discuss the recent rise in hair- cut prices in Oshawa and other he says, "'is the time to d0/goalie, Ray Reeson, 16-year-old something about it and by run-jcentre Ricky Gay, 17-year-old ning for council. is the way to/Bobh Marshall a right winger, do something about it. jand a pair of 18-year-olds in| aa ~~ 'eentre Brian Fletcher and right! winger Bob Everett. | Many of the fans have inquir-; ed where some of the Dunnies from last year have gone. We will try to brief you in this re- TOSS DYNAMITE MONTREAL (CP)--A stick of dynamite exploded harmlessly on the embankment of the Mont- real aqueduct Monday. Police) We know of no other whisky at any price, that December 7th, 1963 (verified through ber 7th, 1963 (verified throug! Malton Weather Office) FINAL PRICE only 40.56 Malton Weather Office) FINAL PRICE only 35.12 WHILE THEY LAST HOCKEY STICK & PUCK FRE can equal the pleasant, good clean taste of Corby's true] Canadian whiskies Try them! Compare them! Enjoy them! surrounding communities said the dynamite was appar- 4 i > : Tie price of an ear lowering ently tossed by a motorist from| Bob Wilson and Wayne Wel was raised to $1.50 in Oshawa a west-end bridge over the aque- /@r have gone to Michigan Tech rec ntly. duct at De La Verendrye Boule-|0" hockey scholarships. Bob Ab-| Peter Smits, secretary of the|vard and De L'Eglise Avenue, |bott is playing with Ehatoa association said he felt the bar-|They declined comment on/Comets, Chic Carnegie is going! bers in town could handle the|whether the incident may have '0 coach the Jr. D team in| increased cost of operation by been the work of extremists agi-|Port Perry and may play some/+ improving their service, not|tating for the separation of Que-|hockey in Uxbridge. prices, 'bec from Canada. _Larry Davenport and Danny| janes -________----., Tremblay are with_London_Jr.| "B"s. Bill Smith, the popular} captain of the last year Dun-) nies is with the Toronto Marlies of the OHA Jr, A league. Muni| l'offman is currently playing} with the Oshawa Generals of! the OHA Jr. A league, A Bill Collins who was a real| : strong point for the Whitby team | last year attended the Toronto} |Maple Leaf hockey camp and! With $25 or more purchase. COMPLETE cowrtttt, ALIGNMENT SERVICE e : COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE 6-VOLT HART 74 mb) BATTERY © OPEN FRIDAY NITE 'TIL 9 P.M. @ ATTERSLE TIRE SERVICE 401 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY PHONE 668-3356 BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. WHITBY-- Saturday Matinee at 1:30 12-VOLT HART BATTERY 'S5 and up Most Cars. EXCHANGE THE TRUE STORY... THAT CLAIMED THE LIVES OF MILLIONS |was one of the hottest rookies| in camp. He signed a pro con- ge - an capa Denver ; 1 ° bd » of the Western Pro League | ie) C d W h k Dunnies have two more pre- true} ana 1an 1S 1€S season filts. They play here next! : Tonday night against the Lake-| shore Goodyears and will play a return efifagement at the home of the Goodyears Thursday night Oct. 24. Then comes the big schedule opener here Mon | day, Oct. 28 when St. Mikes will) be the visitors. |